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The Large Hadron Collider (LHC): Why Isn’t James Bond in this Picture?

November 16th, 2010

By Elizabeth Young

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the doomsday experiment, originally scheduled for November 11, makes more sense if the LHC was a double-O-7 plot with a Large High-Powered Diamond-Encrusted Collider (LHPDEC), built secretly by CERN for SPECTRE (Special Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion). [1]

The evil genius and super villain, Ernst Stavro Blofeld, would have appeared at midnight November 10 on the world wide web and threatened to heat up the planet to say, ten trillion degrees with 3.5 trillion volts of electricity unless he gets the diamonds, gold or money.

What a shame that "Life” doesn’t imitate double-O-7 Art.

November 11, 2010 [1]

I am obsessed with stopping the CERN experiment (the electrocution of the Earth).

At the worst, it will electrocute the Earth and, at the very worst, it will electrocute the Earth and extinguish all of humanity in a trillionth of a second. While I wouldn’t have bet November 11 would have been the end of the world (it wasn’t), that’s not the point. The Earth got shocked with 3.5 trillion volts of electricity, and that wasn’t right. [2]

Strangelets, Black Holes and the GOD Particle by Dr. Tom Termotto

Dr. Tom Termotto is a noted BP Oil Spill activist who heads up the ongoing Gulf Oil Spill Remediation Conference.  In this and other capacities he worked directly and indirectly with all five Gulf State Governments concerning the mitigation of the spill, as well as the remediation of the Gulf of Mexico (GOM).  One of his companies made contact with the Russian Government, as well as President Vladimir Putin, from whom assurances were given regarding the use of the manned deep submergence vehicles MIR 1 and 2 in the GOM operation.

Strangelets, Black Holes and the GOD Particle presents a motive for the CERN scientists: “Their goal is to be God. And, especially to attain divine immortality.” He further commented that some at the very top of the pyramid really do want to live forever in the flesh without fear of ever dying. And that their inordinate fear of death arose from the way they chose to live their lives.

“Their first goal is to play God. And to "play" with everything in God's Creation.

In light of this understanding, it is clear that those who pursue these very mundane technological goals are either besides themselves with fright about the prospect of one day having to meet their Maker, or drunk with the delusion that they can somehow outplay, and live as long as, their Maker.”

This got me thinking. What if those who pull the levers of power at the very top of the pyramid aren’t using the LHC and the CERN scientists to find Higgs boson (a very, very tiny god), but are electrocuting (torture) the Earth as a way to attain immortality?

What a great idea for a screenplay:

Title: You only live Once; We Can Live Forever

Number of Pages: 5, Author: Elizabeth Young, Publisher/Date: 11/11/2010

Submitted to: The World Wide Web, Circa: Present, Location: Gulf of Mexico, Category: Thriller


James Bond, 007, is loaned out to Center for Research on Globalization. His mission is to find out why The Global Financial Elite (TGFE) haven’t announced the birth of the New World Order.

Bond discovers a metaphysical struggle with the Earth (Gaea) and that the unprecedented environmental damage and pollution was the goal and not the unintended consequence of our consumer society.

“The All Seeing Eye” – the Eye of Lucifer inside the capstone has not yet been placed upon the top of the pyramid on the $1 bill because TGFE hasn’t successfully overcome the earth.

The film will keep your brain on the edge of your seat, as this thought-provoking adventure will force you to re-examine everything you think is true. Viewer discretion is advised. The information presented herein has been known to cause Cognitive Dissonance. [3]

Long Synopsis (with some dialogue):

“You Only Live Once” is the first James Bond film to discard the entire Fleming plot line; the suave and debonair Agent 007 pursuing hot safe sex (using his gun) with a barrage of beautiful and seductive women, while at the same time he is in safe, hot pursuit (using his Beretta 418) of the rich and ingenious criminal masterminds, who makes sure he stays one step ahead, to pursue the hot perfect crime...safely another day.

“You Only Live Once” has the suave and debonair Agent 007 married to Moneyhoney and in hot pursuit of TGFE. No one dies until the end when a prominent energy expert apparently drowns in his bathtub. An entirely new thought-provoking 007 twist.

The film is centered around the New World Order Conspiracy popularized by the works of F. William Engdahl. F.W. writes about a global financial elite (TGFE) who rule the world from behind the scenes by controlling the political and financial organizations of almost every country in the world. [4]

F.W., on any day of the week, can be found writing prolifically at Michel Chossudovsky’s Center for Research on Globalization (www.globalresearch.ca).

