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Police used teargas pepper spray and rubber bullets against University of Pittsburgh students during the Pittsburgh G20 Summit. Many of the students were not part of any demonstration but bystanders, curious to find a mass of armed riot police on their campus. The police were eager to use their weapons and to demonstrate their police state tactics on a population of docile human sheep, what the American people have been reduced to. In a similar video we also see an unmarked car filled with men wearing military fatigues grab someone off the street, force them into the car and drive away. Who these men were and where these poor victims are being taken nobody knows. It’s something that used to happen to people in Chili under the Pinochet regime, a brutal dictatorship that disappeared and killed thousands. I never thought ‘it could happen here’, but then what could we expect from a government that ignores the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and now arrests and imprisons it’s own people as terrorists holding them indefinitely and without charge, a government that tortures women and children, a government that has already killed nearly two million innocent men, women, and children in Afghanistan and Iraq, a government that has hundreds of CIA torture prisons around the world.
from: William Hughes
He’s an activist, political gadfly and author. His name is Ralph Nader and he has a new book out. This time it’s a fictional one and its subject, naturally, is political. The title is: “Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us!” On September 26, 2009, at the Baltimore City’s Book Festival, Nader discussed some of the reasons that caused him to write his tome. He spoke for over an hour and half before a standing room only audience. Nader’s speech was sponsored by Red Emma’s Bookstore Coffeehouse, See: For further background, check out: and
from: William Hughes
At a press conference, on Friday, Sept. 25, 2009, activists demanded that the Baltimore Gas & Electric Company (BGE), roll back its electric rates to 2006 levels and for it to grant “immediate rate relief.” BGE is a subsidiary of Constellation Energy, (CE). The event was held in front of the office of the Public Service Commission, a state regulatory agency located in Baltimore, MD. The “Maryland Coalition for BGE Reregulation” sponsored the press conference. Leo Burroughs is one of its leaders. He was sharply critical of elected Maryland politicians for their do-nothing conduct in this matter, particularly Governor Martin O’Malley. Burroughs labeled him, “the biggest phony.” Burroughs also announced a “new Petition drive.” A similar social justice effort was recently staged by activists in the Washington, D.C. area against the electric utility giant, PEPCO. See:
from: William Hughes
“Peace” was celebrated on Sunday, Sept. 20, 2009, on a sprawling farm located in the rolling hills of Carroll County, Maryland, near Westminster. What a breath of fresh air! If only the churches, synagogues and mosques would stop making their lame excuses and follow suit. The event honored the “International Day of Peace.” The organizers labeled it: “The 1st Annual World Peace Party.” One of the ways the occasion was marked was by a dedication of a “Peace Pole.” That ceremony also included the “planting of flower bulbs and peace pinwheels by the children,” according to the program note. Special thanks for the festivities go out to Laura and Kari Rogan for the use of their property, “Sweet Peace Farm.” Ms. Jan Seiden entertained the participants with her soulful “flute journey” playing; as did Peter Jam from Beirut, Lebanon, who sang and played his guitar. See for background on Ms. Seiden, The happening was put on by the “Partners in Peace Unlimited,” (which was conceived and implemented under the guidance of Ms. Nancie Rosenberg); and by “The Peace Sisters.”
from: William Hughes
On Saturday, at noon, on Sept. 19, 2009, activists from CodePink, a women-initiated Peace and Justice Movement, staged a protest action inside of and also in front of an upscale shop located in Union Station, in Washington, DC. The store, according to CodePink, carries products of Ahava, “Ahava Dead Sea Laboratories,” an Israeli company. CodePink charged in its press release, that it is time “to expose the dirty truth” about Ahava’s products, which are made in the “Occupied West Bank,” and which also “exploit occupied natural resources” in their production. The Amtrak police were eventually called to the scene and the protesters were told to exit the property. For background on this matter go to: “Stolen Beauty,” at: and For the latest on the critical “Human Rights” situation in the Occupied Territories, see: and; and, For further information and historical perspective, go to:
from: William Hughes
On the evening of Sept. 16, 2009, a protest action was staged at Goucher College in Towson, MD, just north of Baltimore City, with respect to the appearance of Karl Rove on campus, as a guest speaker. Rove, aka “Dubya’s Brain,” was a senior advisor, (2001-07), to then President, George W. Bush. He is suspected of participating in a White House-based cabal, (WHIG), which helped to launch the immoral and illegal Iraq War. Talking on camera and sharing his views of Rove was activist Max Obuszewski. He was sharply critical of Rove for his serial wrong doings, and of Goucher College, too, for giving him a venue to speak. Mr. Obuszewski used to teach a course on “Human Rights” at the Goucher College, in the “Peace Studies Program.” To say he was disappointed with Goucher in this matter would be an understatement. Obuszewski is active with the “Iraq Pledge of Resistance” group. According to a press release of the ANSWER Coalition, Rove “should be on trial,” for not only his role in pushing the Iraq War, but for also implementing “a system of torture and secret prisons; [for]racial and religious profiling; and for massive spying on the people in this country.” For more information on Rove and the repeated attempts by citizen activists to bring him to the Bar of Justice, go to See also:
and and
The lyrics in this rap song are really very clever. Every word was carefully composed to tell us the truth about the vaccine attack being perpetrated against humanity, right down to the horrific symptoms associated with the vaccine itself. “Inject your teens and your babies in the crib and when they get paralyzed is when you realize there's no way to undo what you did.” These words describe the paralysis, the swelling of the joints associated with the swine flue injection. Don't Inject Me (The Swine Flu Vaccine song) by Michael Adams
from: William Hughes
On the evening of Sept. 16, 2009, a protest action was staged at Goucher College in Towson, MD, just north of Baltimore City, with respect to the appearance of Karl Rove on campus, as a guest speaker. Rove, aka “Dubya’s Brain,” was a senior advisor, (2001-07), to then President, George W. Bush. He is suspected of participating in a White House-based cabal, (WHIG), which helped to launch the immoral and illegal Iraq War. Just as Rove was being introduced, at least three activists stood up in the audience and denounced him for his serial wrong doings. They were quickly escorted out of the auditorium by the police and instructed not to return. As far as this observer knows, the police took down their names, but the protesters were not arrested. According to a press release of the ANSWER Coalition, Rove “should be on trial,” for not only his role in pushing the Iraq War, but for also implementing “a system of torture and secret prisons; [for]racial and religious profiling; and for massive spying on the people in this country.” For more information on Rove and the repeated attempts by citizen activists to bring him to the Bar of Justice, go to See also:
and and
from: William Hughes
On the evening of Sept. 16, 2009, a protest action was staged at Goucher College in Towson, MD, just north of Baltimore City, with respect to the appearance of Karl Rove on campus, as a guest speaker. Rove, aka “Dubya’s Brain,” was a senior advisor, (2001-07), to then President, George W. Bush. He is suspected of participating in a White House-based cabal, (WHIG), which helped to launch the immoral and illegal Iraq War. Talking on camera and sharing their views of Rove are activists Brian Becker, Eugene Puryear and Maria Allwine. According to a press release of the ANSWER Coalition, Rove “should be on trial,” for not only his role in pushing the Iraq War, but for also implementing “a system of torture and secret prisons; [for]racial and religious profiling; and for massive spying on the people in this country.” For more information on Rove and the repeated attempts by citizen activists to bring him to the Bar of Justice, go to See also:
and and
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