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David Vaughan Icke Cointelpro Study #1

June 26th, 2010

By Robert Singer

Who Should we Trust to Tell us the Truth?

A critical look at the information (disinformation) agents in the 21st century.

[Author note, This is the first in a series of exposes that are required for me to tell the story behind the story behind the story of the BP Gulf Oil Spill.]

Disinformation is misleading information that is true, deliberately announced publicly or leaked by a government or an intelligence agency to sow confusion and undermine credibility. Misinformation is false or inaccurate information, which is deliberately intended to deceive.

[Background on Icke from Wikipedia]

David Vaughan Icke (pronounced /aɪk/; born April 29, 1952) is an English writer and public speaker who since 1990 has devoted himself to researching what he calls "who and what is really controlling the world."

Describing himself as the most controversial speaker and author in the world, he has written 16 books explaining his views, dubbed "New Age conspiracism", and has attracted a substantial following across the political spectrum.

His 533-page The Biggest Secret (1999) has been called the conspiracy theorist's Rosetta Stone.

Icke has been criticized for arguing that the reptilians were the authors of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion—a 1903 Russian forgery purporting to be a plan by the Jewish people to achieve world domination—linkage that has attracted the attention of the far right and the suspicion of Jewish groups.

Icke strongly denies there is anything anti-Semitic about this. – [End of Wikipedia summary]

David Icke, Alex Jones, Zeitgeist specialize in spreading fear with no real action plan.

Here is a video worth 9 minutes of your time.

How Does David Icke Disseminate UFO disInformation to the Masses?

www.davidicke.com, a website with a mind-boggling audience and reach - his Alexa traffic rank is 10,057. A UFO website where Icke exposes the reptilian bloodlines from outer space that rule the world. [1] The site is updated 24 hours a day so visitors can learn the truth about UFOs and the reptilian bloodlines of the British Royals, Brian Mulroney, and George Bush.

David Icke and Above Top Secret have the monopoly on what they want us to know about the UFO phenomena (Above Top Secret scrubs, deletes and removes Posts, blogs and comments from the Internet).

Richard Dolan acclaimed UFO historian, wrote UFOs and the National Security State. His work was the first comprehensive study of the past 50 years of the U.S. Government’s response to the intrusion of UFO phenomena in America.

“The compiled evidence - which includes government documents - suggests that a group of specialists working in the shadows, set up and executed the most massive cover-up in the history of government; and that the Human Potential movement and the subsequent New Age movements, were key elements of this cover-up.

In other words, they not only have used the “colorful community” of alternative ideas as an unwitting tool of disinformation, it is highly probable that most of it was literally created by them as Cointelpro. According to analysts, Cointelpro was the FBI’s secret program to undermine the popular upsurge, which swept the country during the 1960s.

Though the name stands for “Counterintelligence Program,” the targets were not enemy spies. The FBI set out to eliminate “radical” political opposition inside the US.

What a lot of people do not realize is that this was a high level psychological operation specifically set up to vector “ideological” trends – beliefs [to davidicke.com], etc. of the entire country!”

David Icke Fails the “Patricia Doyle” Filter Test

One way to verify which websites are disInformation is based on their coverage of Patricia Doyle, PhD and her article Do Not Take A Swine Flu Vaccine!.
Doyle is a professional who makes an unemotional argument for a connection between the Swine Flu Hoax and a depopulation event. [2]
It can be found at Global Research (16,264), Marketoracle (22,246) and the mother of all conspiracy websites Rense.com (5,716).
But you won’t find the Doyle article at other high traffic conspiracy web sites: Alex Jones (2,636), Abovetopsecret (3,663) and David Icke (10,057). [3]

What is the probability this isn’t a conspiracy?

The odds are astronomical or about the same as the U.S. military conducting Operation Vigilant Guardian, an exercise on 9/11 simulating hijacked planes in the NE sector of the United States crashing into skyscrapers on the same day as terrorists actually hijacking planes and flying them into the World Trade Center.

The forums for Jones and Icke have the article but that is not the same as being on the main site. Anyone can publish on the forum - there is no editorial review.


Why wouldn’t an article good enough for Global Research, Marketoracle and Rense be on Icke’s site as of May 2009?

Answer: The Powers That Be (TPTB) don’t leave an important subject like the UFO phenomena in the hands of the sincere seekers of truth.

Icke is the “officially designated UFO disinformation agent.”

Here is my personal story with Icke:
December 2008, I wrote "I had a dream" Barack Obama was elected the 44th President of the United States for OpedNews.

Opednews main-headlined the article and soon after I received this mass email:

From: David Icke
To: Robert Singer
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2008 2:57:47 PM
Subject: Major David Icke exposure article on Barack Obama to read and circulate

This is David Icke's 7,000-word background article on the true nature of Barack Obama and those who control him. It is very important that as many people as possible see this information.

Please post and circulate as widely as possible. Thank-you for your help and support. The link to see, post and send to people is: www.davidicke.com/obama
My article exposed the “true nature of Barack Obama and those who control him” and was only 798 words, so on a lark I replied to the mass email updateatdavidicke.com and wrote:

“Why don't you publish "I had a dream" Barack Obama was elected the 44th President of the United States”?

