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A Global Climate Crisis is when weather and climate conditions cause long-term changes to our environment, worldwide droughts, flooding, food supply shortages, and when these climate changes have an effect on the overall life for every person on this planet, and effect future generations. NY Times 9/13/2009. Mexico is enduring its worst drought in six decades. Crops are drying up in the fields and water is being rationed in the capitol. 40% of the farmland has been affected by the drought per government inspectors. Guatemala declared "a state of calamity" last week because the drought has caused large crop damages.
Most people and businesses particularly in foreign countries expect the United States of America to take leadership roles in such global crises. Unfortunately, the U.S. economy is driven by maximizing profits, with total disregard to any consequences whatsoever to the point of an economic depression and of bankrupting this country just like in the Great Depression in the 1930's. There is no long range business or economic planning, and owners of companies and stockholders are willing to sell out and take the money and run to other countries.
The Global Climate Crisis will affect all countries around the globe, and all companies, corporations and governments should become aware of the economic consequences, because ultimately they are not immune from the effects of global economic decline. Multi-National Corporations attempt to plunder the remaining global natural resources and thereby threaten any stability and established economic security of many countries. Multi-National Corporations are not paying a fair share of taxes and threaten the financial system, economic security, including the military industrial complex of the United States as well.
Obviously it is necessary to seek the most beneficial solutions for Global Climate Change and for an abundance of inexpensive future energy supply that remains untouchable or immune to speculative investors and high profit manipulators, such as Enron. For additional information about Global Climate Change and Energy Research, please see: www.MZ-Energy.com
Permafrost and Tundra
Carbon Dioxide and chemical emissions into the Stratosphere including the Arctic/Antarctic Ozone Holes combined are thinning the ozone layer around the globe, which are a major cause of Global Climate Change. Evidence of melting Permafrost occurred to depth of 30 feet in 30 years. But now we are in an accelerated state of extensive Permafrost melting and the melting of frozen Methane Hydrate gases buried under the ocean sediment.
Methane Hydrates
Permafrost and Tundra presently are releasing an estimated 150 to 250 million tons of methane annually into the atmosphere, and global permafrost is estimated to contain approximately 950 Billion to 1.5 Trillion tons of stored methane. Methane gases are also contained in frozen hydrates beneath the ocean floor and contain approximately 3 Trillion tons of methane gas worldwide. The combined methane from the Permafrost and Tundra and the frozen hydrates on the ocean floor amount to approximately 3.9 to 4.5 Trillion tons of methane, which are melting and releasing more methane into the atmosphere. A conservative research study claims the combined global frozen methane on the ocean floor is in the range of approximately 10 Trillion tons (10,000 Gigatons). Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, our civilization has emitted 300 billion tons (300 Gigatons) of greenhouse gases.
The problem is that the methane is approximately 23 times more potent than Carbon Dioxide, and methane has an average life of 12 years in the atmosphere. This means that methane has a greater warming potential of 23 times more than CO2. Methane ultimately oxidizes and decays within 12 years to become Carbon Dioxide, which then stays in the atmosphere for several centuries, but 25% of the CO2 will remain in the atmosphere permanently.
Frozen methane hydrates contain 170 times their own volume of methane. Permafrost layers can seal and trap unfrozen methane beneath. The temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere are rising from about 30+ degrees Fahrenheit toward 32 degrees Fahrenheit, which then will release massive amounts of methane into the atmosphere. This is considered the Climatic Tipping Point which marks the point of no return to stabilize or control our climate, and this would have severe consequences for our civilization. Carbon Dioxide is expected to reach 400 parts per million (ppm) within 2013 or 2014, and 450 ppm by year 2025 to 2030. Greenland previously used to be free of ice at 400 ppm. With the accelerated melting of the Permafrost, Tundra and the Methane Hydrates on the ocean floor, the 450 ppm of CO2 accumulation in the atmosphere may come as early as 2020 to 2025. Therefore we are approaching a global climate crisis with all its numerous ramifications.
Warmer wind currents from lower latitudes are warming the ocean currents, which combined are moving into the Arctic region and thaw the Frozen Methane on the ocean floor and thaw the Permafrost, Tundra and further melt the polar ice which then has less solar radiation deflection. Warmer ocean water reduces the absorbency of CO2 and more CO2 remains in the atmosphere and enters the stratosphere. Due to the present global warming process, the oceans become more acidic from the CO2 and are already slowing down the CO2 absorption process. There is a limit to the absorption of CO2 acidity by the oceans, and some estimates indicate that we are reaching that limit soon. Some reports state that this is already occurring. When the CO2 absorption by the oceans declines, then this additional amount of CO2 remains in the atmosphere and is increasing at an accelerating rate, according to the total global rate of CO2 emissions. CO2 acidity determines the amount of absorption by the oceans during the winter months and the release of CO2 from the oceans during the summer months.
To date, I have not seen any data of the gradual decrease of CO2 absorbency by the oceans, and the corresponding steady increase of CO2 (impact) into the atmosphere in a table form, showing gradual warmer temperatures as well as CO2 content in parts per million (ppm) in the atmosphere. This data is extremely important and hopefully some researchers and organizations can take this to the next level of Global Climate Change Research. For additional research, please see my website: www.MZ-Energy.com
Manfred Zysk, M.E.
Website: www.MZ-Energy.com