Robert Singer

April 25th, 2012

Robert Singer is an Entrepreneur and the author of a forthcoming book on the Federal Reserve.

His articles cover politics and the financial and environmental implications of our consumer society and can be found on Opednews, The Market Oracle and The Peoples Voice.

Robert Singer is a regular contributor to the home of Thought Provoking Articles

Click here for my OpEdNews Article page with valid links or read on to find out why Rob Kall, executive editor/publisher of OpEdNews.com, wants you to Stay Away from Anything Written by Robert Singer.


OpEdNews - Articles - Author's Page for Robert Singer
Robert Singer is an Entrepreneur and the author of a forthcoming book on the ... and can be found on Opednews, The Market Oracle and The Peoples Voice. ...

However as of January 30, 2011 my author's page at OpEdnews is no longer valid.

My lucrative internet writing career began Sunday, September 14, 2008 when Rob Kall, executive editor/publisher of OpEdNews.com, published "Give Us the ANWAR and Keep Shopping"-They Found They Can't Have Both.

In December of 2008, when David Icke wrote that he was publishing (but never did, click here to read about my adventure with David Icke) "I had a dream" Barack Obama was elected the 44th President of the United States Rob Kall was excited for me and sent the following email:
To: Robert Singer
Subject: Re: David Icke

This is great. I hope he does us the courtesy of putting a link to the original article.

But I'm happy for you. We're not married. If you're a good writer, you'll want to spread your writing around-- and you're a good writer. David will surely take some of the content we might not, because he goes for more conspiracy stuff.

OEN is a non-profit with a senior advisory board. You can see who they are by going to our masthead. It's an extraordinary team. But now that the Pulitzer is being considered for internet only orgs, and OEN's senior editors want to aim for getting OEN a Pulitzer-- so they're pushing for tighter standards, less conspiracy, more substantiation of artices.

That may mean that your economic articles will fly great here at OEN that Ickes may not be interested in. BUt 911 articles are going to require a higher level of support and documentation. The message from Rady is to stay focused on one issue and we'll publish it. Throw in the kitchen sink and it loses its strength. Rob Kall [End of Email]

When my articles were removed from his site I asked him why he would be so petty?

That was over a week ago and his non-response may have something to do with the TPA posted written by Mark Powell on January 4, 2011.

Rob Kall Ranks The Peoples Voice Among the Top 100 Blogs Overall
By Mark Powell
worstpartofcensorBreaking News: Rob Kall, executive editor/publisher of OpEdNews.com, recently “Ranked Among Top 100 Blogs Overall,” gets his news and opinions from The Peoples Voice (TPV).

Yesterday (1/3/2011, at 11 a.m.) TPV publishes OpEdNews Ranked Among Top 100 Blogs, Why?. The article had no XML feed description and was not picked up by Google News.

As of 11:01 a.m. there were still two articles by Katherine Smith that had not been removed (censored) from the OpEdNews website:

  1. Baron Otto Von Bolschwing, SS Veteran of Eichmann’s “Jewish Affairs”
  2. Why was I born? Why are we here?

By 2 p.m. Rob Kall read OpEdNews Ranked Among Top 100 Blogs, Why? and the links below were dead, i.e., “This article is not currently available.” [1]

Here are the articles that Rob Kall doesn’t want you to read: [2]

What can you conclude when the Editor of one of the Top 100 Blogs goes to the trouble to scrub an article that was the #1 most popular on his site for 48 hours? As they say, when you are “over the target,” Expect a “404? [End of Rob Kall Ranks The Peoples Voice]

Other posts that may have caused him to act irrationally:
OpEdNews Ranked Among Top 100 Blogs, Why? (OpEdNews is Bold and Daring: The Way Progressive News Should Be (LOL)) Just got a mass email from Rob Kall, executive editor, publisher of OpEdNews.com: Nice to start the new year with this news: OpEdNews Ranked Among Top 100 Blogs Overall

OpEdNews Bold and Daring: Case Study April 4, 2010

Staying Away from Anything Written by Robert Singer

The OpEdNews article links below have been replaced with valid links at other sites.

Robert Singer (5 flagged comments / 7 hidden comments / Show )

Robert Singer is an Entrepreneur and the author of a forthcoming book on the Federal Reserve.

His articles cover politics and the financial and environmental implications of our consumer society and can be found on Opednews, The Market Oracle and The Peoples Voice. OpEdNews Member for 127 week(s) and 6 day(s)

35 Articles, 0 Quick Links, 131 Comments, 3 Diaries, 0 Polls

35 Articles

Wednesday, March 3, 2010
They Know It's Friday
Is it possible our dogs know what day it is?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Life, Liberty and Property: Let Freedom Ring
(1 comments) The Federal Reserve isn't evil because they print our money and make us pay interest on the principal, They are evil because, until October of 2008, the monetary policy that created money out of "thin air", so we could live the American Dream, put humanity at the "unknown points of no return."

Friday, February 26, 2010
The Myth of the "Free" Enterprise Economic System
The only thing I will agree with about the "law of supply and demand" is that supply at a downward-manipulated price, can create demand.

