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Is the Bible really God’s Word?

June 1st, 2012

By Robert Singer
BibleThe Bible is the most widely read book in history. The Book is either biblical disinformation, or the words of a jealous, sadistic, omniscient deity. Regardless of what you believe about the book, it needs to be studied because the Bible shaped the dispositions and beliefs of most of humanity. [1]

All or part of the Bible has been translated into more than 1,200 languages, and every year more copies of the Bible are sold than any other single book.

Whoever wrote the Bible understood "the science of historical motivation," (i.e., psychohistory – the study of psychology and history) and the principle of methodological individualism (Broadbeck; Danto; Mandelbaum).

Methodological individualism is the theory that "the ultimate constituents of the social world are individual people. Every complex situation, institution, or event is the result of a particular configuration and the interactions of groups - nations, political parties, gangs or tribes of individuals, their dispositions and beliefs, and physical resources and environments" (Danto, 267).

One does not have to be a scholar nor historian to realize the Bible cannot be the words of a benevolent, loving Judeo-Christian [monotheistic] God.

If you were God, would you admit to writing a book so full of sadism, contradictions and unmitigated nonsense?

An omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient higher power wouldn’t write a book that resulted in mass confusion. Today there are 330,000 churches and 38,000 denominations in the U.S. alone, arguing about what was lost in the English translation of the Bible. [2]

Christians, especially the Evangelicals, believe the Bible is prophetic. God’s prophets allegedly are accurate 100 percent of the time when they claim specific events foretell the future, sometimes centuries, before they occur. However, the 2,000 prophecies that allegedly have been fulfilled to the letter without any errors cannot be verified, and that is before a discussion of how carbon dating cannot prove when the Bible was actually written.

Want more proof that God didn’t write, inspire, canonize or drop the Bible from heaven? Read Debunking Christianity, The Skeptic’s Annotated Bible or how The Bible was Put Together by Vote.

The “other” God

While I am positive God didn’t write the book, Satan, God’s adversary, might just be the one behind the disinformation in the Bible. [Appendix A]

Believers will admit that Satan rules the world through deception and sin [Rev 12:9], but suggesting that Satan wrote the Bible as an ingenious way to deceive the masses gives Christians a case of religious Cognitive Dissonance (CD). CD is the discomfort felt at the discrepancy between what you believe is true and new information or interpretation that contradicts the foundation of Christian religion. Christians aren’t ready to admit they were “had” or “conned” into believing God wrote the book when in fact it is more likely that it was written by Satan.

The fear inspired by Satan's Big Lie (about going to Hell if you don't believe) would cause good people to actually defend Satan's own writings! They would start a huge intellectual effort called "Christian apologetics," devoted to explaining why, in spite of the glaring errors, contradictions and immorality in Satan's Bible, it was actually all true, and was in fact the word of Satan's arch-rival, God. This would be Satan's ultimate achievement, that the humans that God created would actually turn against God and defend Satan's Bible! [Excerpt from Was the Bible Written by Satan? by Craig A. James]

Click here to read 100 questions that believers refuse to answer about Satan.

Satan is fast and supernatural

Satan isn’t omnipresent, omnipotent or omniscient, but the Bible says he is so fast that he often appears to be in more than one place at the same time. Satan uses his supernatural mind and knowledge of mankind to predict human behavior in order to manifest a satanic plan.

Yes, the Bible says he won’t succeed, and he, the beast and the false prophet, are going into the lake of burning sulfur to be tormented day and night — forever. What else would he write to keep the ignorant masses [useless eaters] from ever finding out his diabolical plan?

Pretend for a moment you are living in the first century and are working for Satan. Satan believes Mother-Earth (Gaea) is sentient and wants to hurt her. Your job is to find a way to get humans to weaken Gaea with environmental damage and pollution.

