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The State of the Union: A.D. 2011

January 21st, 2011

LaRouche will be delivering the state of the union at his webcast on Saturday, January 22, 1PM(est)- http://www.larouchepac.com/home

by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

I. The Crisis

We are now at the breaking-point, in a present moment when civilization throughout our planet is presently wobbling at the brink of what could probably soon be, the greatest crisis of humanity since Europe's Fourteenth-century plunge into an inflationary new dark age, or probably much worse. The cause of today's crisis of civilization, is centered, at this moment, within the British Isles, but its reach throughout Europe is from Portugal to, and throughout Russia. It is a crisis which has been steered, by the British empire's controlling political influence, once again, via such Wall Street perenniels as the House of Morgan, into our United States.

Fortunately, there are still, very brief moments of opportunity for changing this during the few weeks ahead, but we dare not wait longer. The new, very brief alternatives exist only if we have leaders who have the wisdom and courage to act immediately as I do in presenting the case for the needed rescue, here and now.

The current strategic reality is the following:

The world, especially the trans-Atlantic region, is now gripped by rising rates of price-inflation in a pattern which is already, at the beginning of 2011, comparable in numerous features of direction, form, and character to the Weimar Germany, 1923 hyper-inflationary blow-out.

Thus, a world-wide spread of a breakdown-crisis, is now accelerating. Nothing but the will of the mobilized citizens of our United States can stop this crash into a threatened, planet-wide "new dark age." Either the Glass-Steagall law is put into operation again now, or, our United States were soon doomed. In fact, the entirety of this planet would be taken down, chain-reaction-style, in the same process. No action but the immediate restoration of the 1933 Glass-Steagall law will enable our republic to survive the crisis of the immediate period ahead.

There were remedies before this time, but they were prevented by the incumbent controlling, partisan forces in our Presidency and the Congress. Either that pattern of obstruction of urgently needed measures, will be reversed now, or there will soon be no United States, nor much of the rest of the planet, either. I emphasize, that that time will come, now, very soon. It will not wait for your consent before it enters.

I emphasize the crucially important fact, that I have never erred in any actual forecast I have issued since my Summer 1956 forecast of a major recession to strike somewhere in a short interval between late February and early March, 1957. It was the veritable "lalapalooza" of a crisis when it came, exactly on time as I had forewarned my associates in that field. It was not a "market forecast," but a carefully crafted reading of inside technical information on the inner workings of the automobile marketing industry; statistical forecasting is for people who fail liberally.

To the extent that certain circles inside the United States had acted, since the Autumn of 2007, in opposing my Homeowners and Bank Protection Act of 2007, as that opposition had been continued so far by aid of nasty fools such as Representative Barney Frank, and as under the guidance of Presidents George W. Bush, Jr. and Barack Obama, those two Presidents have been chiefly responsible, together with their unconstitutional "signing statements," for launching what is now rapidly becoming the greatest and most worthless financial bubble in the known history of mankind. Our United States, too, would be destroyed, inevitably, were we to permit a continued support for the so-called "bail-out" policies which were wrongfully released by the combination of those two failed choices of Presidents, as also of the most recent two heads of the Federal Reserve System, Morgan stooge Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke.

As a result of the bail-out, the hyper-inflationary time-bomb is about to blow now. If that "bail-out" policy is permitted to continue, it will blow out the nations of the world, probably the trans-Atlantic region first, and, barring exceptional new developments, Asia second. The imminent disintegration of that hopelessly bankrupt British monetarist system, which is known variously as the "Inter Alpha Group" or its doomed subsidiary, the "BRIC," is the chief causal factor in the presently onrushing hyper-inflationary disintegration of the trans-Atlantic region, and, therefore, the principal source of the current threat to global civilization generally. Unfortunately, although the leading Asian nations, such as China and India, have been relatively competent in the conduct of their own affairs, especially as compared to the trans-Atlantic sector, even the great Asia nations could not withstand the ricocheting effects of a presently careening, general hyper-inflationary blow-out of the trans-Atlantic group of nations.

That ultimate breakdown is in progress now; so, it must also be stopped now.

