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He told people to get the covid vaccine and he got the death shot himself.
Full interview on YouTube: Tulsi Gabbard: War, Politics, and the Military Industrial Complex | Lex Fridman Podcast #423
Tulsi will probably be Trump's vice presidential choice.
They’re still claiming the Covid vax is safe and effective. Yet somehow Dr. Pierre Kory treats hundreds of patients who’ve been badly injured by it.
Visit the site daily to see the videos before YouTube can censor them.
All of the democrats and many of the republicans are hopelessly corrupt. They are paid by the globalists to destroy America. They are doing this with the help of the American media, tool of the globalists. Half the American people are mindless brainwashed sheep who support Biden. The country has been intentionally divided. Trump will not be president. The democrats and their republican cohorts have a variety of options for stopping Trump. Thy can declare a "long covid" emergency or start another pandemic and use mail in ballots to rig the election. They can make up a reason to put Trump in prison. They can remove Trump from the ballot in enough states to cripple his campaign. They can use tens of millions of illegal immigrants to gain enough house and senate seats to skew the election in their favor. They can use assassination. The list of options opened to the globalists and their political gang of criminals is endless. America is no longer a country of laws nor is it a country with a working constitution. America is turning into an unaffordable unlivable woke Marxist hell. America is not going to change direction and get better it can't the gang of thieves who control it wont let it. Millions of Americans are waking up and want to find a better life in another country, and millions already have.
The video that says it all, that ties the whole sick sordid plan together. The plan to subjugate and depopulate the planet and grind humanity into subservient mindless communist slaves. Everyone should watch this video and learn the destiny of humanity if we don't resist.
Visit the site daily to see the videos before Woke globalist YouTube can censor them.
This sad song by the gifted Burl Ives is so befitting. Having completed radiation and chemo cancer treatments, Kate rang the bell in celebration, but she died anyway. The Covid death shot had sealed her fate. Will there be retribution for the global elite perpetrators of this worldwide depopulation plan? Will the political traitors and media talking heads in our midst who "only followed orders" like Nazi concentration camp guards, ever be brought to justice?
In just over half of the 50 American states Trump is barely ahead by a couple of percentage points. In the rest of America Biden is winning. The Average American cannot think critically. They believe every lie and propaganda narrative perpetrated on them by the globalist media. They are a danger not only to themselves, but to those around them and the world. The globalist media has convinced Americans to eat shit and like the taste. They want to pay three times more for food, gasoline, and rent, they want their children to be indoctrinated by Marxists and transvestites in school. They want the jails and mental institutions of Africa and South America emptied into their country, they want tens of millions of illegal immigrants pouring into their country. They believe their Constitution is a racist document and their flag a Nazi flag. They deserve the next rigged 2024 election and the complete destruction of their country and way of life by the globalist puppet Biden. The sane half of America should try to find someplace on the earth to escape to, some country, city, or town that doesn't fall to the coming global communism.
Translation of Al Jazeera’s report on the scenes it obtained of the targeting of four Palestinian civilians by an Israeli drone.
ترجمة تقرير قناة الجزيرة عن المشاهد التي حصلت عليها لإستهداف أربعة من المدنيين الفلسطنيين عن طريق مسيرة إسرائيلية.#israel #warcrimes #palestine…— Khaled Yousry (@KhaledYousry22) March 21, 2024
The death toll in Israel's campaign of genocide in Gaza has exceeded over 31,000 Palestinians | Israeli forces used drones to kill four Palestinian youths in Gaza in cold blood as they walked down a road in the city of Khan Yunis in Gaza, footage obtained by Al-Jazeera shows. ● The drone first fired two missiles at the youths as they walked on dirt road, hoping to reach the remains of their destroyed homes. Israeli bulldozers had been active in the area but had withdrawn. Israeli forces continued to monitor the area by drone. ● The missiles killed two of the youths. The other two tried to escape, but Israeli drones opened fire with missiles a third and fourth time, killing them both separately as well. The last youth had tripped and fallen and was on his knees in the road as the missile struck him. ● The missiles obliterated the bodies, barely leaving a trace of them. The video shows the youths were unarmed and posed no threat to any Israeli forces. The drone was broadcasting video to an Israeli command center as it opened fire. ● On Thursday evening, the Gaza Media Office stated that the killings constituted evidence of a “deep crisis within the Israeli occupation.” 💬 “We strongly condemn this crime in which the occupation army bombed four civilian youths with drones, killing them vindictively and turning them into scattered remains, indicating the magnitude of the deep crisis that this occupation is going through by killing in this monstrous manner,” the media office said. “The US administration, the international community, and the Israeli occupation bear full responsibility for the continuation of these crimes against Palestinian civilians for the sixth consecutive month (of the war),” it added.
■ واشنطن تعلق على مشاهد قتل مسيّرة إسرائيلية 4 مدنيين عزّل بغزة (Al Jazeera)
■ EU funds multiple Israeli drone projects used in Gaza: Watchdogs (Al Mayadeen)
In this video we find that the globalists have been using numerous ways such as the covid vaccine to reduce the human population and they have been in possession of advanced technology which could have benefited and freed humanity many years ago.