Here is what you would do:

  1. Tell Constantine to convert the oral tradition and history about Adam, Eve, Abram, Isaac and Jacob into an “old” testament. A “new” testament would be a selective collection of the writings of prophets, historians and disciples. Combine the two testaments into THE BIBLE and claim it was God’s word. Then promote the following big ideas from your book:

    a. Humans were created to be the greatest and most important part of creation. "Let us make man in our image after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth." (Ge 1:26) The operative word here is "dominion" which resulted in unprecedented environmental damage and pollution.

    b. The Earth exists to serve man [pagans got it wrong] and nature needs to be tamed; Humans can trash the planet because the Book says there will be a new heaven and earth when Jesus comes back to take them to Heaven.

    c. Man can do whatever he likes while he is here on earth and still go to heaven provided he accepts Jesus’ free gift of Salvation on the cross. “Progress,” specifically technological progress, will lead to a better, happier, safer life.The Book will keep the masses busy worrying about “sin” and how to get to heaven thanks to a preposterous story about a woman who had pre-marital sex. Joseph and his friends came up with the “virgin birth” idea to keep Mary from being stoned to death for losing her virginity. Five reasons why you should not believe in the virgin birth, Must We Believe the Virgin Birth?

  2. HaveTheodosius make Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire and persecute anyone who practices pagan cultic worship (Pantheism). The populations of pagans were civilized “savages” who saw themselves as part of nature, and shared the view of the indigenous peoples that nature was not wild and hostile. A pagan worships and lives in harmony with Gaea (Mother-Earth) and pollution is an environmental SIN.
  3. Foment the American and French Revolutions to create the middle class from the feudal society populations in Europe with an outsized sense of entitlement. [3]
  4. Get control of ½ the wealth of the world and then give it to the middle class to trash the planet.
  5. Invent indoor plumbing and toilet paper [an ecological disaster] and come up with the slogan that “Cleanliness is next to Godliness.”

Not likely you say? You have doubts that what I am saying is true? Well consider this:

  1. Constantine the Great summoned the bishops of the Christian Church to canonize the Sacred Scriptures into the books of the Bible at the Council of Nicea. Jesus’ death on the cross gives the common man a free pass to heaven. It doesn’t matter what you do in this life because Jesus died for the sins of murder, robbery, jealousy, infidelity and of course eating too much when people in the third world are starving.
  2. Theodosius made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire. Until the Dark Ages, the populations of pantheists (pagans) saw themselves as belonging to nature and the wider universe. The Dark Ages, by a twist of religious dogma, oriented the “dispositions and beliefs” of most of the world from worshipping the Earth/Gaea (Pantheism) to worshiping Jesus Christ, Allah and Yahweh (monotheism).
    Christianity spread the belief that humans were now the greatest and most important part of creation, and thanks to Jesus’ free gift of salvation, that whosoever believeth in him isn’t required to live in harmony with Gaea [obey the laws of nature]. Mankind could now choose shopping (consumerism) over Gaea [life] because the “good news” was that God wanted us fed, clothed and car-ed.Constantine began the widespread persecution of pagans when he ordered the pillaging and destruction of the pagan temples. His son, Constantiu, an ardent opponent of paganism, enacted the first anti-pagan laws. Pagan temples were closed and the penalty for pagan sacrifice was death. Under the reign of Constantiu, Christians vandalized ancient pagan temples, tombs and monuments. In 375 A.D. Theodosius declared war on paganism when he issued the infamous 391 "Theodosian decrees." [4]
  3. The Illuminati fomented and orchestrated the revolutions in the 18th century and then indoctrinated man with a sense of entitlement in order to create a middle class of useless eaters. The planet is in “dire environmental straits,” according to a massive United Nations report, the GEO4, because the middle class’ footprint [its environmental demand] is 21.9 hectares (ha) per person while the Earth’s biological capacity is, on average, only 15.7 ha/person.” The History Of The House Of Rothschild by Andrew Hitchcock documents that the Illuminati are behind the French and American Revolutions, the Enlightenment, and the social justice movements in the World.

    August 26, 1789 - “The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen” (The Declaration), the quintessential Enlightenment document written by Marquis de Lafayette. Lafayette, the man who had been initiated into the Masonic fraternity by George Washington was also a member of the Jacobin Club, the radical nucleus of the French revolutionary movement. The Declaration gave the common man a sense of entitlement to the resources of the world. [5]

    The revolutions freed the serfs and slaves, physically, when they were told that the kings, emperors and monarchs did not have a divine right to govern them. The “Enlightenment” movement freed them mentally when they were told that the kings, emperors and monarchs respected their dignity of man and were now concerned for their welfare.[Authors Note: Lest anyone think the material contained herein is historical fiction, watch the History Channel documentary Mysteries of the Freemasons]The Illuminati, The House of Rothschild, The Global Financial Elite (TGFE) and Satan are ONE. [6]

  4. The vast accumulation of financial and natural resources of The Illuminati [the House of Rothschild Global Financial Empire, TGFE] is legendary

    "And there was no news more precious [to the House of Rothschild] than the (predetermined) outcome at Waterloo..." The Rothschilds p. 94

    Waterloo, considered the turning point in history, gave the Rothschild family according to one source, at the conclusion of the revolutions in the late 1800s and when the planet was still in ecological balance, " almost half the wealth of the world.”

