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Dr. Saeb Shaath
WHILE Gaza defies Zionist-imposed death, in simple direct words, the ‘civilised’ world praises the killers. The EU is rewarding the Zionist vultures by upgrading its relationship with the Zionist entity (through a proposal by the European Union Commission and Council for the draft recommendation to conclude a Protocol to the EU-Israel Association Agreement and on the general principles governing the State of Israel's participation in Community programs). This means that more European taxpayers’ money will be made available to pour into the only entity on earth that is refusing to comply with UN and Security Council resolutions. Violating most international laws and basic Human Rights, a very advanced and sophisticated Israeli Army is attacking civilians and aiding settlers to attack unarmed defenceless Palestinians.
Last Wednesday, the European Parliament (EP) postponed a vote that could largely upgrade EU-Israeli relations. The vote, originally scheduled for Thursday, December 11, was postponed to another date yet to be determined, the majority of European Parliamentarians ruled on Wednesday.
"It's time for the Israeli Government to stop considering itself above the law and start respecting it, beginning by freezing all settlement building activities and ending its siege on the Gaza Strip. Until the Israeli Government signals its willingness to abide by international law, and especially human rights and humanitarian law, the European Parliament is not disposed to vote". The EP’s Vice President, ‘Luisa Morgantini’, declared in a Parliamentary statement, which put the EU Commission and the EU Council to shame.EU intergovernmental layers built the EP to look and set pretty, toothless no real decision making mechanism . Time had changed and real Humans like Lady ‘Luisa Morgantini’ who experienced firsthand what the Israeli occupation really is about, along with some of her comrades from EP stood firm against this mockery.
“This vote sends a clear message to the Israeli government that their brutal policies in the Occupied Palestinian Territories are not going unnoticed and that the cries of the Palestinians, humanitarian workers and political activists in the OPT are not falling on deaf ears” .Lady Luisa Morgantini ended her statement with most important note which I direct at The EU Heads of states and their commission and council of ministers. They might learn something from such a real people leader Like Luisa Morgantini,... “Finally this vote is positive for us Europeans, who are showing to ourselves and to the entire world that respect for human rights and the achievement of justice are not an abstract declaration of principles,"
The EU leadership, along with Obama’s and Bush’s USA, is rewarding Zionist ‘Israel’ for all the killings it commits in Palestine. By their unconditional support for such an entity, they are party to its ongoing war crimes; but then the balance of power has tilted to their side this time round. It will not stay this way for long. History shows us similar shifts have occurred before; on Gaza’s soil, China’s walls and Ireland’s streets. Peoples will win in the end.
What, after all, can one expect from a child who endures, with his family and whole community, slow death and daily humiliation; degradation, denial of food and basic medical care? For sure, he or she will never forget or forgive. Are we aware of the future price we will all pay for this suffering? Do we recognise that our kids shall face the Gaza’s kids, at some point in the future; can we imagine the contours of this dialogue?
Obama (the champion of false hope and change), and the EU (masters of deception), both have to halt and wonder, ‘why are we doing this?’ The 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights approached us today. Western Europe, which claims to be the mother of a modern free world and fountain of the Christian [democratic?] values, needs to re-evaluate its moral high ground. Western Europe has to recognise that it is largely responsible for what is happening to the members of the human family in Palestine.
The EU needs to depart from its layers of self-indulgence and think-tanks processes (costing millions) which theorise vague abstracts about itself - supranational, intergovernmental, federal, confederal, functional’ and God knows what else. Good luck to the EU civil servants who, trying to portray a European super power (if only within academic research papers and inside ‘Chad’ to further the Neo-French colonialism), but that false image is costing us a fortune. Moreover, it keeps Europe powerless in the world arena.
It is about time for the Council of Ministers to take action, to divert such wasted money and to save lives in Palestine – so putting an end to the repeat of what took place on European soil during the 2nd World War.
The EU leaders must have a map somewhere, or they might have access to ‘Google maps’ on the Wold Wide Web. Pay some attention, please, to the southern borders of Europe. Our neighbouring communities are the brothers and sisters of the Gazans. While you are watching your reality TV show I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here; they are watching another real-life show on the CNN, BBC, Aljazeera and the rest of news channels: The Collective Slow Execution of the Gazans.
Christmas is here, and all shall celebrate; happy Christmas to all. However, are you aware that Israel, supported by the USA and the EU, has made it imposable, for the Palestinian people, as a whole, to celebrate Christmas or Eid. They have made it so hard even to worship God, by forbidding the majority of Palestinians access to their holy sites in Jerusalem? The latest fiasco is the denial to the Gazans of their pilgrim to Mecca. Practiced once in someone’s lifetime, this is a major duty and obligation to God. This is a precedent.