Thursday, February 25, 2010
Border Collies In The Rain
(1 comments) Border collies are like having a 10-year old kid in a dog suit. You don't get one, let alone five, unless you have five hours a day with nothing else to do.

Thursday, April 2, 2009
Robert Singer featured author on Opednews gives up lucrative Internet writing career and starts
(9 comments) Robert Singer featured author on Opednews gives up lucrative Internet writing career and starts Corporate Farm!

Friday, March 27, 2009
Governor Schwarzenegger finish what your wife started and Get Urban Farming Started in California
(1 comments) On the campaign trail last year Barack Obama said the current crisis as "the greatest economic challenge of our lifetime" the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. Unemployment is already officially at 8.1 percent (California is 10.5), not counting those who have given up on looking for work, and it is certainly going to get much worse with more layoffs every day. Is the state or the nation prepared for the socia

Friday, March 6, 2009
Is Jesus Christ Coming Back to Earth in MMXXIII (2023)?
(18 comments) All of mankind may, or may not be waiting for God to show as Jesus, but for those who are, do we have a date?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Gov. Schwarzenegger, is $10 billion a year enough to solve the budget crisis? - (needs to be reposted)
(3 comments) We have a budget crisis to go with out water crisis. So instead of laying off 20,000 workers and cutting off services to solve California's budget crisis, why not eliminate the state water subsidies that allow McDonalds and Colonel Sanders to market burgers and chicken for a dollar?

Saturday, February 14, 2009
Why Barack Obama is the 44th President of the United States
(13 comments) The de facto unemployment rate in the United States is 19%. Thus, there are 29 million, not 11.6 million Americans who are no longer working or looking for work. Since there is not enough police, National Guard or military to keep order when 29 million people panic, Barack Obama will restore and lead the nation out of its unsustainable American Dream and into a great new depression.

Thursday, February 12, 2009
Meat, Milk and Motors: The New China Syndrome
(25 comments) China's economic policy is an enigma that would baffle Ludwig von Mises and Karl Marx. The answer to the Chinese enigma: China is now the Air Pollution champion of the world.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
"Bones" in the Money Pit
(3 comments) It's common knowledge that the Bushes sit at the intersection of America's business and intelligence communities, but it not so common knowledge that the Bush Family, Bush Sr., Jr. and grandfather Prescott Bush, were all Bonesmen. Russ Baker suggests the strong possibility that Bush Sr. was connected to the assassination of President Kennedy because "Lyndon Johnson would be more obedient to Texas oil men."

Thursday, January 22, 2009
Dem Bones is Connected To De Debt Bone
(10 comments) The derivatives represent the money created world-wide since 1910-out of thin air. About 40 percent of the $10.5-million U.S. national debt is owed to the Bonesmen. Warren Buffet and Marketwatch believe if the U.S. defaults on that debt, the loss to the Bonesmen and their derivatives wouldn't be $4.2 trillion or even $180 million, but about $500 trillion--money created out of thin air to pay for our consumer society.

Thursday, January 22, 2009
Wayne Pacelle Standup For the People, For the Planet, For the Animals!
(1 comments) Continuing the dialogue we began in September with my memo, "Vote YES, Prop 2 is for YOU!", (included below), the next step would be a National Media Campaign to raise awareness about how a plant based diet will solve the environmental problems we face today.

Sunday, December 28, 2008
The Future of Silver, According to Adam Smith (1723-1790) re-publsihed: Silver (2008) Took the Stairs to $21, Silver (2010) Takes the Elevator to $29

(5 comments) I got out my new Matrix Mind-ray Scanner, delivered before The Sharper Image and our way of life filed for bankruptcy and Googled "who is the founding father of economics". Results: Richard Cantillon, Alexander Hamilton and Adam Smith. I never heard of Cantillion and Hamilton is the father of Crony Capitalism. I selected Adam Smith and set the device on "Interview" and typed adam:I hear the CFTC is finally taking the Silver

Monday, December 22, 2008

Drilling offshore & in the ANWR, what's wrong with this Picture?
(7 comments) Why do President Bush and his buddies want to drill, drill, drill? Hot, Flat Friedman wonders, "what planet are they on?" Vote for the best explanation or post your own in comments.

Saturday, December 20, 2008
Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, Get Urban Farming Started in LA
(8 comments) Is Los Angeles or the nation prepared for the social dislocation, economic despair and breakdown in law and order that could occur as the crisis worsens? Are there enough police, National Guard or military to keep order when millions of out of work, out of home and out of food?

Saturday, December 13, 2008
Silver, but no Silver Lining
(1 comments) As the financial collapse gathers steam, gold and silver oracles who have been predicting for years the launch of the price of silver to the moon will see their prophecy fulfilled, but a celebration is not in order. Being wealthy during the last 60 years of unprecedented prosperity at the expense of the Third World and the environment is one thing, but profiting from silver when millions are starving is quite another.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
"I had a dream" Barack Obama was elected the 44th President of the United States
(9 comments) As a president elected in a landslide by young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled, Obama will lead the nation out of its unsustainable American Dream and into a great new depression. There will be chaos, perhaps, but not anarchy.

