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from William Hughes
A spirited rally was held in a park, on Sunday afternoon, August 8, 2010, in the town of Quantico, VA, in support of Private Bradley Manning. Currently, he is incarcerated in a prison at the Quantico Marine Base. It surrounds the town, which borders on the Potomac River. Private Manning is charged with releasing a video which showed, “the killing of civilians and journalist in Iraq,” by U.S. forces, according to a press release of one of the event’s sponsors. Medea Benjamin, co-founder of CODEPINK, served as the moderator for the rally, which was entitled: “Free Bradley Manning. For background on the “alleged whistleblower Bradley Manning,” see: Speaking at the demonstration were: Jeff Paterson, Ellen Barfeld, Mike Marceau, Matt Southworth, Phyllis Bennis, Ray McGovern, Josh Stieber, Andrew Castro and the Rev. Lennox Yearwood. Note: A special thanks to the Mayor of Quantico, VA, the Hon. Iris Tharp. According to Medea Benjamin, she granted a permit to hold the demonstration at the 11th hour because she is a “supporter of Free Speech.” (55 Minutes, 45 Seconds)
from: William Hughes
On Friday evening, Aug. 6, 2010, at the Bufano Sculpture Garden, on the campus of the Johns Hopkins U., in Baltimore, MD, a remembrance ceremony was held by the “Hiroshima-Nagasaki Commemoration Committee.” One of the participants in the event was David Eberhardt. He is a peace and social justice activist, an author and poet. See: Mr. Eberhardt read his remake of James Russell Lowell’s hymn, “Once to Every Man and Nation.” Check out: Max Obuszewski acted as the moderator for the program. In his halcyon days, Mr. Eberhardt was part of a legendary anti-Vietnam War protest action, n/k/a “The Baltimore Four.” Go to: and
from: William Hughes
A spirited rally was held in a park, on Sunday afternoon, August 8, 2010, in the town of Quantico, VA, in support of Private Bradley Manning. Currently, he is incarcerated in a prison at the Quantico Marine Base. It surrounds the town, which borders on the Potomac River. Private Manning is charged with releasing a video which showed, “the killing of civilians and journalist in Iraq,” by U.S. forces, according to a press release of one of the event’s sponsors. One of the speakers was Andrew Castro. He is a member of the ANSWER Coalition, a national Peace and Justice organization. Mr. Castro, who is from the Baltimore, MD area, said: “We demand freedom of Bradley Manning.” Medea Benjamin, co-founder of CODEPINK, served as the moderator for the rally, which was entitled: “Free Bradley Manning. ”For background on the “alleged whistleblower Bradley Manning,” see:
from: William Hughes
A spirited rally was held in a park, on Sunday afternoon, August 8, 2010, in the town of Quantico, VA, in support of Private Bradley Manning. Currently, he is incarcerated in a prison at the Quantico Marine Base. It surrounds the town, which borders on the Potomac River. Private Manning is charged with releasing a video which showed, “the killing of civilians and journalist in Iraq,” by U.S. forces, according to a press release of one of the event’s sponsors. One of the spearers was the Rev. Lennox Yearwood. He is the chair of the Hip Hop Caucus, a community activist and a member of the Iraq Veterans Against the War. He said: “I pray for all truth tellers!”
Medea Benjamin, co-founder of CODEPINK, served as the moderator for the rally, which was entitled: “Free Bradley Manning. ”For background on the “alleged whistleblower Bradley Manning,” see:
from: William Hughes
A spirited rally was held in a park, on Sunday afternoon, August 8, 2010, in the town of Quantico, VA, in support of Private Bradley Manning. Currently, he is incarcerated in a prison at the Quantico Marine Base. It surrounds the town, which borders on the Potomac River. Private Manning is charged with releasing a video which showed, “the killing of civilians and journalist in Iraq,” by U.S. forces, according to a press release of one of the event’s sponsors. One of the spearers was Ray McGovern. He is an ex-CIA analyst, peace and justice activist and author. He said: “There is no moral sense in the Pentagon, and sadly, in the White House!”