F.W. and Michel (and just about everyone else in the world) know about their evil plans, but no one knows why they haven’t established their New World Order upon all nations of the world.

TGFE have had everything in place to depopulate and enslave about 500 million useful eaters since the 60s. JFK signed Executive Orders 10995 through 11005 in 1962. [5]

[Opening Scene: Interior executive board room Day, The Center for Research on Globalization where Michel Chossudovsky and F.W. Engdahl, looking perplexed, are discussing the 2008 World Wide Financial Collapse.] The Bank of the Fed is Closed…Forever

michel: F.W., what the hell is going on? Why did they pull the plug on the economy and why is Barack Obama, a 20th century Martin Luther King, drilling holes in the earth?

f.w.: I haven’t a clue. This whole thing is making me look stupid and is hurting my book sales at Amazon. Kissinger said the 5.5 billion useless eaters would be gone when Monsanto got GMOs and the terminator seed. I don’t get it.

michel: I have an idea. The last Bond film about teaching people to love chickens was a flop. Let’s see if MGM will loan us 007.

[16:00 April 20, 2010: Cut to the interior executive boardroom at the Center for Research on Globalization. Seated around the table are Max Keiser, Webster Tarpley, Peter Schiff, Richard Daughty (The Mogambo Guru), Lew Rockwell and Alan Greenspan. Michel introduces a man who needs no introduction, James Bond, 007.]

007: Gentlemen, “it ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.”  And what you think you know for sure, “that just ain't so,” is that money equals wealth.

As you are well aware the creation of money was “privatized,” as in taken over by TGFE, the private money lenders, when Woodrow Wilson signed into law the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, and ruined the country.

1913 would be the last day in history when money was equal to wealth.

[Silence falls over the room as everyone looks puzzled.]

[007 holds up a fistful of $10 money bills. Lew Rockwell (agitated) starts to speak when Bond cuts him off.]

007: One of the more absurd notions that found its way into the Ludwig Von Mises Institute, the history books, and the financial writings of the “experts,” is that somehow the international bankers, the swindlers and scoundrels of history (TGFE), were made wealthier by accumulating the  money they printed.

[007 holds up a fistful of $500 money bills.]

In the late 1800s, the power behind the TGFE controlled almost half the wealth of the world. [6]

In 1910 when the Federal Reserve was born, TGFE owned or controlled 1/6th of the world’s wealth: real wealth raw materials, commodities, iron ore, petroleum, lead, copper, silver and gold – not the worthless fiat currency we call money. [7]

[007 holds up a fistful of $1,000 money bills.]

Does anyone, anyone, Lew, Max, Peter, Webster, Alan, know what happened to the real wealth TGFE had in 1910?

What about you Richard? They call you the Guru. Where do you think the scoundrel’s real wealth is today?

[The Guru is flummoxed. 007 is about to speak when Greenspan holds up his right hand.]

greenspan: Their real wealth was consumed, as in used up, giving the middle class 75 years of unprecedented prosperity in the houses, second houses, RVs, and “Stuff” manufactured from TGFE’s raw materials.

TGFE gave up their real wealth so they could employ the middle class in building airplanes, ships, cars, RVs, SUVs, office buildings, freeways and shopping malls from the raw materials they owned or controlled in 1910.

007: I forgot Alan worked at the Fed. All right anyone, anyone but Alan: what did the men behind the Fed, who had the real wealth in 1910, get in return?

[The attendees are now talking among themselves, trying to agree on an answer.]

007: Here’s a hint?

[007 holds up a fistful of $1,000,000 money bills.]

the guru: Even a Junior Mogambo Ranger (Robert Singer) would know the answer. The fiat currency they printed.

[The attendees all nod in agreement]

007: Aha! Exactly Richard! So my last and final question: How do you get rich trading real wealth for about $500 trillion of the money you printed? [8]

attendees [chiming together]: You don’t, you don’t. You can’t get rich printing your own  money! [9]

f.w.: Well, yes but they got the power. No one can go shopping for all that “stuff” without the  money they printed.

[Everyone GASPS but Alan]

everyone at the table: [yells out in unison] Oh my god, the environmental damage and pollution was the goal and not the unintended consequence of our consumer society.