    That would be real wealth: raw materials, commodities, copper, iron ore, petroleum, lead, copper, silver and gold.

    Pretend for a moment it is the beginning of the 20th century and you are one of the founding members of the Fed, Lazard Freres (Eugene Meyer), Warburg, Strong, Vanderlip or J.P. Morgan.

    You and your friends, along with the richest man in history, John D. Rockefeller, own or control one-sixth of the entire world’s wealth—the world’s real wealth: raw materials, commodities, iron ore, bauxite, petroleum, copper, lead, silver and gold. [Appendix B]

    Would you trade your real wealth for the money you created out of thin air? [Appendix C]

    Would you give up your real wealth to provide the middle class with 75 years of unprecedented prosperity in the houses, second houses, RVs, all that “stuff” manufactured from the raw materials you owned or controlled in 1910?

    Or would you give up your raw materials to employ the middle class in building airplanes, ships, cars, RVs, SUVs, office buildings, freeways and shopping malls from the raw materials you owned or controlled in 1910?

    The Rothschild revolutions took the real wealth of the world from the monarchs (kings, queens, emperors, empresses) in Europe, China, Russia, America and transfer it in theory to the common man.

    The “transfers” under the guise of “isms” (i.e., Communism, Socialism, Capitalism) were initially republican forms of government “of and by and for the people” which were later converted to the “tyranny of the majority,” a “democracy.” John Adams, second US president

    Were these revolutions for profit? No.

    Since the revolutions, the Rothschilds have exchanged their real wealth for about $500 trillion of the fiat currency (Monopoly Money) they printed. Money used by former members of the Third Estate in Feudal Society (serfs and slaves) living in the East-West to purchase houses, cars, RVs, TVs and DVDs, “the things” that allowed them to experience unprecedented prosperity [the American dream a nightmare for the planet]. (Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité – Providence, Miracle or What Really Happened)
    The “stuff,” according to a massive United Nations report, the GEO4, that put all of humanity at serious risk due to “the dangers of climate change, water scarcity, dwindling fish stocks and the pressures on the land and the extinction of species.”

  5. Modern indoor plumbing is one of the top 10 inventions from past to present. Other inventions that were an environmental nightmare for the planet include Light Bulbs, Electric Motors, Air Conditioning, Automobile, The Washing Machine, Microchips, Penicillin and Vaccines. [A population that exceeds the Earth’s biological capacity would not be possible without Penicillin and Vaccines].


If the Bible isn’t the Word of God, why is it a bestseller?

No other book has easy answers to mankind’s questions of questions.

What is the purpose to life? Where did I come from? Is there life after death? How do I get to heaven? Why does God allow bad things to happen [as defined in the Bible]? Why do I struggle to do “good” [as defined in the Bible]?

The answers offered by the Isms -- Naturalism and Pantheism, Buddhism, Hinduism -- don’t make any sense unless you are looking for a viable alternative to an existential view of the world (being and nothingness) [7].

The Bible teaches that Man’s purpose is to worship a jealous God, die a natural death and then it’s off to Heaven or Hell. Man can do whatever he likes while he is here on earth and still go to heaven provided he accepts the free gift of Salvation when Jesus was crucified on the cross.

Great story, don’t you agree? No wonder most of mankind in Western Civilization accepts the Bible as the word of God.

What if the answers to mankind’s questions of questions can be found in the rules of Metaphysical “chess”?

