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Washington will increase its military aid to Israel over the next two years. The United States has planned to expand its military aid to the Israeli regime over the next two years, adding smart bombs to the new supply list. US Congress approved a boost of $400 million worth of additional military equipment for Tel Aviv last month, Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz reported on Thursday.
from IARA LEE Cultures of Resistance on Vimeo.
In 2009, the United States government spent some $650 billion on its military. This is more than the next 46 highest-spending countries combined. Much of this treasure ended up in the hands of profit-driven weapons manufacturers. In the following short film, I take a brief look at the current state of what President Eisenhower famously called the "military industrial complex." With the U.S. waging two wars overseas at the same time that millions of people are out of work at home, those pushing to reel in government spending and balance the budget would be wise to look carefully at bloated and unchecked military. Please post your comments and help us promote demilitarization!!! | | Cultures of Resistance: A Look at Global Militarization |
There is no possibility of agreement at the upcoming G20 summit because the U.S. is declaring financial war on other countries, believes American economist Michael Hudson.
The U.S. has been pushing China to revalue its currency – at a time when Washington has been pumping billions of dollars into its economy – a move viewed by other countries as an attempt to deliberately weaken the greenback.
The issue of exchange rates is expected to be one of the toughest discussion points at the G20 summit in South Korea later this week.
Michael Hudson, a renowned economist and Wall Street financial analyst and advisor, says the meeting in Seoul will not bring an end to global currency wars.
Are you serioulsy still paying your mortgage?
The Television Commercial About The National Debt That Is Being Banned By Major Networks A new television ad about the U.S. national debt produced by Citizens Against Government Waste has been deemed "too controversial" by major networks including ABC, A&E and The History Channel and will not be shown on those channels. The commercial is a homage to a 1986 ad that was entitled "The Deficit Trials" that was also banned by the major networks. Apparently telling the truth about the national debt is a little too "hot" for the major networks to handle. But perhaps it is time to tell the American people the truth. In 1986, the U.S. national debt was around 2 trillion dollars. Today, it is rapidly approaching 14 trillion dollars. The American Dream is being ripped apart right in front of our eyes, but apparently some of the major networks don't want the American people to really understand what is going on.
Author and historian Webster Tarpley exposes the Orwellian lie known as the "War On Terror" before Orwell's own 1984 provides a glimpse into our own age.
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