[Bond, smiling that his dialectic approach worked, points to a screen and begins a Power Point presentation]

slide #1: TGFE wealth was “cut, mined and hauled away,” so that Americans could have that cheap stuff that according to a massive United Nations report, the GEO4, put humanity at serious risk due to “the dangers of climate change, water scarcity, dwindling fish stocks and the pressures on the land and the extinction of species,” because TGFE exchanged their real wealth for $500 trillion of the  money their very own Federal Reserve Banks printed.”

There are only three possibilities for why the TGFE financed the American Dream, a nightmare for the planet:

  1. TGFE are inept, clueless, or just “stupid” because they didn’t understand they were exchanging real wealth for $500 trillion of fiat currency.
  2. TGFE are really benevolent and wanted the profane (middle class) to have the highest standard of living for the last 75 years and didn’t know the planet would be in “dire environmental straits because humanity’s footprint (its environmental demand) is 21.9 hectares per person while the Earth’s biological capacity is, on average, only 15.7 hectares per person.”
  3. TGFE are in a metaphysical war with Mother Earth (Gaea) and, until October 2008, was using humans to weaken the planet with environmental damage and pollution.

[End of slide #1, Liberté, Enlightenté, Entitleté ]

everyone: [shouting together] It’s three; it’s three. The first one makes no Cents and the second one makes no Sense.

slide #2: TGFE are in a metaphysical war with Mother Earth (Gaea) and, until October 2008, they were using humans to weaken the planet with environmental damage and pollution. The Bank of the Fed is Closed…Forever

TGFE believed if they gave up their real wealth: Raw materials, commodities,, iron ore, petroleum, lead, copper, silver and gold and exchanged it for $500 trillion of the fiat currency ( money) they created out of thin air (so the middle class could live the American Dream, a nightmare for Gaea), they would attain immortality in a period known as the New World Order.

The New Heavens and the New Earth (Millennium) is the eternal destination and a thousand years of peace and plenty and paradise on Earth for TGFE, Illuminati, Bilderbergers, CFR and the other secret societies (righteous people), if they win the metaphysical struggle.

In the last quarter of 2008, TGFE determined their plan did not succeed: They were unable to defeat the Earth (Gaea).

Gehenna and the abyss is the eternal destination and a thousand years of punishment for TGFE, the Illuminati, Bilderbergers, CFR and the other secret societies (the evil, wicked people of the world).

TGFE did not wish to spend eternity in Hell, so they are pursuing a strategy of drilling holes in the earth prolonging the inevitable looking for a heretofore, undiscovered vulnerability deep below the Earth’s crust.

[End of slide #2]

f.w.: Now I know what they have been waiting for; they haven’t won the battle with the Earth.

007: Think about it, that Millennium nonsense in the Bible makes no sense unless it’s for TGFE, the Bilderbergers, the CFR and the other secret societies. A thousand years of peace, plenty and paradise for the profane (the middle class) with a free gift of salvation from Yahweh…I doubt it. (An Ominous Drilling Sign for the Truth).

[The time is now 22:00. Everyone’s cell phone goes off at the same time. The room is suddenly filled with chimes, rings, Beethoven and the theme “From Russia with Love.”]

everyone: [yells out] The Deepwater Horizon drilling rig has just exploded 40 miles southeast of the Louisiana coast in the Macondo Prospect oil field!

[007 is given a new identity and is dispatched to the Gulf. He is now Dr. Tom Termotto, working directly and indirectly with all five Gulf State Governors.

[Cut to Interior Termotto’s Florida office day, where he and Moneyhoney are watching the June 15, 2010, Barack Obama press conference on a wide screen monitor.]

Obama addresses the nation on the BP Oil Spill Disaster:

“The millions of gallons of oil that have spilled into the Gulf of Mexico are more like an epidemic, one that we will be fighting for months and even years.

But make no mistake: we will fight this spill with everything we’ve got for as long it takes.

Tonight I’d like to lay out for you what our battle plan is going forward: what we’re doing to clean up the oil, what we’re doing to help our neighbors in the Gulf, and what we’re doing to make sure that a catastrophe like this never happens again.”

007 as tom: Moneyhoney, get someone on the phone who knows about the US oil demand in a recession.

[Moneyhoney reaches Steven Kopits, the managing director of Douglas-Westwood.]