Metaphysical Chess

What if we were born and we are here to be pawns in a Metaphysical “chess” game between Gaea (mother-earth) and The Global Financial Elite (TGFE)? [8]

Unlike the game of chess the pawns do not belong to either side. Gaea wants the pawns to see their purpose as caretakers of her garden -- Earth. TGFE, armed with the lost knowledge from the ancient world Atlantis, creates a world where human pawns see their purpose in Monotheism and therefore can do whatever they like while they go shopping for useless toxic “stuff.” [9]

Americans are "bobbleheads in Bubbleland ...They shop in bubbled malls, they live in gated communities, and they move from place to place breathing their own, private air in bubble-mobiles known as SUVs." [According to author and journalist Nicholas von Hoffman]

The philosophers, scholars and thinkers of the time without a 20th century perspective on environmental damage and pollution never considered that the bobbleheads, former serfs and slaves until the French Revolution, were just pawns in a game ”programmed” into shopping for stuff to trash the planet. [10]

Consumerism you will have to admit was a brilliant gambit (sacrifice) [11]

Environmental damage and pollution was the goal (until 2008) and not the unintended consequences of the Industrial Revolution and our consumer society. The Federal Reserve isn’t evil because they print our money and make us pay interest on it; they are evil because until October 2008 they gave the pawns a no-limit credit card that they used to buy houses, cars, RVs, TVs and DVDs—the “stuff” which, according to the GEO4, a massive United Nations report, put the planet and the chess game at the unknown points of no return.The Question of Questions Liberté, Enlightenté, Entitleté [12]

If you want to help Gaea (God) win the game you strive to live in harmony with the earth and create positive energy. When the mindless pawns wallowing in negativity with their outsized sense of entitlement spend their time at Starbucks, wondering if their ego will be satisfied with a new car and trying to decide if an SUV or station wagon will make them look fat or if an SUV is a fat station wagon, they are helping TGFE (Satan) [Excuse the run-on sentence].

Our consumer (shopping) society was a meticulous planned strategy to get the pawns to weaken [not kill] Gaea.

September 11, 2001 was a Metaphysical Catechism (Test) to determine if Gaea was sufficiently compromised from decades of environmental damage and pollution. If the Twin Towers had not collapsed and turned largely to dust then a One World Government/New World Order would have begun on 9/12. [13]

[Nota Bene:] September 10th the USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70) in the Straits of Hormuz, went to Battle Condition II, and prepared to invade Iraq. The order to stand down came five hours after the second tower collapsed; logic would dictate the invasion would go forward when the buildings collapsed and not be called off. [14]

The invasion of Iraq (the cradle of civilization) was called off because when the Twin Towers collapsed, TGFE understood that Gaea possessed sufficient physical strength and vitality to resist an evil take over of the Earth. And if you need more proof that TGFE accepted the test failed, what did George W. Bush tell us do on 9/12? Answer: “Go Shopping.”

Click here to read why Gaea is the only source of the energy that can explain how the towers collapsed and turned largely to dust, the dip of the Earth's magnetic field at the precise moment of the supposed first plane "impact," the presence of Hurricane Erin off the coast of New York and why the 1,400 cars were toasted in inexplicable patterns on 9/11. Pictures of Mini Nukes at PakAlert Prove 9-11 was a Metaphysical Catechism (Test)

Click here to read how 90% of the 17,400 occupants in the Twin Towers below the impact zone were evacuated safely and why the South Tower, that was hit second collapsed first.

Why does just about every pawn on earth have a cell phone?

The battle over environmental damage and pollution ended October 2008 in favor of the Earth. Our escalating financial crisis, an American Nightmare is an Environmental Dream for the planet. [15]

TGFE determined they could not win the game by giving up what’s left of their real wealth (the gambit [16]) so we could continue shopping for useless toxic stuff, to weaken mother-earth with environmental damage and pollution. In the 1990s TGFE financed and then wrote off the 1 trillion dollars it took to fund the transcontinental and transoceanic fiber-optic networks, infrastructure, as well as wireless research and development. The technology that makes it possible for the pawns to blog, blab, surf, email and text, virtually for free!

The endgame is about electromagnetic pollution. The 4.6 billion cell phones in the world are literally driving the earth crazy.

The smart phone, a crackberry’s dream, powerful enough to send a man to the moon, is an electromagnetic nightmare for the Earth. [16]

Below is the image of the Earth’s magnetic field with a healthy dipole:


Now look at the Earth’s magnetic field when 4.6 billion human pawns argue on their cell phones about: how much they owe to their landlord, lovers’ quarrels, discuss in excruciating detail their own and others’ embarrassing medical conditions, details of recent real estate purchases, job triumphs, and awful dates as well as some of the most unsavory gossip. Our Cell Phones, Ourselves


Even a child understands that the cell phone and the average service at $63/month have a very, very low price elasticity because changes in price (upper or lower) have little influence on demand (PED). AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile could increase your monthly bill by 1% or even a 5% without affecting the demand. Obviously the cell phone industry can’t be about profits. You would have to increase the price of the phone and the service by 25% to affect the demand!