I received a festivity postcard (home-made) from a Palestinian kid called ‘Amro’. It shows a picture of himself sitting at his desk, revising with the aid of a little candlelight. His comments, in the attached letter, are; ‘I need more candles to get higher marks in the exam. There are no more candles left in Gaza, please help’!
It is essential to develop viable policies vital to the EU’s national and international security, which will both satisfy the needs of the EU’s member states and meet the challenges posed by the phenomenon of the radicalisation of the youth of our southern neighbouring countries. As this shows no signs of subsiding in the near future, the need to understand the causes of this radicalisation appears evident.
Appeasing a nation of ‘violent, vulgar’ ’Israelis’ (refer to 12.06.08-‘Yehuda Nuriel’ in ynetnews.com) **, is one political irony. Providing it with the hard-earned cash of European taxpayers is a bewildering, second, doing this in the midst of the credit crunch is a mind-blowing policy of utter stupidity and wickedness. I wonder if the EU leadership is serving the EU’s long-term interest of Europe?
This behaviour, posits two assumptions; only one of them is valid:
Firstly, Is Israel (as the whole Middle Eastern and Arab masses believe): a ‘European Colonial Entity’, which shall be uprooted from Palestine, using the classical form of liberation war.
Secondly, if it is not a ‘European Colonial Entity’-Israel created by the British 60 years ago, before being passed on to the Yanks to nourish and protect- why then, is Israel represented at every level of European activities, and considered by its settlers and inhabitants to be a Western European state.
From the area zoning of airlines, telecommunication pricing and the opening of EU markets to Israel to the ease and freedom of capital, labour, goods and services movement, flowing in and out of Israel from the EU, the sheer size of EU investments in a war zone called ‘Israel’ is staggering. Aren’t we invited to watch ‘Israel’ competing in the Eurovision song contest and in all European sporting events? ‘Israel is essentially European, in spite of the fact that it is located geographically in Asia, in the heart of Historical Palestine.
The western strategic problem-exporters did not solve their eastern question, ‘The Jewish Question’, by creating Israel .They wrongly believed that the Palestinians are comparable to Red Indians, to be wiped off the face of earth. Then in their master plan phases, Eurocentrics and their Zionist gang, would claim the return to Paradise, the ‘Promised Land’ with ‘Moses and Jesus’, visible in it, only for themselves; a new form of religious monopoly. They planned to enslave the entirety of their southern neighbours in a repeat of the US of A scenario – the bloody myth of a free, empty land, worked by the free labour of slaves. This time they top up the myth with God.
Eurocentrics can claim that they provided the world with ‘God messengers’, rather than with world wars, Fascism, Nazism, Zionism and Imperialist greed, which destroyed millions of Europeans’ lives and enslaved them to serve such twisted and sick ideologies. Today the same sick and twisted European Zionist Ideology is destroying millions of lives in Historical Palestine.
One paying a little attention to Gaza can see the Grand Hitler Ideology actively at work through the collective punishment of 1.5 million people in Gaza, who are denied food, movement, basic medical care, electricity, education and clean water. In other words, they are denied life. The EU political actors are party to that and encouraging it in real terms, whatever statements of denial they come up with. Deeds speak louder than words.
In the Gazans’ environment of slow death, radicalism, fanaticism and extremism flourish fast. Meanwhile, The EU’s policy-makers, enjoy their free all-inclusive invitations, to the playful and exotic holidays in hot ‘Israel’. These magical temptations help policy makers to ignore the big picture, of which the rest of us can see some parts at least.
This picture informs us that ‘Israel’ shall not have the upper hand for long, since many European and American taxpayers do not want their money to be used for sustaining the Israeli state policy of slowly killing millions of Palestinians. Huge sections of European Public opinion considers Israel to be a great threat to world peace.
Another segment of the picture clearly reveals that our southern neighbouring communities and states are actively rejecting such artificial fascist entity. They tell us openly that Israel is a colonial entity, created by force and that it will be removed by such a force. The people of this area have proved repeatedly that they endure and will win in the end; they have defeated bigger and far superior powers than ‘Israel’.**
For a peaceful co-existence between the EU and its Southern and Eastern neighbours, the EU must act now on the highest level possible with the greatest practical efforts tenable. To take steps in protecting the Palestinians and relieving their suffering. The EU must embark on a U-turn policy in favour of the Palestinian victims. The EU owes that to a peaceful future co-existence between all our children.
By: Dr. Saeb Shaath writer, thinker, public speaker on Middle Eastern affairs, and a former diplomat. He is the co-founder of Irish Map (Medical Aid for Palestine). http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3630144,00.html | http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3630144,00.html See (Gaza a City with six millennia history 02/02/08 and Gaza apocalypse now 29/01/08 by the writer).