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Pakistanis have to watch their government serve US interests instead of their own. Yet for their pride in democracy they are afraid to call for military rule. Ahmed Quraishi
It appears that (Pakistan's Ambassador to the US) Mr. Haqqani has been active behind the scenes in complicating Dr. Siddiqui's case. Several American and British journalists say Ambassador Haqqani has been briefing them off-the-record about Dr. Siddiqui's guilt. Ahmed Quraishi
With India under the influence of the US. And India owning multiple dams around Pakistan, was natural flooding compounded by a coordinated release of hydro electric Dams? This is the third part of a multi part interview.
Veteran Pakistani Journalist Ahmed Quraishi suggests former President Musharraf's famous line that "he was told Pakistan would be bombed back to the stone age if it did not join the US war on terror" is suspect, indeed is it true at all? This is the second part of a multi part interview.
Veteran Pakistani Journalist Ahmed Quraishi gives an overview of the methods employed to destabilize Pakistan. This is the first part of a multi part interview.
How can there be a peace without Hamas? Uri Avnery (Gush Shalom) is one of the only voices in Israel to speak for negotiations with Hamas. The only way to know if someone shouting "peace" is genuine is to see whether they support negotiations with Hamas, otherwise they might as well be Bush, Blair or Cheney. I have no association with Gush Shalom or any of its individuals. Uri Avnery's column: zope.gush Gush Shalom web address:
A little video - seeing the differences between Islam and Judaica - although the differences might be theological - I think they are being played out geopolitically Islam disapproves of the gambling nature of Insurance. You can only insure a risk, not a certainty. Judaica seems to be the reverse. Insurance companies are our sovereign funds, the largest institutional investors, with an annual turnover of many trillions. They influence policy and are tools of punishment and encouragement for social engineering aims.
Point 2: Islam welcomes people from every race, and visualises an Ummah where countries unite without borders. Judaism is the reverse, with a biblical obsession of race, whether it is in the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, the multi cultural invasion of the Anglo Saxon countries, or the dismemberment of Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan along ethnic lines. Judaism is always playing the "race" card.
Samples of (perhaps) thousands of anomalous pictures from that is Doctor Judy Wood Phd . She has an ongoing law suit to be heard at the Supreme court. An engineer, she has suggested the use of DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) as the means by which the 911 events happened. This video is just a taster for the massive amount of evidence she has
The reality is the bulk of Jews are viewed as fodder as much as others. There are some very tight reins funneling the flock. And we end up with Jews shouting about Hitler and painting Swastikas on their own doors. and its all for the wars And yes, the paragraph above and the title are all connected.
from William Hughes on Vimeo.
On Tuesday afternoon, September 28, 2010, a demonstration was staged in front of the FBI’s headquarters in Washington, D.C. The protest action was in response to recent “FBI raids and Grand Jury subpoenas,” which targeted activists associated with the Antiwar Movement, according to the press release of the organizers. For background, see: and (Running Time: 55 Minutes and 47 Seconds)
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