Medea Benjamin, co-founder of CODEPINK, served as the moderator for the rally, which was entitled: “Free Bradley Manning. ”For background on the “alleged whistleblower Bradley Manning,” see:
from: William Hughes
A spirited rally was held in a park, on Sunday afternoon, August 8, 2010, in the town of Quantico, VA, in support of Private Bradley Manning. Currently, he is incarcerated in a prison at the Quantico Marine Base. It surrounds the town, which borders on the Potomac River. Private Manning is charged with releasing a video which showed, “the killing of civilians and journalist in Iraq,” by U.S. forces, according to a press release of one of the event’s sponsors. One of the speakers was Josh Stieber. He’s a Iraq War veteran and a conscientious objecter. See, Mr. Stieber’s blog here: Medea Benjamin, co-founder of CODEPINK, served as the moderator for the rally, which was entitled: “Free Bradley Manning. ”For background on the “alleged whistleblower Bradley Manning,” see:
from: William Hughes
A spirited rally was held in a park, on Sunday afternoon, August 8, 2010, in the town of Quantico, VA, in support of Private Bradley Manning. Currently, he is incarcerated in a prison at the Quantico Marine Base. It surrounds the town, which borders on the Potomac River. Private Manning is charged with a releasing a video which showed, “the killing of civilians and journalist in Iraq,” by U.S. forces, according to a press release of one of the event’s sponsors. One of the speakers was Phyllis Bennis. She is a journalist, and a peace and justice activist. Ms. Bennis said: “Wars Need Secrets. Illegal wars keep illegal secrets...Democracy needs whistleblowers.” Medea Benjamin, co-founder of CODEPINK, served as the moderator for the rally, which was entitled: “Free Bradley Manning. ”For background on the “alleged whistleblower Bradley Manning,” see:
43 Photos from the "Free Bradley Manning Rally" of August 8, 2010, Quantico, VA.
from Gilad Atzmon
An amazing and poetic composition filled with images and the truth about Gaza, which is a hell.
Similar to a siege conducted during the middle ages, Gaza is presently the only place in existence on the planet where a modern day siege is being carried out against a virtually unarmed and defenseless civilian population.
Gaza is a concentration camp, a prison where millions of people are being systematically exterminated by every means at the disposal of Israel/America, bullets, phosphorous bombs, cluster bombs, depleted uranium, radiation, water contamination, and lack of medical care, to name a few.
Gaza is a modern day version of Adolph Hitler’s Warsaw Ghetto where many thousands of Jews were confined within a city like a big concentration camp. The people were systematically deprived of food, and medicine and of course all human rights. The Nazis shot them and executed them in the thousands. This is one of the reasons the murderous state of Israel is compared with the Nazis today. It has nothing to do with Anti Semitism, which is a term that is now liberally used to silence Israel’s critics.
The comparison between Israel and Nazi Germany is made because the Nazis are the only government or political party in resent history that has acted in the same manor as the present day Israeli State. Only the Israeli state is as racist as the Nazis, requiring genetic purity testing prior to marriage approval, similar to Hitler’s Arian racial purity requirements. Of course the Nazis didn't have access to genetic testing like Israel and used crude methods to discern racial origin, but the result was the same, overt social discrimination based on race.
Only the Israeli state is attempting to systematically remove and exterminate a race of people from a region of the earth, which they have literally stolen, which Hitler also did. He said Germany needed Lebensraum- land to grow and of course being overt racists the Nazis could not tolerate other peoples and races on their newly acquired territory and so like Israel, the Nazis attempted to remove and exterminate the people by any and all means at their disposal.
from William Hughes
On Thursday evening, Aug. 5, 2010, Baltimore City’s Planning Commission held a public hearing in the Benton Building, near the City Hall. The matter before the panel is officially known as “The 25th Street Station” project. Wal-Mart, however, will be the biggest tenant in the development. It is looking to open a “93,000-square-foot store,” according to Baltimore Brew’s reporter, Elizabeth Suman. See:
One of the witnesses testifying at the hearing was Brendan Bakowski Coyne, President of Bmore Local, a coalition for Smarter Development. He asked the panel to return an unfavorable recommendation to the City Council on the project. Mr. Coyne, who lives in Charles Village, presented a paper to the Commission, which listed “13 requirements,” that his group was requesting be made part of any legislation dealing with the project, if it passes. For background on Bmore Local, go to:
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