« A Tale of Three Nations: Freedom, Religion and the Rights of Women | For The Benefit of Uncle Sam » |
By Timothy V. Gatto
The States in this recession carry a heavy burden. With the economies of the world facing total wreckage, including the economy of the United States, it is up to our elected officials to save a buck where and when they can. The situation in Wisconsin is typical of what the States can afford, and what they cannot.
It seems that the good people of Wisconsin can no longer continue to pay the salaries of teachers at the level they are accustomed to. In this same view, the police and the firefighters should do their patriotic duty and give up that quaint but expensive tradition, collective bargaining. It is just simply the right thing to do. Their elected officials surely realize that when a firefighter or police officer puts his or her life on the line to protect their fellow citizens, government officials surely understand what that sacrifice is worth in dollars and cents. These ungrateful public sector workers don’t realize just how good they have it. One only has to witness the funeral of a firefighter or police officer who died in the line of duty. The bagpipes, the rifle salutes and the premium quality flags are no small expenses. We only provide the best to our fallen heroes.
People only have to understand that our federal government’s main concern is the defense of Americans, both here in America and abroad. Forced to protect its citizens in a world gone mad is an expensive proposition. Just by being an American puts our people at greater risk than those that live in other nations. For some unexplainable reason, many people on the planet absolutely hate us. I’m sure that it is all a mistake. Once people from other nations get to know us, they usually end up loving us, even asking America to build military bases on their soil to protect their citizens the way we protect our own. In fact we have 724 military bases in other nations:
Bagram Air Base, Parvan, Charikar, US Air Force
Kandahar Air Base, Kandahar, US Air Force
Khost Airbase, Paktia, Khost, US Air Force
Mazar-e-Sharif Airbase, Mazar-e-Sharif, US Air Force
Antigua Air Station, Barnes Hill, US Air Force
Holt Exmouth, Exmouth, US Navy
Woomera Air Station, Woomera, US Air Force
3 Installations, no further details
1 installation, no further details
Autec Andros, Andros, US Navy
Bahrain, Bahrain, US Navy
Muharraq Airfield
Brussels, Brüssel, US Army
Chateau Gendebien, Mons, US Army
Chievres, Ath, US Army
Chievres Airbase, Ath, US Army
Daumerie Caserne, Ath, US Army
Florennes Air Base, Florennes, US Air Force
Kleine Brogel Air Base, Kleine Brogel, US Air Force
Mons, Mons, US Army
Shape Headquarters, Mons, US Army
Sterrebeek Dependent School, Sterrebeek, US Army
10 Installations, no further details
Camp Comanche, Tuzla, US Army
Camp Mc Govern, Brcko
Camp Eagle, Tuzla
Camp Sarafovo, Burgas
1 Installation, no further details
San José del Guaviare radar station
Marandúa radar station
Leticia radar statiom
Guantanamo, Guantanamo Bay, US Navy
Karup Air Base, Karup, US Air Force
2 Installations, no further details
Denmark (Greenland)
Thule Air Base, Thule, US Air Force
NAVMEDRSCHU Three Cairo, Cairo, US Navy
Ag Pub & Tng Aids Ctr, Frankfurt Main, US Army