The Factor of the Kennedy Assassination

The present condition of world-wide financial crisis, which has dominated this planet in the present form since the August, 1971 cancellation of the Bretton Woods system, was, in large part, made possible by the effect of that assassination of President John F. Kennedy which enabled the launching of a worthless and ruinous war in Indo-China. That had been a war even more ruinous in its ugly effects on the citizenry and youth of the United States, than on the field of virtually worse than useless battle.

This fault was not the fruit of an honest error. What had been done was according to a war-plan denounced by President Kennedy and General Douglas MacArthur, a war which ruined us. not only economically, but also morally. It was a war which could not have occurred without both the assassination of that President and the ensuing, frantic effort, in some leading circles, to prevent any serious public investigation of an assassination which coincided, in several respects, with what had been, already, the repeated efforts from Spain-based fascist operations against France's great President Charles de Gaulle.

The Warren Commission was, thus, the actual turning-point, since which our United States has gone down, down, and down, even despite that great space achievement which had been set into motion by that murdered President.

Despite all that, still today, our U.S. Federal Constitution equips us with a still lingering remedy for this present world economic crisis-situation; but, unless the original 1933 Glass-Steagall law is now immediately restored by our United States, very soon, as the highest priority of our government's actions now, there is no chance that our republic would now survive, under its present Constitution; it could not outlive the presently accelerating hyper-inflationary bubble centered in London and London's Wall Street appendages. In that latter case, no part of the planet will escape the full force of the greatest, British-led process of "creative destruction"-orchestrated, hyper-inflationary collapse of civilization, in known modern history since the 1648 Peace of Westphalia.

What is inevitable, is, in one way or another, the collapse of a presumed trillions of what are, essentially, financially fictitious U.S. dollars of debt attributed to "bail out" operations, which will never be paid, simply because they never could be paid, however willing, or powerful the fool who attempted to carry out such an intrinsically hyper-inflationary bail-out.

The reason for that paradox is elementary.

Those kinds of debts created by these so-called "bail-outs" could never be repaid since they are, intrinsically, fraudulent debts, intrinsically unsecured debts which are represented by the proposed bail-outs of purely fictitious gambling debts; they are debts which represent no corresponding, intrinsically physical form of either present or future, actually physically efficient form of economic value.

In this paradoxical situation, Glass-Steagall would have two most notable effects. It will wipe out those fictitious debts, which are merely "gamblers' debts;" the gambler has lost the nominal value of a debt for which no present or future wealth would, or could be actually created. Glass-Steagall would solve this paradox, as President Franklin Roosevelt had overcome the lunacies of Presidents Coolidge and Hoover in 1933, that done by a single stroke of our Federal Constitution's already existing, intrinsic law. Glass-Steagall now, as then, would thus clear the way for refinancing the states and their principal communities which had been looted under the policies of Presidents Bush and Obama, and would serve as the launching of the greatest physical-economic recovery program ever conceived by man, NAWAPA.

The hard fact remains, that either those mere gambling debts are to be written off for the purely fictitious "gambling debts" they are, or there will be no United States, but a lot of very, very dead Americans. The means to stop this are available; they are called "Glass Steagall." They may also be named "NAWAPA."

The British Argument

It is necessary to emphasize here, that I acknowledge that any survival of the U.S. economy would mean the general bankruptcy of that already hopelessly bankrupt, so-called "Inter Alpha Group," aka "BRIC," which forms the present financial-monetarist basis for the British monetarist empire-in-fact. This is a monetarist system which has ruled over Europe, during most of the periods since the formation of the Roman Empire, the empire launched by the concert of Octavian and the priests of the cult of Mithra, in their meetings on the Isle of Capri.[1] The British empire of today still exists as of yore, as the present incarnation of that legacy of the maritime system of financial empire established by Rome, as continued through the reigns of the monetarist systems of Byzantium, of the old Venice system, and of the New Venetian system of those followers of the so-called "New Venetian Liberalism" of Paolo Sarpi, which secured the turn of the English throne into what became a British empire with the invasion of England by William of Orange.

Since the threatening British objection to a U.S. re-enactment of Glass-Steagall, is what has blocked the Obama White House's willingness to give a lackey-like U.S. Congress permission to vote up the otherwise popular demand for a restitution of the 1933 Glass-Steagall law, it is necessary to state clearly the conditions under which the United Kingdom's own economic survival will depend upon Glass-Steagall conditions.

