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eileen fleming
After serving more than ten years of a 15-year sentence for espionage, Russian arms researcher Igor Sutyagin was freed in what is being reported as the largest spy swap between the United States and Russia since the end of the Cold War. His case was taken up by human rights organizations, and the U.S. State Department declared him a political prisoner.
On 18 June 2010, Malcolm Smart, Director of Amnesty International’s Middle East Programme stated:
"Mordechai Vanunu should not be in prison at all, let alone be held in solitary confinement in a unit intended for violent criminals. He suffered immensely when he was held in solitary confinement for 11 years after his imprisonment in 1986 and to return him to such conditions now is nothing less than cruel, inhuman or degrading.
"Mordechai Vanunu is a prisoner of conscience. The prison authorities might claim that he has been put in isolation to protect him from the risk of attack by other inmates, but if the Israeli government is really concerned for his safety it should release him without delay. His re-imprisonment is both harsh and unjustified.
"The restrictions on Mordechai Vanunu arbitrarily limit his rights to freedom of movement, expression and association and are therefore in breach of international law. They should be lifted and he should be allowed to start his life again as a free man."
God knows I have petitioned my government and have pleaded since 2005 to get The Media to report on Vanunu's ongoing misery, but I have been ignored, blocked, censored and deactivated by many.
What follows is what I emailed to the following members of the Israeli Government, over 200 US mainstream media outlets and published as a PRESS RELEASE on PRWEB on January 25, 2006!
Dear Ambassador Daniel Ayalon, Ehud Olmert, Acting Prime Minister, Tzipi Livni, Minister of Justice, Gideon Ezra Minister of Internal Security, Menahem Mazuz, Attorney-General, Ministry of Justice, Brigadier General Avihai Mandelblit, Judge Advocate General,
Jerusalem, Israel (PRWEB) January 25, 2006 -- Today begins the trial of Mordechai Vanunu, a Christian in Jerusalem fighting for the inalienable right to free speech and movement.
Five months ago over a thousand journalists covered the drama in the Gaza. Not one explored the building of more illegal settlements, OR the continuing land and water grab of The Wall and its effects on the Palestinian economy OR interviewed Mordecahi Vanunu, a Christian held captive in Jerusalem.
After enduring 18 years in jail for blowing the whistle on Israel's underground WMD program in the Negev, Vanunu was released April 2004 under the draconian restrictions of the Emergency Defense Regulations, which were implemented first by Britain against Palestinians and Jews after World War II.
Vanunu, a Moroccan secular Jewish atheist, was baptized a Christian just days before being kidnapped, clubbed, drugged, bound and thrown onto an Israeli cargo ship leaving Rome for home by the Mossad.
After a closed-door trial and 18 years in jail he has lived in the guesthouse at St Georges Cathedral in Jerusalem forbidden to leave Israel.
Israel claims they cannot allow Vanunu to leave because he has a secret he has yet to tell. He has not set foot in the Dimona for twenty years nor have any International Inspectors.
“Israel is the only State that approved torture of detainees. I know there are dictators who use torture, but Israel is the only State that supported torture until 1999. That is when International, Israeli and Palestinian pressure groups forced the issue and Barack was confronted about it when he visited the United States…The methods and photos from Abu Grahib and Guantanamo were no shock to any Palestinian who had been in prison between 1967 and the '80's. All the methods used in Abu Grahib were normal procedures against Palestinians. In 1999 Internationals, Palestinians and Israelis for human rights threatened a boycott against Israel and that is what forced the Supreme Court to address the torture issue. They did not ban torture and the General Prosecutor can choose not to prosecute those who still use it.”- Ala Jaradat at the Ramallah Headquarters of ADAMEER to me, January 5, 2006.
In Amy Goodman's 2004 interview with Vanunu he stated, “From the beginning they put me in total isolation for seven weeks after my kidnapping they even didn't admit I am in an Israeli prison. They put me in total isolation. The first two years, they keep me in a small room, filled with light 24 hours and camera inside. I couldn't sleep for two years; they tried to break my nerves. I demanded to meet a priest. They give me a priest, but without able to speak to him or him speak to me, only through notes. ShinBet men sitting near the priest, reading the notes. I'm sending him notes, they're reading them. We couldn't meet as a human being.
“Eleven and a half years I was in total isolation alone in a cell...I wasn't allowed to use the phone...So I use my simple brain, and my initiative. Like if they say I cannot speak to anyone, I decided I can speak, I spoke by reading in a loud voice from the New Testament in English.
“I want to leave Israel after suffering seventeen and a half years in total isolation and very cruel, barbaric treatment by the Mossad Shabac inside the prison. Also because Israeli media damaged my image in all of Israel amongst the Jewish people, and some of them hate me, some of them threatened my life when I was released. Some of them are anti-Vanunu because I became a Christian, so I am not free and I am not safe in Israel. And I am demanding to leave Israel to be free.
“It could only happen in a free state, the United States or Europe…. I would like to move to the United States. I have adopted parents in Minnesota."
USA taxpayers provide three billion dollars a year to a democracy that ignores International Law and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
All roads lead to Jerusalem and the war on terrorism will not be won until human beings do indeed have inalienable human rights and a democracy in name is also one in fact.
NOT ONE media outlet or government official bothered to respond to me then or since!
On July 6, 2009, Supreme Court President Dorit Beinish, continued the restrictions against Vanunu, stating that his “case is still generating great interest, like any other security-related case. The media’s attention he gets is proof of that.”
On July 7, 2009, while in the midst of posting the following question to, “Letters to Netanyahu and Obama: FREE VANUNU NOW” a Facebook Cause that I created and was the only administrator of, I was Deactivated.
Facebook never responded to my email inquiries as to WHY did they banish-delete-censor-deactivate me for posting this question and the links that lead to the videos which are freely streaming on my site at THE VANUNU SAGA 2005-2010!
“Have you eyes to see and ears to hear Vanunu on video in 2005, 2006, 2008?”
On July 8, 2010, I established a Youtube group: Do Something to Help FREE Mordechai Vanunu
It is for anyone who will act by petitioning their political representatives to Help FREE Vanunu via phone calls, emails, faxes, create Youtube messages in support of FREEDOM for Vanunu and ALERT their Mainstream Media to Learn the Facts @ http://wearewideawake.org/
THE VANUNU SAGA 2005-2010!
"Let your conscience be your guide."-Jiminy Cricket
Eileen Fleming, Producer "30 Minutes with Vanunu" and "13 Minutes with Vanunu" Founder of WeAreWideAwake.org Staff Member of Salem-news.com A Feature Correspondent for Arabisto.com and Dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ Author of "Keep Hope Alive" and "Memoirs of a Nice Irish American 'Girl's' Life in Occupied Territory"
and BEYOND NUCLEAR: Mordechai Vanunu's FREEDOM of SPEECH Trial and My Life as a Muckraker: 2005-2010 | www.youtube.com/user/eileenfleming Only in Solidarity do "we have it in our power to begin the world again."-Tom Paine