Alvin York Vil Fam Hsg, Bad Nauheim, US Army
Amberg Fam Hsg, Amberg, US Army
Amelia Earhart Hotel, Wiesbaden, US Army
American Arms Hotel, Wiesbaden, US Army
Anderson Barracks, Dexheim, US Army
Ansbach, Ansbach, US Army
Argonner Kaserne, Hanau, US Army
Armstrong Barracks, Büdingen, US Army
Armstrong Village Fam Hsg, Büdingen, US Army
Artillery Kaserne, Garmisch, US Army
Aschaffenburg Fam Hsg, Aschaffenburg, US Army
Aschaffenburg Tng Areas, Aschaffenburg, US Army
Askren Manor Fam Hsg, Schweinfurt, US Army
Aukamm Hsg Area, Wiesbaden, US Army
Babenhausen Family Hsg, Babenhausen, US Army
Babenhausen Kaserne, Babenhausen, US Army
Bad Aibling Kaserne, Bad Aibling, US Army
Bad Kreuznach, Bad Kreuznach, US Army
Bad Kreuznach Fam Hsg, Bad Kreuznach, US Army
Bad Kreuznach Hospital, Bad Kreuznach, US Army
Bamberg, Bamberg, US Army
Bamberg Airfield, Bamberg, US Army
Bamberg Stor & Range Area, Bamberg, US Army
Bann Comm Station, Bann, US Air Force
Bann Communication Station No 2, Landstuhl, US Air Force
Barton Barracks, Ansbach, US Army
Baumholder, Baumholder, US Army
Baumholder Airfield, Baumholder, US Army
Baumholder Fam Hsg, Baumholder, US Army
Baumholder Hospital, Baumholder, US Army
Baumholder Qm Area, Baumholder, US Army
Benjamin Franklin Vil Fam Hsg, Mannheim, US Army
Bensheim Maint & Supply Fac, Bensheim, US Army
Binsfeld Family Hsg Annex, Binsfeld, US Air Force
Birkenfeld Hsg Facilities, Baumholder, US Army
Bitburg Family Hsg Annex, Bitburg, US Air Force
Bitburg Storage Annex No 2, Bitburg, US Air Force
Bleidorn Fam Hsg, Ansbach, US Army
Boeblingen Fam Hsg, Stuttgart, US Army
Boeblingen Range, Stuttgart, US Army
Boeblingen Tng Area, Stuttgart, US Army
Breitenau Skeet Range, Garmisch, US Army
Breitenwald Tng Area, Landstuhl, US Army
Bremerhaven, Mannheim, US Army
Buechel Air Base, Büchel, US Air Force
Buedingen Ammo Area, Beudingen, US Army
Buedingen Army Heliport, Beudingen, US Army
Butzbach Tng Area & Range, Butzbach, US Army
Cambrai Fritsch Kaserne, Darmstadt, US Army
Camp Oppenheim Tng Area, Guntersblum, US Army
Campbell Barracks, Heidelberg, US Army
Campo Pond Tng Area, Hanau, US Army
Cardwell Village Fam Hsg, Hanau, US Army
Chiemsee Recreation Area, Bernau, US Army
Coleman Barracks, Mannheim, US Army
Coleman Village Fam Hsg, Gelnhausen, US Army
Community Fac Kaiserlautern E, Kaiserslautern, US Army
Conn Barracks, Schweinfurt, US Army
Crestview Hsg Area, Wiesbaden, US Army
Daenner Kaserne, Kaiserslautern, US Army
Daley Village Fam Hsg, Bad Kissingen, US Army
Darmstadt, Darmstadt, US Army
Darmstadt Training Center, Darmstadt, US Army
Dautphe Boy Scout Camp, Dautphe, US Army
Dexheim Fam Hsg, Dexheim, US Army
Dexheim Missile Fac, Dexheim, US Army
East Camp Grafenwoehr, Hof, US Army
Echterdingen Airfield, Stuttgart, US Army
Edingen Radio Receiver Fac, Heidelberg, US Army
Egelsbach Transmitter Fac, Langen, US Army
Einsiedlerhof Maintenance Anx, Einsiedlerhof, US Air Force
Einsiedlerhof Storage Annex, Einsiedlerhof, US Air Force
Einsiedlerkoepfe Training Anx, Kaiserslautern, US Air Force
Ernst Ludwig Kaserne, Darmstadt, US Army
Faulenberg Kaserne, US Army
Finthen Airfield, Mainz, US Army
Fintherlandstr Fam Hsg, Mainz, US Army
Fliegerhorst Airfield Kaserne, Hanau, US Army
