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‘Yes, I believe’ Speech of Mr Obama, Nobel Peace Prize winner 2009!

December 13th, 2009

Robert A. Verlinden

Mr. Barack Obama, Esq.

The President of the United States of America.

Dear Mr. President,

Please realize the slavery started in Africa was possible by the assistance of black elite as well as the holocaust could sprawl by the co-operation of the Jewish elite.

These examples show why we cannot trust on institutions and the elite, which means the representatives of the system of the invisible political powers[1].

The only way in creating a trustfully, better and safer world will be in respecting our fundamental rights[2]. These rights were commanded from the royalty and their elite by the German proletariat in the European revolutionary year 1848. Is that the reason that in Brussels ‘German’ is not an official governmental language?

Why did you, Mr. Obama cum suis tolerate that these fundamental rights silently have been abolished from the EU Lisbon Treaty 2007?[3] You, Mr. Obama, said: quote ‘We cannot tolerate a world in which nuclear weapons spread to more nations and in which the terror of a nuclear holocaust endangers more people’. End quote. In due respect, not nuclear weapons, but genetically manipulation of organism, represented by the coming law the ‘Codex Alimentarius’[4] will be the future thread.

Genetically manipulation can be used for “good” purposes, but also for “bad” purposes[5]. That means that genetic engineering of organisms could be more dangerous than the suggested nuclear weapons in Iran. Quote: “control oil and you control nations, control food and you control the people” [6]. Henry Kissinger 1972.

Nuclear weapons in the hands of more countries mean a balance of military power. Why shall we ‘believe’ in America represented by you, the president of the United States of America, Mr. Barack Obama, or the Christianity of Rome, represented by the pope Benedikt XVI? [7]

Without respect for the fundamental rights populism exists. Please remember not only Hitler caused the Holocaust but it began through populism [8].

You, Mr Obama, said, quote: ‘And that’s why I believe America will continue to lead’. End quote. The European citizens can’t believe. They only trust the arguments and facts generated by the fundamental rights. It means the ‘exemplary acts of authority’ from the political and social institutions in the EU member countries.

Only decisions based on the dialogue of all arguments and facts by citizens, translated in the ‘exemplary acts of authority’, represent the authority from the working, tax payer and voting people.

The representative of the people of Europe can then start the debates in Brussels about new wars, laws like the Codex Alimentarius and other political issues. Without the arguments and facts of the dialogue a debate will be impossible.

With other words we have to return to the essence of the existence of our democratic society the ‘fundamental rights’, fought in 1848, the anchorage of our society.

Pleases we express your attention to under mentioned (enclosed) letter to the Parliament of the Peoples Republic of Poland regarding the debates of the introduction of genetically organism in the environment at 15th December next.

I remain with kind regards. Your servant to serve the general interest.*

Yours faithfully,

Robert A. Verlinden. Initiator and coordinator of the former blank list www.lijst14.nl


Foundation for the prevention of Abuse of Genetic Manipulation Candidate number 7 of the former Blanco list www.lijst14.nl[9]

Van Speykstraat 87-89, 3014 VE Rotterdam. (Netherland) e-mail: burgersinactie@hotmail.com - www.vomigen.nl

*In honour of veteran resistance fighters, love of the earth and the world, there is a podium for servants in the making to serve the interest of the common good, without giving priority to their own issues.


[1] The system of the invisible political power , the kings, queens , pope, nobility and the elite as the expression said: ‘He who pays the piper calls the tune[1]’. Only the criteria of the fundamental rights can protect the citizens of the world.

[2] Definition of the ‘fundamental rights’ (Grondrechten) in the Dutch dictionary ‘Van Dale’:

‘De Grondrechten zijn de rechtsinstellingen waarop het overige of latere recht steunt’. Free translation: ‘Fundamental rights are the Legal settings on which the subsequent legal or later laws rely on’.

It means that without respect for the fundamental rights no government, law or court can exist by legitimacy. The criteria of the fundamental rights are the right to unite, congregate and vote in political and social institutions.

All arguments and facts from the members, coming from the dialogue in the meetings of the associations, are representing the exemplary decisions i.e ‘The exemplary acts of authority of the institutions’.

Apart from the decisions of the members in the institutions with a direct interest, the exemplary acts of authority of the institutions’ automatically generate informed consent for other people outside of the institutions.

The representative of the people of Europe can only after the dialogue and decisions in the institutions start the debates in Brussels about new wars, new laws like the Codex Alimentarius or abolish laws like nemo tenetur, actio popularis etcetera and political questions.

Please remember: These fundamental rights were commanded from the royalty and their elite by the German proletariat in the European revolutionary year 1848.