007 as tom: Hello Steve, this is Termotto, Dr. Tom Termotto, one of my companies was recently in contact with the Russian Government. What can you tell me about oil demand in a recession?

kopits: I’ll tell you what I wrote in Recession & Oil Demand: “In the current recession, oil demand briefly dropped nearly 3 million barrels per day (mbpd) from its peak, about half of which occurred in September 2008 in the aftermath of the collapse of financial markets following the bankruptcy of the investment bank Lehman Brothers.  If we allow that this will be a severe – but not catastrophic – recession, then a drop of 7%, or 1.5 mbpd of US consumption from peak to trough, is entirely possible.”

[007 Hangs up the phone and calls Michel]

tom: Michel, I just got off the phone with Steve Kopits and you won’t believe this. As you know BP finally admitted the spill is really 35,000 – 60,000 barrels per day. Now everyone is running around like chickens in my last movie, screaming their heads off about how much oil is leaking into the Gulf. Do you have any idea how much oil isn’t being leaked (consumed) in the current recession (depression)?

michel: No idea.

tom: 1,500,000 barrels per day, and get this: I just got a report from MI6 that the large oil spills washing up on the shores are from surrounding wells, not from the BP Deep Horizon Rig. The wells were designed to leak and much of the oil is actually tar, or tar balls, some weighing 2,000+ pounds.

The Horizon rig intentionally drilled into an asphalt volcano. The volcano didn’t explode because they didn’t drill into the top; they drilled into the 'mid side' of this particular volcano to get a soda-bottle effect. Drilling into the side permits a safely controlled release of gas, tar, liquefied asphalt, and other related gases. [10]

michel: Huh? I don’t get it.

tom: Michel, they weren’t in the Gulf drilling for oil; they were drilling holes in the Earth looking for an undiscovered vulnerability in the Earth’s crust. They found one, and the rig explosion was part 1 of an elaborate story (illusion) to cover their latest plan to take over the Earth and attain immortality.

michel: Whoa, 007, that makes sense and let me tell you why. When you look at the videos BP released, you can see the wellheads are different in each video and the booms aren't even tied together. The beaches don’t look like they are lined with oil; it looks more like tar balls.  And the beach clean ups are obviously staged, because as soon as the press conference is over the work stops. A drilling-holes conspiracy theory would explain these anomalies. Gulf Spill: Disaster? Or a Well Organized Plan

tom: Yes, and now we know why the Gulf of Mexico is locked down by the military and is a no-fly zone. You can’t get access to the shore because they don’t want anyone to find out the oil isn’t coming from the Horizon location. What we are seeing is a massive oil gusher illusion, a very sophisticated false flag and elaborate deception designed to fool the general public, the oil industry, and the scientific community.

The gullible public will accept that incompetence and error caused a “massive” oil spill. The non-stop stories of negligence, incompetence and inaction on the part of the Obama Administration and the outrageous lack of concern for the cleanup by the BP executives, makes it easy to keep Joe Six Pack in the dark.

The scientific community requires a little more work. They are told the Transocean cutting-corners-and-using-shoddy-inferior-equipment story. Security kept anyone from getting close enough to find out the truth.

The conspirators knew the pressure from the volcano would blow out even state-of-the-art equipment. The shoddy-inferior-equipment story was another ruse to keep anyone from finding out about the metaphysical-drilling-holes story behind the BP Oil Spill story.

The experts and scientific communities accept what they are told; the well tapped into a large, high-pressure hydrocarbon pocket. Could the oil spill actually be staged? [11]

[See Headlines and Sound Bites in Endnote 12]

michel: And the Corexit9500?

tom: Evergreen Air/CIA is intentionally spraying Corexit9500 to give the conspiracy theory community a rack on which to hang their tin-foil hat.

Conspiracy theorists are so stupid they actually believe TGFE want to save  money by culling the population of African-Americans on welfare, and the seniors collecting Social Security in the Gulf States. There is even a conspiracy that they blew up the Horizon rig so they could foreclose on beachfront property.

michel: Excellent analysis, what else?

tom: Recall Obama’s speech in June, “We will be fighting for months and even years; we will fight this spill with everything we’ve got; tonight I’d like to lay out for you what our battle plan is going forward..”

You and I know Obama is an insider; he is aware of the metaphysical struggle.

The BP disaster is about the vulnerability they found 35,050 feet below the Earth’s surface.

This was a “failed-to-cap-a-well” controlled event story from the beginning.

