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By Gilad Atzmon
from pentos films on Vimeo Gilad Atzmon - a talk given at Debunking ‘The War on Terror’ symposium, London, 14th July 2010 (dealing with history, Zionism, Revisionism, Temporality, Palestine and Israeli barbarism) Introduction by Ken O'keefe.
from James Morris
'US pro-Israel bias demonizing Islam'. A Press TV interview with Israel Lobby critic James Morris
US President Barack Obama (R) and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (L)
Israel Lobby critic James Morris joins Press TV in an interview to discuss Pastor Terry Jones' threat to "rethink" his decision to cancel the controversial Quran burning event on 9/11.
Press TV: Pastor Terry Jones is threatening to "rethink" his decision to cancel the Quran burning. First of all, who would benefit from such an act and what kind of backing do you think his initiative is receiving from various anti-Islam lobbies?
Morris: Well, the problem you have...with Reverend Jones, and I do not know him that well of course, he has just got a congregation of I think 50 people in Florida, so he is pretty irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, but the problem in America is [that] the pro-Israeli biased media focuses on anything that is anti-Islamic.
So, you have a situation where you have a strong Christian-Zionist community in America, which is very anti-Islam and I assume some of them would be supporting him as well. He is insignificant really, but he does pose a threat to American forces in the Middle East as General Petraeus has said. And also even today Senator John McCain, who is usually in the neocon camp, is saying it is a threat to our troops in theatre as well. So, it is just really tragic that he has had this kind of platform internationally in the media.
Press TV: Anti-Islam sentiments are disturbingly on the rise in the West. Do you consider them as isolated incidents or is this satisfying some sort of bigger political agenda in which citizens are in a continuous state of panic?
Morris: No, I think there is an agenda behind it. I think if you look at the recent letter that Congressman Ron Paul wrote ...he says it is being driven by the neo-conservatives, and they are trying to set the stage for a war with Iran and what better way to do that than demonize the Muslim population internationally. And to set up a Samuel Huntington type of Clash of Civilizations, and that is exactly what is being done here, through channels such as the Fox News Channel, I like to call it the Fox Neo-con News Channel, because you just get nothing but relentless propaganda from the neo-conservative side there. And they are trying to, like they did with Iraq successfully, push this into another war with Iran. And unless Americans stand up and realize this is what is happening, they are going to get away with it.
from: Gilad Atzmon
alawson911 | September 11, 2010
Whatever happened on the Mavi Marmara on the morning of May 31st, 2010, the BBC's Panorama team failed to give a balanced view of it in its so-called documentary, Death in the Med. Even the title sounds more like that of a paperback mystery, rather than a serious analysis of Israel's worst atrocity since Operation Cast Lead.
Documentaries should be truthful and informative and expand our understanding of situations and events; their content should be rigorously checked for errors in statements which are presented as facts and conjecture, and the personal opinions of their writers and presenters should be explicitly identified as such. But Death in the Med failed any test based on those parameters.
The BBC's television and radio services reach an audience measured in hundreds of millions, world-wide, but are primarily funded by taxes and license fees paid by the British public; not by Israel or its influential friends. Panorama's biased and often untruthful Treatment of Israel's worst atrocity since Operation Cast Lead should trigger a public enquiry about who is really in charge of one of the most influential broadcaster's on the planet.
from: Bill Hughes
On September 11, 2010, the Women in Black Baltimore sponsored its annual "Peace Path." Peace and justice activists/volunteers were placed along Charles Street in the city. For more background, go to:
Baltimore Celebrates a Star-Spangled Weekend from William Hughes on Vimeo.
Baltimore, Maryland launched its annual Defender's Day celebration on Friday, September 10, 2010, with a parade from the Flag House, through Little Italy, and over to the Inner Harbor. Tomorrow, there will be more action at Fort McHenry, including fireworks, beginning at dusk. It has been 196 years since the American patriots successfully repelled the British invasion of their country at North Point and at Fort McHenry. A slideshow of 30 photos can be found over here:
from Mary Rizzo
in English of the Turkish Prime Minister’s speech after the Israeli massacre of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla. (part 1)
TRANSLATION BY GUZIN BILGI with editing by Mary Rizzo for and
PTT and Gulagnik have now provided even more complete coverage of the landmark speech by Erdogan. To fully grasp the depth and intensity of this intervention, one must see the video, subtitled in English. Currently we have inserted the first 14 minutes and the concluding remarks will be inserted later in the day. We have also added the Italian translation by Diego Traversa and the Portuguese translation by Monical Alves will be inserted later in the day. You may watch the videos directly either on Gulagnik's site or PTT (flash player). Appreciation and thanks to Guzin Bilgi for this enormous marathon effort.
This helps us understand why the American government killed Che Guevara.
In times of crisis people seek strong leaders and simple solutions. But what if their solutions are identical to the mistakes that caused the very crisis? This is the story of the greatest economic crisis of our age, the one that awaits us.
from: William Hughes
On September 1, 2010, at noon, in front of the White House, Human Rights activists staged a “peace charade” skit. Its purpose was, according to their press release, to serve as a theatre parody of the “farce masquerading as [Mideast] peace talks,” currently being conducted by the U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, Palestine’s Mahmoud Abbas and Israel’s “Bibi” Netanyahu. Medea Benjamin, co-founder of CODEPINK, was the leader of the demonstration.
108morris108 | August 31, 2010
On reflection, nothing makes sense about the Pollard case. After 9/11 200 Israelis were sent home, rather than charged or interrogated. (The same for Osama Bin Laden's family, but for different reasons). With the entire US (and European) Govts in Zionist control there are no secrets. A nuclear bomb went missing from Minot Air Force base a couple of years ago, not even a public inquiry about it. The propaganda for the Israeli flotilla raid was prearranged, and the smuggling out of footage laid bare to the lies that had been arranged for us all. Before the dust settled at 9/11 Osama was named the culprit.
The only reasonable logical conclusion to draw is that Pollard was trying to report on Zionist conspiracies, and therefore got stitched up.
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