Flynn Fam Hsg & Tng Areas, Bamberg, US Army
Frankfurt AFN Sta, Frankfurt Main, US Army
Frankfurt Hospital, Frankfurt, US Air Force
Freihoelser Tng Area, Amberg, US Army
Friedrichsfeld Qm Service Ctr, Mannheim, US Army
Friedrichsfeld Stor Area, Mannheim, US Army
Funari Barracks, Mannheim, US Army
Garmisch Fam Hsg, Garmisch, US Army
Garmisch Golf Course, Garmisch, US Army
Garmisch Shopping Center, Garmisch, US Army
Gateway Gardens Family Hsg Annex, Frankfurt, US Air Force
Geilenkirchen Air Base Geilenkirchen, US Air Force
Gelnhausen, Gelnhausen, US Army
General Abrams Hotel & Disp, Garmisch, US Army
General Patton Hotel, Garmisch, US Army
General Von Steuben Hotel, Garmisch, US Army
George C Marshall Vil Fam Hsg, Giessen, US Army
George C. Marshall Kaserne, Bad Kreuznach, US Army
George Gershwin Fam Hsg, Wetzlar, US Army
Germersheim Army Depot, Germersheim, US Army
Giebelstadt Giebelstadt, US Army
Giebelstadt Army Airfield Würzburg, US Army
Giebelstadt DYA Camp, Würzburg, US Army
Giebelstadt TAC Def Fac, Würzburg, US Army
Giessen, Giessen, US Army
Giessen Community Facilities, Giessen, US Army
Giessen General Depot, Giessen, US Army
Grafenwoehr, US Army
Grafenwoehr Tng Area, Grafenwöhr, US Army
Griesheim Airfield, Darmstadt, US Army
Grossauheim Kaserne, Grossauheim, US Army
Gruenstadt AAFES Fac Ma, US Army
Gruenstadt Comm Sta Ma, US Army
Gut Husum Ammunition Storage Annex, Jever, US Air Force
Hainerberg Hsg and Shop Ctr, Wiesbaden, US Army
Hammonds Barracks, Heidelberg, US Army
Hanau, Hanau, US Army
Harvey Barracks, US Army
Hausberg Ski Area, Garmisch, US Army
Heidelberg, Heidelberg, US Army
Heidelberg Airfield, Heidelberg, US Army
Heidelberg Community Sup Ctr, Heidelberg, US Army
Heidelberg Golf Course, Heidelberg, US Army
Heidelberg Hospital, Heidelberg, US Army
Herforst Family Hsg Anx, Herforst, US Air Force
Hill 365 Radio Relay Fac, Kaiserslautern, US Army
Hochspeyer Ammo Stor Anx, Hochspeyer, US Air Force
Hoechst, US Army
Hohenfels, Hohenfels, US Army
Hohenfels Tng Area, Hohenfels, US Army
Hommertshausen Girl Scout Camp, Hommertshausen, US Army
Hoppstaedten Waterworks, Baumholder, US Army
Husterhoeh Communication Site, Pirmasens, US Air Force
Husterhoeh Kaserne, Pirmasens, US Army
Hutier Kaserne, Hanau, US Army
Idar Oberstein Fam Hsg, Baumholder, US Army
Illesheim, Illesheim, US Army
Jefferson Village Fam Hsg, Darmstadt, US Army
Jever Air Base, Jever, US Air Force
John F Dulles Village Fam Hsg, Giessen, US Army
Johnson Barracks, Nürnberg, US Army
Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, US Army
Kaiserslautern Army Depot, Kaiserslautern, US Army
Kaiserslautern Equip Spt Ctr, Kaiserslautern, US Army
Kaiserslautern Fam Hsg Anx No 3, Kaiserslautern, US Air Force
Kapaun Administration Anx, Kaiserslautern, US Air Force
Kastel Hsg Area, Wiesbaden, US Army
Katterbach Kaserne, Ansbach, US Army
Kefurt & Craig Village Fam Hsg, Stuttgart, US Army
Kelley Barracks-Ger-GE44E, Darmstadt, US Army
Kelley Barracks-Ger-GE44F, Stuttgart, US Army
Kilbourne Kaserne, Heidelberg, US Army
Kitzingen, US Army
Kitzingen Family Hsg, Kitzingen, US Army
Kitzingen Tng Areas, Kitzingen, US Army
Kleber Kaserne, Kaiserslautern, US Army
Kornwestheim Golf Course, Stuttgart, US Army
Lampertheim Tng Area, Viernheim, US Army