TGFE aren’t trying to make money by giving everyone a cell phone their goal is to collapse the Earth’s magnetic field with a magnetic dipole field reversal. http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2003/29dec_magneticfield/

Should TGFE be successful and collapse the Earth’s magnetic field they win immortality in the New World Order and One World Government in the Millennium. A thousand years of peace and plenty and paradise on Earth with only about 500 million useless eater slaves waiting on The Illuminati, The House of Rothschild and the Bilderbergers (The Global Financial Elite, TGFE).

Click here to read how you can help the earth.

Robert Singer writes about Secrets, Sentient Creatures and The Federal Reserve at The Peoples Voice and The Market Oracle (rds2301@gmail.com)


[1] Bart D. Ehrman, a professor of Religious Studies, [and this author], “immerses himself in the Bible, not because of its infallibility,” but because the Book shaped the dispositions and beliefs of most of humanity on earth since the dark ages. Anyone who thinks God wrote the Bible, should read Ehrman’s, Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why.

[2] The term "lost in translation" refers to the law of language and culture. A language is dependant on the culture and therefore any translation must consider the culture from which it originated. The Bible went from Ancient Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek to Latin before it was translated to English. To translate the Bible correctly you would have to know both the languages and the cultures.

[3] The Altar of Victory was removed again by Gratian, Vestal Virgins disbanded, access to Pagan temples prohibited.

[4] The Question of Questions (East west explained)

[5] “The Declaration of Human Rights, which was created in France and gradually adopted around the world, was discussed, conceived and written in Masonic lodges before being released to the public. One can retrace those Masonic origins by the use of symbols, who bear little significance to the profane but extremely important to the initiate.” Jacques Ravenne , a pseudonym of a high- ranking French Freemason and author with intimate knowledge of the history and culture of the Order. Located in a suburb of Toulouse, the “Place de la Révolution” is probably one of the most blatant displays of Illuminati designs in existence: A huge pyramid hovering atop a map of the world conveys the message of “what is left to do” rather than “what has been done”. Sinister Sites – Illuminati Pyramid in Blagnac, France

In front of the pyramid are two bronze tablets, which shapes are very reminiscent of Moses’ 10 Commandments. Instead of the Commandments there are engraved astronomical and planetary images. The rectangle slab of bronze uniting the two tablets bears the biggest accomplishment of modern Illuminism: Declaration of Human Rights)

The Declaration contains a great deal of Masonic, Illuminist and alchemical symbols such as (starting from the top): The Eye of the Great Architect in glory, the Orobouros (snake eating its tail), the Phrygian cap (the red hat under the Ouroboros) and the fasces.

[6] The House of Rothschild, the Illuminati and The Mysteries of the Freemasons

The "Illuminati" was a name used by a German sect that existed in the 15th century.

Dr. Adam Weishaupt, A Human Devil, was born on February 6, 1748, the son of a Jewish (Khazar) rabbi had been indoctrinated into Egyptian occult. He studied the power of the Eleusinian mysteries and the influence exerted by the secret cult of the Pythagoreans. [5]

Weishaupt also studied the teachings of the Essenes, and acquired copies of the Kabal, The Major Key of Solomon and The Lesser Key of Solomon, which revealed how to conjure up demons and perform occult rituals.

On May 1, 1776, under the direction of the newly formed House of Rothschild, he united all the different occult groups and founded the Ancient Illuminated Seers of Bavaria, derived from Luciferian teachings, which became known as the Order of the Illuminati.

In 1776, one of those coincidences that don’t happen very often happened:

  • May 10, 1776 the Continental Congress authorized the thirteen colonies to form local (provincial) governments.
  • Jul 4, 1776 The Declaration of Independence is signed.

In 1777, Weishaupt joined the Eclectic Masonic lodge "Theodore of Good Counsel" in Munich, and near the end of 1778, he came up with the idea of merging the Illuminati and the Masons.

The Freemasons practiced the occult and professed to have the 'light' received from Satan. By the middle of 1779, the Freemasons were under the complete influence of the Illuminati and the Rosicrucian Order. The Knights Templar: Origins go back to Solomon’s Temple, the Great Pyramid. Freemasons, Priory of Sion, Illuminati, Templars and Other Groups Explained, by Jotter Scalems. The Amazing Knights Templar, by David Hatcher Childress

[7] Monotheism teaches that Man’s purpose is to worship a Jealous God, die a natural death and then off to Heaven or Hell. Man can do whatever he likes while he is here on earth and still go to heaven as long as he accepts the free gift of Salvation when God’s son was crucified on the cross.

