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Zahir Ebrahim
In reference to your article of January 13, 2009 'Bernanke: More bank bailouts needed', perhaps Dr. Bernanke, Ph.D. 1979 from my alma mater, has an altogether different agenda because he can't obviously be an imbecile. An expensive MIT education does not create crétins. It can however, create hectoring hegemons.
As Mr. Gerald Celente of Trends Research Institute recently observed to Alex Jones:
“We are going to go into a depression worse than the Great Depression, and here is why. There is a way to get out of this but not through fiscal or monetary stimulus”
So what is that way out which Dr. Ben Bernanke will not inform the President of the United States of America as he clamors for more stimulus and bailout?
But first, one has to understand why President Obama's stimulus schemes won't work technically, even if he genuinely wanted them to work: Mr. Obama's New Deal ( http://tinyurl.com/bldhmx )
So, now that we finally understand money better than all the economics Nobel laureates and lauded financiers put together, if President Obama were to ask for my brilliant advice instead of listening to the FED Chair or his own Treasury Sec., never one to be falsely modest, I would very profoundly tell him: “Kill the Bank!”
Rescind the 1913 Federal Reserve Act. And issue money interest-free. Setup a transparent monetary commission comprising un co-opted economists and monetary reformers, and have them propose a monetary system that is suitable for the American people based on interest-free currency. Have the proposal ratified by a public referendum by making the appropriate constitutional amendment as needed so that it cannot be subsequently usurped by any executive or legislative fiat without a concomitant acceding public referendum!
And for some ideas on what remarkable ingenuity and prosperity is possible when blood-sucking leeches aren't preying upon the unsuspecting public forcibly confiscating their federal income taxes year after year in gratuitous interest payments on the gratuitously exploded national debt, I would further tell him to read: Monetary Reform: Who will bell the cat? ( http://tinyurl.com/655gol )
How is that for brilliantly solving the insidious global financial crisis? And it didn't cost an extra penny to the tax payer! In fact, all of it, for whatever is of genuine productive value that needs to be bailed out, indeed all GDP producing assets, comes straight from the deep private vaults of the private international banksters themselves.
That means, they go to jail or the gallows, and their trillions confiscated for malfeasance under dubiously orchestrated legal cover – i.e., legal cover acquired by deceptively and treacherously enacting the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. The only difference between the Mafia and the International banksters is that the latter are a bit more astute – MITs and Harvards that they get to attend. The gangsters do it against the law, the banksters do it by making the laws themselves!
High time those shenanigans to 'legally' highjack every nation by contriving unpayable debt in the guise of un-challengeable 'natural laws of economics', and then forcing upon the world, including upon the American peoples, their long-planned one-world government ( http://tinyurl.com/bm2wkt ) to be controlled through their privately owned central banks managing the world's money as the solution to the crises, were exposed by CNN Money: Financial Terrorism January-February 2009 ( http://tinyurl.com/blg55q ).
Thank you.
Zahir Ebrahim
Project Humanbeingsfirst.org