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"Everybody who has an mRNA injection will die within 3 to 5 years, even if they have had only one injection" -Delores Cahill
It is 2024 - Time Is Up!.— 🔥⭐️Edwin⭐️🔥 (@Nuked4Every1) January 2, 2024
Victory Parade in Moscow on May 9, 2024: live broadcast. Get a good look woke democrat-America, country of traitors and illegal immigrants. Your election rigging pedophile criminal leader and all his woke generals, and his 'death shot' injected army will not defeat her. A nazi army of three million men could not defeat her. Little globalist tool Ukraine with all the weapons of Nato and America will never defeat her and will end in destruction.
Russia, the Phenix, is a rising star with a strong economy and an ever-improving quality of life. America built on liberal Hollywood values, is economically collapsing, drowning in debt, inflation, and corruption, with a third world quality of life. America mutilates, aborts, and injects its children with the death shot. Those children it doesn't destroy outright it indoctrinates with homosexuality so they will never live normal lives, never have children of their own. A country that destroys its children has no future.
Russia champions the healthy relationship between a man and a woman. Russia abhors the absurd American democrat belief that men can be women and give birth. Russia loves the family protects its children and teaches them Christian heterosexual values. Russia's children will live normal lives and have children of their own, therefore Russia is a country with a future. Russia despises wokeness, homosexuality, transsexuality, and the sick democrat values that America now lives by and will die by.
Russia will stand for another thousand years. God is with Russia. God has abandoned eugenicist perverted America, the country that sells hundreds of thousands of children into sexual slavery, pedophilia, satanic sacrifice, and the production of Zenochrome. The tens of millions of illegal immigrants invited by Obama and Biden into America have come to a giant Sodom, a giant Johnstown - Bidenstown. They have come to a country that is being intentionally destroyed and they will be destroyed with it.
You don't have much time left Americans. It could happen any day. It will be like the Night of Long Knives or a Stalinist Purge. In one day Trump and numerous key figures fighting for you will be eliminated and thousands of military age Chinese and Muslim men that Biden brought in over the southern boarder will be mobilized. The demon rat democrats have defunded your police and now they don't even have the manpower to answer 911 calls. If you think the 'fiery but peaceful' Soros funded Black Lives Matter Antifa protests that killed thousands of citizens and police were bad you ain't seen nuthin yet. Hundreds of cities will be lit ablaze and tens of thousands of innocents will be killed. After the American people have been completely demoralized and softened up by a few weeks violence and starvation Biden will declare martial law. If there is an election six months from now Biden will of course remain in power as no one will be left alive to oppose him. Don't expect your military to do anything, they were purged by the covid death shots. And even if they try to stand up they will be crushed by the million Chinese troops now positioned in bases on both the southern and northern boarders. Right now, you're thinking you're glad you got a passport. Forget it, you're not going anywhere after the shit hits the fan. Nobody leaves a globalist communist dictatorship. Your country will become a woke democrat run killing field. For all you idiots who said you'd rather die than see another Trump tweet, you just might get your wish.
When I first saw this, I thought it was clever. Then I realized what it truly represented. The tremendous power of AI and the danger we are now in. You are seeing and hearing a thirty-year-old Arnold Schwarzenegger singing 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow' from the movie 'Wizard of Oz'. Why is this important? The technology now exists using AI and CGI to artificially create a flawless visual representation of anyone doing anything, saying anything, and even singing in their voice. One must now ask the question: How much of what we believe to be real in the media is not real but artificially generated, how much of what we believe to be truth is a lie?
I will never fly on United Airlines again because of what they did and I hope everybody who sees this video will never fly on that woke globalist joke of an airline again. Never forget what United Airlines did... NEVER!
Did you know that Obama was a carefully vetted globalist child of the rich? He was never one of us, he was never an outsider. He was always destined to be on top of us grinding us down and destroying our country.
Joe Biden has a message for American democrat voters: "And the wave still continues, it's not going to stop nor should we want it to stop. As a matter of fact um it's one of the things I think we can be most proud of. There's a second thing in that black box: An unrelenting stream of immigration non-stop non-stop. Folks like me who are Caucasian of European descent for the first time in 2017 will be an absolute minority in the United States of America, absolute minority. Fewer than 50 percent of the people in America from then and on will be white European stock. That's not a bad thing that's the source of our strength."
A little piece of Russian music demonrat democrats should hear. GoodBye America - Гудбай Америка