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Amid the ongoing coalitional bombardment of Libya it turns out President Obama may have had no constitutional authority for ordering US military involvement. US Rep. from Ohio Dennis Kucinixh says the use of US armed forces is unconstitutional, explaining Obama had no authority to commit US resources without congressional approval. The US now finds itself involved into another war in addition to Pakistan, Iraq and Afghanistan. 'Bombing villages in order to save villages' -- that didn't work in Vietnam, Kucinich explained. In fact, he argued this time around the Libyan intervention could end up strengthening US enemies.
Friday on The Big Picture it was "Conversations with Great Minds." Thom Hartmann welcomed Ian Fletcher, Senior Economist at the Coalition for a Prosperous America. They discussed the major problems with free trade in America. And are you ready to rumble about the biggest stories of the week? Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker signed his union busting bill without any Democrats present. Will legal action follow? Also will mainstream corporate media ever talk about the problems of corporate control in America? Plus, did Peter King's witch hunt hearings accomplish anything? Thom hosted a panel discussion with Jamie Weinstein, Deputy Editor at the The Daily Caller, Jimmy LaSalvia, Executive Director of GOProud and Bill Press, Host of The "Bill Press Show".
Ian Fletcher is Senior Economist of the Coalition for a Prosperous America, a nationwide grass-roots organization dedicated to fixing America’s trade policies and comprising representatives from business, agriculture, and labor. He was previously Research Fellow at the U.S. Business and Industry Council, a Washington think tank founded in 1933 and before that, an economist in private practice serving mainly hedge funds and private equity firms. Educated at Columbia University and the University of Chicago, he lives in San Francisco. He is the author of Free Trade Doesn't Work: What Should Replace it and Why. |
from: Bill Hughes
On Saturday, March 19, 2011, the Veterans for Peace, along with a broad coalition of antiwar activists, led a rally at Lafayette Park and then a march on the White House. One of the speakers at the spirited event was Ralph Nader. Later, he shared his views with me on the need for the many veterans of U.S. wars over the years to fight for “the greatest goal of all...peace!” To learn more, go to:
from Gilad Atzmon
A film by Film Christopher Sykes
This is a film about the one and only Shimon Tzabar, one of the very few honest Israelis.
I often disagreed with Shimon, however, being artists we managed to live with our differences. I miss Shimon.
Shimon Tzabar (5 March 1926, Tel Aviv – 19 March 2007, London)
Gilad Atzmon
Ken O'Keefe
The American taxpayer continues to pay for Israel to terrorise children by dropping bombs on residential areas of Gaza. Women and children were injured in Israel's latest bombing. 1worldcitizen
Stephen Lendman RT
On March 19, ironically on the eighth anniversary of "Operation Iraqi Freedom," a White House Office of the Press Secretary quoted Obama saying:
"Today I authorized the Armed Forces of the United States to (attack) Libya in support of an international effort to protect Libyan civilians," he, in fact, doesn't give a damn about. "That action has now begun," he added, claiming military action was a last resort.
In fact, it was long-planned. All military interventions require months of preparation, including target selections, strategy, enlisting political and public support, troop deployments, and post-conflict plans.
Weeks, maybe months in advance, Special Forces, CIA agents, and UK SAS operatives were in Libya, enlisting, inciting, funding, and arming so-called anti-Gaddafi opposition forces, ahead of Western aggression for imperial control.
It's obvious that this war too is based on lies and serves the corporations and Israel. Obama/America, attacked a sovereign nation with a trumped up resolution which hadn't been ratified by Russia, China, Brazil, Germany, and India. Libya was trying to defend itself against mercenaries armed by Israel and America. Those who wanted to destroy and loot Libya all expected Muammar Gaddafi and his army to lose, but they fought hard to defend their country and were winning, beating back the invaders. The Zionists plans to break another Muslim nation were failing. Talmudic Jew, Senator Joseph Lieberman, put in a call from Tel Aviv to Obama in late February and ordered Obama to invade in the event that the mercenary force failed. The Libyan people had great lives because Gaddafi spread the oil wealth of his country among the people, a cardinal sin to a capitalist. The US government and it's masters did the same thing to Iraq and Afghanistan. They are pushing the Muslim people into a corner. What is now happening in the middle east is similar to Hitler's march through the countries of eastern Europe, which caused world war Two.
from: Bill Hughes
On Saturday, March 19, 2011, the Veterans for Peace, along with a broad coalition of antiwar activists, led a rally and then a march on the White House. Seven activists: David Swanson, Jodie Evans, David Barrows, Malachy Kilbride, Joy First, Gael Murphy and Ellen Barfield, shared their views with me about the rally and the need to end to all U.S. wars, now. Organizers report 113 activists at the rally were arrested in an action of nonviolent public civil resistance. To learn more, go to:
from: Bill Hughes
On Saturday, March 19, 2011, the Veterans for Peace, along with a broad coalition of antiwar activists, led a rally and then a march on the White House. Three activists associated with the ANSWER Coalition: Sarah Sloan, Eugene Puryear and Bill Hackwell, shared their views with me about the rally and the need to end to all U.S. wars, now. Organizers report 113 activists at the rally were arrested in an action of nonviolent public civil resistance. To learn more, go to:
from: Bill Hughes
On Saturday, March 19, 2011, the Veterans for Peace, along with a broad coalition of antiwar activists, led a rally and then a march on the White House. Three activists: Maria Allwine, Jody Sellnercas and Max Obuszewski, shared their views with me about the rally and the need to end all U.S. wars, now. Organizers report 113 activists at the rally were arrested in an action of nonviolent public civil resistance. To learn more, go to:
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