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Colonizing Libya by Military, Financial, Political and Propaganda Terrorism

July 5th, 2011

by Stephen Lendman

After three and a half terror bombing months and counting, destroying Libya for wealth and power continues, each imperial nation playing its part in this sinister dirty game, masquerading as liberation.

France finally admitted what's already known, that it's been supplying mercenary cutthroats with automatic weapons, rocket launchers, assault rifles, anti-tank missiles, and who knows what else. So have Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, perhaps other US imperial allies, and the Pentagon itself. In mid-April, The New York Times said Benghazi-based rebels got weapons from abroad without naming names.

For months, US and UK special forces provided training, The Times saying "professional training centers" were used to do it. In fact, recruiting, funding, and arming rebels began well before bombing began. America's war was planned many months, perhaps years earlier. Obama picked his moment to launch it.

Even the International Criminal Court (ICC) is complicit, functioning as an imperial tool, not a legitimate tribunal. Its chief prosecutor Jose Luis Moren-Ocampo, in fact, targets victims, not criminal Washington, London and Paris conspirators, attacking a nonbelligerent country. It's been standard US practice since WW II.

In May, Ocampo sought arrest warrants for Gaddafi, his son Saif al-Islam, and brother-in-law intelligence chief, Abdullah Al-Sanousi, on "charges of orchestrating systematic attacks against civilians (amounting) to crimes against humanity," with no evidence whatever to prove it.

Then end of June he issued arrest warrants against all three on alleged crimes against humanity, saying reasonable grounds exist to believe they're "criminally responsible as indirect perpetrators of civilian killings and repression" - again with no corroborating evidence or authority. Libya, in fact, isn't an ICC member, nor are America, China, Russia and India, some nations, openly critical of how it operates with good reason.

On June 28 in Tripoli, Franklin Lamb reported about Libyan Ministry of Health (MOH) "Current Statistics of Civilian Victims of NATO Bombardments on Libya (3/19/11 - 6/27/11" he obtained. Libya's Red Crescent Society, neighborhood civil defense workers, and Tripoli's Nassar University researchers confirmed them.

They include:

-- 6,121 killed or injured;

-- among them were 3,093 men injured, another 668 killed; 1,318 women injured, another 260 killed; and 641 children injured, another 141 killed; and

-- among those seriously hurt, 655 are still hospitalized, another 4,397 released for outpatient care.

Except for one major incident killing 15 men, women and children, NATO claims only military targets are struck, even though many are schools, a university, commercial sites, hospitals, ports, airports, and residential neighborhoods unrelated to military necessity.

On July 1, up to one million pro-Gaddafi Tripoli residents massed in Green Square to hear him speak by telephone. Western media, including The New York Times, called it "defiant," threatening to attack Europe if NATO bombing didn't stop.

The Times misquoted him, claiming he said he'd take the battle "to Europe, target your homes, offices, families, which have become legitimate military targets, like you have targeted our homes."

In fact, writer Kareen Fahim lied as part of a systematic anti-Gaddafi propaganda campaign. Al- Jazeera was just as duplicitous, repeating the above fabrications instead of reporting what he said.

In part, he challenged "Sarkozy, Cameron and Obama to switch on their TVs and watch the crowds, (so) they will find out that they are delusional because they entered a war which they (can) never win."

He didn't threaten to retaliate but said "we can (because) Europe is not far away, but (he added) lets not do this and watch the crowds, kids and women. They are not here because I ordered them to (come. It's their) free will. In this war you are not facing me, you are facing these crowds. I am nothing. If you want peace with Libyans, it is up to the crowds. If you want anything, negotiate with (them)."

"The regime is not a Gaddafi regime. It is a Libyan (one). Is it a democracy to bomb the civilians? We don't want a democracy which comes with bombs."

"The socialist Jamahyria will win, the real democracy which serves the people....The Libyans said their words. They marched. Their tribes made it clear that the future is for Libyans. The oil is for Libya. Libya is ours. You are delusional, a group of traitors convinced (that) Libya is easy to get....You Libyan people are the only one(s) who can finish this war with a victory."

"If they want to negotiate we welcome that. Otherwise we are continuing and they are definitely losing no matter how many weapons they drop (to) rebels. We will not betray our history nor our children and their future. The glory is for you brave Libyans. The struggle will continue."

Growing numbers of Libyans support him the longer NATO terror bombings continue, mostly killing civilian men, women and children, NATO and major media denials notwithstanding.

Months into Obama's war, Der Spiegel's June 28 Matthias Gebauer article headlined, "Berlin Willing to Supply Weapons for Libya war because munitions running out," saying:

Germany offered to help "despite its fundamental opposition to the war. (Its) defense minister (Thomas de Maiziere) has already approved (the) request" to supply bomb components, missiles, sensitive guidance technology, and more on request, making Germany openly complicit in terror bombing crimes.

Britain said it can't continue its campaign much longer without help, facing shortages of air-to-ground missiles and perhaps other weapons and/or munitions. Back home, however, it's not short of ways to force feed austerity on millions of Brits to wage global terror wars for power, privilege and plunder.

Merkel's government wants its share. Germany's Federal Security Council approval isn't needed for her to act. However, the Bundestag (its parliament) wasn't told about weapon shipments. Although Germany isn't directly engaged in combat, Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle "promised the rebels massive civilian aid after the possible toppling of Gaddafi's regime." Berlin also offered to help train post-Gaddafi era security forces. Clearly, Germany is complicit up to its ears in NATO terror. Direct or indirect hardly matters.

Like all US wars, Orwellian doublespeak defines the campaign, including "humanitarian intervention," liberation, "Operation Unified Protector," and NATO's "Partnership for Peace" program to create trust among non-member states.

