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from: William Hughes
On July 7, 2010, at “The Spy Museum,” in Washington, D.C., the IRmep sponsored a panel discussion. It was titled: “Israel’s Nuclear Arsenal: Espionage, Opacity and Future.” One of the panelists was Professor John J. Mearsheimer, the co-author of “The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy. He is also a graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. Professor Mearsheimer said: “There is no accountability for Israel on any issue!” He referenced Israel's attack on the USS Liberty, the killing of peace and justice activist Rachel Corrie, and Israel’s recent assault on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla. For background on this event and its sponsor, The Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy, go to:
The Oil Spill has a martial law type cover up going on. A lot of suspicious activity suggesting foreknowledge exists (not in this video). Was the "Oil Spill" intended as a way to Blackmail the US, like one would expect from "The Joker" in a Batman cartoon?
Iran has a growing list of allies, and a growing inventory of ballistic missiles which can hit Israel's Nuclear facilities within minutes, and any shipping in the Gulf.
To illustrate library footage from the Islamic revolution, and the Cold War is used, as well as military exersizes. It is only the Old Guard that is upset that the Islamic Revolution took away "their" oil.
BP: The Anglo-Persian Oil Company (APOC) was founded in 1908 following the discovery of a large oil field in Masjed Soleiman, Iran. It was the first company to extract oil from the Middle East. In 1935 APOC was renamed the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC) and in 1954 became the British Petroleum Company (BP), one of the antecedents of the modern BP Plc.
Israel Shamir is a hard hitting writer. His words cut straight through to the center. Here I read a couple of excerpts from his latest post. Which is a correspondence with someone in the UK. He ends on a positive vision for an integrated Palestine, when it is free from US and EU influence.
The entire post is here:
What we are seeing on youtube is not the red oil sludge appearing in plumes and on the surface. Using excerpts from experts on MSNBC this video explains why there has been so much secrecy, why foreign help has been refused for 70 days. There is a cover up, of what? Presumably it can only be negligence or sabotage.
Laura Flanders
Nomi Prins, former Wall Street trader and author of It Takes a Pillage, says that the current financial reform legislation is like throwing your extra junk in the attic and pretending that your house is clean. She says that it allows banks to keep all sorts of securities off their balance sheets--that it does nothing to prevent, in short, the kind of shady dealings that helped land us in this financial mess to begin with.
from: William Hughes
On Wednesday morning, June 30, 2010, workers at ESPN Zone in Baltimore, MD, held a press conference.They protested the Disney-owned ESPN Zone’s recent sudden closing. They claimed that it failed to give the proper notice to the employees that is required under the WARN Act, a federal law. The event, excerpts of which are on this tape, was organized by the United Workers. For background, go to:
from Morris
This crisis is going to take everyone down. Capitalism, Corporations and our health.
Lots of reports appearing of it suspiciously having been done deliberately, (Please see my video: LIKELIHOOD OF OIL SPILL BEING SABOTAGE:
Also see:
Also see: Gulf oil spill intentional?
The BP oil spill continues to poison the sea, and US citizens are starting to feel like there's more than meets the eye in this story.
Thu, 01 Jul 2010 02:28:53 GMT§ionid=3510203
And there are UNSOURCED reports on the internet that Obama warned the G8 of Mega deaths expected from the oil spill.
Our Future depends on people knowing this information about Big Oil, Money, Banking, and the need for Alternative Energy Solutions.
"History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and it's issuance." -- James Madison
The first person to distill gasoline from crude oil was Benjamin Sillman Jr., a chemist from the prestigious Yale University, who is credited with developing much of the Oil industry. Sillman, who later became a professor of chemistry at Yale was also a member of the Skull and Bones Fraternity. Secret Societies like Skull and Bones are breeding grounds for the concentration of wealth and power. They represent an Ivy League consolidation of bankers, politicians, intelligence agents, CEOs, and scientists who are generally willing to endorse policy favorable for the elite, including the control and mass use of oil as well as the suppression of alternative energies.
from neverbeforecampaign
The three year old siege on the Gaza Strip and its 1.5 million inhabitants is a testament to the Israeli regime's disregard of law, decency and morality. This siege amounts to collective punishment, an action outlawed by various conventions and humanitarian laws. This is not to mention the suffering and humanitarian crisis caused by this law. This siege has been disgracefully condoned by the "international community" and justified by the "free world" as a measure that safegurads the security of the Israeli regime.
The same position was applied to the various humanitarian aid ships that were attacked and abuducted in international waters, and the aid carried by those ships confiscated. The killing of 9 Turkish activists on the the Freedom Flotilla on 1 June brought an abrupt end to international silence regarding the siege. It is unfortunate that the world needed to see the blood of those brave men to realize the brutality of the siege and of the besieger.
Nevertheless, it is our duty to finish what the brave men and women of the Freedom Flotilla and the campaigns that preceded it. It is time to brieak the siege.
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