If all the banks of Britain and its like were to be caused to vanish in a grand flop on the morning, Britain would be better advised to learn its lesson, than to block a Glass-Steagall revival. The United Kingdom should now come to its senses in this matter.

What if all the banks of the United Kingdom, and also the "BRIC" are wiped from the scene, would the United Kingdom itself need to die? Could it not survive, in the more modest and much more appropriate role as a sovereign nation-state minding its own nation's business, rather than its long-standing, but deplorable present habit, of meddling in the troubles of others (many among which it did much to cause, as contributed by the case of the unfortunate British lackey George Soros)? By international agreement, a salvaged set of U.S.A.-style commercial banking could be created to protect and promote the general welfare of citizens of a republican United Kingdom, or, if so desired, a pair of neighbors such as Scotland and England.

The British influence on a problematic President such as Barack Obama, is not to be tolerated any longer as a legitimate expression of the functions of a President or a U.S. Congress of the United States. So, what if the leading financial speculators of the world go belly-up financially; the human species will have lost less than nothing, and might find consolation in a form of security in the honest employment which we will encourage be afforded as decent opportunities, instead such as the drug-trafficking and usury toward which the British monarchy has shown such stubborn affinities up to the present day in Afghanistan.

Glass-Steagall: How Our Constitution Works

To understand our Federal Constitution's economic provisions, there are two most crucial points in our history which demand the leading attention of all among our actual patriots at this moment.

The first is, that the precedent for our U.S. Federal Constitution, is to be located within the implementation of that originally uttered Royal Charter which launched the Massachusetts Bay Colony as a sovereign entity under the authority of the English Kingdom. This charter was employed by the leaders of the Colony, such as the Winthrops and Mathers, as the authority for the creation of a credit system for the Massachusetts colony, rather than a monetarist system of the European type then, as now, still today.

That constitutional principle is not a matter of merely ordinary law; it is the expression of a universal physical principle, a truly constitutional quality of principle on whose observance the continued existence of our republic now absolutely depends. To oppose that principle, is to attempt to destroy our republic by actions which would be, under present conditions, tantamount to treason; in this case it would be submission to the will of a foreign power, the international drug-trafficking British Empire since the 1790s, which is precisely the intention behind President Nixon's cancellation of the Bretton Woods agreement at the urging of such as Arthur Burns, George Shultz, et al., acting under President Richard Nixon, during that period.

The historical evidence is, that the cancellation of the Massachusetts colony's sovereign powers, essentially as by the New Venetian Party's tyrant William of Orange, left the London-betrayed tradition of the economic policy of Massachusetts handed on to successors such as a Benjamin Franklin who presented the utterance of a paper currency as the proposed instrument of a credit system, and who became the virtual author of our republic.

The second principal consideration, is that the immediate authority for the credit policy of our U.S. Federal Constitution, as opposed to a monetary policy, came into being through Hamilton's initiative on this account, an initiative which served as the cornerstone for crafting the entirety of the design of our original Federal Constitution.

Today, Hamilton's role in the crafting of that Constitution has become a rarely known story; yet, as a matter of practice, it is of cardinal importance for any U.S. citizen today, or, therefore, for any person intellectually competent to hold Federal office still today. Unfortunately, few elected officials of our republic have competent knowledge of this central feature of principle in the design of our constitutional republic. Therefore, the essence of this crucial matter must be spelled out here, as follows. Our nation's life, and perhaps your own, depends upon the citizen's adopting the fact of this knowledge.

It must be emphasized here and now, that there is a difference between a mere ordinary law, and a law premised upon a demonstrably truthful expression of a demonstrable principle of nature, a demonstrable principal of what is a properly conceived constitutional law, rather than a merely customary principle of law, as the latter inferior, regrettable notion of law is typical of the parliamentary traditions of Europe thus far. The notion of the German constitutional court is a notable case of an implied attempt to maintain that distinction respecting ordinary law-making and a fundamental principle of law implicitly embedded in our own Federal Constitution. The argument presented by Alexander Hamilton, shows the meaning of that distinction of true principle from merely a more or less arbitrary choice in law, as that which, quite clearly, corresponds to the proven virtues of actual historical experience of mankind's best nature, such as that which inspired the original colonists of Massachusetts, prior to the invasion of the Isles by the so-called "Liberalism" of the New Venetian Party's William of Orange.