[3] Quote:: ‘Tthe elimination of obstacles to the proper functioning of civil proceedings, if necessary by promoting the compatibility of the rules on civil procedure applicable in the Member States; End quote. “CHAPTER 3: JUDICIAL COOPERATION IN CIVIL MATTERS Article 65.2.f . Questions: a) why if necessary? b) What are the criteria of ‘if necessary’? c) Why ‘if necessary’ if we know that al the laws are based on the fundamental rights?

[4] Please be so kind and see the flyer of the meeting in Rotterdam about the Codex Alimentarius from 23th March until 27th March 2009. http://www.burgersinactie.nl/090325%20alimentarius.pdf

[5] By the Nobel prize we have retrospect to the basic of this noble prize. Alfred Nobel/pacifist only had one goal by the invention of dynamite. In using it for good purposes. In making hard mining work easier for men. Indeed, the world changed. Mankind has chosen the ‘wrong and bad’ purpose for using this ‘noble’ invention.

[6] Please be so kind and seer our letter on our website to the former UN Secretary General Mr. Kofi Annan http://www.burgersinactie.nl/080830%20kofi%20annanc%20pdf%20combi.pdf

[7] Pope Benedikt XVI demanding for a new world order ( Papst fordert neue Weltordnung’ Suddeutsche Zeitung 8/7/09). See our letter to the pope of 15th July 2009 on our website: http://www.burgersinactie.nl/090716%20pausc.pdf

[8] The Dutch dictionary Van Dale: Populism: popular, somewhat superficial demagoguery. Nonsense! Populism is talking and acting without authority. That means on the heads of the exemplary acts of the right to meet, unite and vote in the political and social institutions , the gut feelings of the masses touch, add half truths and concealing key facts.

[9] A young brave journalist, Marlies van Leeuwen was able to pass the censure of the editor in chief of the ‘Algemeen Dagblad’ (General Daily) and made known on 21st January 2009, for the first time, that the elections of 22 November 2006 in the Netherlands were 'stolen'. See the article: ‘Lijst 14 eist geld terug’. http://www.ad.nl/rotterdam/stad/2935743/Lijst_14_eist_geld_terug_na_mislukte_verkiezing.html

History: www.lijst14.nl : The former list 14 was a Blanco list with 17 candidate representatives of the people, a political movement created by alarmed citizens. That means no name above the list; so we refer to this political manoeuvre as a Blanco list. 17 candidates on these list (party) joined the elections of November 22, 2006. It was unique in Dutch parliamentary history. Initiator and coordinator was Robert A. Verlinden, candidate number 17 of www.lijst14.nl . Despite of this fact, the independent media did not write about this unique political movement and did not write about the individual candidates. At the very last moment, three weeks before the election on the November 1st, 2006 the government informed the initiator and coordinator of List 14 that they would not get political commercials on Radio and TV because of certain unknown rules of the Media law. This law state that only political parties who are registered as an association in the register of the Kiesraad receive the right for political commercials, free of charge. List 14 was not an association but a Blanco list with independent candidates. After getting, the obliged support, only by arguments in the 19 election districts, as an unknown movement and after paying a caution fee of 11.250 Euro, the official election institute, the Kiesraad, registered this Blanco list as number 14. Perhaps coincidently or not, but number 14 is the same number as the famous shirt number of the world-famous football player Johan Cruijff.

Nobody included under the civil servants of the Kiesraad was informed, previously, about these, in our view, discriminating Media rules. Just two days later on the 3rd of November 2006, the former minister Nicolaï decided to make the election with distance voting possible. Of course he did know that every citizen has the right to object to these ministerial decisions within 6 weeks. That did happen. Only de Raad van State, (Court of State) the private court of the queen, did not agree with the arguments and refuse. Court case number Raad van State: 200608427/1/H2. The computers prepared for distance voting, as they said, registered for ‘List 14’ only 2181 votes. Citizens in Leeuwarden in the North of the Netherlands could not believe that and wanted to check the formal voting list (processen-verbaal). Then they found out it was not possible because all the voting list had been destroyed. Now, more than two years later, the coordinator of List 14 is standing for the Raad van State and wants minimal a full restitution of the caution. Court case Raad van State number: 200804861/1/H2. Information: A.A.E. Jansen, tel. 0031 70 4264365. Owed to the courage of the brave journalist Marlies van Leeuwen everybody in Europe and the world can see and convince themselves by asking questions that the election in the Netherlands at 22 November 2006 were 'stolen'. That means that it is proven that in the democratic Kingdom of the Netherlands there is no political room for citizens. This is contrary to The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). Information number Kiesraad: 0031 70 4266266 Mrs. Mr. Hoorweg, reference number: 2007- 0000048803.




