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The day my Faith in America and Americans was brutally beaten and left for dead

November 25th, 2010

Ed Lewis

“Because of what appears to be a lawful command on the surface, many Citizens, because of their respect for what appears to be law, are cunningly coerced into waiving their rights due to ignorance.” U.S. Supreme Court, US v Minker, 350 US 179 at 187

But, what of the situation when one is told of the Law, and then one elects to ignore it because it “will get them in trouble”? This is no longer behaving due to ignorance but to fear. What of those that look at you as if you are crazy or call you unpatriotic or inform you it doesn’t matter what the Law is, that one must do as they are told by “the government”.

What of those that one gives them printed out Law and statutes/ordinances with the intents of such and, although the recipients declare they will read the documents – do not.

Or, those that refuse to even read what the Law is and instead goes by what some bureaucrat or whatever tells them?

What of attorneys that tell bold faced lies as being “truth”, and ignores the Law for misapplication of statutes and other regulatory de facto laws, completely ignoring our Law laid down by the reflections of God’s Law in the Magna Charta, “unanimous Declaration of Independence of the thirteen united States of America”, the Constitution for the united States of America, and the constitutions for the many states united as America. And – indeed – the very statutes meant to regulate all artificial entities, including those forming the various governments and chartered entities treated as “governments”?

What of legislators that consider themselves as “lawmakers” and subsequently violate every premise this land was founded on for want of control and creation of revenue, and then blatantly create entities (enforcers of “law”) to force compliance to their dictates? It is as if they believe themselves as the rulers of the people, and not those given the sacred trust of protecting the rights of the people.

What of judges/justices that rule from the bench, making up law as they go, ignoring what is Law and using the criminally acting law enforcers to coerce abeyance of their edicts as if they are God Almighty himself?

What of those in executive branches of government that act as if they have the authority to make laws on the people, that lie to defend their actions against the People rather that assuring the rights of free people are not violated?

And, what of the People that would rather believe the lies rather than the truth, or argue that what they believe is right but then refuse to read the Law that is both understood through common law sense and in clear, easy to read writing?

What of all those, whether in government or not, that ignore the Law in fact and substance, relying instead on hearsay and utterances by others that are based on arbitrary interpretations that are not permissible or valid?

What of those millions of veterans, politicians, and other elected/appointed officials that swear by Oath to uphold the Constitution for these united States of America and then ignore it for want of revenue, wages, and the lust for power over their fellow Americans? Is it that they do not know the meaning of the Oath they subscribed to or affirmed or is it because they do not care about the meaning of our Law laid down as described above?

So, what does all the above have to do with the “day my faith in America and Americans was brutally beaten and left for dead”?


You know, one can spend literally thousands upon thousands of hours studying the real America – the way it is supposed to be – and the country that now exists, the false America that is more aptly called “Ameri-Ka”.

One can then tell friends, family, associates, acquaintances, and people one is having just a casual conversation with, or become an accepted writer and/or speaker informing thousands of people a week about the truth.

What truth do I write of? The truth of the factual relationship between the American people and the elected/appointed people put in office for one primary purpose – to protect and preserve the rights of the people.

That is, Good Folks, the only legitimate purpose of government.

It has no authority whatsoever to regulate any behavior that is based on the exercise of rights that are “inherent and unalienable”.

Our Law is the only Law we are under. It is the de jure law (in respect of constitutional law, which must always preserve and protect the inherent, unalienable rights of the people) we people are under. No government has the authority to regulate this, turning it into a de facto oppressive rights denying tyrannical oligarchy in which the many are “ruled” by the few.

Normally, when one has gone through the “de-indoctrination” process, it is very painful psychologically speaking, and sometimes physically when one encounters an irate self-hater that will not accept that his value system is wrong and reacts with violence. Luckily, the writer has never encountered one of these people. Either that, or they controlled their desire to smash this man’s face.

As the truth enters one’s mind, it must be assimilated with existing mental structures or accommodated forming a new structure. What happens is that one’s belief system must essentially collapse, as beliefs we have been taught are eventually recognized and accepted as being falsehoods.

For example, we have no national flag. We never have had a national flag. The US Flag most Americans adore is a military flag that is authorized by statute to fly only over executive offices of the United States, US military bases, and other bona fide federal enclave, territories under US control, and States of the United States, which are the island states that were taken through force or treaties (to end forceful actions). The United States it represents is NOT the many states united but only the District of Columbia and federal jurisdiction as described.

That is what the Title 4 statute says. Furthermore, anytime the flag with the gold-fringe around is displayed inside, it signifies a military court martial. It may also be displayed during military parades and other military functions.