They need to prolong the “disaster” with numerous failed attempts to stop the nonexistent leak long enough to get the public’s agreement for a Nuclear option to cap the well.

michel: Whoa, that’s a lot to take in. But wait a minute; they have all the power. Why do they need the public’s agreement to do anything?

tom: Michel, I assume you watched the JibJab videos.

[click here to join the 3,393, 978 people who viewed JibJab’s - Time for Some Campaignin'. ]

Citizens gather from both far and near, for a ritual we practice every four years. When we promise you anything you wanna hear. To win the crown we’re chasing! We spend billions of dollars to make our points clear. To get you to step and cast your vote here, then we spin you around and poke you in the rear. Yes, it’s Time for Some Campaignin'.

“We spend billions of dollars to...poke you in the rear.”

tom: Michel, you know they’ve been fixing the elections for years. 2000, 2004 and 2008 were so obvious even a child knew that it didn’t matter who you voted for; the decision was made long before the ballots were cast.

Can you guess why they spend all that money to poke us in the rear with these expensive charades?

michel: I have no clue.

tom: What is not obvious is that TGFE can’t govern us without our consent.

In other words when we vote for the lesser of two evils we agreed to be governed by evil (TGFE).

The first rule of the metaphysical struggle with the Earth is that we agree to be governed by evil, and the second, is that when it comes to harming the Earth they can’t do it without our consent. They can’t nuke the well unless we agree.

michel: Hmm, but scores of scientists from the Los Alamos National Laboratory and other government labs have gone on record against the nuclear option.

"Nothing of the sort is going on here," Kevin Roark, a spokesman for Los Alamos in New Mexico, said in an interview. "In fact, we're not working on any intervention ideas at all. We're providing diagnostics and other support but nothing on the intervention side."

michel: 007 why would the public, even the American public, agree to a solution guaranteed to make an oil spill disaster "A radioactive oil spill disaster?"

tom: Well they wouldn’t, but for two recent developments:

1. On May 29th, a “prominent energy expert” and investment banker known for predicting the oil price spike of 2008, told Bloomberg News that sending a small nuclear bomb down the leaking well is "probably the only thing we can do" to stop the leak. [2008 expose]

2. The “perfect-storm story” in the media:

    The pressure at the base of the wellhead deep under the ocean floor is approximately. 100,000 PSI.  There is no known device to cap a well with such a high PSI pressure. To further complicate things geologists using a GPS and Depth finder system have discovered a large gas bubble 15-20 miles across and tens of feet high under the ocean floor.

    A bubble of this magnitude if able to escape from under the ocean floor through a crack would cause a gas explosion that can only be described as Mt. St. Helen’s under water.

    The explosion would take place 50 miles off the Louisiana Coast, instantly releasing a toxic cloud that the winds would carry to the shorelines. This explosion would also create what is called cavitations, sinking any ships, oil structures, virtually anything floating atop the water, instantly within at least a 10-mile radius, and thus could create a tsunami, which would travel towards the coast of Florida at a speed of 400-600 miles per hour. This has the potential of putting the state of Florida under water. Gulf Coast Disaster, Is it The Perfect Storm?

    NPR reports:

    “This scares everybody — the fact that we cannot make this well stop flowing,” Suttles and BP CEO and chief spinmeister Tony Hayward is lowering expectations. This mess is officially out of control.

    One listener calls in with a “suggestion”

    "The environmental effects of all this oil spewing out are pretty bad," he says. "Could it be that worse if we knew that a small bomb would plug the hole? I say explode it."

    On CNN, reporter John Roberts suggested last month, "Drill a hole, drop a nuke in, and seal up the well."

    tom: Michel, there are solutions to this crisis, but the un-elected officials, as usual, are not listening.

    The combination of a prominent energy expert and a perfect-storm story are intended to exploit the public’s frustration over the latest failed efforts to cap the well. The so-called “top-kill” operation and the  "junk shot" injection, were planned to get the public to agree to any solution… even a nuclear solution that could turn the oil spill into "a radioactive oil spill." Message to Obama on the Sixteen barges in the Gulf

    michel: The prominent energy expert has to be Matt Simmons, Chairman of Simmons & Company International, the company he founded in 1974. Did you know that on June 21, he abruptly retired as Chairman Emeritus of Simmons & Company?

