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from: William Hughes
George Galloway, British MP, spoke out strongly in support of the cause of a free Palestine. He ripped into Israel’s military siege of Gaza, along with its ongoing blockade, which continues to put 1.7 million of its residents at grave risk to their health and safety. Galloway said the people of Gaza “are locked up.” He also traced the history of Palestine, the evils of the British Empire and the massive crime of Colonialism. He referred to Israel as “an Apartheid State.” The event, entitled, “Viva Palestina: A Lifeline from the U.S. to Gaza,” was held on the campus of American U., in Washington, D.C., on Sunday evening, June 28, 2009. It was a fundraiser “for a special U.S. convoy, which will travel from New York City to Egypt before making its way across the Rafah border into Gaza to deliver humanitarian aid,” according to the organizer’s press release. Galloway, who is also an author, is in the finest tradition of another legendary British MP, and champion of justice, liberty and humanity--John Wilkes. Check out: Mahdi Bray, Executive Director of the Muslim American Society, served as the moderator of the affair. For more info on this fundraiser, its sponsors and the critically important convoy to Gaza, go to: For background on the current humanitarian crisis in Israeli-Occupied Gaza, please see: and and and and and and and
from: William Hughes
George Galloway, British MP, spoke out strongly in support of the cause of a free Palestine. He ripped into Israel’s military siege of Gaza, along with its ongoing blockade, which continues to put 1.7 million of its residents at grave risk to their health and safety. Galloway said the people of Gaza “are locked up.” He also traced the history of Palestine, the evils of the British Empire and the massive crime of Colonialism. He referred to Israel as “an Apartheid State.” The event, entitled, “Viva Palestina: A Lifeline from the U.S. to Gaza,” was held on the campus of American U., in Washington, D.C., on Sunday evening, June 28, 2009. It was a fundraiser “for a special U.S. convoy, which will travel from New York City to Egypt before making its way across the Rafah border into Gaza to deliver humanitarian aid,” according to the organizer’s press release. Galloway, who is also an author, is in the finest tradition of another legendary British MP, and champion of justice, liberty and humanity--John Wilkes. Check out: Mahdi Bray, Executive Director of the Muslim American Society, served as the moderator of the affair. For more info on this fundraiser, its sponsors and the critically important convoy to Gaza, go to: For background on the current humanitarian crisis in Israeli-Occupied Gaza, please see: and and and and and and and
In the last 100 years, the North American and European diet has changed radically. The change can be summed up simply: calories from plant foods have been replaced by calories from animal fats. During the same period, rates of degenerative diseases like heart disease, cancer and diabetes has sky rocketed. Is there a connection? Here's some evidence there might be. While degenerative diseases have become common in the west, populations that have not yet adopted this "new and improved" diet are failing to get these diseases at anywhere near the same rate. Is eating animal fat - beef, chicken, milk, cheese etc. - really that big a deal? The video presents the science that the meat and dairy industries (and their paid agents in the US Department of Agriculture) would prefer you not learn.
from: William Hughes
Enver Masud was one of the speakers at a “Demand Accountability for Torture” rally, on June 25, 2009, in John Marshall Park, in Washington, D.C. He questioned how Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who was “waterboarded 183 times” by the CIA, and then confessed to being the “mastermind of 9/11,” can get a “fair trial” in this country. Mr. Masud connected the dots between 9/11, the waterboarding of a detainee, a so-called “confession,” and the Iraq War. Mr. Masud is the founder and CEO of “The Wisdom Fund” and the author of “The War on Islam.” See, For more on waterboarding, go to:
“Waterboarding: The Psychological Damage is Indescribable,” and Closer to home, U.S. Sen. Joe Lieberman (IND-CT) has condoned waterboarding. Check out: For background on the rally, see: and For a brief overview of the Law concerning the subject matter of Torture, go to:
from: William Hughes
One of the speakers at a “Demand Accountability for Torture” rally, on June 25, 2009, in John Marshall Park, in Washington, D.C. was Marcus Raskin. He is an author and the cofounder of the Institute for Policy Studies. Check out: Mr. Raskin was introduced by David Swanson of Mr. Raskin underscored: “The President [Barack Obama]...says he is ‘against torture.’ So, if that is the case, then he should be held to account...When do we stop deceiving ourselves from who we are?...We have become really a warrior state...We [must] look at what we do...No more self deception. No more lies.” For background on the event, see: and For a brief overview of the Law concerning the subject matter of Torture, go to:
This video will never be shown on Fox News or CNN, which is a real shame, because all Americans need to know that their country is now a torture slave state. Their president Obama, who campaigned on the laughably empty promises of “hope and change”, has shown the world that nothing at all will change and in fact the wars the torture and the corruption will continue at an accelerated pace. The Obama regime is now openly employing Bush regime methods, by drafting an executive order that will bypass Congress and the will of the people. Supposedly the ‘order’ allows Obama to continue incarcerating so-called suspected terrorists (you and me) indefinitely and without charge. Of course this violates the Unites States Constitution, or the “God damn piece of paper” as Bush called it.
Any country that tortures and kills children is lost. Nothing can ever justify the torturing and killing of children, and any government that tortures and mass murders millions of innocent civilians the way the American government continues to brutalize the populations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Philippians to name just a few places, will bring a divine karmic retribution down upon itself and it's poor enslaved people.
In this other video from the Larouche site- we learn that the American politicians who owe their allegiance to the corporate health care providers rather than the American people intend to impose a brutal nazi like system of medical care on the American people by removing medical care for the aged and the poor while keeping in place a corrupt corporate system of massive profits for HMOs. Ask any doctor or nurse about the American corporate for profit health care system and they will readily admit that the HMO's profit not by providing medical care to cardholders, but by denying them medical care. The present system only serves a tiny group of super rich stockholders at the expense of millions of Americans. This wealthy little click actually profits through the deaths of 50,000 Americans each year, who die from easily treatable and preventable illnesses, but are denied medical care because they are too old or poor and their isn't enough profit in treating them.
from: William Hughes
Activists for a single payer health care system staged a lively rally in front of historic Union Station, in Washington, D.C., on Friday evening, June 26, 2009. Dr. Margaret Flowers of Baltimore, MD was one of the speakers. She said: “Health care is a Human Right. And, this is a Rights’ based movement...Don’t give up,” the fight on single payer. “We’ve got to make it happen. Don’t stop!”
The healthcare activists are supporting HR 676 and S 703, now pending before the U.S. Congress. Dr. Flowers was one of the “Baucus Eight,” who were arrested on May 5, 2009, in the Dirksen Office Building, on Capitol Hill, for speaking out at a Senate Finance Committee. Its chairman, Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT), had arbitrarily barred single payer champions from participating in the healthcare debate. See:
For background on single payer, see: and and and and and and
from: William Hughes
Sights and scenes from the rally, on Friday evening, June 26, 2009, in front of historic Union Station, in Washington, D.C., in support of a Single Payer Healthcare System. For background on Single Payer, see: and and and and and and
from: William Hughes
Sights and scenes from the anti-torture rally, in John Marshall Park, on June 25, 2009, in Washington, D.C.; followed by the march to and demonstration, “Die-In,” at the U.S. Justice Department. For background, see: and and For a brief overview of the Law concerning the subject matter of Torture, go to:
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