Each state, being an independent nation in and of itself even though united in common need, has its own flag that must fly in the dominant position.

Of course, people get irate if told this, as if one commits treason by not paying homage to a piece of cloth that represents military supremacy. That is, Christians, honoring a false god - idolatry.

After 13 years of intensive research and study, encountering folks as described above, the writer’s resolve to keep writing became seriously threatened. After all, if people do not want the truth and would rather remain in servitude to a bunch of bureaucrats, who is the writer to fight against this at great mental strife to himself, as he watches his land – America – go down the tubes.

Why keep trying when redress when corrupt bodies politic ignore the Law, denying redress against them and their own?

But, he kept writing in spite of the fact he began to believe he was just preaching to the choir, that he had had no effect on helping additional people learn the truth, let alone the desire to act on it.

Then one day in the first week of January 2007, my three brothers and I were together following the death of our step-dad. As often happened, they were talking about driving laws, taxes, and what I knew were false beliefs. So, I told them the facts about something or another and offered to show them the statutes and how such violated our Law.

One brother slammed something down on the table and said quite vehemently, “I don’t want to hear that shit.”

What shit? The truth, as based on the facts.

The other two brothers’ reaction was silence. They did nothing to support me showing them what the statutes and other sources say. The presumption I made is that they didn’t want to hear that shit either.

That was the straw that broke this camel’s back, preventing him from writing anything of substance for a year and a half. Faith in America and Americans lay dying on the cold kitchen floor, writhing in agony.

Here were three men that grew up in the same time period, the same parents, church groups, many friends, and so on that had no desire to hear the truth. I say truth because the Declaration of Independence, God’s Laws reflected in the Ten Commandments, the Constitution, and the various state constitutions, along with thousands of Supreme Court decisions all state the same. We are free to do as we wish, so long as we do not intentionally interfere with the rights of others and that any laws written contrary to the rights of man are null and void.

All four of us took the same Oath when enlisting in the Air Force, an Oath to protect and defend our land against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

But, they did not want to hear nor read the anything that showed that their beliefs were wrong, that they were in essence indoctrinated to the lies and would rather be ruled and controlled by fear. Maybe it reflects an “ignorance is bliss” attitude.

That, right or wrong, is how I perceived the situation.

Since then, it has been a battle getting up off the floor. However, for the last four or five months, as my wounds began to heal, I once again came to realize that it is my responsibility – my duty – to do all I can to right the wrongs forced upon us by de facto government entities. They are our enemies, not some faceless terrorist or group of faceless nobodies.

And, my fellow Americans, they – our enemies – are not at the gate. They are within and they are dead set on destroying America, no matter what it takes, including genocide of the American people and our culture.

Of the People

November 18, 2010 Addendum –


Jackie Juntti of W.G.E.N. asked me to write an article on sovereignty, to which I agreed to try. That was about two and a half weeks ago or so and I have yet to make the attempt.

As I got closer to resolving myself to writing about sovereignty, I read article after article about atrocities by government domestically against the American people and the principles this land of ours – using this expression very loosely – was founded on, along with the atrocities we continue to allow against the Afghani and Iraqi people.

I realized that even though we people of the American states in union are the sovereignty that it has been displaced by force by government, including state and the local chartered governments state bureaucrats create.

Because it has been displaced, the sovereignty rests now with those that brutalize our people, the cops, courts (no, the judges/justices/magistrates and attorneys), legislators, and executive branch officials with the greatest disdain I can muster.

It is not FACT that the sovereignty rests with officials and those they hire/appoint or get put in office through vote fraud, but it is so nonetheless.

The “unanimous Declaration of Independence of the thirteen united States” declares that the people are the sovereignty with government created only to protect and preserve our inherent, unalienable rights. (See Chisholm v State of Georgia, 2 U.S. 419 – 1793).

The Constitution for the united States of America establishes clearly that it is a limiting document to control government entities, that it does not grant the people privileges or rights.

Understand, People. Our rights existed long before man could speak languages, let alone establish the written word. Such inherent, unalienable rights cannot be voted away or legislated away. If they could, they would not be rights but privileges.

The only way sovereignty – and, hence, inherent and unalienable rights – can be transferred from you or any man or woman unwillingly is through the force of arms and other coercive measures.

We are free to do as we wish so long as we do not intentionally harm another by depriving him of his rights or damaging his body. Government, being subservient by law to the people, cannot intentional harm one either by removing rights, blocking rights, or coercing one into the fear of exercising his rights.

They are servants, not the master.

However, I have yet to find even one provision of law that government obeys, whether it is law laid down by our Creator, or within the Magna Charta, or the Declaration, the constitutions, or federal and state statutes (may only regulate government and government creations but never the people of the many states).

