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by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy
It was not so long ago that GOP Senators Chuck Hegal and Richard Lugar described the Bush administration as "incompetent"! And they were being polite. CONSERVATIVE commentator George Will referred to the Bush administration as "...the gang that couldn't shoot straight!" In Iraq, Bush's "puppet" Allawi said of WMD: "...they must be somewhere!"
But that's not to say that WMD were ever in Iraq! It does not follow that because something is not 'here', it must be 'there'! It does not follow that because something is 'not' then something else is somewhere else or that something else 'is'.
The Bush regime must have been utterly incompetent as well as evil. Otherwise, Dick Cheney, who supervised 911, would have just ordered his minions to 'plant' WMD in the areas his 'task force' had already targeted for theft! In retrospect, the Bush regime turns out to have been half-assed crooks, half-assed murderers, half-assed liars!
The GOP under Bush was determined to stay the course if it killed us. Indeed, it killed many of us, primarily those who had been 'left behind' in Texas and elsewhere. Killing Iraqis and stealing oil was, perhaps, their career path of last resort!
It was Ronald Reagan who popularized "psychosis", i.e. the indulgence of delusion as long as it makes you feel good or, at least, better about yourself. Reagan did this for millions who would return his utterly failed administration to office. Thus, the GOP perfected the 'big lie' with research and focus groups. There was simply no way to get a GOPPER elected on fact or reason. Insanity became and remains the campaign strategy of choice for a party that cannot think straight, a party that is either truly delusional or dishonest and just pretends to be insane!
Wealth would trickle down, Reagan assured us, if we would but help him make the privileged elite even richer. Wealth didn't trickle down and never has ...but millions swooned that the aging movie star had made them feel better about themselves [GOP Convention, 1992, Houston] The effect was as short-lived as are many 'feel good' remedies or sex toys. Come to think of it --every GOP administration is a circle jerk of old cronies, limited intelligences and the morally bankrupt.
To Find a Home, You Must First be Homeless
Ronald Reagan told us that those made homeless and forced to live in tent cities were "mentally ill". It was the middle class that had been made homeless during those Reagan nightmare years and while Carter occupied the White House, they had lived in houses. I suppose that as long as they were in a house, they were considered by the GOP to be sane. If you don't have a house, the GOP thinks you are nuts!
Official government statistics prove that job creation and GDP were higher during the Carter years than in any GOP regime since WWII. As they would say in Texas: the GOP 'cain't carry Carter's shit!'
It must be pointed out that under Clinton, the recently insane went sane again and moved back into houses! The GOP never figured it out! I was surprised when the GOP failed to lambast the Democrats for the dramatic drop in tent sales during the Clinton years.
GOP thought processes are scrambled. Logic often works backward from conclusions to premises. The late Barbara Olson said that Gary Condit was guilty of murder not because there was evidence against him but because there was none. Similarly, it was during the 2000 election debacle that Robert Novak said Democrats were 'trying to steal this election by counting votes!' Antonin Scalia would not be outdone. He said that continuing the recount would be harmful to Bush! Scalia did not know when to shut the flock up, adding:
'Scuse me!
I was taught that anyone getting the fewer number of votes was supposed to lose. Call me liberal, but I just don't see any way short of counting votes to figure that out! The GOP, meanwhile, consulted swamis or anyone who could justify ex post facto the conclusions already drawn, the results desired but not really ever achieved.
A paper will be written about the many lies that the GOP has told about Social Security. Unless they are stopped, the GOP will one day raid Social Security not because it's broke but because it's not! Think about it! If SS were broke, the GOP would have nothing to covet, no booty to be divided up among their base of Wall St insiders! When they have slain SS, the GOP will argue that they had to kill it to save it!
Against Kerry, Bush and the GOP resorted to almost every lie and every GOP fallacy. Millions apparently believed Bush when he told them that because HE failed in Iraq, we should NOT elect Kerry! Perhaps the GOP believed that because the GOP left us record budget shortfalls, deficits, and the world's largest NEGATIVE current account balance, we should never elect Democrats who left instead the more nearly balanced budgets and, often, surpluses! Big Brother must be pleased to learn that all of his 'big lies' have been proven to work.
Are we safe yet?
Millions believed Bush when he said that we were certain to get hit by terrorists again and, seemingly in the same paragraph, we were safer! It never occurred to the media to ask: which is it? Are we safer or not?
Obviously --the GOP strategists never figured this one out: did the GOP get more votes by saying we were safer or were more votes gained by saying we were less safe? The GOP consultants and focus group gurus let them down. They never resolved the issue: do they get more votes by scaring the hell out of us while wrapping themselves in the flag?
By: Len Hart Dissecting the Scrambled Brains of the GOP, via The Existentialist Cowboy | Published Articles on Buzzflash.net