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Sarah Meyer
Were the numerous 'missile shield' stories on 12 November 2008 designed to impress Obama and his AIPAC war hawk team with the need for a continuation of an obscenely expensive “NATO” Missile Defense programme? Could the US financial crisis be helped by lessening the absurd amounts of money given to Israel for its defense?
U.S. Installs Missile Defense Radar in Israel
12.11.08. nti. The United States has completed installation of a missile defense radar station in Israel that will be operated by the first permanent deployment of U.S. troops in the nation, Haaretz reported yesterday. The detachment would consist of about 120 personnel working under the U.S. European Command. … / Israel is particularly concerned about Iran’s missile capabilities. / In addition to the radar, the United States has agreed to rapidly provide missile launch detection data collected from U.S. satellites, according to Defense News. / “Since they threw in [the launch warnings], it's become a whole new ball game. We're looking at a very generous gift from the United States, even if it means we have to compromise on sovereignty by having U.S. troops deployed here,” the expert said. / The radar is the same model as the system the United States erected in Japan in 2006.
Raytheon Gets $54 Million for Multiple Kill Vehicle
12.11.08. nti. Defense contractor Raytheon has received a $54 million contract from the U.S. Missile Defense Agency for ongoing work on a weapon that would use one interceptor to destroy multiple enemy warheads.
US missile chief to Obama: anti-missile system 'is workable'
12.11.08. AFP. The anti-missile defense system -- which preliminary tests have shown is capable of shooting down ballistic missiles -- "is workable," Obering, who heads the Missile Defense Agency, told reporters by teleconference.
Meanwhile, the US denounces the Iranian missile shield test:
Iran Tests New, More Accurate Missile (12.11.08. nti) see also here.
The US denounces missile test. See also Bush ruined prospect of Iran-US talks.
The disagreement with Russia over the "NATO" missile shield in the Czech Republic and Poland continues:
Russia rejects U.S. missile proposals
12.11.08. Reuters. Then: Italy offers mediation in Russia/US missiles spat (12.11.08. AP)
Missile proliferation = more starvation:
12.11.08. nti.
North Korea Developing Missile Site, South Says
12.11.08. nti.
Obama would do well to listen to the Pentagon’s Defense Business Board report (10.11.08), which “contends that the nation's recent financial crisis makes it imperative that the Pentagon and Congress slash some of the nation's most costly and troubled weapons to ensure they can finance the military's most pressing priorities. The report says that Raytheon, Massachusetts' largest employer, is involved in numerous weapons programs from ships to missile defenses (see above contract) and satellites.
Sarah Meyer is an independent researcher living in the UK
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