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from William Hughes
On Monday, May 17, 2010, a spirited rally and march was held in a steady rain, in Washington, D.C. Labor organizations and their allies in the activist community put the event together. The powerful Wall Street Banks, and the influence-peddling “K” Street Lobbyists, were the primary targets of the protesters. The Banksters were condemned for causing the economic collapse, the “Meltdown of 2008,” and for perpetuating it on the backs of the working class and the poor. Over 2,000 individuals took part in the demonstration, according to the organizers. For background, see:
from William Hughes
18 days ago On Sunday afternoon, May 16, 2010, an ad hoc group of concerned activists picketed a BP, (British Petroleum), gas station, located at the intersection of 33rd Street and Greenmount Ave, in Baltimore, MD. They expressed their outrage at BP for the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, lax government regulations of the industry, and strongly opposed allowing any more off-shore drilling permits. For some background on the BP-made disaster, go to:
With delegates to the Cochabamba climate conference
From LeftStreamed
Part 1:
performance by Red Slam collective
Kimia Ghomeshi, Campaign Director, Canadian Youth Climate Coalition
Ben Powless, Mohawk from Six Nations in Ontario, member of the Indigenous Environmental Network
Part 2:
Danny Beaton: 2010 recipient of the National Aboriginal Achievement Award (NAAA) for Environment and Natural Resources
Robert Lovelace, a leader of Ardoch Algonquin First Nation
16 days ago On the evening of May 13, 2010, in Annapolis, MD, an “informational meeting,” on the issue of a Single Payer Healthcare system and how to create a “Medicare for All” program was held. Part of the event focused on the status of the issue with respect to the General Assembly of Maryland. Dr. Eric Naumburg spoke to that situation. Later, activist Patricia Courtney shared briefly her views on why she got involved in the Single Payer cause. The meeting was hosted by the Anne Arundel County chapter of the Medicare for All campaign. For more information, check out:
from William Hughes
16 days ago On the evening of May 13, 2010, Dr. Margaret Flowers spoke at an “informational meeting,” on the issue of a Single Payer Healthcare system and how to create a “Medicare for All” program in this country. In her remarks, made in Annapolis, MD, she traced the history of the fight for Medicare for All, revealed its current state and the plans for the future to make it a reality. The event was hosted by the Anne Arundel County chapter of the Medicare for All campaign. Dr. Flowers is associated with Physicians for a National Health Program, check out for more information:
Excerpts from a speech by: Chris Hedges. The author spoke at the Revolution Books Town Hall Meeting at Ethical Culture Society on January 13, 2009 condemning Israel and USA complicity in Israel's murderous destruction and genocide of the innocent men, women and children of GAZA and the West Bank. Dedicated to the children of GAZA.
This video helps explain the present day arrogance of Goldman Sachs, and the so-called Federal Reserve Bank, arm of the Rothschild banking system, which now enslaves the world. The American government is not going to do anything to punish the banks that are looting America into collapse and grinding it's people into homelessness and joblessness. The American government is a government of lackeys who serve at the behest of the international financiers. The enslavement and looting of the American people will continue unabated until America is fully drained both monetarily and materially. It's people will continue to be lied to by the privately owned corporate media, they will continue to be dumbed down and made ignorant and controllable. They will receive numerous mercury-laced vaccines to lower their intelligence and set them up for early death and health problems profitable to the corporate health care industry. They will continue to fight and die in endless senseless wars based on lies that profit the international banking system and the military industrial complex.
from William Hughes
Activists from CODEPINK showed up the National Mall in Washington, D.C., on Saturday May 8, 2010. They checked out some tanks which were parked there as part of a “public service” exhibit. The CODEPINK activists, let by Medea Benjamin, brought a message of “peace,” on this windy Mother’s Day. They also sang a ballad with the same hopeful theme. For background, see:
from William Hughes
On Saturday, May 8, 2010, a spirited protest action was held in front of the Department of Labor, in Washington, D.C. Its purpose was to demand the creation of a federally-mandated public jobs program, similar to the WPA, which was launched by FDR’s administration back in the middle of the Great Depression. Today’s event was sponsored by the Bailout the People organization, and a host of other progressive groups. For more information, see:
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