Landstuhl Family Hsg Annex O3, Landstuhl, US Air Force
Landstuhl Heliport, Landstuhl, US Army
Landstuhl Hospital, Landstuhl, US Army
Landstuhl Maintenance Site, Ramstein, US Air Force
Langen Terrace Fam Hsg Area, Langen, US Army
Langerkopf Rad Rel Site, Leimen, US Air Force
Larson Barracks, Kitzingen, US Army
Ledward Barracks, Schweinfurt, US Army
Leighton Barracks, US Army
Lincoln Village Fam Hsg, Darmstadt, US Army
Mainz, Mainz, US Army
Mainz-Kastel Station, Wiesbaden, US Army
Mannheim, Mannheim, US Army
Mannheim Class III Point, Mannheim, US Army
Mark Twain Village Fam Hsg, Heidelberg, US Army
McArthur Place Fam Hsg, Friedberg, US Army
McCully Barracks, Mainz, US Army
Messel Small Arms Range, Darmstadt, US Army
Miesau, Miesau, US Army
Miesau Ammo Depot, Miesau, US Army
Moehringen Fam Hsg, Stuttgart, US Army
Nathan Hale Qm Area, Darmstadt, US Army
Neubruecke, Neubrücke, US Army
Neubruecke Hospital, Baumholder, US Army
New Argonner Fam Hsg, Hanau, US Army
Oberdachstetten Tng Area, Ansbach, US Army
Oberweis Annex, Oberweis, US Air Force
Oftersheim Small Arms Range, Heidelberg, US Army
Panzer Kaserne-Ger-GE642, Kaiserslautern, US Army
Panzer Kaserne-Ger-GE643, Stuttgart, US Army
Patch Barracks, Stuttgart, US Army
Patrick Henry Village Fam Hsg, Heidelberg, US Army
Patton Barracks, Heidelberg, US Army
Pendleton Barracks, Giessen, US Army
Pfeffelbach Waterworks, Baumholder, US Army
Pioneer Kaserne, Hanau, US Army
Pioneer Village Fam Hsg, Hanau, US Army
Pond Barracks, Amberg, US Army
Pruem Air Station, Prüm, US Air Force
Pulaski Barracks, Kaiserslautern, US Army
Quirnheim Missile Sta Ma, US Army
Ramstein Air Base, Landstuhl, US Air Force
Ramstein Storage Annex, US Air Force
Ray Barracks, Friedberg, US Army
Regensburg Fam Hsg, Regensburg, US Army
Rhein Main AB, Frankfurt, US Army
Rhein Main Air Base, Frankfurt, US Air Force
Rheinau Coal Pt D-1, Mannheim, US Army
Rheinblick Rec Annex, Wiesbaden, US Army
Rhine Ordnance Barracks, Kaiserslautern, US Army
Robinson Barracks, Stuttgart, US Army
Robinson-Grenadier Fam Hsg, Stuttgart, US Army
Roman Way Village Fam Hsg, Butzbach, US Army
Rose Barracks, Bad Kreuznach, US Army
Rottershausen Ammo Stor Area, Schweinfurt, US Army
Sambach AFN Fac, Sambach, US Army
Schweinfurt, Schweinfurt, US Army
Schweinfurt Tng Areas, Schweinfurt, US Army
Schwetzingen Training Area, Heidelberg, US Army
Sembach Admin Annex (Wing HQ), Wartenberg, US Air Force
Sheridan Barracks, Garmisch, US Army
Shipton Kaserne, Ansbach, US Army
Siegenburg Air Range, Mühlausen, US Air Force
Smith Barracks, Baumholder, US Army
South Camp Vilseck, Vilseck, US Army
Spangdahlem Air Base, Spangdahlem, US Air Force
Speicher Family Hsg Anx, Speicher, US Air Force
Spinelli Barracks, Mannheim, US Army
St Barbara Village Fam Hsg, Darmstadt, US Army
Stem Kaserne, Heidelberg, US Army
Steuben & Weicht Vil Fam Hsg, Stuttgart, US Army
Storck Barracks Bad, Windsheim, US Army
Strassburg Kaserne, Baumholder, US Army
Stuttgart Dependent School, Stuttgart, US Army
Sullivan Barracks, Mannheim, US Army
Sulzheim Tng Area, Schweinfurt, US Army
Taylor Barracks, Mannheim, US Army
Tiergarten Tng Area, Hanau, US Army
Tompkins Barracks, Heidelberg, US Army
Turley Barracks, Mannheim, US Army
Vilseck, Vilseck, US Army
Vogelweh Family Hsg Annex, Kaiserslautern, US Air Force
