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from: William Hughes
On Wed., Dec. 10, 2008, a demonstration at the Bank of America (BOA) was held in downtown Baltimore, MD. It was led by activists from the All Peoples Congress, among other groups. The purpose of the protest was to show solidarity with the 200 “Sit-In” Republic Windows and Door Workers of Chicago, Il, whose plant has been shut down. The BOA canceled the company’s financing. Its action left the workers without any severance and vacation pay. Critics are insisting that the BOA should use some of the billions of dollars it received in a recent federal-taxpayers-funded bailout to help the workers. The BOA, in turn, blames the company for this situation. For background, see: and At the heart of this problem is the out sourcing of U.S. jobs, via so called “Free Trade” agreements, which have been endorsed by Conservatives, like Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah); and Liberals, such as Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD). It is time to “renegotiate NAFTA” and for the Labor Movement to lead that charge. Check out: and Activists underscored their demand that the federal government “bailout workers” and not the Wall Street banksters and “to stop the plant closings.” Source:
from: William Hughes
On Sept. 10, 2008, the Charles Theater, in Baltimore City, presented a special showing of the award-winning David Earnhardt’s documentary, “Uncounted.” This riveting film showed how election fraud, via easily manipulated electronic voting machines, along with other dirty tricks, dramatically changed the results of the 2004 election; and led to even more of the same kind of underhanded conduct in the 2006 election. Kevin Zeese, Executive Director of True Vote, spoke after the film was shown. He told the large audience that that a “well-informed public will be the first line of defense against election fraud in 2008.” The showing of “Uncounted” was cosponsored by the ACLU and True Vote. The latter’s web sites can be found at: and To learn more about the movie, “Uncounted,” check this site out: Mr. Earnhardt spoke before Mr. Zeese. He said the film has been shown in “36 other cities” across the nation and that people need to become aware of the dimensions of the problem and then do everything that they can do to preserve “the integrity of the election process.”
from: William Hughes
On Nov. 26, 2008, activists rallied in front of the White House, at 8 AM, to spotlight the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Israeli-Occupied Gaza. President George Bush plans this morning to pardon two turkeys in honor of Thanksgiving Day. Meanwhile, the desperate people of Gaza are trapped in borders “sealed” shut by the Israeli Occupation Army. According to the sponsoring group’s press release: “As a result of Israel’s closure, the UN has been forced to stop food distribution to 750,000 needy people, and 70 percent of Gaza is without power.” Over 1.5 million people live in Gaza, many of them displaced refugees from the 1948 War. “Half of Gaza’s population is under the age of 15.” Under the terms of the Geneva Convention, and other key provisions of International Law, the Collective Punishment of a people is “a War Crime.” The press release from the “Coalition for Justice and Accountability,” underscores the “contrast in American policy between fowl livestock and starving children.” The U.S. taxpayers continue to subsidize Zionist Israel, and its occupation of the Palestinian people, to the tune of billions of dollars every year. See,
und on this critical Human Rights matter, please check out: and
from: William Hughes
On Saturday, Nov. 22, 2008, an “End the Fed” rally was held in Washington, D.C., across the street from the Federal Reserve, at 20th St. and Constitution Ave. Kevin Zeese was one of the speakers at the event. He is an attorney and the Executive Director, and co-founder of the Campaign for Fresh Air and Clean Politics, whose projects include the Prosperity Agenda, VotersforPeace, Climate Security and TrueVote. For background, please see: and Mr. Zeese is also a leader in the Break the Bailout Coalition. He said: “The Fed is not a government agency. It’s a disguise...The Fed is not of, by and for the people. It is of, by and for the banksters...End the Fed!”
“End the Fed” rallies were also being held in 39 other cities around the country. Adam Kokesh, a former U.S. Marine and Iraq War veteran, served as the Master of Ceremonies for the lively event. For background, and more details on the sponsoring group, speakers and its endorsing parties, please go to:
from: William Hughes
On Saturday, Nov. 22, 2008, an “End the Fed” rally was held in Washington, D.C., across the street from the Federal Reserve, at 20th St. and Constitution Ave. “End the Fed” rallies were also being held in 39 other cities around the country. Adam Kokesh, a former U.S. Marine and Iraq War veteran, served as the Master of Ceremonies for the lively event. For background, and more details on the sponsoring group, speakers and its endorsing parties, please go to:
Speaking at the demonstration, in addition to Mr. Kokesh, were: Gary Franchi, Rick Williams, Tony Teolis and Kevin Zeese, among others. Jordan Page, a poet and songwriter, performed, singing one of his ballads, “The War Machine.”
Government issues four emergency decrees in response to nationwide unrest The Colombian government declared a state of emergency in response to widespread unrest after the collapse of pyramid money schemes last week. Thousands of Colombians, many of them poor and without bank accounts, had invested with unlicensed companies that offered monthly returns as high as 150 percent. Four emergency decrees were issued on Monday. Setting out new procedures, to intervene in financial firms operating without authority and the ability to seize their funds. The decrees also aim to ease the return of funds to depositors.
By Frank Thomas
Pennyland - Echoes of the "Great Depression" Created by Frank Thomas from an original song written by his brother. "This is not meant as a political statement, but rather as an attempt to put a face on something that so often appears academic." - Frank Thomas
On Saturday, Nov. 15, 2008, activists staged a demonstration at a “Summit on Financial Markets, G20,” which was held in Washington, D.C. The spirited action was led by the ANSWER Coalition, and supported by other progressive groups. The “G20 Summit” was hosted by the Bush-Cheney Gang, and involved “heads of state from around the world, bankers,” and CEOs from the “International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and other International Institutions to coordinate the ongoing transfer of money from ‘working families’ into the pockets of the ‘richest bankers,’” according to the ANSWER Coalition’s press release. For background on the protest and for the latest updates on it, please go to: The “Summit” was held at the National Building Museum, located at 401 F. Street, NW. For info on G20, check out:
On Monday, Nov. 10, 2008, 15 activists staged a “Die In” at the U.S. Justice Department in Washington, D.C. The protest action, which began at 12 noon, on the sidewalk, centered around a moral and legal demand, grounded in the Federal Criminal Laws, the U.S. Constitution, the Geneva Convention, the Natural and International Law, that President George W. Bush and V.P. Dick Cheney should be “indicted for War Crimes and Murder.” The demonstration was organized by the “National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance,” (NCNR). The protesters delivered a letter to a Public Affairs’ person for the Justice Department, addressed to the Attorney General, Michael Mukasey, demanding the indictment of Bush and Cheney. During the “Die In,” activists read the names of some of the U.S. troops and Iraqi civilians, who have died in the illegal Iraq War launched by the Bush-Cheney Gang. Go to NCNR’s web site for the latest up dates, at:
For information on Bush and Cheney’s alleged War Crimes, go to: and and and