Hamilton's argument for the existence of a Federal Constitution is fairly summarized in effect as follows.

The Setting of Hamilton's Principle

The victory of the United States over the British imperial tyrant, was accomplished with the aid of the leading nations of continental Europe at that time. France was the leader in providing this assistance. The kingdom of Spain then joined France in the role as an ally of our United States. In addition, powerful forces, headed by the role of Russia's Catherine the Great in the League of Armed Neutrality, together with the conscience of many in the British Isles, all joined in aid of the cause of our struggle for liberty, which was seen by them as their cause for freedom from the rapine inherent in the outcome of that Seven Years War which had been unleashed through the schemes which that New Venetian Party of England and the Netherlands had already ensconced in England during the reign of William of Orange.

However, from the time of the role of the British East India Company's Lord Shelburne in the launching of the British Foreign Office from 1782 onwards, Britain was enabled to replay the kind of role in Europe which history witnessed in the run-up to the French Revolution and those Napoleonic wars which were orchestrated as an echo of the model of the British East India Company's orchestration of the so-called "Seven Years War" of 1756-1763.

Once Napoleon had been chastised with the defeat of his attempted invasion of Egypt and the Levant, Napoleon changed wives, dumping the Josephine associated with the pro-Ottoman alliance against the Habsburgs, and was given a Habsburg princess as wife instead. Napoleon, thus married to a new fate, then led the wars throughout Europe, which wrecked France and continental Europe, all done to the not exactly kindly intentions of that British monarchy and Prince Metternich who created the infamous peace which imperial London and Metternich imposed at Vienna upon a defeated set of the nations of Europe. As former Chancellor Bismarck had foreseen on the verge of World War I, "A new Seven Years' War."

Do not ridicule the French on account of King Louis XVI's, and also the Emperor Joseph's foolish reactions to the British Foreign Office-orchestrated affair of "the Queen's Necklace." We of the United States, repeated exactly the same mistake which most of Europe had made in the so-called "Seven Years War" of 1756-63, and France in the Napoleonic wars. We did so in the regrettable Polk's own Mexican war, and in our own lunatic plunge into a virtual decade of useless, bleeding war in Indo-China, following that assassination of President John F. Kennedy which prepared the way for the U.S. entry into the prolonged Indo-China war against which both President Kennedy and General Douglas MacArthur had warned.

The Soviet Union made the same mistake in its sucker's move into Afghanistan, which became the downfall of the Soviet system, and we have made the same mistake, again and again, as under the corrupt influence of Britain's perennially lying Prime Minister Tony Blair in the 2003 launching of an Iraq War which has not really ended yet, but is merely on the road to a new war of British concoction, the war through which the United States would follow the former Soviet Union's precedent, by defending the British opium traffickers in Afghanistan, with the prospect of a new regional war yet to be set off, with British instigation, and the Obama administration's convoluted consent, against Iran.

So, the British empire likes such silly suckers as the ever-wretched former Prime Minister Tony Blair's very nasty, current favorite, the pathetically narcissistic, also vicious President Barack Obama!

In the fall of France into the Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars, our United States' very continued existence remained in peril until the surrogate victory over the British led by President Lincoln and both the Lincoln Administration's end of the British system of slavery and the launching of our United States to its greatest accomplishments on a world scale. Under President Lincoln and his legacy, our United States emerged as the greatest, virtually continental nation which the world had seen since the qualified precedent of the work of Charlemagne in the development of the continent of Europe for as long as he had lived.

So, there we were, as the decline of France over the interval 1782-1789, brought us from a state of cautious triumph as a republic, into the time of the peril which the French Revolution expressed. Our former hero, Thomas Jefferson, went essentially mad, during this time, as did other leaders who, like Jefferson, returned to their senses during the times of President Monroe's and John Quincy Adams' leadership of our republic. It was in this process of that interval, 1782-1789, that the genius of our great republic showed itself, a genius expressed by the creative insight of Alexander Hamilton in his own time, an insight which led into the creation of our Federal Constitution.

Hamilton's Principle as Such

The once-victorious states of the United States, once the victory over the British had been secured, had found themselves buried in a war-debt incurred by the respective former colonies. Hamilton's genius saved the United States, as the same principle, expressed by the re-enacted Glass-Steagall law of 1933, would save our United States, again, today—if we acted to force through that reform, whatever that requires, immediately, now.