I was flabbergasted when on Friday, December 19, 2008, I received an email from David Icke himself (Davidickereplyataol.com as opposed to updateatdavidicke.com) it read:

“Thank-you Robert, I sent it to be posted. all the best, David


And don't think I didn't donate, sign up and contact the site numerous times. I even called England and talked to his assistant Linda. Everyone was perplexed at why it wasn’t posted and agreed to look into it for me. But it still wasn’t posted, and then I noticed Icke would be speaking at the February 2009 Conscious Life Expo in Los Angeles.

Prior to his presentation I paid concierge services at his hotel to take a copy of the email exchange and the article to his room.

Then at the beginning of the presentation, I went up to him and personally tried to hand him another copy of the email exchange. He told me he got the copy that was delivered to his room.

He didn’t offer any explanation of why my article was not posted and still hoping it would be published I did not confront him.

As of this date it is still not published at davidicke.com. [4]

Robert Singer writes about 9/11, The Most Important Issue in the History of the Universe, Sentient Creatures and The Federal Reserve at Waronyou, The Peoples Voice and The Market Oracle (http://twitter.com/rds2301)

[1] The Alexa website measures a website's popularity by publishing three statistics.

  1. Alexa Traffic Rank
  2. United States Flag Traffic Rank in US and
  3. Sites Linking In

The Traffic rank is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors and pageviews over the past 3 months. The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews is ranked #1, the lowest #70 million is where the webmaster is the only visitor.

Traffic rank is the reach: a number under 100,000 is very significant. A number under 30,000 is very, very, very significant.

Number 1 as you would expect is Google (Alexa Traffic Rank=1. United States Flag Traffic Rank in US=1. Sites Linking In=727,036)
Number 4 is Yahoo (4. 3. 119,825)
Number 9 MSN (9. 12. 39,000)
Number 152 Huffington Post (152. 34. 39,642).

[2] [Excerpt from Washington and Poland just moved the World closer to Nuclear War -- Unlikely]

Or remember the last Bird (now Swine) Flu hoax where the public stampeded to get their worthless dose of Tamiflu and were convinced it was a scare tactic to make Rumsfeld millions.

Well, at the first sign of an epidemic, even without the forced immunization clause in the Patriot Act, the fools will rush down to get their shot.

Immunization which will be based on Genome sequencing–a biotechnology that allows doctors to tailor medical treatments to an individual’s genetic profile:

“Here for your shot?”

“Worried about the Bird Flu, oh of course sit here, roll up your sleeve, oops, sorry you died.”
“Well I guess it was too late for you; next time, get here sooner!” [A1]

The Illuminati, they say, need only 500 million of us when they take over the world.

Either of these events would get us started on a slow, but orderly road to a population of slaves.

New World order conspiracy theorists expect a depopulation event to eliminate 5 billion useless eaters.

[A1] Patricia A. Doyle, Do Note Take a Swine Flu Vaccine!, April 26, 2009.

“Several world-acclaimed Microbiologists researchers specializing in DNA (Genome) sequencing have been found dead or have gone missing.” Ian Gurney, The Very Mysterious Deaths Of Five Microbiologists, December 20, 2001 [End of Excerpt from Washington and Poland just moved the World closer to Nuclear War -- Unlikely]

[3] Exclusive: Posts, blogs and comments just don’t disappear. Posts, blogs and comments are scrubbed…from the Internet

July 12th 2009, David Icke Talks About The H1N1/Swine Flu Vaccine. Filmed For B3TA by Kirk Rutter. Doyle's article came out in April, as of May Icke was still in the FLU closet, he came out in July... what took him so long?

Sometime between August 2, 2009 and October 20, 2009 Patricia Doyle’s article was put on Icke’s site with backdated to April 26, 2009. Click here to see the Search Results used for the Doyle article as of May 2, 2009.

I have met Alex Jones in person – he is in my (and many others) opinion disinformation. He sweats and has a blank stare when he rants and raves ad nauseum about 9/11 being an “inside job”. Jones rants and Icke insists that September 11 was not the result of 19 Arab terrorists and a kerosene fire but neither of them will discuss anything that contradicts the controlled demolition theory of the twin towers.

My article - 9/11, The Most Important Issue in the History of the Universe claims the official story is so ridiculous they expected you to believe the 9/11 Truth because it is the cover for the story behind the story behind the story.

Google “Disinformation Agent” and the first result exposes Jones as a member of Project Mockingbird, Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor and alternative Media Gatekeeper for the Vatican: Alex Jones Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor CIA DISINFORMATION Agent, spirituallysmart.com/Jones-CIA.htm

Google “Disinformation Agent + Icke” and you get a video of Alex Jones speaking out on disinformation agent David Icke. Jones claims Icke mixes the Illuminati and New World Order with fantasy stories of lizard men. “This is done in order to cause confusion, discredit the truth, and discourage truth seekers.” Youtube, David Icke: Disinformation Agent.

Bill Ryan, one-half the Project Camelot team claims Icke and Jones have made up and are now on the same page (team). Kerry Cassidy the other half says she and Bill Are No Mind Control Experiment.

[4] P.S. Yes I have written several posts critical of Icke (unrelated to him not posting my article) but they were much later.

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