Naturalism and Pantheism teaches Man’s purpose is to worship Mother Earth [an indifferent infinite impersonal God that encompasses all of reality], die a natural death. Man can do whatever he likes while he is here on earth because All is one, all is God, therefore in the end we All go back to the earth: heaven is not an issue.

Buddhism teaches Man’s purpose is to suffer: There is no God to worship. You can do whatever you like on this earth but if don’t pass the “good” test you are reborn [reincarnation] but not as the same person [similar but not identical to]. If you pass the “good” test and release your attachment to desire and the self then you are finally liberated from suffering and attain a Nirvana heaven.

Hinduism teaches that Man’s purpose is to worship a formless, limitless, all-inclusive, and eternal God, Brahman. You can do whatever you like on this earth but the actions of your soul while residing in your body require that it reap the consequences of those actions in the next life — the same soul in a different body. The Hindu soul is immortal therefore you don’t die you transmigrate. Your karma determines the kind of body your soul inhabits in the next life. If you pass the “good” test you attain Moksha, the soul’s liberation from the cycle of death and rebirth.

None of the Ism’s make any sense unless you are looking for a viable alternative to an existential view of the world; being and nothingness.

[8] The Global Financial Elite (TGFE, a variation of TPTB, a non-conspiracy term coined by G. William Domhoff, a Research Professor at the University of California) are the Rothschilds of Europe, Lazard Freres (Eugene Meyer), Kuhn Loeb Company, Warburg Company, Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs, the Rockefeller family, and the J.P. Morgan interests. These interests have merged and consolidated in recent years, so that the control is much more concentrated. National Bank of Commerce is now Morgan Guaranty Trust Company. Lehman Brothers has merged with Kuhn, Loeb Company, First National Bank has merged with the National City Bank, and in the other eleven Federal Reserve Districts, these same shareholders indirectly own or control shares in those banks, with the other shares owned by the leading families in those areas who own or control the principal industries in these regions. The “local” families set up regional councils, on orders from New York, of such groups as the Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission, and other instruments of control devised by their masters. They finance and control political developments in their area, name candidates, and are seldom successfully opposed in their plans. Secrets of the Federal Reserve, The London Connection, Eustace Mullins

[9] Ancient knowledge allowed the Knights Templar (and their successors, the Illuminati) to see a future where consumerism would weaken Mother-Earth (Gaea) and went east-west (Europe) in search of a middle class.

“According to the Egyptian priests that Plato's informant had spoken with, Atlantis had a prosperous and sophisticated civilization before its demise. Advanced in science, it was also in possession of knowledge concerning both the geography and geomancy of the entire earth. Geomancy is the discovery and mapping of power places on either regional or global scales.” [9]

[10] Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité – Providence, Miracle or What Really Happened The humanistic view and importance of mankind can be found in every discussion of philosophy, psychology, spirituality and science since the end of the 16th century. All of them looking to find ways to bring mankind closer to each other and farther away from Mother Earth (Gaea).

[11] Pretend for a moment it is the beginning of the 20th century and you are one of the founding members of the Fed, Lazard Freres (Eugene Meyer), Warburg, Strong, Vanderlip or J.P. Morgan.

You, your friends, The House of Rothschild and the richest man in history, John D. Rockefeller, own or control one-half of the entire world’s wealth—the world’s real wealth: raw materials, commodities, iron ore, bauxite, petroleum, copper, lead, silver and gold. [Appendix B]

Would you trade your real wealth for the money you created out of thin air? [Appendix C]

Would you give up your real wealth to provide the middle class with 75 years of unprecedented prosperity in the houses, second houses, RVs, all that “stuff” manufactured from the raw materials you owned or controlled in 1910?

Or would you give up your raw materials to employ the middle class in building airplanes, ships, cars, RVs, SUVs, office buildings, freeways and shopping malls from the raw materials you owned or controlled in 1910? The Federal Reserve: Stupid Bank Robbers or Robber “Hood” Barons: A Psychohistory Analysis

[12] “Environmental Damage and Pollution was the Goal (until 2008).

