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from Morris
The settlement on the West Bank where Israel's Foreign Minister lives, has decided to bar families that contain a member who is not deemed Jewish by orthodox religious authourities. Does not this supremacist attitude extend beyond Israel's borders, and is it not shared by the Western financiers who support the West Bank settlements? Doesn't that mean that all percieved Goyim are second class citizens?
from Morris
To see the Iraq and Afpak wars as intended social engineering makes more sense than any other motivator. Although they are not mentioned in this video. The video supports this thesis.
The source of the text for this video is just a part of the following blog post: Clearly an authour with a feel for the subject. And worth a good read.
from Morris
The corporate culture is synonomous with sabotage, infiltration etc. This is standard takeover procedure, the Lieutenants are always in place.
The chances of this being sabotage, given Halliburton's involvement, and the Sachs and BP CEO preselling shares, and the Sach's chairman was the BP chairman a year ago ....
On a slightly seperate note, there seems to be some enormous conspiracy to conceal the reality of what is going on. Can't we all sense we do not know the whole story?
Deepwater Horizon is increasingly looking like the worst manmade disaster known of since the time of our written history.
This video peruses the corporate culture (like Halliburton), and the standard practice of sabotage and ruthlessness within it.
It ends by questioning how and why we have allowed institutionalised speculation to rule over us.
The only thing the people have left is freedom of speech on the internet. The powers that be fear the people's freedom of speech. They will take it away. Poor enslaved humanity is on a one way track to total domination and control.
from from William Hughes
On Thursday evening, July 15 2010, readings from “City Sages: Baltimore,” an anthology of some of “Baltimore’s best writers,” took place. It was held at Atomic Books, in Hampden (Hon). The authors, who read from their contribution to the popular book, were: Jessica Anya Blau, Maud Casey, Adam Robinson and Joe Young. Kathy Flann served as the moderator. After the readings, the editor of “City Sages: Baltimore,” Ms. Jen Michaelski, spoke about the origins of the writing project. For more background on this literary tour de force, please go to:
from: William Hughes
On Wednesday evening, July 14, 2010, David Swanson spoke at the National Press Club, at an event sponsored by the “McClendon Group.” His subject was: “How We Fund Wars!” After his talk, I had a chance to interview him about his speech. Mr. Swanson is the author of ‘Daybreak: Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union,’ published by Seven Stories Press (2009). For more on Mr. Swanson’s popular book, go to:
Two police officers are off the force and a Georgia woman is threatening to sue after she was attacked and stunned by the officer. Ray smith of the Lumpkin Police Department has resigned and Tim Murphy of the Richland Police Department was fired for using pepper spray when trying to arrest Janice Wells. Wells says she was worried that a prowler was outside of her home so she called police. A min long video on the officers patrol car shows the officer pulling up to assist another officer. What happened was mostly hidden by the police car but Mrs. Wells could be heard screaming don't do that, don't do that as the stun gun could be heard repeatedly going off. Lumpkin Police Chief Steven Ogle says the video is shocking. America has become a police state and Tasers are used like cattle prods by cops who are actually following an agenda dictated from the top. The Taser is not a tool of law enforcement, it is a torture device employed to terrorize the public. American Police have become so accustomed to employing Tasers during routine calls that they now use them on people asking for their help and even on bed ridden grandmas and elderly women who pose no threat whatsoever.
From Gilad Atzmon
This set of six video clips covers an almost taboo controversy to do with freedom of speech. In the discussion, I stress the ethical and logical need for history to be open to revision.
Participants, left to right: Gilad Atzmon — Harvie Branscome (Moderator) — Steve Kaufman (founder director of Access Roaring Fork ( ) — Michael Conniff of KUUR-FM Aspen, Colorado
Please note: The original program was just under one hour, and has been edited into six parts, and a few pauses, repetitions and hesitations have been removed. The editing has not in any way changed the sense of what any of the speakers said, and the original program can be viewed here:
A special thanks to Anthony Lawson for editing the program and posting it.
davdo64 Obama, Clinton, Romney and Palin think Afghan is a "good war." They are in no rush to leave either war. Maddow, Obermann, O"Reilly and Hannity all support massive over-spending (over $20 billion a month). Your children and grandchildren will bear this debt burden, along with a failing economy, devalued currency and few opportunities for businesses to grow, hire or expand because of the massive tax burdens that will be foisted upon us to pay for these terrible policy mistakes.
Unpegging of Yuan from US Dollar, drop in car sales to all time low and drop in house sales too, The cash for clunkers failure and stimulus stuff up, adding more debt to the debt laden economy is like pouring gasoline on a fire.
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