Wackernhm-Schwabenwaeldchen Ta, Mainz, US Army
Warner Barracks, Bamberg, US Army
Warner Barracks Fam Hsg, Bamberg, US Army
Weisskirchen AFN Trans Fac, Weisskirchen, US Army
Wetzel Fam Hsg, Baumholder, US Army
Wetzel Kaserne, Baumholder, US Army
Wiesbaden Army Airfield, Wiesbaden, US Army
Wiesbaden Small Arms Range, Wiesbaden, US Army
Wolfgang Kaserne, Hanau, US Army
Wuerzburg, Würzburg, US Army
Wuerzburg Hospital, Würzburg, US Army
Wuerzburg Tng Areas, Würzburg, US Army
Yorkhof Kaserne, Hanau, US Army
73 Installations, no further details
Istres Air Base, Istres, US Air Force
Souda Bay, Souda Bay, US Navy
Great Britain
Beck Row Family Hsg, Yildenhall, US Air Force
Eriswell Family Hsg Annex, Eriswell, US Air Force
Ipswich Storage Site, Ipswich, US Air Force
JMF St Mawgan, St Mawgan, US Navy
Lynn Wood Family Hsg, Thetford, US Air Force
NAVACT London UK, London, US Navy
Newmarket Fam Hsg Anx No 3, Newmarket, US Air Force
RAF Alconbury, Alconbury, US Air Force
RAF Barford St John Transmitter Annex, Barford St John, US Air Force
RAF Bicester, Bicester, US Air Force
RAF Chelveston Fam Hsg Anx, Rushden, US Air Force
RAF Croughton, Croughton, US Air Force
RAF Fairford, Fairford, US Air Force
RAF Feltwell, Feltwell, US Air Force
RAF Hythe, US Army
RAF Lakenheath, Lakenheath, US Air Force
RAF Mildenhall, Mildenhall, US Air Force
RAF Mildenhall Storage Annex, Mildenhall, US Air Force
RAF Mildenhall Waste Annex, Mildenhall, US Air Force
RAF Molesworth, Thrapston, US Air Force
RAF Molesworth Storage Anx No 12, Molesworth, US Air Force
RAF Shepherds Grove Family Hsg Annex, Stanton, US Air Force
RAF Upwood, Upwood, US Air Force
RAF Welford Ammo Stor Area, Newbury, US Air Force
31 Installations, no further details
Great Britain - Overseas
Diego Garcia, Diego Garcia, US Navy
Diego Garcia, Diego Garcia, US Air Force
US Army Honduras, Tegucigalpa, US Army
Soto Cano Air Base (Camp Picket), Comayagua, US Air Force
Hong Kong
1 installation, no further details
Taszar Air Base, Pecs, US Air Force
Keflavik, Keflavik, US Navy
1 Einrichtung ohne weitere Angaben
Aviano Administration Annex Group, Aviano, US Air Force
Aviano Air Base, Roveredo In Piano, US Air Force
Aviano Ammunition Storage Annex, Roveredo In Piano, US Air Force
Aviano Bachelor Hsg Annex No 2, Aviano, US Air Force
Aviano Bachelor Hsg Annex, Aviano, US Air Force
Aviano Family Hsg Annex, Aviano, US Air Force
Aviano Maintenance Annex, Aviano, US Air Force
Aviano Storage Annex, Aviano, US Air Force
Camp Darby, US Army
Camp Ederle, Vicenza, US Army
Coltano Troposcatter Site, US Army
Comiso Family Hsg Site, Comiso, US Air Force
Dal Molin Airfield, Vicenza, US Army
Livorno, US Army
Livorno Supply & Maint Area, 409 US Army
Livorno Training Area, US Army
Longare Comm Site, Vicenza, US Army
Sigonella, Sigonella, US Navy
NAVHOSP Naples, Neapel, US Navy
NAVSUPPACT Maddalena, La Maddalena, US Navy
NAVSUPPACT Naples, Neapel, US Navy
NCTAMS Eurcent Naples, Neapel, US Navy
Pisa Ammo Stor Area, Pisa, US Army
San Vito Dei Normanni Air Station, Brindisi, US Air Force
Vicenza, Vicenza, US Army
Vicenza Basic Load Stor Area, Vicenza, US Army
Vicenza Fam Hsg, Vicenza, US Army
Vigonovo Storage Annex, Vigonovo, US Air Force
23 Installations, no further details
Akasaka Press Center, Tokyo, US Army
