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The world economy is doomed to spiral downwards until we do 2 things: outlaw government borrowing; 2. outlaw fractional reserve lending. Banks should only be allowed to lend out money they actually have and nations do not have to run up a "National Debt". Remember: It's not what backs the money, it's who controls its quantity.
from: Joe
The Miami 7, the Fort Dix 6,the Newburgh 4, the Underwear Bomber, the Portland Car Bomber... The FBI has set up then knocked down dozens of terrorist straw men in an effort to convince you that the 'war on terror' is real. This is a very real war for your mind and we may all pay a high price for ignoring it.
Bill Hughes
At noon, on Sunday, Dec. 19, 2010, a demonstration took place over the controversy, re: Ms. Denise Whiting's trademarking the word, "Hon." To learn more, go to: The protest was held in Baltimore, MD, on 36th Street, “The Avenue,” in Hampden, Hon!
Julian Assange has walked out of the High Court in London after being freed on bail by a judge pending extradition proceedings in the new year. He speaks to the press after being release. If Julian Assange can be silenced, so can every one of us. Stand up, speak up: for him, for yourself, for all of us. Before it's too late.
from: Bill Hughes
Featured in this video, besides scenes at the White House fence, are the following activists: Kevin Zeese, Jim Baldridge, Max Obsuzewski, Ellen Barfield, Katherine Hoffman and David Swanson. To learn more about the rally led by the Veterans for Peace, go to:
from: Bill Hughes
Four of the speakers at the Veterans for Peace-led antiwar demonstration at the White House on Thursday, Dec. 16, 2010, are activists, who have long advocated for the cause of Peace and for Social Justice issues. They are: Dr. Margaret Flowers, a champion of an Expanded Medicare for All Healthcare System; Ray McGovern, a former CIA analyst; Medea Benjamin, cofounder of CODEPINK; and, Brian Becker, National Coordinator of the ANSWER Coalition. All four were later arrested, in an act of “Civil Resistance,” in front of the White House protesting the wars. To learn more about their arrests and the charges place against them, go to:
Palästina Solidaritätskonferenz - Grussadresse von Gilad Atzmon (website: an die Solidaritätskonferenz - Veranstalter: Palästinakomitee Stuttgart - (website: im Waldheim Gaisburg
Here is a perfect example of the citizen spy culture taking root in the USA with the "If you see something, say something" program encouraged by Homeland Security. A 911 call apparently was made after a neighbor mistakenly interpreted a man sitting on a porch as a "drunk with a gun." Officers arrived, ready for battle, and the man was killed . . . while watering his neighbor's lawn.
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