    [Fast forward to July 16, 2010 when President Obama called the apparent success of BP’s efforts to cap the well good news; “The cap on the BP Horizon well bore is still holding and the media is reporting the public beach at Gulf Shores, Alabama, had its busiest day in weeks on Saturday.”

    But underscored the problem would not be resolved until relief wells had been completed.

    “We won’t be done until we actually know that we killed the well and that we have a permanent solution in place.” ]

    [michel calls 007 (tom)]

    michel: 007, did you notice Obama is still making cryptic remarks about this disaster. He still wants to kill the well. And get this: a few days ago you couldn’t go to a Gulf Coast beach without getting arrested for a Class D felony and fined $40,000, but today you can go fishing on the pier beside the Grand Isle Bridge and throw a Frisbee on the beach. Did the Earth dodge the nuclear bullet? Should we celebrate?

    tom: No, not while Matt Simmons is still in the picture. On July 16 he was interviewed on KPFK’s Daily Briefing. When Ian Masters asked if the relief well is, or is not, going to work, Simmons interrupts and says: “it will be only the 45th announcement that something was going to work…and didn’t.”

    Simmons goes on to repeat his claim that, “The only possible solution is a small diameter low-level nuclear device inserted 18,000 feet down the well.”

    Of course, he argues it’s totally safe because the small diameter low-level nuclear device will be detonated three miles under the seabed.”

    michel: 007, What if the American public demand a nuclear solution? You as Dr. Tom Termotto have to stop this before it’s too late. What’s your plan?

    tom: Jeff Rense called me for an interview on his July 19 Radio show, I will handle it then.

    [July 19; The very first question from Jeff Rense was if Dr. Tom Termotto would consider the Matt Simmon’s nuclear option to cap the well. Tom immediately interjected and made it clear that we should never, never ever consider a nuclear option to cap the well, and went on to thoroughly invalidate and successfully challenge Matt Simmon's position on this weighty matter as much as he could get away with during the interview. Four days later the BP well was finally capped; the Earth is spared a devastating nuclear event. Jeff Rense - Past Guests/Links .... Dr. Tom Termotto, PhD. Why Not To Nuke The BP Disaster ...7-19-10 www.rense.com/about/guestslinks10.htm - C ]


    Headline August 8, 2010. Notice the word  "apparently" in the title:

    Matt Simmons “apparently” drowned at his home Sunday night

    NORTH HAVEN, Maine (News Center) - The Knox County Sheriff's Department says Matthew Simmons, the founder of the Ocean Energy Institute, drowned at his house on North Haven late Sunday night.

    Simmons was a leading investment banker for the energy industry and had recently retired to work full time on the new Ocean Energy Institute.

    He was a leading proponent of offshore wind power and had started raising money to develop and build offshore turbines.

    The news release fails to mention Simmons was the leading proponent of sending a small nuclear bomb down the leaking BP well. Matt Simmons “Apparently” Drowned At His Home Sunday Night, Notice the Word “apparently” in the Title

    May 29 – Simmons, a “prominent energy expert” and investment banker known for predicting the oil price spike of 2008, tells Bloomberg News on Friday, sending a small nuclear bomb down the leaking well is "probably the only thing we can do" to stop the leak.

    [End of Long Synopsis (with some dialogue)]

    The plot may profit from an additional twist or two, but this is a tense, metaphysical suspense, peopled with well-sculpted characters that will have the audience asking thought-provoking questions:

    • Are the TGFE in a metaphysical struggle to attain immortality?
    • Was the BP Oil Spill Disaster an Illusion?
    • Do we really vote for evil when we vote for the lesser of two evils?

    The audience is entitled to come to their own conclusions. After all Matt Simmons “apparently” drowned at his home.

    Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction, or, is it the other way around?

    Elizabeth Young is a Hollywood screenwriter

    Copyright © 2010 all rights reserved.


    [1] Large Hadron Collider (LHC) generates a 'mini-Big Bang'

    The Large Hadron Collider has successfully created a "mini-Big Bang" by smashing together lead ions instead of protons.

    The scientists working at the enormous machine on Franco-Swiss border achieved the unique conditions on 7 November. [Unique conditions? The test was scheduled for November 11 and nowhere was there a discussion, that it might be earlier due to the presence of  “unique” conditions.]

    The experiment created temperatures a million times hotter than the centre of the Sun.

    The LHC is housed in a 27km-long circular tunnel under the French-Swiss border near Geneva.

