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What will make or break the United States of America is the truth about 911: Investigate the theories behind the conspiracies

September 10th, 2009

by chycho

What will make or break the United States of America is the truth about 911, not its monetary policy, its fiscal irresponsibility, its inability to liquidate bad assets, its lack of transparency, its corporate run mainstream media, or even its inadequate health care. The truth about what transpired on 11 September 2001 will decide the fate of the United States. Everything else is secondary.

  • Lies of 911
  • he Theories Behind the Conspiracies
  • of 911 Must be Revealed
  • The Truth and Lies of 911

    On 911 the world changed. Not because the attacks on the United States were unique, since there have been many documented cases of false flag operations throughout history. The world changed because we forfeited the freedom of generations to come to obtain a delusional sense of security from an institution, an institution that has begun multiple wars of aggression on behalf of its citizens, incurring trillions of dollars of debt in the process.

    This same institution was then allowed to investigate itself for its inability to protect its citizens from an attack that has been the catalyst for a tremendous amount of misery across the globe.

    This investigation, which cost only a fraction of what some of the most insignificant government investigations have previously cost, resulted in a report that did not even conclusively link Osama Bin Laden to the terror attacks, let alone answer the questions posed by the families of its victims. So why was such an inadequate document as the 911 Commission Report ever produced?

    The reason that corporations like the United States of America even bother to release “official” documents so full of holes that you could fly a plane through them, is because by doing so every branch of government must regurgitate this “official” story. This means that schools, which are meant to educate our children, are actually indoctrinating them into a corrupt system established for the proliferation of war. The 911 Commission was established, and its report published, to protect those in power and to maintain the status quo.

    Giuliani pushing 9/11 re-education course for public schools

    The truth about 911 is the big bad white elephant in the room, and it’s not going away any time soon.

    The “official” story that the US government has been peddling has completely fallen apart, and the reality that there is something very wrong with the so-called “War on Terror” is beginning to destabilize the United States. Americans are beginning to accept the fact that there is a lot more to 911 than their government will admit, and they are looking for answers.

    The following video is a great introduction to some of the questions regarding 911. It’s a collection of short mainstream media and independent film clips on the evolution of 911 skepticism. If you are new to this topic, it is a great place to begin your search for truth. If you are a veteran, it is a great summary of some of the main questions that many Americans have regarding what transpired on that day.

    The Third Stage (21:23)

    Investigate the Theories Behind the Conspiracies

    One of the main problems with our civilization is that words have lost their meaning. In 2008, Chris Matthews had to explain to Kevin James what the word "appease" meant. Unfortunately for Mr. James, this didn’t occur in private but live on MSNBC’s Hardball.

    In spoken languages, the tone of a word can be used to make inferences that may be completely unrelated to the meaning of the word. This is specially true when dealing with propaganda. When certain people or organizations want to dismiss an argument, they tend to phrase words in such a way that makes them appear illogical or treacherous if given credence.

    One of these words is “conspiracy”, and when put together with the word “theory” it becomes the infamous phrase “Conspiracy Theory”. Lets take a look at the definition of these two words and try to figure out why they have been used to discredit not only people, but history, data, and facts.

    The legal definition of conspiracy is “an agreement between two or more persons to commit an illegal or unlawful act, or to achieve a legal act but by illegal or unlawful means.” A theory is “a concept that is not yet verified but that if true would explain certain facts or phenomena.”

    So a conspiracy theory is a conjecture that two or more people may have planned an unlawful act, and if certain facts are proven to be true, then the conspiracy theory becomes reality.

    As we all know, throughout history our governments and politicians have done exactly what the above states. They have conspired to obtain power, to overthrow governments, to destroy their political rivals, and to make money. Politics is littered with conspiracies but the mainstream media treats this word with contempt. Have we forgotten Watergate, Tonkin, Iran-Contra, Basra, Pinochet, Mohammed Mosaddeq, Reichstag, Pearl Harbor, Oklahoma City, COINTELPRO, Northwoods, JFK, 911, and much more.

    So in the phrase conspiracy theory, it is not the conspiracy that needs to be scrutinized, but the data on which the theory is based on. And this is where the problem lies. Neither the mainstream media nor those in power have any desire to investigate the theory behind the argument. If they did, many questions could arise from the investigation which in turn could be devastating for the status quo.

    As Chris Matthews stated, many supporters of those in power “don’t know what (they) are talking about”, they are “people with blank slates in terms of history”. And as Mark Green pointed out, the only thing these people are interested in is “rhetoric and not reality.”

    So next time the phrase “conspiracy theory” is used to discredit someone, just point out that the conspiracy is not in question, but rather the data being presented from the theory. And then ask them what part of the argument they disagree with. You’ll most likely find out that they know less about the theory behind the conspiracy, than Mr. James knows about appease or history.

    Why the Truth of 911 Must be Revealed

    911 is different from the assassination of JFK and the Oklahoma City bombing. Those events were blamed on internal patsies, 911 was not.

    As a direct consequence of 911, three wars are now being fought while a third is being planned with “all options on the table,” directly implying the use of Nuclear Weapons .

    If we are going to continue our campaign of spreading death and destruction to the rest of the world and ourselves, then we should at least understand why we are doing it and who is orchestrating it. By beginning a new investigation into the events of 911, and in the process bringing those who committed this horrendous crime to trial, we will be able to break this chain of ignorance which has promised to bring us and our children war without end.

    Prof. Emanuel Pastreich on War Profiteering and the Military-Industrial Complex

    Eisenhower warns us of the Military Industrial Complex

    Source: http://www.chycho.com/?q=911_USA

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