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Mark of the beast is here now
COVID-19 exposed the world’s failure to prepare for the worst—can we learn to build back better?
It's all a lie democrats. Biden told you it's safe and effective. Mad cow, Thalidomide, graphine, aids, spiked protein, Trypanosoma Cruzi parasite are in the injections.
tangentopolis (world orders review)
Rolling around on the floor in spastic agony. Taking shots one and two and the booster are not safe and effective. Ignore Biden and CNN.
The democrats, ignore this information. They believe the vaccine is good for them. Safe and effective like Biden said. Mad cow, Thalidomide, graphine, aids, spiked protein, and the Trypanosoma Cruzi parasite. Safe and effective?
Dr Young’s most shocking finding, by far is that the vaccines contain the lethal tropical parasite, Trypanosoma cruzi, a microorganism endemic to Latin America that causes Chagas disease.
In 2005 an animal study was done with SARS-CoV-1 mRNA injections on ferrets. Two injections were administered in the same manor as the SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 mRNA injections for humans. The ferrets showed no adverse reaction to the modification of their immune system and genome. After some time the ferrets were exposed to the SARS-CoV-1 corona virus in the wild. The ferrets died immediately. The mRNA injections had caused a cytokine storm, a fatal cascade of exaggerated immune responses. The same experiment was performed on cats. They too died immediately after exposure to the Covid germ they were supposedly protected against. In attempting to modify the ferret's and cat's immune system and genome with the mRNA treatment the researchers had inadvertently discovered the perfect depopulation bio-weapon, the perfect kill switch for life.
It was decided the mRNA injections would be the method by which the ruling global elite would commit omnicide, the mass murder of humanity. SARS-CoV-2 stands for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. SARS-CoV-2 is the strain of coronavirus that causes the COVID-19 disease. The original experimental injections only contained the deadly spiked protein from the Covid virus which alters the genetic code causing mad cow, cancers, auto immune disorders, and mutations. If a vaccine recipient lives long enough to conceive alterations to the the genetic code, auto immune disorders, and mutations are passed on to children, thus guaranteeing the premature death of offspring.
The Covid-19 injections were further weaponized prior to mass distribution to insure certain death for all recipients. The original experimental injections contained the Covid virus spiked protein, which is a prion when injected outside the celular structure in the blood stream and causes Mad Cow brain disease and death. The spiked protein also causes the cytokine storm, a fatal cascade of exaggerated immune responses. The additional deadly ingredients are sub units of HIV1 - Human Immune Deficiency Virus - aids, Thalidomide the cause of still birth and birth defects, toxic graphine, and the deadly Trypanosoma Cruzi parasite. There are other components present in the injections which have yet to be identified.
The installed Biden regime is trying to force as many Americans as possible to take the deadly injections before fall and winter. With the arrival of flue season millions will begin to die from exaggerated immune responses and there will be an awakening to the true nature of the injections. It will then then become impossible to force humanity to continue to take the death shots. The goal is to reduce the population of the United States by 70% to 95%. The globalists intend the reduction of the entire world population.