Bronisław Komorowski

Dear Mr. Bronisław Komorowski, chairman of the parliament of the People's Republic of Poland,

Kindly we request you to send this letter to all the members of your democratic parliament. Please confirm us the receipt of this e-mail.

Very soon, December 15th , you will take a decision of the introduction of GMO (genetically engineering of organism like vegetables, flowers, seed etcetera) into the environment for which I like your attention to the following:

In a democratic society all decisions regarding new laws and political questions should be based on procedures of assembling, dialog and voting of the members in all the united political and social institutions, which will be anchored in the fundamental rights.

However, the fundamental rights, fought by the proletariat in the European revolutionary year 1848, have been silently abolished from the EU Lisbon Treaty 2007[1].

It seems that such a misleading only will be possible by the influence of the system of the invisible political power. The system of the royal families and their political elite. Only the fundamental rights could protect us against this system as the expression said: 'He who pays the piper calls the tune[2]'.

Nearly 449 million European people don't know or have forgotten the criteria of our fundamental rights. This was caused by the fact that the term 'populism' is shown in dictionaries as a half truth[3]. In popular parlance we call this forgery. Quote: 'Any truth which is too big to be seen is probably smaller than you can see it'. End quote An anonymous 19th century Dutch poet.

Mr. Barroso, who seems to be a servant of these invisible political powers, has undergone a Pyrrhic victory with the EU treaty Lisbon 2007. It means, he has left with empty hands. Without respect of the fundamental rights the European Lisbon Treaty 2007 has not got any value.

Most Europeans said 'no' to GMO. Only queen Beatrix of the Netherlands said "yes!" [4]

GMO generates a new kind of fascism (Latin: fasces). In other words: 'centralisation'. Centralisation of knowledge by 'pseudo science', what GMO in fact is, generates power. Centralisation of knowledge and power, without respect for the criteria of the fundamental rights, generates populism. Populism, in political hands, means a huge risk for fascism again. In this case a new kind of fascism of GMO/Alimentarius.[5] It means, when you now agree with the introduction of GMO in the environment, the human being of Europe will be oppressed again in the near future. (See the strategic plan of the Codex Alimentarius 2008-2013)[6].

In this case I also like to draw your attention to the book 'Spinoza as a guide for a free world' (issued in Amsterdam 2008). We learnt that one of Spinoza's (1632-1677) famous pronouncements about a democratic society was the following: "The armament of citizens will be the only way for them for not being oppressed by their ruler(s)".[7]

I very much like to emphasize, before you vote 'Yes' or 'No' to GMO, that the fundamental rights should be respected by everyone in the European Treaty Lisbon 2007.

It should be necessary that the criteria for the fundamental rights in the institutions of all European countries should be equivalent.

Please see in the attachment our letters to Mr. Barroso. And see also in the attachment the enclosed letter from the European Commission, General managing Justice, Freedom and Security, section F. Signed by Mr. Jaoquim Nunes de Aleida.

Looking forward to your well considered decision on the 15th of December next.

I remain with kind regards,

Yours faithfully,

Robert A. Verlinden.


Foundation for the prevention of Abuse of Genetic Manipulation

Van Speykstraat 87-89, 3014 VE Rotterdam. (Netherland) e-mail: burgersinactie@hotmail.com - www.vomigen.nl


[1] "CHAPTER 3: JUDICIAL COOPERATION IN CIVIL MATTERS Quote: Article 65.2.f the elimination of obstacles to the proper functioning of civil proceedings, if necessary by promoting the compatibility of the rules on civil procedure applicable in the Member States; End quote. a) why if necessary? b) What are the criteria of 'if necessary'? c) Why 'if necessary' if we know that al the laws and political questions are based on the fundamental rights?

[2] If you are paying for someone's services, you can dictate exactly what you want that person to do.

[3] The Dutch dictionary Van Dale: Populism: popular, somewhat superficial demagoguery. Nonsense! Populism is on the heads of the authority that means the exemplary acts of the right to meet and unite, the gut feelings of the masses touch, add half truths and concealing key facts.

[4] The members of our Royal family do not taste the difference between GMO vegetables and organic vegetables as Crown Prince Willem Alexander said one day. Not surprisingly, because he said in the same interview that his vegetables come from own royal garden and that gives the family a good feeling. (Agd. 14/8/04/p8 en p9)

[5] Latin: Alimentarius. Everything about food. (medicines?) Fascism has many different faces.

[6] As far as we know the Codex Alimentarius includes also medicines.

[7] Quote" 'Ook Spinoza onderstreepte herhaaldelijk dat bewapening van de burgers voor hen de enige manier is om niet door hun vorst(en) onderdrukt te worden' (p64/Note 102). The book 'Bestuurlijke vernieuwingen' Dr. Wim Klever.

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