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Democrats, repression communism, police state. Our children grow up in a communist country because some people believed CNN, MSNBC, and other comedy shows. Their belief made the rigged election possible. People agreeing was very necessary, the willing idiots were needed. In lock step the globalist's will is driven forward by a thousand media talking heads. The globalist media dictates the narrative and so the the dark reality. Even in the middle of the suffering and hopelessness of the "New democrat Normal" the American people can never forget the brief two years with Trump at the helm before the 'Dark Winter' covid-19 psyop was run. America shot straight up like a rocket its powerful spirit of creativity and production were unleashed and unchained. The economic recovery was the most dramatic in over fifty years. America became an economic force pulling the rest of the world with it. Six American steel plants reopened and American industry and production started to return, something the globalist Obama said would never happen again. Every great and seemingly impossible promise he had made to the people was kept, and then some. Never was their such a president, such a leader, such a country, so much hope. They hated it, hated him. Smear after smear after scandal after hit piece, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, it went on for four years. The attacks were all lies. They, the global elite hated Trump because he delayed their plan to take down the world. Depopulation is the first order at hand. Pathogenic injections combined with the intentional collapse of food production and delivery. They lied and swindled and did what they have always done. They simply rigged the election and inserted Biden the puppet..
Tens of thousands of unskilled and illiterate manual laborers at best, coming to America a country with an ever increasing population of the unskilled, untrained, and unproductive. But they are ready for war, they are strong and can wield a knife, a club, or a gun. They can rob, beat, and rape your family. They are coming Americans, because a globalist puppet has invited them here. Why you may ask? To destroy America, to drive it into the dirt culturally and economically. That is why the globalists rigged the election and put a fool in charge. They wanted to destroy America and they are doing it. This man says they are coming to America and and are ready for war. It would seem they expect to be given everything promised them by Biden. They expect more than most working American citizens have ever received: Free housing, food stamps, full medical care, utility allowances, welfare for every child. They expect freedom and an easy life at our expense. They expect to be taken care of and if they don't get what they want there will be war? Innocent American citizens could be killed. How do you like these entitled criminals invited here by Biden? How do you like Biden now?
Yet another technology that is heating the upper atmosphere and destroying the biosphere.