By creating a Federal Constitution, one designed under the great guiding, inviolable principle of the present Federal Constitution's general welfare clause, all of those elected officials who oppose that constitutional principle affirmed as the Preamble of that Constitution, are morally obliged either to change their opinion, or leave office out of a desire not to pollute our government with their unwholesome, misguided opinions.

Hamilton's inspiration, the turn to national banking under a credit system, rather than a European type of monetarist system, provided the solution, a unique solution which sometimes influenced European and other American states, in particular, but which rose to a more outstanding degree of durable quality than other leading nations to the present date. On that account, since 1776, the British empire has sought to subvert and destroy us, from that time to the present day of the anglophile corruption expressed by such putative proteges of the most regrettable, lying, former Prime Minister Tony Blair as President Barack Obama.

That principle of a credit-system, emphasized by Hamilton, rather than a typically European monetarist system, is the credit principle, a principle directly counterposed to the monetarist principle which was established as that principle of usury of the Roman Empire which is continued by the present British empire, and tolerated, still, among most of the nations of Europe and elsewhere, still today.

That principle is also a moral principle, enshrined against that principle of monetarist usury which has been employed to wreck our republic, as has been especially notable since the great moral criminality of August 1971.

The principle is elementary. It is the principle of the Pine Tree Shilling of the original Massachusetts Bay Colony. Honest debt to the future can be paid only through honest creation of future physical and equivalent wealth, including the development of the relevant creative powers of the individual citizen and the children and adolescents of those families.

Such debts of a credit-system must be paid by the fruitfulness of future production, as this principle was already understood by the Winthrops and Mathers of the original Massachusetts colony. Such debts require that the government delimits such accumulations of debt to the efficient commitment to promote that production. Such debt can be lawfully incurred only by a decision premised on a reasonable expectation of the relevant creation of the increased physical wealth, and of the increased physical productivity of the nation. Debts incurred on financial speculation are not legitimate debts of a government.

This was Alexander Hamilton's great principle as embedded in as the subsuming intent of the Preamble of our Federal Constitution.

Debts are good, when they are designed to be made good, as by a credit system based on a commitment to increase the creation of net wealth per capita, and per square kilometer of the territory of a nation. The famous Saugus Iron Works typifies the genius of successes which horrified the more backward, and often useless souls reigning jealously over England at that time.

In practice, the success of the United States' economy has always lain, chiefly, in the production of those public works through which the increase of the physical productivity of the nation is effected, as measurable per capita and per square kilometer of territory. No true republic was ever a mere collection of parts; but is the summoning of diversity to the effect of an intended greater and better unity.

Principal incidents of violations of that principle are notable for the case of the corrupt "environmentalist" policies of the Confederacy-inspired President Theodore Roosevelt, the trained nephew of a Confederate spy who worked for Britain from London. There is the kindred corruption of flagrant Ku Klux Klan backer and U.S. President Woodrow Wilson. There are kindred evidences against the similarly perverse views of Presidents Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, Harry S Truman, Richard M. Nixon, and Presidents George H.W. Bush, Vice-President Al Gore, and Presidents George W. Bush, Jr., and the virtually would-be "Emperor Nero" of his time, Barack Obama.

The entirety of the Federal Constitution rested upon that single conception which echoed the precedents set by such as the Winthrops and Mathers of the Seventeenth-century Massachusetts Bay Colony, under the Pine Tree Shilling, as revived to be part of our Federal Constitution through the influence of Cotton Mather's young protege Benjamin Franklin and Franklin protege Alexander Hamilton. Call it the legacy of President Franklin Roosevelt, who was the fully witting descendant of Alexander Hamilton's ally, Isaac Roosevelt, who had been the founder of the Bank of New York established in opposition to the Manhattan Bank of the traitor and British agent of Lord Shelburne's Foreign Office lackey Jeremy Bentham, the de facto traitor, assassin, and former U.S. Vice-President Aaron Burr.

