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Question 7 for 9/11 Smarties: Why was Hurricane Erin off the coast of NY on 9/11 and why did the Earth’s magnetic field “dip” on September 11, 2001?
Question 7. Why was Hurricane Erin off the coast of NY on 9/11 and why did the Earth’s magnetic field “dip” at 8:46 a.m. (The new pictorial study which also relates to Field Effects notes that Hurricane Erin was “born” on about 1 September 2001, and travelled up towards NYC. Hurricane Erin was the closest to NYC on 9/11/01 and was the largest on this date (although wind speeds were greater the day before)? Option 1 - When kerosene (jet fuel) takes on the qualities of an explosive demolition agent it causes Hurricanes and the Earth’s magnetic field to dip. Option 2 - Thermite/thermate/super thermate or a mini-nuke have never caused a Hurricane or the Earth’s magnetic field to dip which may explain why on September 18, 2010 the CIA admitted “we cannot blame the highly unconventional Ground Zero devastation on ‘controlled demolition’ any more than we can blame it on “jet fuel” or “box cutters” but then inexplicably blames (Muddles Up) the “collapse” on a DEW or a mini-nuke. Option 3 - Dr. Judy Wood has posted a study (http://www.drjudywood.com/articles/erin) which considers the “Field and energy Effects” associated with Hurricanes involved in the destruction of the World Trade Centre complex. The relationship between 9/11, the Hutchison Effect, Field Effects and data regarding Hurricane and Weather Modification is introduced. No firm conclusions are drawn, data is merely presented to illustrate where highly significant common themes and patterns seem to be present. For example, a short comparison is drawn between some of the effects seen with the materials in collision (caused by the effects of Tornados and hurricanes) with the anomalous changes in materials seen with the Hutchison Effect. Apparent levitation effects seen in some instances are also highlighted. [From a 2008 press release] http://www.drjudywood.com/articles/erin/. More at http://www.drjudywood.com/articles/NIST/Qui_Tam_Wood.html). Earlier, in January 2008, Dr. Wood posted a study, co-authored by John Hutchison on her website which relates effects seen in photographs taken before, during and after the destruction of the WTC complex, to effects seen in Hutchison’s ongoing experiments. The development of “super cell” storms is examined and a comparison of their structure to that of a Tesla Coil (used to create high voltage electrical discharges) is considered. The possibility is suggested that the electrical properties of large storm systems may have some similarities to those of Tesla coils and that there is a possibility that technology exists to utilise or manipulate the energy in these storm systems for “secondary” purposes. One of the most striking pieces of the data presented is that from a set of magnetometers monitored by the University of Alaska. Several instruments show significant deviations from “background” or “normal” readings as the events of 9/11 were unfolding. A further selection of this data is presented in relation to variations during the hurricane seasons of 2001, 2004 and 2005. A later part of the study examines some of the data relating to patterns of earthquakes in 2008 and possibly associated unusual weather patterns, which may be related to secret or partially disclosed environmental modification technology (such as HAARP). However, the study does not establish any clear links between HAARP and the events in New York on 9/11. [From a press release by Andrew Johnson, www.checktheevidence.com]
Option 4 - The Earth’s response to the initiation of an Arm Wrestling (in violation of rule #15032) at the electro-magnetic grid location 40° 42' 41.3852?, -74° 0' 44.0064 (One World Trade Center) is a dip in the Earth’s magnetic field. During the match TPTB locked the Earth in a death grip followed by 73 minutes of surges from side to side, counting on the micro cities’ powerful electrical systems to drain the Earth’s energy. During that time the earth perspired, which explains the presence of Hurricane Erin off the coast of New York. Pictures of Mini Nukes at PakAlert Prove 9-11 was a Metaphysical Catechism (Test) Want to read more TPAs? Click Here |