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Allen L Roland
What lies deepest within us is a state of love and soul consciousness which extends beyond time and space and reveals itself in its universal urge to unite. It gently holds us, as if in two giant hands, and asks only that we surrender and play our part in a universal loving plan:
The first tenet of my Unified Field is this :
The basic underlying and uniting force of the universe is a psychic energy field of universal love, within which gravitational and electromagnetic fields, the strong and weak forces in the atom, and all other forces of nature, including time and space, are merely conditions of state.
Within this psychic energy field of love, paranormal events such as clairvoyance, telepathy, precognition and near-death experiences are also conditions of state.
The principle property of this field of love and soul consciousness is its propensity to unite, complete and fulfill all living beings within a constantly evolving loving plan. This field of love is the absolute constant of the universe in that within it , time and space do not exist.
Thus, we are instantly joined with the past, present and future of a universe which is in the process of uniting, completing and fulfilling itself.
In other words, what lies deepest within us is a state of love and soul consciousness which extends beyond time and space and reveals itself in its innate urge to unite.
It gently holds us, as if in two giant hands, and asks only that we play our part in a universal loving plan.
Longfellow called it " the thread of all sustaining beauty that runs through all and doth all unite."
Sound too far out ?
Dr John Hagelin, one of the world's leading pioneers of theoretical physics also believes that the long sought for Unified Field is a state of consciousness ~
" If you scratch below the surface and get to the molecular atomic and sub-atomic worlds, you find that these worlds are not material worlds. They are worlds of intelligence and ultimately worlds of consciousness."
British physicist Steven Hawking , like his predecessor Einstein, also sought a simple explanation for the Unified Field :
" What is it that breathes fire into the equations and makes a universe for them to govern ? Hawking writes, " Is the ultimate Unified Field so compelling that it brings about its own existence ? "
Hawking also wrote that there should be something special and simple about a grand theory of everything ~
And what could be more special and simple than love ?
Thus, those who we love deeply would become part of us forever in that they still remain in this state of soul consciousness that lies deepest within ourselves and also beyond time and space.
As such, the soul would contain the event that shall befall it in that when we are in a state of soul consciousness we can and often will intuit the next step on the path of our heart.
I have had many experiences of connecting with former loves and family members on a psychic level of consciousness even though we were not in physical communication with each other.
I have often sensed or dreamed about the arrival of important relationships before they physically manifested themselves.
And I have even experienced my beloved grandfather speaking to me from beyond death to give me advice at a troubled time in my life.
My own mother coming back to me after her sudden and unexpected death in 1987 is another example of how love lives beyond the grave but what was even more powerful was her speaking to me and saying Allen , I know, I know . In other words, my mother, who had read my Unified Field , was validating this truth to me in an incredible act of love from beyond time and space.
Gallup reveals that at least 50% of all Americans have had an after death experience ~ whereas they have experienced or felt the presence of someone they deeply loved after they have passed on.
How gratifying it is to know that I am being loved from beyond time and space and when my heart is fully open I can access this state of consciousness as well as the truth of these words by Teilhard de Chardin; " Love alone is capable of uniting living beings in such a way as to complete and fulfill them for it alone takes them and joins them to what is deepest within themselves."
Here is a wonderful example of the timelessness of love from my BOOK ~ RADICAL THERAPY / SURRENDER TO LOVE AND HEAL YOURSELF IN SEVEN SESSIONS ( Not Seven Years ).
Tim came to see me as a client. During the session I took his hand and said it was " his turn " .
He seemed deeply touched and called me a few days later and said he needed to see me. He told me about an incident that had happened when his father was dying several years before. It seems that his father had literally died several times and then returned to lucid consciousness before he relapsed again into a coma. During one of those lucid periods, Tim asked him , " What's it like on the other side, Dad ? " His dad smiled at him and said, " Someone is going to take your hand . "
Tim told me that when I had taken his hand during our first session, he had been deeply moved. Later that day he realized that it was my hand that his dad had seen .
Of course, Tim's dad would have been in a state of soul consciousness when he momentarily slipped away ~ and in that moment would have had access to anyone who would eventually be loving his son unconditionally, because that loving state of consciousness exists beyond time and space.
Thus, love is indeed timeless and when we fully surrender to it we enter a world of consciousness where we are asked only to fulfill our part in a slowly evolving loving plan. I call it being on the express versus the local ~ which is a state of fear-based ego consciousness.
And that's what I do as a therapist. I jump start people's closed hearts, get them to take accountability for their life and the decisions they have made by realizing that their life has been a quest to return to their original state of soul consciousness, they once knew as a child, and then help them see that every love relationship has played a part in that quest.
That's why it only takes seven SESSIONS ~ my clients are healing themselves by opening their hearts and are not only claiming their authentic self ~ but eventually their authentic vocation and role in a universal loving plan.
Once that inner choice of love is made ~ the inner doors all open and self healing is rapid for my client now knows they truly have a choice.
Which brings us to our world at large.
We have now reached a crucial time in our evolution for by denying the altruism and love that is deepest within us, we are, in essence denying ourselves, our own fulfillment and our divine destiny.
Quite simply, to further evolve, we must love. For love, as Teilhard de Chardin clearly states in his ' unrealistic manner ' is the fundamental impulse of life;
" Love has always been carefully eliminated from the realist and positivist concepts of the world; but sooner or later we shall have to acknowledge that it is the fundamental impulse of life, or, if you prefer, the one natural medium in which the rising course of evolution can proceed.
With love omitted, there is truly nothing ahead of us except the forbidding prospect of standardization and enslavement ~ the doom of ants and termites.
It is through love and within love that we must look for the deepening of our deepest self, in the life-giving coming together of mankind."
And it all begins with ourselves.
Allen L Roland http://blogs.salon.com/0002255/2009/08/29.html
Freelance Online columnist Allen L Roland is available for comments, interviews and speaking engagements ( allen@allenroland.com )
Allen L Roland is a practicing psychotherapist, author and lecturer who also shares a daily political and social commentary on his weblog and website allenroland.com He also guest hosts a monthly national radio show TRUTHTALK on www.conscioustalk.net
Allen Roland’s weblog: http://blogs.salon.com/0002255/
Website: www.allenroland.com