The Remedy, Our Recovery

If we simply cancel the mistakenly presumed obligation to pay the worthless debt represented by the operations led by former J.P. Morgan agent and later Chairman of the Federal Reserve System, Alan Greenspan, and Greenspan's muddled follower, Ben Bernanke, at the Fed today, we will be doing nothing different respecting principle of practice than President Franklin Roosevelt did in the 1933 promotion of that original Glass-Steagall law which saved the United States from Hell at that time, and which also served as the beacon of our national financial and related economic stability until the Morgan-sponsored swindle of the Greenspan-inspired repeal of Glass-Steagall in 1999.

That simple action of a Glass-Steagall revival now, will save the United States; any failure to resume that 1933 legislation will doom the United States to a very early general destruction. Those who choose one or the other option, earn the praise or hatred of the present citizens and their families of the United States accordingly.

The debts known by such names as Alan Greenspan's concoction of "financial derivatives" are nothing different than "gambling debts." They are to be treated as such. The assumption of such forms of debt is contrary, pure and simple, to the clear intention of the Preamble of the Federal Constitution.

Freeing the United States' government of the grip of those essentially fictitious financial obligations to Wall Street, London, et al., immediately frees our Republic of that burden. The urgently needed recovery of the U.S. economy can, then, begin an initially slow and cautious, but accelerating rate of physical economic recovery to health and wealth, and to the halting of presently accelerating, global entry into hyperinflation, from the moment the implementation of the original, 1933 Glass-Steagall law is put into operation.

That return to the 1933 Glass-Steagall law, is the single decision on which even the mere continued existence of these United States now depends, on which your own personal existence now depends, in fact. Any member of the legislature who has any different immediate intention, is being worse than a useless waste of time, and should, perhaps, either reform, or turn himself, or herself in, for a more appropriate opportunity in employment.

II. Glass-Steagall's Effects

The virtually instantaneous effect of the re-enactment of the original 1933 Glass-Steagall Act, is to rescue the Federal states of the United States from a presently accelerating slide down the chutes into otherwise virtually inevitable social-economic Hell. The "bail out" of Wall Street and London ends, thus, with the restoration of the essential functions of the governments of the Federal states. We shall not sacrifice the citizens of our states on the altar of a Wall Street, or London's Baal, as President Barack Obama, like President George W. Bush. Jr., before him, has done thus far.

The ability to sustain the needed full measure of a recovery of each among the states, depends, in large part, on the "multiplier" effect of increasing the amount of Federally promoted employment-incomes within the economy of each of the states. Every person so employed, spends the income so promoted in expanding the market within the state's economy, and in the diminution of the direct and other actually enormous costs of the breakdown of state and local society under the post-August 2007 policies of Presidents George W. Bush, Jr., and Barack Obama, thus far.

While all that is necessary must be done, to repair the ability to sustain the benefits which are returned to the Federal states as if in the form of bonuses, is not sufficient. The productivity of the state depends upon the general increase of the productivity within the states. For this broader purpose, we require large-scale, long-term, science-driven and related investments in major public works of long-term development, works which raise the level of capital intensity and higher energy-flux-densities of applied sources of power across the states.

Whereas, the brilliantly successful launching of the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) serves as a model of reference for the needed increase of the well-being within and among the Federal States, we had, prior to and during the 1964-1975 U.S. warfare in Southeast Asia, the avowed 1964 intention, under President Lyndon Johnson then, to follow the intended conclusion of that war with the launching of what was known as the North American Water and Power Alliance (NAWAPA), which would have solved all of the major, long-term power and water problems of not only the western states of the U.S.A., Mexico, and Canada, but which would also have saved those territories from the awful depletion and destruction of those and associated regions of North America as a whole.

President Johnson is not to be blamed over-much for his conceding the conduct of that folly of Indo-China warfare against former U.S. ally Ho Chi Minh. That Indo-China war had been launched, in a moment of opportunity, following the death of President Franklin Roosevelt, by the British empire. The British Foreign Office released the Japan soldiers then being held as prisoners of war, to resume their arms and to occupy Indo-China until the French occupation forces were to return. At the bottom of this business, the responsibility of the atrocity of sending our forces to die in the 1960s and early 1970s Indo-China war, was the role of those who composed the notorious "Warren Commission" which celebrated its British triumph over the assassination of President Kennedy in a way which must be marked down in history as the treasonous development which brought our republic into a state of ruin through a war which only the assassination of President Kennedy had made possible. President Johnson was plainly terrified by the implications of the Warren Commission "cover up."