NATO, of course, is code language for the Pentagon. Trusting it is like befriending a rattlesnake or shark, concerned only with devouring their next meal. NATO does it globally from 30,000 feet and ancillary tentacles everywhere, reigning "liberal interventionism" death and destruction to "protect civilians" by murdering them.

Through July 1, NATO's Allied Command Operations site (http://www.aco.nato.int/page424201235.aspx) mentions 13,460 sorties since March, including 5,047 "strike" ones "to protect civilians and civilian-population areas under attack or threat of attack" by "shock and awe" killing and destruction.

What do you call a war not called war? In mid-June, Obama did in 38 doublespeak pages sent Congress, using duplicitous reasoning to do what he damn pleases, law or no law, and whether or not congressional and/or popular approval backs him.

Russia's NATO representative Dmitry Rogozin believes "we are witnessing the preparation stage of a ground operation which NATO, or at least some of its members (are) preparing to begin."

In fact, plans have been in place for months, involving US (and very likely) other NATO forces, though whether or not it will be implemented isn't known. On June 15, Infowar contributor Aaron Dykes claimed that:

"alarming reports from within the ranks of military stationed at Ft. Hood, Texas (confirm) plans to initiate a full-scale US-led ground invasion in Libya and deploy troops by October."

Access his full article through the following link:


Ahead of it he said additional Special Forces are coming in advance this month. Overall, about 30,000 troops are involved, suggesting a major operation if true.

He also said "numerous calls and e-mails from other military personnel" confirm it, perhaps with a large contingent by September. "Among these supporting sources is a British SAS (special forces) officer confirming that US Army Rangers are already in Libya."

Moreover, someone in USCENTCOM called "Specialist H....revealed that there have already been American casualties inside Libya. He confirmed that at least 2 soldiers and 3 civilians have died from combat bullet wounds" - what Obama, the Pentagon or America's media won't admit or discuss.

In fact, Obama assured Congress and the public that no US forces will be deployed. He lied. Special Forces and perhaps others have been there for months, providing training, support, and perhaps actual combat against Gaddafi.

It's another reason why he should be impeached, removed, and tried for crimes of war and against humanity, as if more are needed with a litany already known.

Stay tuned. America's Libya war and five others show no signs of ending. In fact, they're intensifying. Obama, the peace candidate, is even more belligerent than his predecessor.

A Final Comment

Israel, Washington and complicit allies have waged propaganda, intimidation, sabotage, and other ways to prevent Freedom Flotilla II from reaching Gaza with humanitarian aid.

Two vessels were disabled, at least one unable to continue. Eight others are illegally prevented from departing Greek ports, its government Israel's latest pro-siege ally, complicit in its slow-motion genocidal campaign.

Quartet members representing America, Russia, the EU and UN issued a July 3 anti-Flotilla statement, saying:

"Israel has legitimate security concerns that must continue to be safeguarded," when, in fact, none exist against the region's most powerful military and haven't since 1973.

Nonetheless, "(m)embers of the Quartet are committed to working with Israel (a lawless rogue state), Egypt (its complicit ally), and the international community to prevent 'illicit' trafficking of arms and ammunition into Gaza...." In other words, Gazans have no right to self-defense against an illegal occupier attacking them regularly.

At the same time, a coalition of Israeli and Palestinian organizations expressed strong Flotilla support, saying:

Palestinians and Jews "declare our support for the Gaza-bound Freedom Flotilla and its declared goals: to break the Israeli siege on Gaza - both on the sea and land - which represents part of the ongoing Israeli occupation. We denounce (Israel's) slanderous campaign against (it and) call on (its) government and security forces to permit the ships to enter Gaza and unload their humanitarian cargo in peace....We (also) call on the government of Israel to immediately end the siege of Gaza."

The endorsing organizations include:

Alternative Information Center (AIC)

Coalition of Women for Peace

Combatants for Peace

Gush Shalom


Israeli Committee against House Demolitions (ICAHD)

New Profile


Yesh Gvul

On Independence Day eve, US Boat to Gaza/Audacity of Hope participants Medea Benjamin, Ken Mayers, Paki Wieland, Kathy Kelly, Ray McGovern, Helaine Meisler, Nic Abramson, and Carol Murry began an open-ended fast in front of America's Athens embassy, after delivering an urgent letter to officials inside that they "plan to sleep overnight outside (its) gates," defying Washington's complicity with Israel.

Following orders from Washington, however, Greek authorities detained, then released them. Greece, of course, is now colonized by predatory Western bankers, defying international law and rights of their people to serve them. Moreover, when they, America and Israel make demands, the thuggish Papandreou government salutes and obeys.

Nonetheless, at 7PM Athens time (noon US EDT), along with Greek activists, a march was held supporting the Flotilla. It demanded freeing the US ship captain imprisoned unjustly since Friday and letting all Flotilla ships sail.

"This July 4, it's time for our government to declare independence from Israel and start supporting its own citizens." Doing less adds shamefully to America's legacy of disgrace.

On July 3, Haaretz writer (and Flotilla participant) Amira Hass headlined, "Gaza flotilla to set sail Monday (July 4) despite numerous setbacks," saying:

Participating vessels are ready to leave, "following several days of deliberations on the subject, and the exact number (participating still not known). In contrast to recent reports, most (on board) are still" committed to pursue a just cause despite risking their safety.

In fact, they protested Greek government actions, prohibiting their departure indefinitely, accusing the Papandreou government "of caving in to Israeli pressure."

Whether or not they'll, in fact, be able to depart isn't known. Pressure to deter them remains strong, notably from Obama officials backing its rogue Israeli partner.

Further updates will cover new developments. Despite delays, intimidation and sabotage, participants are determined to press on.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

Also visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.


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