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Allen L Roland
Connect the dots ~ Cheney did indeed have his CIA assassination group but it was outsourced, much like torture was outsourced to foreign countries, to Blackwater mercenaries and Pat Tillman was most likely a target during the 2004 election year for he was about to support John Kerry:
In my column on April 1, 2009 DID CHENEY ASSASSINATION RING TARGET PAT TILLMAN ? I wrote of the Seymour Hersh's revelation of an executive assassination ring that reported directly to Dick Cheney and now confirmed by former Cheney aide John Hannah. I also wrote that it's time to re-open the investigation of Pat Tillman's questionable death by friendly fire which was stonewalled by both the Bush administration and the Pentagon generals.
And here's my column dated August 4th, 2007 along with the known facts entitled FACTS AND LIES / PAT TILLMAN CASE .
Let me lay it out for you. Here is the narrative that Rumsfeld and Myers offered last week ( under oath ) and let's look at this obvious deception in detail ~ together with the known facts ( courtesy of RJ Eskow, Huffington Post ) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rj-eskow/truth-about-Tillman-murde_b_58952.html
Then you decide ~ Was a deliberate execution ordered by higher ups of Tillman because he was about to go public with his anti-war views and support John Kerry in 2004 during a Presidential election campaign or were honest mistakes made by honest men ~ like Donald Rumsfeld ??
The Cheney/Bush administration stonewalled the 9/11 commission before reluctantly allowing it to go ahead but with their own people in charge and Cheney and Bush not having to testify under oath . What were they hiding ??
Pat Tillman's questionable death was stonewalled by top Pentagon Generals until the freedom of Information Act brought it to light . What were they hiding ??
They were obviously hiding complicity !
Yesterday's Jeremy Scahill's article in The Nation / BLACKWATER : CIA ASSASSINS ? connects the dots between the CIA and Blackwater as well as their intimate connection with the Cheney/Bush White House.
Excerpt: " Now the New York Times is reporting that in 2004 the CIA hired Blackwater "as part of a secret program to locate and assassinate top operatives of Al Qaeda... A retired intelligence officer "intimately familiar with the assassination program" told the Washington Post, "Outsourcing gave the agency more protection in case something went wrong "... Reached by telephone, Illinois Democrat Jan Schakowsky, a member of the House Intelligence Committee, said that because of her oath of secrecy on sensitive intelligence issues, she could neither confirm nor deny that Congress was aware of Blackwater's involvement in this program before the Times report... "What we know now, if this is true, is that Blackwater was part of the highest level, the innermost circle strategizing and exercising strategy within the Bush administration," Schakowsky told The Nation. "Erik Prince operated at the highest and most secret level of the government. Clearly Prince ( who is facing the prospect of a potentially explosive civil trial over the killing of Iraqi civilians) was more trusted than the US Congress because Vice President Cheney made the decision not to brief Congress. This shows that there was absolutely no space whatsoever between the Bush administration and Blackwater." http://www.thenation.com/doc/20090831/scahill1
And now we have ex-Homeland Security Chief Tom Ridge announcing yesterday that he was pressured to go to CODE ORANGE TERROR ALERT before the 2004 presidential election as a fear mongering political move to ensure a Bush/Cheney victory.
Connect the dots ~ a paranoid Dick Cheney, who is already outsourcing torture, enlists the CIA to hire Blackwater to assassinate specific targets. In early 2004 Cheney hears that Tillman is about to go public with his Iraq war misgivings and his support for John Kerry. Can't you picture Cheney confiding to Blackwater mafia boss Erick Prince " We have a problem with Tillman and it's an election year " and Prince replying " Worry no more, Chief ~ we'll handle it "
The Cheney/ Bush administration was a crime syndicate, ready to employ any means to their devious political ends ~ and eventually the facts will bear out this obvious truth.
Allen L Roland http://blogs.salon.com/0002255/2009/08/21.html
Freelance Alternative Press Online columnist and psychotherapist Allen L Roland is available for comments, interviews, speaking engagements and private consultations ( allen@allenroland.com )
Allen L Roland is a practicing psychotherapist, author and lecturer who also shares a daily political and social commentary on his weblog and website allenroland.com He also guest hosts a monthly national radio show TRUTHTALK on www.conscioustalk.net
Allen Roland’s weblog: http://blogs.salon.com/0002255/
Website: www.allenroland.com