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In Nazi Germany they didn't arrest people for dancing. America has become the most repressive country on earth.
This is a great video that deserves to go viral about how we buy the lie. It is vital to the Elite’s paradigm that we are continuously distracted or scared. This is so that we never see the REAL cause of our problems, the Elite that own and control our paradigm. The Elite will create any lie or enemy necessary to fool us into thinking the REAL enemy is Brand X. The reality is that there is no bigger threat to our way of life and freedom than our banking system and the families that own it.
from Kenneth O'Keefe
The people of the world not in a complete coma are rising, and it all heads to Palestine. There will be justice in Palestine!
On May 18, 2011, activists staged a rally at the War Memorial Building, across the plaza from Baltimore’s City Hall. They demanded economic justice from the City Council and a budget that will ensure that thousands of young people will be employed this summer. They also urged the City Council to “change priorities and to make full employment the issue...and not to balance the budget on the backs of the poor.” See:
While I was recording my blog in Russia I heard gunshots so I looked outside my window and I saw Sarah Palin. I'm not much into politics but hearing Palin say things about Russia inspired me to make this video. Sarah Palin threatens war with Russia
Logan: I didn't even know that they were beating me with flagpoles and sticks and things, because I couldn't even feel that. Because I think of the sexual assault, was all I could feel, was their hands raping me over and over and over again. From the front, from the back. It was no doubt in my mind that I was in the process of dying. I thought, not only am I gonna die here, but it's gonna be just a torturous death that's going to go on forever and ever and ever. Lara was dragged along by the mob until they were stopped by a fence. At that spot, a group of Egyptian women were camped out. Logan: And I almost fell into the lap of this woman on the ground who was head to toe in black, just her eyes, I remember just her eyes, I could see.;contentBody
Sources for video:
Guest to the Keiser Report Mike Maloney talks about the price of gold and silver, and now the governments are trying to manipulate the market to stop their worthless paper currencies from going under. maybe they should have thought about that before they all went on the fraudulent project of Quantitative Easing (printing money), stealing savers cash, and from pension funds. Savers taking what little their money is left after the government steal from them, and buying assets the government cannot print into oblivion, and cannot be found - so no 1930's style US gold confiscation will work. Recorded from Russia Today, Keiser Report, 10 May 2011.
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