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The name of this video could have been ‘Capitalism Explodes’, because it is literally exploding as the American economic system collapses dragging the rest of the world down with it. The people and the remaining honest competent politicians aren’t happy about the brutal economic exploitation, which is killing the country and amazingly, they have begun to resist.
The momentum of resistance is building and events are accelerating. Its like a kind of awakening, as people begin to realize what destructive and traitorous things have been done to them and to their country by government corruption, by a privately owned Federal Reserve banking system, and by corporations.
This video is truly amazing because it gives one a real sense of the corruption within the US financial system, the SEC, and the US government, which led America and the world to financial disaster.
So, you know about the Treasury's $700 billion bailout plan. But you probably don't know that the Federal Reserve has lent out about $2 trillion since September. Few do. And that is what's irritating bulldog Congressman Alan Grayson.
Michael Ratner is President of the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) in New York. He has taught at Yale Law School, lectured at Columbia Law School, and was President of the National Lawyers Guild. Near the end Michael Ratner makes some great points about the need for laws protecting our freedoms bolstered by the prosecution of those who ordered and engaged in torture.
from: William Hughes
Joe Stork is the Washington Director, Middle East and North Africa Division, “Human Rights Watch.” On Thursday, Jan. 22, 2009, he gave a talk at the Palestine Center, in Washington, D.C. His remarks focused generally on the humanitarian consequences of the Israeli Occupation Forces’ 19 month highly restrictive blockade and recent, 23-day war directed at the 1.5 million people trapped in Gaza. About an estimated 1,300 Gazans were killed, many of them children, and over 5,300 more were seriously injured as a result of the IOF’s military siege. During the Q&A period, Mr. Stork was asked about Zionist Israel’s use of phosphorus bombs in a “very densely” populated Gaza. He charged that it “is not legitimate to use them in an inhabitant area...” and that the use of such a weapon by the IOF “clearly violate one of the other rules of war, which is a warring party has to take all feasible measures to protect civilians from harm and that clearly would be a violation of that--that requirement.” For background: please see: and and and and and
The U.S. Senate unanimously approved a resolution expressing support for Israel in its conflict with Hamas. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Nevada Democrat, said the measure “expresses vigorous support” for Israel. Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said they had personally spoken with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to express their support.
from: William Hughes
On Monday, Jan. 19, 2009, hundreds of antiwar activists expressed their outrage over President George W. Bush’s eight warmongering, economically disastrous, torture approving and lawbreaking years in the Oval Office (2001-2009). The good riddance to Bush rally was held at DuPont Circle, in Washington, D.C. David Swanson, cofounder of, was one of the speakers at the event. He demanded the appointment of a “Special Prosecutor” to bring to the bar of justice the wrongdoers in the Bush-Cheney Gang. After the speeches, the protesters marched to the White House. Once there, they tossed shoes and combat boots at the White House and insisted: “Arrest Bush!” For background, see: and
On Monday, Jan. 19, 2009, hundreds of antiwar activists held a rally at DuPont Circle, in Washington, D.C. Then, they marched, led by the “Veterans for Peace,” about 15 blocks south to the White House. As they paraded, they chanted slogans, like: “Arrest Bush!”; “Prosecute Bush!”; “Stop the Torture!”; Stop the War!”; “Stop Spying on the People”; and “War Crimes!” At the White House, they tossed shoes and boots at a gate, near the recently erected presidential reviewing stands. Again they insisted: “Arrest Bush!” For background, see:
from: William Hughes
On Tuesday, Jan. 6, 2009, Antiwar activists dressed all in black, with white death masks, paraded in a steady rain and in single file, past the U.S. Supreme Court, and around the U.S. Capitol, in Washington, D.C., as the new 111th Congress convened inside. The “March of the Dead” participants wore around their necks the names of those killed in conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan and Israeli Occupied Gaza. The U.S. Congress has
repeatedly voted hundreds of billions of dollars to support those two wars. Check out: In addition, Congress continues to subsidize, to the tune of billions of taxpayers’ dollar a year, the state of Zionist Israel. See, For background and updates on this protest action, please go to:
from: William Hughes
On Friday, Jan. 2, 2009, Human Rights activists staged a demonstration and march, in Washington, D.C., in solidarity with the beleaguered Palestinian people of Israeli-Occupied Gaza. The rally began at the Israeli Embassy. One of the speakers was Ibrahim Ramey. He is the Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation’s Civil and Human Rights Director. For background, please see,
and In his remarks, Mr. Ramey urged the large crowd of activists to “stand up” for the suffering people of Gaza and to work “by nonviolent means” for peace and justice. He directed some of his remarks to President-Elect Barack Obama. For related videos on the demonstration at the Israeli Embassy, check out:
For the latest updates on the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza, please see:;;;; and,