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from: William Hughes A slideshow of photos, which pays tribute to all the gallant activists in the Peace Movement. They have persisted in their noble struggle to end the scourge of war, the barbaric practice of torture and the shredding of the U.S. Constitution. Their laudable objectives have been delayed, but they will not long be denied. Taking the advice of the poet, Edgar Allan Poe, in his splendid poem, “Eldorado,” they “ride, boldly ride,” in pursuit of the central dream of their hearts: a peace, with justice.
The greatest depression comes...must see.
In this first segment of the interview, how the global economic crisis will impact Europe with discussed with author and political economist William Engdahl. Italy is experiencing the worst economic crisis it has seen in 30 years, and the British economy is “falling off a cliff.” and the European situation is “differentiated,” “it’s a little bit different from what’s going on in North America, especially in the United States.” In Europe, Engdahl explains, “it is more an indirect knock-on effect of the United States financial meltdown.” The question now is whether the European Union is going to try and decouple its dependency on the US dollar and begin to form regional currency blocks like many nations around the world are starting to do. View part 2 and 3
The name of this video could have been ‘Capitalism Explodes’, because it is literally exploding as the American economic system collapses dragging the rest of the world down with it. The people and the remaining honest competent politicians aren’t happy about the brutal economic exploitation, which is killing the country and amazingly, they have begun to resist.
The momentum of resistance is building and events are accelerating. Its like a kind of awakening, as people begin to realize what destructive and traitorous things have been done to them and to their country by government corruption, by a privately owned Federal Reserve banking system, and by corporations.
This video is truly amazing because it gives one a real sense of the corruption within the US financial system, the SEC, and the US government, which led America and the world to financial disaster.
So, you know about the Treasury's $700 billion bailout plan. But you probably don't know that the Federal Reserve has lent out about $2 trillion since September. Few do. And that is what's irritating bulldog Congressman Alan Grayson.