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from: Bill Hughes
On Saturday, March 19, 2011, Veterans for Peace led a rally and then a march on the White House. Organizers report 113 were arrested in an action of nonviolent public civil resistance. To learn more about this spirited event and the exact charges filed, go to:
from: Bill Hughes
On Saturday, March 19, 2011, the Veterans for Peace, along with a broad coalition of antiwar activists, led a rally and then a march on the White House. One hundred and thirteen of the activists were arrested. To learn more about this event, go to:
Yet another war shrouded in lies and confusion orchestrated by America. America is always at war and usually attacks countries with plenty of oil to steal like Libya. Imagine if Russia or China were like America, constantly at war attacking and bombing country after country. Try to imagine a world where not only America has over seven hundred military bases but Russia and China each have seven hundred military bases covering the globe. Such a world would be a hell of constant war that would soon annihilate itself.
Its Amazing that the American people are oblivious to the 'perversion of war' that their country has become, the mass murderer their country has become. Most Americans actually feel patriotic pride that their country wages constant war and kills so efficiently. America is a killing machine that is addicted to war and the profits from war, death, and the ecological rape of the planet.
Over the past fifty years America has taken part both directly and indirectly in the extermination of many millions of people in the third world. America's corporate government makes Hitler and Stalin look tame. America was among the first countries to perform racial cleansing through the genocidal annihilation of the American Indians. America was built by the slavery of African Negroes. America is the only country on earth to use atomic bombs against civilians killing hundreds of thousands in Nagasaki and Hiroshima. America has committed unspeakable crimes against nature and life itself by spreading depleted uranium over the earth, creating vast irradiated regions unfit for life.
There is a great karmic debt for all the greed death and destruction wrought on humanity and the earth. It could come in the form of a massive volcanic eruption, an earthquake or a cataclysm of world proportions. With each bomb dropped and every man, woman, and child murdered for profit and power, and with every oil spill into the environment, the hammer of fate draws closer.
Stresses on Earth are causing sounds to emanate from the earth through caves. Could it be why we are seeing so much seismic activity on the planet? Here is the original article: "There is a secret cave of spirits in Tibet. This cave is not known to the public. The tibetan saints are sleeping in this cave. The oldmen and monks are saying that Shiva is starting to sing his mantra calling for Gods to return to the Earth. This mantra has three levels. The last level means the coming of the new era. Listen to this sound recorded by russian enthusiasts who were allowed to visit the place near the cave where it was possible to record the sound. This sound has no artificial changes and is presented in raw format (only noises were reducted).
In Bahrain the monarchy now with the help of its neighbors in Saudi Arabia and the UAE continues to violently crackdown on protesters. The government has also arrested top political opposition figures. Meanwhile, the US has imposed economic sanctions against Libya and pushed for military options in response to reported violence at the hand of the government against the opposition there. So why do we here so little from the US President in response to the unrest in Bahrain?
from: Bill Hughes
On Monday afternoon, March 14, 2011, CODEPINK activists staged a rally in front of the White House to protest the continuing abusive treatment of the accused whistleblower Bradley Manning and also the resignation of P.J. Crowley from the State Department. Earlier in the day, the activists rallied at the State Department. To learn more, go to:
If there really is a budget crises why does the corrupt American government take twenty five trillion dollars each year from hard working Americans and give it to the international privately owned Federal Reserve banking system and why are they giving twenty billion dollars this year to Israel?
For the American people there is still no public health care system, but there are trillions of dollars for endless war and trillions for Wall street. Of course this massive spending-looting of the American people by their corporate controlled puppet government is breaking the country, but the corporate elite refuse to stop and only want more, and they have found a way to get more. They instruct political puppets like Scott Walker to make noises about a so called 'budget crisis'. The puppet tells us there needs to be pay cuts and other concessions and we must get rid of the unions. But when they say cuts they really mean a transfer of wealth from the people to the super rich who own the means of production and services.
America can no longer be called the 'Land of the free and home of the brave', because it has become 'the land of the rich and home of the slaves'. Tragically, the American people may actually like being corporate slaves. They haven't objected to fighting never ending wars for the banks, military industrial complex, and Israel. It seems they like being ground down and looted into poverty, because they voted for Scott Walker and they keep reelecting republicans and corrupt democrats.
Thousands have descended again on Wisconsin following a surprise legislative maneuver which allowed state Republicans to bypass Democrats to pass a bill to strip collective-bargaining rights from most of the state’s public sector workers. State Republicans found a way to pass the bill without requiring the attendance of the 14 state Democrats which previously fled the state to force a stalemate on the bill. The Senate Republicans managed to pass the bill with an 18 to 1 vote. The measure, designed with the purpose of meeting budget shortfalls and allegedly preventing state layoffs, strips or in some cases severely hinders the rights of labor groups. The measure has also passed in the State House, which means it will now go before the governor for signature.
Tens of Thousands Cheer Michael Moore in Madison: 'You Have Aroused a Sleeping Giant, Known as the Working People' Filmmaker Michael Moore marched with members of Madison Firefighters Local 311 to the Wisconsin Capitol Saturday and delivered a old-school progressive populist address is which he told a crowd numbering in the tens of thousands that “Wisconsin is not broke. America is not broke.” “The country is awash in wealth and cash. It’s just not in your hands,” he told the Wisconsinites who rallied to challenge the claim that the state needs to strip public employees and their teachers of collective bargaining rights in order to balance budgets.
Gilad Atzmon in Athens, Feb 2010, Something Is Wrong With Chosen-ness
Gilad Atzmon
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