    Up until now, the world's highest-energy particle accelerator - which is run by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) - has been colliding protons, in a bid to uncover mysteries of the Universe's formation.

    Proton collisions could help spot the elusive Higgs boson particle and signs of new physical laws, such as a framework called supersymmetry.

    But for the next four weeks, scientists at the LHC will concentrate on analyzing the data obtained from the lead ion collisions.

    This way, they hope to learn more about the plasma the Universe was made of a millionth of a second after the Big Bang, 13.7 billion years ago.

    [2]The first picture: The Large Hadron Collider (LHC): What is China's Three Gorges Dam Doing in this Picture? makes a case that CERN wants to upset the Earth to xx. The second The Large Hadron Collider (LHC): What is the Rapture Doing in this Picture? makes a prima facie case CERN is hell bent on electrocuting the earth to find Higgs.

    [3] Cognitive Dissonance

    [4] The Global Financial Elite (TGFE, a variation of TPTB, a non-conspiracy term coined by G. William Domhoff, a Research Professor at the University of California [11]) are the Rothschilds of Europe, Lazard Freres (Eugene Meyer), Kuhn Loeb Company, Warburg Company, Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs, the Rockefeller family, and the J.P. Morgan interests. These interests have merged and consolidated in recent years, so that the control is much more concentrated. National Bank of Commerce is now Morgan Guaranty Trust Company. Lehman Brothers has merged with Kuhn, Loeb Company, First National Bank has merged with the National City Bank, and in the other eleven Federal Reserve Districts, these same shareholders indirectly own or control shares in those banks, with the other shares owned by the leading families in those areas who own or control the principal industries in these regions. The “local” families set up regional councils, on orders from New York, of such groups as the Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission, and other instruments of control devised by their masters. They finance and control political developments in their area, name candidates, and are seldom successfully opposed in their plans. Secrets of the Federal Reserve, The London Connection, Eustace Mullins

    [5] 1996, Bush 2 (Junior) signed  the Patriot Act and the Military Commissions Act of 2006, which resulted in the suspension of Habeas Corpus.

    1991, William Jefferson Rockefeller Clinton signed the Violent Crime Control Act that allowed Clinton or any president to suspend the Constitution and Constitutional rights of Americans during a "drug crisis". It provided for the construction of detention camps, seizure of property, and military control of populated areas.

    1982, Ronald Reagan (

    actually H.W. Bush http://www.marketoracle.co.uk/Article8549.html

    []) signed into law National Security Decision Directive #47 (NSDD47, Rex 82), that allowed Reagan to implement Emergency Mobilization Preparedness. Where socio/economic regulations or other legal constraints would be waived in the event of a national emergency. The Rex 84 Program was established on the reasoning that if a "mass exodus" of illegal aliens crossed the Mexican/US border, they would be quickly rounded up and detained in detention centers by FEMA. Rex 84 allowed many military bases to be closed down and to be turned into prisons.  Rex 82 and 84 allowed the President, for any reason, to declare, earthquakes international tensions or even a financial crisis a national emergency and then FEMA can, implement Executive Orders 10995 through 11005.

    In 1962, JFK signed Executive Orders 10995 through 11005 and ended what was left of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights after the south lost the civil war.

    10995 through 11005 allowed the government to seize and control all forms of communication and their infrastructure (voice ,data, media), energy (electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals),  transportation (vehicles , aircraft of any kind, highways, seaports, and waterways), designates the Postmaster General to operate a national registration and of course all food resources and farms.

    A president could now declare martial law and direct ,FEMA to take control of local, state, and national governments using ‘National Police Force”, formally referred to by the name of Multi Jurisdictional Task Force (MJTF), comprised of specially selected US military personnel (Blackwater) and  foreign military units carrying United Nations ID cards (because they know Americans are reluctant to fire on their fellow Americans).

    [6] Federal Reserve Directors: A Study Of Corporate And Banking Influence, Published in 1976 “Chart one reveals the linear connection between the Rothschilds and the Bank of England, and the London banking houses which ultimately control the Federal Reserve Banks through their stockholdings of bank stock and their subsidiary firms in New York.

    The two principal Rothschild representatives in New York, J. P. Morgan Co., and Kuhn, Loeb & Co. were the firms which set up the Jekyll Island Conference at which the Federal Reserve Act was drafted, who directed the subsequent successful campaign to have the plan enacted into law by Congress, and who purchased the controlling amounts of stock in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in 1914.

