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Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world - even to the point of carving them into stone. And yet… we never seem to believe them. The Stew Peters Network is proud to present Died Suddenly, from the award winning filmmakers, Matthew Skow and Nicholas Stumphauzer.
💬 If you have not yet seen Died Suddenly, the killer documentary that dropped two days ago, I urge you to watch it as soon as you can—it’s a little over an hour—and share it far and wide. Although it makes some trivial mistakes, it is a very solid piece of work—as sound as it is harrowing, and that’s really saying something; so all those who appreciate my weekly Substacks on the toll of the “vaccines” will also very much appreciate this film, and learn a lot from it (as I did) — Mark Crispin Miller
the haters have been warned
— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) March 8, 2023
MARK LEVIN: 💬 "I want to have a heart-to-heart with your audience and America. You know what is going on in your country. You see we are unraveling. My greatest concern, and I pray I’m dead wrong, is that the Democrat party is creating a combustible situation here. The democratic party is destroying our schools, it is destroying parental rights, it is destroying the nuclear family. It is destroying people of faith. It has gone after the Catholic church. The Democratic party is promoting censorship in all of its departments and agencies. Is destroying our traditions. It is destroying law and order, and crime is rampant. Our military can’t keep up now. It is -- has destroyed our military. And Joe Biden likes to talk about the bottom-up and the middle-out. This is a top-down passive revolution. Passive in the sense that it is not a violent revolution. But it is the kind of revolution that Antonio Gramsci, an Italian communist, and even Lenin talked about, when they took over the institutions of government. They take over the institutions of the culture and impose their will. We have a government that is banning household products, from lightbulbs to automobiles, in order to control your life. We have a government that is destroying [our] lifestyle, driving up the cost of energy. It is going to get worse before it gets better. Driving up the cost of food. People are having difficulty making ends meet and yet, their propaganda operation, that is the media, tells you how wonderful things are in this country according to this statistic or that statistic. What is happening now is something that has never happened in American history in 247 years. Not just the indictment of a President. We have a hundred charges against this president. From a Democrat DA in Manhattan, a Democrat DA is about to, in Atlanta. A Democratic Attorney General in New York. A radical left-wing rogue prosecutor with now two grand juries, completely out of control. They will use any tool they can. They don’t care about free speech. They don’t care about the Bill of Rights. They don’t care about attorney-client privilege. Didn’t care about any of it. This is a Democrat party that is power-hungry. And they see an opportunity right now to monopolize the government, politics forever more. To destroy the effectiveness of the republican party, which is why they keep promoting voting systems that will ensure that they are the majority party forever more. This is why they are trying to make two areas, the territory, Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia states so they will have four Democrat senators forever more, which is why they attack only conservatives on the court and intimidate them with their mobs and threaten them to try to get the decisions they want and threaten them with expanding the court in order to secure -- to destroy the court. Look at everything that has gone on in this country. This is a party that hates this country. This is a party that is behind the Dred Scott decision which tore this country apart and resulted in a civil war and that is what I fear now. I fear it could be five years, years, years. I don’t know. And I pray to god that I’m wrong. But look at the sycophants on surrogates on MSNBC and CNN and how they smear and attack tens of millions of Americans like we are white supremacists, clansmen prepared the party of the white supremacists and the clansmen. We are not. We are the ones who defeated them. But take a look at what they are doing to the country. The censorship, every department of the government from the White House out. Bottom-up, middle-out. Censoring the American people. Destroying it. The language, we can't even agree on what a woman is and a man is. Destroying our colleges and universities. Destroying our public schools through their union bosses and so forth and so on. What they are doing to Donald Trump here, they are doing it because they figure they figure they are going to get away with it. Who is going to stop them? So we have this passive top-down revolution that is taking place. It is anti-American. It is Marxist in name and shape. And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the problem that we're confronted with."
Democrat Secretary of Treasury Janet Yellen has just announced the American people's taxes will be increased by $500,000 billion dollars. The dems hired 87,000 new armed IRS agents. They're coming for our homes and bank accounts. Our illegitimate dem government of globalist puppets will loot our country into destruction in service to the global elite. If the American people don't stand up and stop this everything we have everything we own our country will be destroyed.
The most amazing aspect of this extremely important hearing is that every democrat that speaks uses their time to defend Mayorkas and Biden for their intentional destruction of the United States and to denigrate the hearing. They don't care about the seventy to one hundred thousand Americans dying each year from their destructive policies and actually propose useless and impotent solutions which will only result in the continuation of the death and destruction. Watch it if you can to the end.
A year left before the arrival of the Mahdi and the most terrible time in the history of humanity. Time to repent and have a genuine change of heart and a close relationship with Jesus and God. If this doesn't interest you then burn in hell.
Proof the Mahdi is already here and America is lost. The Biden dictatorship has sold over 80,000 children into slavery. Some people say that thousands of children have been taken down into the underground tunnel system built by Bush to be tortured to death for their adrenalised blood and sacrificed to the hell god.
Child rape, child torture, and child sacrifice is a world wide phenomena fostered on humanity by the antichrist and his minions. Take note that globalist CNN is trying to discourage Americans from watching the movie, The Sound of Freedom. Remember this is the network that said Donald Trump has killed more people than Hitler, Stalin, and Mao combined and pushed the Russia, Russia, Russia, hoax on the American people for three years. CNN is now telling the American people that The Sound of Freedom is not true and there isn't a problem with pedophilia. CNN is exposing themselves. CNN is trying to protect the pedophiles that are raping, murdering, and sacrificing hundreds of thousands of children world wide. CNN is pure lies filth and slander, pure evil, and God is watching. Every one of the talking heads on CNN and the people that own CNN will burn in hell for eternity. Those who are fooled by CNN are at grave risk.
Exterminating the human species.