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America must work on starting a new economy and not restarting the old one or it will resemble the former Soviet Union, says author and blogger Dmitry Orlov. RussiaToday
from: William Hughes
On March 9, 2009, Sister Helen Prejean spoke out for the repeal of the Death Penalty in Maryland. Her remarks were made at the Parish Hall of the historic St. Anne’s Church, in Annapolis, MD, near the State House where the General Assembly meets. Sister Prejean also ripped former President and ex-Texas Governor, George W. Bush, and his then legal counsel, Alberto “Gonzo” Gonzales, for the cursory manner in which they carried out hundreds of executions of condemned prisoners in Texas. Ms. Jane Henderson served as the moderator for the event, which was sponsored by the Maryland Citizens Against State Executions, (CASE MARYLAND). She is the group’s Executive Director. For background on the death penalty issue, please go to CASE MARYLAND, at: For information on Sister Prejean and her “Dead Man Walking” book, which led to a film, a play and an opera, see: Check out, too, George Orwell’s account of witnessing an execution in British-controlled Burma, in his compelling short story, “A Hanging.”
This was off of INN Report from FreeSpeechTV I seen it on the TV from DIsh Sattelite tv on channel 9415
HR 875 and S 425 are the pieces of legislation concerning this matter
PLEASE contact your representitives and Senators about this!
We can NOT allow this to happen to our childrens food!
There will no longer be ORGANIC food... they will be required to spray pesticides and insectisides on the "organic" food... hence, making it no longer organic
pesticides and insectisides KILL OUR IMMUNE SYSTEMS, ALLOWING us to be sick more often, and results with us purchasing more and more over the counter "medicine" and prescription drugs...BIG CORPORATIONS
Today, you and I and all Americans are slaves. Let us see how many slaves are ready to revolt! An evil corporate financial elite has gained control of the American government and people and is looting the country to destruction. They are killing Americans and millions of innocents in wars that profit only the banks and military industrial complex. Its time to Get off your knees. Divest from the nation's largest Wall Street banks and move your accounts to local financial institutions. Don't hold large sums of American paper money which could collapse taking you with it. Buy silver and gold bullion to protect your assets. Buy food supplies for added protection against an unstable financial system. Stop being victims and take back your country and your lives or your children will live and die as slaves.
from: William Hughes
A huge and spirited rally demanding “Climate Justice,” was held in Washington, D.C., on March 2, 2009. One of the speakers at the event was Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. His remarks were a scathing indictment of the “Coal Barons.” He said: “Clean coal is a dirty lie.” RFK, Jr. also alleged that the Coal Barons are running, in some instances, a “criminal enterprise.” He charged that some of the practices of the Coal Barons, like “mountaintop removal,” are “destroying the environment...America’s heritage and health... and subverting our democracy.” He alleged, too, that the Coal Barons are enabled by “crooked politicians up on Capitol Hill,” who act as “indenture servants” of the Wire Pullers. For background on the rally, go to:
"There is a way to checkmate the corporate super rich, save our world and create a utopia. It will take the concerted efforts of a group of talented dedicated people to implement this solution, and although humanity has this solution at our fingertips it will be very very difficult to carry out. The corporate ruling class, the oil companies, have already killed many others who tried to bring this knowledge to humanity. They know that when this secret is fully and irrevocably revealed to humanity, their power over civilization and our earth will end immediately and their wealth will dwindle away and they will cease to matter, and it is this which they fear more than the destruction of our world." From: 'The Causes of Human Suffering and a Solution' - by Raymond Ponzini
This is an example of the changes that have taken place in America under Bush. Obviously there is much work to be done to bring America back to some semblance of moral sanity.
Sniping at the elderly in Khoza’a
Eva Bartlett | In Gaza
For 2 months, Walid Abu Arjela and his family haven’t dared to return to their land in Am Almad of Khoza’a village, east of Khan Younis, in the lethal Israeli-imposed "buffer zone". The land in question, 550 m from the Green Line border, used to be productive agricultural land, as with most of the land now confiscated by the Israeli military occupation of Gaza and the imposition of a "no-go zone" on the Palestinian side of the Green Line. And as with the fertile land of the "buffer zone" from south to north, the land was heavily worked and produced vegetables, grains and fruits for much of the Gaza Strip’s residents and even, before the siege, for export. www.uruknet
An important documentary by the Academy Award-winning team Vivienne Verdon-Roe and Michael Porter. Their 1994 expose' tells the currently relevant story of the U.S. soldiers and sailors who were used as EXPERIMENTAL ANIMALS in America's quest for nuclear dominance...and were then denied health care. A major voice in the film - directed and edited by Porter, produced and narrated by Verdon-Roe - is former Navy seaman Anthony Guarisco, founder of the INTERNATIONAL ALLIANCE OF ATOMIC VETERANS, BOX 32, TOPOCK, AZ 86436-0032 To contact the filmmakers: For updates on Anthony and his wife Mary, here are two recent articles by their son, journalist Vincent Guarisco.
A British resident held in US custody for seven years has accused US officials of torturing him and beating him dozens of times while he was held at a secret CIA prison and later at Guantanamo. The Ethiopian-born Binyam Mohamed returned to Britain on Monday after becoming the first prisoner to be released from Guantanamo since President Obama took office. We speak to Binyam Mohamed’s attorney, Clive Stafford Smith.