    These firms had their principal officers appointed to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and the Federal Advisory Council in 1914. In 1914 a few families (blood or business related) owning controlling stock in existing banks (such as in New York City) caused those banks to purchase controlling shares in the Federal Reserve regional banks.” The London Connection, Eustace Mullins.

    The World Pivoted On The Battle Of Waterloo

    The vast accumulation of financial and natural resources of the House of Rothschild Global Financial Empire is legendary.

    “And there was no news more precious than the (predetermined) outcome at Waterloo...”

    Considered the turning point in history, exploiting the Battle of Waterloo gave the Rothschild family complete financial control of Europe, and soon after, the world.

    According to one source, at the conclusion of the revolutions in the late 1800s and when the planet was still in ecological balance, “it was estimated the House of Rothschild controlled almost half the wealth of the world.”  National Cyclopedia d American Biography by Antony Sutton. The World Order by Eustice Mullins, Staunton, VA: Ezra Pound Institute of Civilization, 1985, p.92.

    [7] See Appendix B at Footnotes and Appendices for: The Federal Reserve: Stupid Bank Robbers or Robber “Hood” Barons: A Psychohistory Analysis

    [8] Quoted on 10/23/2008 by The Mogambo Guru, Richard Daughty, “Startled, I noticed it was an essay by Robert Singer, submitted to OpEdNews.com, who notes, "Behind every foreclosure and American Dream there is a fiat currency", which I not only agree with, but I said so by loudly exclaiming, "Aha! Exactly!" An Amero For Your Thoughts

    [9] Pretend for a moment it is the beginning of the 20th century and you are one of the founding members of the Fed, Lazard Freres (Eugene Meyer), Warburg, Strong, Vanderlip or J.P. Morgan.

    You and your friends, along with the richest man in history, John D. Rockefeller, own or control one-sixth of the entire world’s wealth—the world’s real wealth: raw materials, commodities, iron ore, bauxite, petroleum, copper, lead, silver and gold. [Appendix B]

    Would you trade your real wealth for the money you created out of thin air? [Appendix C]

    Would you give up your real wealth to provide the middle class with 75 years of unprecedented prosperity in the houses, second houses, RVs, all that “stuff” manufactured from the raw materials you owned or controlled in 1910?

    Or would you give up your raw materials to employ the middle class in building airplanes, ships, cars, RVs, SUVs, office buildings, freeways and shopping malls from the raw materials you owned or controlled in 1910?

    Let’s say you own a bar of gold and a money printing press. Would you trade that bar of gold for the money you printed?

    The money you loaned (gave) to the middle class (profane) was used to consume, as in used up, the iron ore, bauxite, petroleum, copper, lead, aluminum, plastics, glass and rubber that you had in 1910.

    Even a child can understand you don’t get rich exchanging real wealth for about $500 trillion of the money you created over the last 75 years.

    [10] Could the oil spill actually be staged?

    [From BP, Illusion of a False Spill]

    *UPDATE* "Site owner, I appear to be unable to gain access to update my original post. Could you please update it for me, to read as follows: I am requesting, and gathering more intel. I hope to be able to post next week something much more substantial, "a smoking gun" of sorts, that should provide more information, a better direction for those people living in the coastal areas, and those worried for their children's future."

    The 'disaster' in the Gulf of Mexico is beyond a false flag; it's an illusion. What I'm about to reveal will more than likely go by the wayside, and the charade will continue. The reason for writing this is not for attention, games, or folly, but to expose the biggest scam in the 21st century, and to relieve some aching hearts. There is no need for fear as this is a staged event. I cannot reveal my sources, they do go straight to the top, but hopefully what I write will echo inside of each person reading this as the truth.

    [11] Backup of the pictures from the Optisoft report, Grand Isle, signs are up all over the place… 100s of them in case it is removed.

    [12] Headlines and Sound bites

    • June 19 on the main page of AlterNet is the usual rant about social injustice and more disinformation about the BP catastrophe.
    • The President of the United States is fiddling while the Gulf bubbles. He says we are at the end of this catastrophe, when we aren’t even at the end of the beginning of the end.
    • The Coast Guard and BP seem to be doing everything out of the norm with this oil well project to allow some to wonder out loud if this is a scenario of intentional failure.

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