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from: Bill Hughes
On January 17, 2011, Peace and Social Justice activists staged a spirited demonstration in front of the national headquarters of the FBI, in Washington, D.C. They demanded the FBI keep its “hands off our activists.” This is in reference to recent FBI harassment and raids on the homes/offices of activists in Chicago, Minneapolis and Michigan. They also demanded the release of Bradley Manning. Currently, he is imprisoned at the U.S. Marine base, at Quantico, VA. I talked with Ray McGovern, former CIA analyst, at the demonstration. He sharply criticized U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder’s view of the law. And with respect to the treatment of Bradley Manning, and other issues, too, he asked: “Where is the Justice?” To learn more, go to:
from: Bill Hughes
On January 17, 2011, Peace and Social Justice activists staged a spirited demonstration in front of the national headquarters of the FBI, in Washington, D.C. They demanded the FBI keep its “hands off our activists.” This is in reference to recent FBI harassment and raids on the homes/offices of activists in Chicago, Minneapolis and Michigan. They also demanded the release of Bradley Manning. Currently, he is imprisoned at the U.S. Marine base, at Quantico, VA. Featured in this video are: Rowley Clan, Dr. Margaret Flowers, Gael Murphy, Joan Stallard, Malachy Kilbride, Medea Benjamin, Kevin Zeese, Max Obuszewski and Maria Allwine. To learn more, go to:
from: Bill Hughes
On January 17, 2011, Peace and Social Justice activists staged a spirited demonstration in front of the national headquarters of the FBI, in Washington, D.C. They demanded the FBI keep its “hands off our activists.” This is in reference to recent FBI harassment and raids on the homes/offices of activists in Chicago, Minneapolis and Michigan. They also demanded the release of Bradley Manning. Currently, he is imprisoned at the U.S. Marine base, at Quantico, VA. I spoke with David Swanson, author of “War Is a Lie,” at the demonstration. To learn more, go to:
On this Sunday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with longtime Alaska oil reserves expert Lindsey Williams, author of The Energy Non-Crisis. In December, Williams told Jones he'd learned recently from two of this longtime friends, both retired top executives of major oil producers, that the price of crude oil is slated to move to $150-200 per barrel soon. Alex also talks about the Stuxnet malware revelations, confronts the latest news, and takes you calls.
Together with his good-old friend Agustin Edwards Eastman, Mr. Rockefeller takes a quick vacation almost every year in the south of Chile. Both are well known for working with the CIA during the 1973 coup against Salvador Allende and manipulating public opinion through a newspaper called "El Mercurio". Edwards is also known for being a descendant of (chilean elitist) Agustín Edwards McClure, who served as President of the League of Nations from 1922-23.
Albertsons said this week it would close its Pomona store, along with its Riverside and Sun City locations, adding to the list of recent closures by major grocery chains in the Inland Empire. Ralphs at Fourth Street and Vineyard Avenue in Ontario is ceasing operations by late spring. A decade-old Vons in La Verne shuttered last month. The prices of food and food commodities have doubled in some cases. It's time to buy your food supplies.
from: Bill Hughes
On Saturday Jan. 15, 2011, a coalition of Peace and Justice activists held a vigil outside the White House. Its purposed was to mark the “20th year since the U.S. began to bomb Iraq.” This video feature remarks from Bishop Thomas Gumbleton and Kathy Kelly. To learn more go to: See slideshow of 22 photos at:
From: liamh2
On Sat., Dec. 12, 2009, Chris Hedges, journalist/author, was one of the speakers at the emergency "End-the-U.S.-Wars" rally. See, for background: The event was held in Lafayette Park, opposite the White House. For a short bio on Mr. Hedges, go to: Many of his most recent commentaries can be found here: This video contains excerpts from Mr. Hedges remarks.
Brief video on the coming collapse of the US economy and markets.
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