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US Troops are in Ukraine fighting Russia because Ukraine is losing very badly, seven-to-one losses. All the high tech weaponry America and the world sent to Ukraine was junk compared to Russia's next generation weapons, and the prowess of the Russian Army. The tens of thousands of mercenaries foolish enough to take the globalists' money to fight Russia entered a meat grinder of death. Russia fights as they fought World War Two, to win as fast as they can. Russia does not want a Vietnam-stile war. Russia does not profit from war and death as the globalists and their banks do, and does not want to sacrifice their young men to war. The Globalists have encountered an immovable force. The globalists are very worried. Not only are they losing their war against Russia, they are economically destroying their seat of power, the United States of America. They gambled big, thought they could get rid of Putin and get control of the Russian banking system, people, and economy. They thought they could put a puppet politician in control of the Russian people as they had the American people. Thought they were going to have their new world order and get control of all the countries of the world. It didn't work out that way and now they are losing it all. In the past, America could always fall back on their World Reserve Currency status and their massive manufacturing capability, but not this time. America doesn't manufacture anything in the world now but trouble, and the world no longer wants America's money, no longer wants to be America's enabler. Biden has another year and a half in office, more than enough time to finish the job of destroying the United States. Anything could happen at this point, including a nuclear war.
■ It’s Not Over (Vox Popoli) This isn’t over. It’s not even close to over. This will continue until the Sino-Russian alliance destroys Clown World. ● So stay strong, stay openly contemptuous of the literal retardery of anyone who is stupid enough to even consider accepting any vaccine, and do not imagine for one second that the war on the human immune system is over. We’re long past arguing with retards who still, despite all of the available evidence, insist that vaccines are safe or effective. If people prefer to reduce their life expectancies and render their children infertile rather than doubt the Narrative, so be it. The future belongs to those who show up for it. Never, ever, accept the mainstream narrative. It is a false narrative constructed by liars and deceived ignoramuses who labor on behalf of literal demons. And remember, the reason they consider us to be dangerous because we stand in the way of their satanic objectives.
The Restrict Act not only bans Americans from using TikTok, it is a Patriot Act 2.0 for the Internet. It would give the govt unfettered access to all the data on our computers, phones, security cameras, internet browsing history, payment applications and more. It throws the…
— Tulsi Gabbard (@TulsiGabbard) April 9, 2023
13 years ago today, Julian Assange published the Collateral Murder video showing US forces massacring Iraqi civilians in cold blood. He exposed the US's war crimes, yet the very war criminals he exposed are free & he is in prison. What a world we live
— Hassan Mafi (@thatdayin1992) April 5, 2023
TIKTOK BAN - Listen to what she is saying. The Restrict Act is a violation of citizens right to privacy.
Lockstep globally now, as Governments seek to suppress information they don’t want you to know. This isn’t about your safety, it’s about theirs— Bernie's Tweets (@BernieSpofforth) April 4, 2023
Consider this short speech a true State of the Nation Address. Elected President Trump describes a country being destroyed from within by traitors, and he cryptically mentions America's dying dollar. Finally America's World Reserve Currency status has been shaken and it is reflected in the downward course of the DXY US dollar index. The dollar began to steadily drop in value immediately after Russia, China, Iran, Iraq, India and others stopped using the US dollar. Without world reserve currency status America will be no better than a third world country with the majority of Americans living far below the poverty line. Biden has already let in some twenty million illegal immigrants and Obama let in some forty million illegals. Trump says he will make America great again but it's too late. The Globalists had planed years before Trump became President to take down and destroy the United States. They would prefer a nuclear war so they can destroy America, Russia, and perhaps China causing a massive loss of life on the earth. A war may come as America's total collapse becomes evident and its corrupt Democrat leaders try to use war to economically save America. It lasted for over 200 years, which is a long time for a democracy, but the American dream is over. Now will come the worst period in the history of the United States. Biden the globalist puppet and the Communist Democrat traitors have succeeded in destroying the United States so they can 'build back better' as a communist country. If you live in the United States get a passport while it is still possible.
Rebirth of the Patriot Act, the targeting, prosecution, and imprisonment of Republican voters, the targeting of the white race and the division of society along racial ideological lines, the removal of freedom of speech, the release of convicted criminals into society, the criminalization of law abiding citizens for exercising their Constitutional rights. Anarcho Tierney, tool of the modern day American Democrat Communist. America today, tomorrow the world.
Parking lot attendant Mousa Deara saw a man attempting to break into cars in his parking lot and told the man to leave. For this the thief shot at Mousa Deara four times hitting him in the head and the stomach. Mousa didn't die easily, although gravely wounded Mousa fought with the criminal attacker and got the gun and shot the attacker with his own gun. When Police arrived they found Mousa laying on the ground dying next to the wounded attacker. He is a truly brave man who fought valiantly, a rare hero. For doing his job as a parking attendant and showing exceptional bravery while fighting for his life the Soros installed District Attorney charged Mousa with illegal possession of a firearm (the attackers firearm) and attempted murder. The criminal attacker with a rap sheet a yard long was not charged with any crime and set free. The attacker attempted to press charges against Mousa Deara, because Mousa didn't die the way he was suppose to, but the Soros DA realized it wouldn't hold up, even in their corrupt court. This is America under Biden and the Democrats.