This entirely feasible NAWAPA project will, among its numerous excellent effects, not only restore the presently endangered and increasingly wasted, western states of the United States, but will become the precedent for the remedying of the desertification and kindred waste-land effects of entire regions of the continents of Eurasia, Africa, and South and Central America. NAWAPA, for example, is fully designed in all its general features, to serve as a model for other great projects in Africa such as the Transaqua restoration of the region of Lake Chad, and for the realization of certain developments of Siberia which are of strategically crucial importance for the future of large and other nations to the south of Russia, including China and India.

Essentially, this prospect means than we are becoming the real United States, once more, as Franklin Roosevelt had intended for a planetary group of respectively sovereign nations sharing a great common interest, once the so-called "Second World War" had been brought to its necessary close.

Of this, there is much more to be said on this occasion.

To realize the implementation of a great project such as NAWAPA, beginning now, compels us to put the Northeast region of our United States back into full production, as much as the directly relevant western part of the North American continent. The former automobile-industrial and related regions of the Northeast and central states of the United States must build the systems needed to supply the great NAWAPA program with a great part of its own efforts. The skilled, but now unemployed machine-tool operatives, and others, who have been lately cast into the ruins of once great, productive states of the United States, must return to duty, to build the modern forms of rail, magnetic-levitation and other systems, needed in the eastern states of our region, to fulfil the great hunger of the NAWAPA and associated projects, which will be sufficient not merely to restore our national economy, but to launch leaps in progress of a type not see since the death of President John F. Kennedy's inspiration.

It is fairly estimated, based on the original Parsons estimate for the mid-1960s, that four millions jobs will be created in rapid pace for NAWAPA itself. However, the need to supply support for the installation of NAWAPA will demand an additional two millions or more new employment among such states as those from New England to St. Louis, in such forms as new railway systems, magnetic levitation systems (especially for carrying heavy loads up to as much as five thousand feet), and the proliferation of productive employment in industries generally, all as stimulated by the markets created by NAWAPA.

This will also reverse the drying out, presently in an advanced degree, of the watersheds of the Plains states and other grievous such shortfalls, through the increase of rainfall patterns across the continent, and will lead, in other respects, to the conquest of desert regions generally, thus creating a more moderated climate, and an increase of the territory available for habitation and employment.

A short term perspective for six millions new industrial and related jobs is a fair minimal prospect for the perspective based on NAWAPA.

The urgently needed reform of our national economy, away from Wall Street and kindred, purely wasteful speculation, into forms of occupations less suited to the higher apes, and more to the stimulated, creative mental-powers of our productive citizens, is the only presently available alternative to what would be, immediately, a plunge of the planet in its entirety into a global dark age worse than which Europe experienced, as a result of Wall Street-like, Venetian speculation, back during the latter part of Europe's Fourteenth Century.

III. TVA & NAWAPA: An American Tradition

In certain crucial respects, the launching of the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) under President Franklin Roosevelt, typifies a principle which was reflected in the Parsons firm's perfected design for NAWAPA. It reverses the policy of economic waste and rot which that nephew-of-a-British-spy, President Theodore Roosevelt, imposed upon the United States, by that Roosevelt's dirty British trick of forbidding any rational progress in the development of the U.S.A.'s western lands beyond the twenty-inch rainfall line.

The most notable fact about this, is that Theodore Roosevelt was expressing the same treasonous intention for the United States which is currently the official policy of Britain's bat-fancy-ridden, and frankly pro-genocidal World Wildlife Fund.

At that point, competent economic science intervenes in protest against such mass-homicidal nonsense.

The fact of the matter is, that human existence on this planet has depended upon drawing down a finite resource of mineral and other deposits left behind by, chiefly, forms of life from very long ago. As we deplete such relics of former types of life, the relative physical cost of employing that resource rises. This challenge, which is inherent in the role of life generally, has a particular significance for the case of human life. This means, in general, that the effective energy-flux density of human action, per capita and per square kilometer must be increased to more than offset the relatively depletion of resources left behind by forms of life earlier. This means that the concentration of power, per capita and per square kilometer cross-sectional flow, must be increased as constantly through scientific and related progress.