Akizuki Ammunition Depot, Kure Shi, US Army
Camp Courtney Family Hsg Annex, Gushikawa, US Air Force
Camp Kuwae Family Hsg Annex, Jagaru, US Air Force
Camp McTureous Family Hsg Annex, Gushikawa, US Air Force
Camp Shields Family Hsg Annex, Okinawa City, US Air Force
Camp Zama, Sagamihara City, US Army
Camp Zama Communications Station, Zama, US Air Force
Camp Zukeran Family Hsg Anx, Okinawa City, US Air Force
Chitose Administration Annex, Chitose, US Air Force
COMFLEACT Kadena Okinawa, Okinawa, US Navy
COMFLEACT Sasebo, Sasebo, US Navy
COMFLEACT Yokosuka, Yokosuka, US Navy
Deputy Div Engr Office, Urasoe, US Army
FISC Yokosuka, Yokosuka, US Navy
Hiro Ammunition Depot, Kure City, US Army
Idesuna Jima Air Range, Naha, US Air Force
Itazuke Auxiliary Airfield, Fukuoka, US Air Force
Kachin Hanto Area A, Gushikawa, US Army
Kadena Air Base, Koza, US Air Force
Kadena Ammo Storage Annex, Kadena Village, US Air Force
Kawakami Ammunition Depot, Hiroshima, US Army
Kure Pier 6, Kure, US Army
Makiminato Service Annex, Urasoe, US Air Force
MCAS Iwakuni, Iwakuni, Marine Infantry
MCB Camp S D Butler Okinawa, Okinawa, Marine infantry
Misawa Air Base, Misawa, US Air Force
Misawa Air Range, Misawa City, US Air Force
Momote Annex, Wakko, US Air Force
NAF Atsugi, Atsugi, US Navy
NAF Misawa, Misawa, US Navy
Naha Port, Naha City, US Army
NAVCOMTELSTA Far East, Yokosuka, US Navy
NAVHOSP Yokosuka, Yokosuka, US Navy
NAVJNTSERVACT Sh Tokyo, Tokyo, US Navy
NAVSHIPREPFAC Yokosuka, Yokosuka, US Navy
Okuma Recreation Anx, Hentona, US Air Force
Owada Communications Station, Niiza, US Air Force
POL Facilities, Oki/Gushikawa, US Army
PWC Yokosuka, Yokosuka, US Navy
Sagami General Depot, Sagamihara City, US Army
Sagamihara Family Hsg Area, Sagamihara, US Army
Senaha Communication Station, Kadena, US Air Force
Tama Service Annex, Inagi, US Air Force
Tokorozawa Transmitter Site, Tokorozawa, US Air Force
Torii Station, Okinawa, US Army
Yokohama North Dock, Yokohama, US Army
Yokota Air Base, Fussa, US Air Force
25 Installations, no further details
Camp Doha, Kuwait City, US Army
Camp Udairi, Kuwait City, US Army
Ahmed Al Jaber Air Base, US Air Force
Ali Al Salem Air Base, US Air Force
Bettembourg Site, Luxemburg, US Army
Sanem Site, Esch-S-Alzette, US Army
1 Einrichtung ohne weitere Angaben
Camp Able-Sentry, Skopje, US Army
Marshall Islands
U.S. Army Kwajalein Atoll, Majuro, US Army
Dyess Army Airfield, Roi-Naumur, US Army
Brunssum Pomms, Brunssum, US Army
Eygelshoven Reserve Strge Area, Eygelshoven, US Army
Hendrik Mine, Brunssum, US Army
Rotterdam Admin Facility, Rotterdam, US Army
Schinnen, Schinnen, US Army
Schinnen Emma Mine, Schinnen, US Army
Soesterberg Air Base Number 2, Soesterberg, US Air Force
Vriezenveen Pomms (Almelo), Vriezenveen, US Army
5 Installations, no further details
New Zealand
COMNAVDIST Washington DC, US Navy
Flesland Air Base, Bergen, US Air Force
Sola Sea Air Base, US Air Force
Stavanger Air Base, Stavanger, US Air Force
6 Installations, no further details
Masirah Island MPT, Dhuwwah, US Air Force
Seeb MPT, Sib, US Air Force
Thumrait MPT, Salalah, US Air Force
Iquitos radar station
Andoas radar station
Pucallpa radar station
Agualva Munitions Storage Annex, Lajes, US Air Force
Caldeira Ammunition Storage Area, Lajes, US Air Force