Monday, November 17, 2008
Washington and Poland just moved the World closer to Nuclear War -- Unlikely
(2 comments) Now, I don't like being in a position where I have to contradict the leading analyst of the New World Order, but there is no chance we are any closer to a nuclear war than we were in the 1950s, 1962, or any time in the last 58 years. I can't speak for Mr. Engdahl but most NWO conspiracy theorists expect a depopulation event to rid the planet of 5 billion useless eaters, but a nuclear war is not in the cards.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Election 2008: Oh its Time for Some Pre-ordainin' - (needs to be reposted)
(3 comments) "If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy", on November 4, 2008 you received your answer: It did not matter who you voted for because it was pre-ordained: Barack Obama would be the President of the United States...By a Landslide.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Why A McCain/Palin presidency did not happen on November 4th 2008
(6 comments) A McCain/Palin presidency did not happen on November 4th. Not because it violated the law of presidential politics, but because it violated the law of vice presidential politics. You can have a vice president more powerful than the president but not more popular.

Monday, November 3, 2008
So It Is Written...So Let It Be Done - (needs to be reposted)
The Barack Obama Election Night Victory Speech was delivered June 3, 2008 in St. Paul Minnesota

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
"Et tu, Golde?" - Repost
(4 comments) The Recent Gold and Silver Selloff: There is gold news and not-so-gold news.

Friday, October 24, 2008
Why Barack Obama will be the Next President of the United States...By a Landslide
(3 comments) Governor Palin, aka Hockey Mom, is the insurance policy for an Obama win. The worst financial crisis since the 1930s Great Depression is the guarantee that Barack Obama, an unknown senator four years ago, will be elected president of the United States...by a landslide.

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Ode to the Story of Stuff
And then in the United States - America overthrows the old-school consumer economy mindset for a new school of thinking on this stuff and it's based on sustainability and equity: green chemistry, zero waste, closed loop production, renewable energy, local living economies.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Postponed, but Not Avoided
(4 comments) Maybe President Bush wasn't joking when, after rejecting the global climate change targets of the July 2008 G8 summit, he said, "Goodbye, from the world's biggest polluter." Rampant consumerism and the resulting environmental degradation will undermine the ability of mankind to survive.

Monday, October 13, 2008
An Amero For Your Thoughts
(7 comments) Behind every consumer society is the reality of a credit based monetary system. Behind every foreclosure and American Dream there is a fiat currency.

Thursday, October 9, 2008
Why Joseph Biden will be the Next Vice President of the United States
(2 comments) A Palin/McCain presidency will not happen. Not because it violates the law of presidential politics, but because it violates the law of vice presidential politics. You can have a vice president more powerful than the president but not more popular. Nixon, Bush, Cheney ?powerful, yes, but about as popular as Ohio's electronic voting machines. Palin/McCain are on the bridge to nowhere in the 2008 election.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
2008 Debate: "It's the economy, stupid"
(2 comments) The most apt precedent for the rapid energy-price increases Americans are feeling today was the oil shock of the mid-1970s, set off by the Arab oil embargo of 1973. Then President Richard Nixon and the rest of the U.S. government sprang into action, but instead of promoting and producing mass transit, renewable energy, and high mileage vehicles they gave us the Trans-Alaska Pipeline.

Monday, September 29, 2008
Bail-out: There's a hole in the bucket
(1 comments) We can postpone the inevitable with the bail-out, but we can't avoid the financial reckoning that awaits us. Drastic changes in our way of life are about to become a reality, but maybe that won't be so bad. Today we have more stuff than we need, but we have less time for the things that really matter, such as family, friends and leisure time.

Friday, September 26, 2008
Will the bail-out really matter?
(1 comments) I will give you odds Congress will vote in favor of the bail-out. Why? The highest priority for the Bush or for that matter any administration is shopping.

Thursday, September 25, 2008
Want fries with that budget crisis?
(2 comments) Instead of cutting jobs and services to solve California's budget crisis, why not eliminate the state water subsidies that allow McDonalds and Colonel Sanders to market burgers and chicken for a dollar? Reducing the consumption of water by the livestock industry would benefit almost every economic facet of the California economy.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
They Call It "Pharming" And It's Phrightening!
(16 comments) Find out how the US failed Ethanol policy was a Trojan horse for Genetically Modified Organisms (The World According to Monsanto)

Sunday, September 14, 2008
"Give Us the ANWAR and Keep Shopping"-They Found They Can't Have Both
(2 comments) The most apt precedent for the rapid energy-price increases Americans are feeling today was the Arab oil embargo of 1973. The shock produced chaos in the West. What did President, Richard Nixon and the rest of the U.S. government do? Promote mass transit, produce renewable energy, build 50+ mpg cars, NOPE they said to build the Trans-Alaska Pipeline. In 2008 the solution is give up the ANWR, our last great Arctic wi

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