This requirement can be satisfied, in a general way, only through increasing the relative energy-flux density of the sources of heat-power being utilized. So, mankind had now reached the point in this process that national economies can not continue to be maintained without increasing emphasis on nuclear-fission as a standard resource for power of nations per-capita and per square kilometer of territory. Indeed, we are presently entering the phase at which increasing reliance on thermonuclear fusion must tend to predominate.

In the meanwhile, we are now approaching the still-higher stage of cultures at which we must acquire and employ still higher forms of the equivalent of "heat-power." Reducing the size of the population is not a solution; indeed, since the complexity of higher forms of power requires a more bountiful size of human population, there is no sane policy for mankind but that of rising to successively higher levels of the equivalent of energy-flux densities. Indeed, mankind is now nearing the stage at which the role of mankind in nearby Solar space will necessarily increase.

I mention this here, because the implications of the NAWAPA program include emphasis on mankind's dependency, here, down on Earth itself, upon processes which we presently know to be associated with functions which are located essentially within not only our Solar System, but effects on life on Earth which are governed by processes of our galaxy. NAWAPA's development brings us into many experimental matters which are of great significance but are located essentially beyond the range of life on Earth as such.

We have entered a time, now, when, for science today, human life is located functionally in such larger terms of reference. The processes which confront us in our achievements in the design of the NAWAPA project, will become the principal process of transition toward mankind's adaptation to relevant actions of management of our planet's nearby space.

For example, the development of NAWAPA brings such nations sharing the polar region, as the United States, Canada, and Russia into sharing a common destiny in the need to explore the implications of the Arctic region, that in a way which has been barely scratched so far. Similarly, the exploration of this region brings us to place a new degree of emphasis on the implications of cosmic radiation as a crucial aspect of life on Earth, including our own nation's.

In short, with the advent of NAWAPA we are going far beyond the implications of the TVA into dealing at close range with cosmic challenges to science and economy beyond anything customarily considered in the world up to this present time. The discovery of a North America beyond Eurasia, has effects which share the experience of the John Quincy Adams, one-time Secretary of State, President, and senior member of Congress, who played a leading role in defining our republic, from Atlantic to Pacific as a single continental power reaching across the Pacific toward our naturally destined partnership with Asia as also "Old Europe." Today, the promotion of the development of those resources of Siberia needed for the development of such populous nations as China and India, when taken together with the natural relationship, across the Pacific among Russian Siberia and the United States and Canada, defines the future destiny of our United States to an increasingly large degree. The tunnel through the Bering Straits into Russia, from Alaska, becomes inevitable, and, on this account the relations within Asia are changed in a related way.

Together, we, China, Russia, and India, will be among the nations rising from the Pacific partnership for such common missions as those of the development of the Moon.

We must define our national destiny as a commitment to breed and educate the generations among these nations which will find our cooperation in nearby space-ventures, as not merely cooperative, but inevitable. NAWAPA unleashed, will represent a development of such sheer power for development, that it will be the fulcrum that takes us, by inspiration, to the skies above. We must adopt this as nothing less than our natural destiny to be shared with our partners across the Pacific, and also among all of us, and the future of the Moon.

Once NAWAPA were developed so, no American child would ever dream of less than such achievements as those of mankind's more notable entry upon the stage of nearby Solar space.

Therefore, we share a great destiny so placed before us; let us resolve that from this advance in our human condition, we of the United States shall never again retreat.

The first chapter of Genesis teaches that man and woman are made equally in the likeness of the Creator. Let it be so for all of us now. Let us never retreat from that devotion, from that image of the nature and sanctity of the purpose of the life of each human individual. Let it be now. We, as a nation, have a special dispensation to make it so for all throughout this world as a whole. Let us do the wonderful things we have been designed, as a species, to do. Let the presently descending nightmare upon our republic, and also the world, be taken away from us now, taken away by the power of willful choice awarded to us, especially that which was intended, since the time of the Massachusetts' Winthrops and Mathers as our destined special contribution to the future cause of humanity.

    [1] Notably, the order to his nominal son-in-law, Pontius Pilate, for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ was uttered by the Emperor Tiberius from Capri, a key to the mass murders of Christians by the Roman emperors into the time of Constantine.


by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. http://www.larouchepub.com/pr_lar/2011/lar_pac/110118sou_notes.html

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