Cinco Picos Globecom Annex, Praia Da Victoria, US Air Force
Covadascinzas Petroleum Products Stg Anx, Praia Da Victoria, US Air Force
Lajes Field, Lajes, US Air Force
Praia Da Victoria Dock Annex, Praia Da Victoria, US Air Force
Praia Da Victoria Fuel Storage Annex, Praia Da Victoria, US Air Force
Villa Nova Globecom Annex, Villa Nova, US Air Force
13 Installations, no further details
Al Udeid Air Base, Al Udeid, US Air Force
1 Einrichtung ohne weitere Angaben
Saudi Arabia
Eskan Village Air Base, US Air Force
Riyadh Air Base, Riyadh, US Air Force
King Abdul Aziz Air Base, Dhahran, US Air Force
King Fahd Air Base, Taif, US Air Force
King Khalid Air Base, Khamis Mushayt, US Air Force
Camp Bondsteel, Urosevac, US Army
Camp Monteith, Gnjilane, US Army
NAVREGCONTRCTR Singapore, Singapur, US Navy
Sembawang Hsg, Sembawang, US Air Force
Paya Lebar Air Base, Sembawang, US Air Force
Moron Air Base, Moron De La Frontera, US Air Force
NAVHOSP Rota, Rota, US Navy
NAVSTA Rota, Rota, US Navy
Torrejon Air Base, Torrejon, US Air Force
3 Installations, no further details
South Korea
Bayonet Training Area, Tong Du Chon, US Army
Brooklyn Hill, Yangsan, US Army
Bullseye 01, Kumchon-Ni, US Army
Bullseye 02, Kumchon Ni, US Army
Camp Ames, Taejon City, US Army
Camp Bonifas, Kumohon Ri, US Army
Camp Carroll, Waegwan, US Army
Camp Casey, Tongduchon, US Army
Camp Castle, Tond Du Chon, US Army
Camp Colbern, Songnam, US Army
Camp Eagle, Wonju City, US Army
Camp Edwards, Kumchon-Ni, US Army
Camp Essayons, Uijongbu, US Army
Camp Falling Water, Uijong Bu, US Army
Camp Garry Owen North, Kumohon Ni, US Army
Camp Giant, Kumchon, US Army
Camp Greaves, Kumchon Ni, US Army
Camp Henry, Taegu, US Army
Camp Hialeah, Pusan, US Army
Camp Hovey, Tongduchon, US Army
Camp Howze, Kumchon Ni, US Army
Camp Humphreys, Pyongtaek City, US Army
Camp Humphreys Comm Site, Pyongteak, US Air Force
Camp Jackson, Uijong Bu, US Army
Camp Kwangsa Ri Camp, Kwangsa Ri, US Army
Camp Kyle, Uijongbu, US Army
Camp Liberty Bell, Munsan Up, US Army
Camp Long, Wonju, US Army
Camp Market, Inchon, US Army
Camp Nimble, Tong Du Chon, US Army
Camp Page, Chun Chon, US Army
Camp Red Cloud, Uijong Bu, US Army
Camp Red Cloud Comm Site, Euijeongbu, US Air Force
Camp Sears, Uijongbu, US Army
Camp Stanley, Uijong Bu, US Army
Camp Stanton, Kumchon Ri, US Army
Camp Walker, Taegu City, US Army
Camp Yongin, Suwon, US Army
Chang San, Pusan, US Army
Cheju Do Training Center, Mosulpo, US Army
COMNAVFORKOREA Yongsan SK, Yongsan, US Navy
Dartboard Site, Taegu City, US Army
Far East Dist Engr, Seoul, US Army
Freedom Bridge, Munsan Up, US Army
Gimbols, Tongduchon, US Army
Gun Training Area, Tong Du Chon, US Army
H220 Heliport, Tong Du Chon, US Army
High Point, Chonan City, US Army
K-16 Air Base, Songnam, US Army
Kamaksan ASA, Tong Du Chon, US Army
Kimhae Storage Annex, Kimhae, US Air Force
Koon Ni Air Range, Koon Ni, US Air Force
Koryosan ASA, Inchon, US Army
Kunsan Air Base, Kunsan, US Air Force
Kunsan Pol Terminal Site, Kunsan City, US Army
Kwang-Ju Air Base, Kwang Ju, US Air Force
La Guardia, Uijongbu, US Army
Madison Site, Suwon, US Army
Masan Ammunition Depot, Masan, US Army
Mobile, Tong Du Chon, US Army
Osan Air Base, Song Tan, US Air Force