We are robbed of our birthright and of our land.

I have watched in my 65 years America go from a prosperous land to a near third world country in which no rights remain or very few. There is hardly any activity that is not highly taxed by traitors in government.

I have watched people develop fear not from terrorists but of the very people elected to office.

And, even more stupefying, is that the same people and/or the same families are elected time and time again no matter how many lies they have told or the many atrocities amounting to treason they support. I guess money is just too damned important to them to care about the land they have or nearly have destroyed.

And, I listen to people that wait for the same crooks and dirty bastards/bitches to fix the many wrongs done to America and its people, not by other countries (all innocent of any harm to America and its people excepting one but that is another story most Americans refuse to believe) but from within and by those alleging to be Americans.

However, these people are not Americans in heart and soul – they are vile worshippers, often unknowingly, of Lucifer, the concept that now appears to have god-like qualities.

They, and probably well in excess of 90 percent of our people, worship a false idol even though claiming to be Christians, the false idol being the “State”, the very governments meant to never interfere with the free expression of rights limited only by where another one’s right begin. In other words, doing as we wish so long as we do not intentionally harm another.

Folks, there is nothing complicated about sovereignty or freedom/liberty.

Just as you cannot order your neighbor around, neither can your neighbor order you about, even if he is elected to office to serve.

Since the people in America establish government to protect rights – and remember I am writing of the real America, not this piece of crap land that the cruel, Satanic cult of International bankers created – and therefore government cannot be created than its creator, just as we can never be greater than our Creator. Never ever can the created be greater than the creator when it comes to peoples that create governments.

What I am writing and what I believe firmly is that our people, including me, have allowed dirty rotten no good tyrant wannabes to take over the land once called the “land of the free” and turned it upside down and inside out to a land that is far worse that the one I forefathers escaped from.

I really cannot, although I would like to, express how this makes me feel except that I sit here, as I have for many days, thinking that it is one of the most grief filled times I have felt, far greater than when members of my family passed on or the passing of friends I cherished.

For Christ’s sake, People, we have allowed the America our forefathers fought and died for to degenerate into a plantation of lords and servants, with we as the servants to any dip and ignorant official, even secretaries in government offices that tell us ‘law’ when they have no idea of Law.

We are once again under the feudal system but instead of one king, we have hundreds of thousands, especially since every dumb ass wearing a badge thinks he holds the power over us (and he does due to our fear to confront and deal with him just as our founders would have dealt with any traitor).

Our property is no longer ours. Deny it all you wish but think about it as you pay your rent to local governments or buy the privilege to travel etc.

We allow government to torture, beat, kill and terrorize our people, thinking of new ways to extract our property (including rights) from us, with every method used being a form of theft and racketeering, two of the multiple crimes government is supposed to prevent.

The fact is government is nothing but a criminal enterprise with the intent of taking total control over us. The process is nearly complete, but most of our people do not know it - - - but they will when the traitors within and the enemy beyond (no, not the Moslems) drop the hammer.

And that Folks, put me in a state of grief that I can only describe as 'beyond grief', mostly because there is not much I can do about it, although I tried for many years. There truly is no America to save - - -

--- but there is an America, the land of the free and home of the brave, to once again create, a land of human freedom where in the event any official denies even one man, woman, or child his rights, is immediately hung or faces a firing squad for treason, a land where God’s laws reign supreme over we people and we people remain supreme over the government entities we create, where no man or his traditions reigns supreme over others.

Anything less and not a damn thing is corrected – inherent and unalienable rights would be ignored and/or oppressed through force. In any event, the people are not free.

Freedom demands that people act as the sovereign, not a bunch of wussy complainers that live in fear of government and its controllers. Sovereigns act as sovereigns or their authority is nullified.

Traitors and dictators act as sovereigns using force, not authority, as they have none.

How much simpler can it be? We equally share the sovereignty so it is equally up to each of us to act as sovereigns, not a bunch of scared stiffs exploited animals known as ‘human resources’ by those that hold the guns to our heads’, so to speak.

And, People, it is also as simple as it being your duty to force officials into subservience or kiss the little bit of America that is left goodbye, leaving your posterity to wallow in the madness of a world created by madmen masquerading as “good” people.

It is your choice, but I will conclude I will once again do my part and attempt to get every dirty rotten official that stole from me and engages in ongoing and increasing racketeering against my fellow Americans prosecuted and put in prison where they belong – or hung on the gallows for treason – or both.

You see, even though I am beyond grief, I know duty and cannot live with myself if I ignore it and do nothing. Perhaps you should feel and do the same.

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