Osan Ni Ammunition Storage Annex, Osan Ni, US Air Force
Pier #8, Kanman-Tong, US Army
Pil-Sung Air Range, Sangori-Ni, US Air Force
Pusan Storage Facility, Pusan, US Army
Pyongtaek Cpx Area, Pyongtaek, US Army
Richmond, Taejon City, US Army
Shinbuk Relay, Pochon, US Army
Sungnam Golf Course, Songnam, US Army
Suwon Air Base, Suwon, US Air Force
Swiss and Swed Camp Mac HQ, Munsan Up, US Army
Taegu Air Base, Taegu, US Air Force
Tango Songnam, US Army
Watkins Range, Tong Du Chon, US Army
Wonju Air Station, Wonju, US Air Force
Yong Pyong Tdc, US Army
Yongsan Area, Seoul, US Army
24 Installations, no further details
St. Helena
Ascension Auxiliary Airfield, Georgetown, US Air Force
Ankara Administration Office, Ankara, US Air Force
Batman Air Base, Batman, US Air Force
Cigli Air Base Buyuk, Cigli, US Air Force
Incirlik Air Base Adana, Incirlik, US Air Force
Izmir Air Station, Izmir, US Air Force
Izmir Storage Annex No 2, Izmir, US Air Force
Karatas Radio Relay Site, Yemisli, US Air Force
Mus Air Base, Mus, US Air Force
Yumurtalik Petroleum Prod Storage Annex, Yumurtalik, US Air Force
10 Installations, no further details
United Arab Emirates
Al Dhafra Air Base, Abu Dhabi, US Air Force
1 installation, no further details
2 Installations, no further details
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It is quite apparent that in the “New Normal” of today’s society that defense should be the order of the day. It seems that we have enemies everywhere. An example of our being surrounded can be seen in Iran which borders on Iraq AND Afghanistan. They obviously planned this clever little trap while the American military was protecting our nation from Saddam.
We currently must spend so much of our GDP on defense that the Federal government can no longer afford to pay the ridiculously high salaries of teachers. In fact, teachers could become a thing of the past because you can get classes downloaded to your IPOD.
The people of ‘Murica need only look at the amounts that other nations are spending on their militaries, If we wish to continue to hold the mantle of the only remaining superpower. After all, what is a more important, smart students or a kick-ass military? Look at defense spending of the largest militaries in the world.
Countries of Interest (in billions of current U.S. dollars) Country 2008 Spending
United States (including war and nuclear) $696.3 Billion
Canada 19.8
China 83.5
Russia 86.0
United Kingdom 60.8
France 67.2
Germany 46.9
Japan 46.0
Italy 30.9
Saudi Arabia 38.2
South Korea 24.2
Israel 14.8
Taiwan 10.5
Iran 9.6
North Korea **
Pakistan 4.4
Venezuela 3.3
Table/Chart Notes: U.S. figure includes funding for wars and nuclear weapons. Data from Congressional Research Service, Office of Management and Budget, International Institute for Strategic Studies.
So the next time some lefty bleeding heart liberal complains that we are taking away the rights of the workers in Wisconsin by denying their right to negotiate their salaries instead of trusting their Governor, Just remember what you learned here today.
By Timothy V. Gatto timgatto@hotmail.com Read Tim's Book "Complicity to Contempt" and his Novel "Kimchee Days or Stoned Cold Warriors
From Oliver Arts and Open Press and available on Amazon
and all other online bookstores.