According to one source, at the conclusion of the revolutions in the late 1800s and when the planet was still in ecological balance, "it was estimated the House of Rothschild controlled almost half the wealth of the world.” That would be real wealth: Raw materials, commodities, copper, iron ore, petroleum, lead, copper, silver and gold.

There are only three possibilities why the Rothschild’s [The Illuminati] put the planet at the “unknown points of no return” and the first two make no sense:

  1. TGFE are inept, clueless or just “stupid” because since 1910 the House of Rothschild and the evil robber barons behind our Federal Reserve have exchanged their real wealth for $600 trillion of fiat currency (Monopoly Money) they printed so former members of the Third Estate (serfs and slaves) could have houses, cars, RVs, TVs and DVDs—the “stuff” which put the planet, at the “unknown points of no return”.
  1. TGFE are really benevolent and wanted their former serfs, servants and slaves to have the highest standard of living for the last 100 years and didn’t know the planet would be in “dire environmental straits because humanity’s footprint [its environmental demand] is 21.9 hectares per person while the Earth’s biological capacity is, on average, only 15.7 ha/person.”

We passed the “unknown points of no return” because The Illuminati [The House of Rothschild], in a metaphysical war with mother-earth (Gaea), until October 2008, was using humans to weaken the planet with environmental damage and pollution.

Should their plan succeed, TGFE believe, they will attain immortality in a period known as the Millennium, a thousand years of peace, plenty and paradise on Earth in a New World Order for the House of Rothschild, the Bilderbergers, the CFR and other secret societies (An Ominous Drilling Sign for the Truth). Dem Bones is Connected To De Debt Bone

[13] If you are not a familiar with the works of F.W. Engdahl and the reality of a New World Order conspiracy, visit the Globalresearch.ca website.

[14] May 1, 2011, Before Osama bin Laden's body was lowered to its final resting place at sea, the last spot on earth to host his remains was reportedly the deck of the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson.

Going back all the way to the Bush administration’s build-up for invading Iraq, there has been much written and said about the reasons for the invasion. Now Paul O’Neill’s revelations that the Bush administration planned to invade Iraq long before September 11, 2001 have been widely publicized. Iraq Was Surviving the Sanctions, Why They Wouldn’t Wait By Tom Jackson

The decision to invade Afghanistan and Iraq was made in July 2001 and the plans were on Bush’s desk by Sept 9. Note: Strategic information about the USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70) is classified by the U.S. Military. If the Carl Vinson wasn’t ordered to Battle Condition II, let someone from Naval Command come forward and dispute that:

  • Ship control stations were fully manned
  • All lookout stations were fully manned
  • All detection apparatus manned
  • Water-tight Integrity Watch posted

[15] Steven Kopits, managing director of Douglas-Westwood, notes the US oil demand in a mild recession declines about 3%. “In the current recession, oil demand briefly dropped nearly 3 mbpd from its peak, about half of which occurred in September 2008 in the aftermath of the collapse of financial markets following the bankruptcy of the investment bank Lehman Brothers. If we allow that this will be a severe – but not catastrophic – recession, then a drop of 7%, or 1.5 mbpd of US consumption from peak to trough, is entirely possible.” Steven estimates that the earth is “benefiting” from the 2008 recession at the rate of 1,500,000 barrels per day! Recession & Oil Demand by Steven Kopits

[16] Debunking conspiracy theorists' paranoid fantasies about AT&Tmobile

Appendix A

What is the best evidence that Satan wrote the Bible?

  1. The Apostle Paul has the answer: Eternal life (Immortality) with God is a free gift.

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God; Not of works, lest any man should boast." No man can stand before God in eternity, and boast that they 'earned' their way to Heaven. All people in Heaven will be there only because of Jesus' Free Gift, which He obtained from God because of His substitutionary death sacrifice on the Cross. Rather than punishing each person's individual sins, God heaped all those sins on Jesus on the Cross Isaiah 53:2-12] In Ephesians 2:8-9

Now, you are probably thinking, 'How can I obtain this free gift of eternal life'? Again, the Bible is not silent. In Acts 16:25-33, the jailer anxiously asked Paul, "What must I do to be saved"? Paul answered "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved ..." verse 31". You must BELIEVE on Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. To truly believe, you must place your complete faith and trust in Christ and rely upon Him as your only hope of salvation and eternal life. This is a matter of the heart and you cannot hope to deceive God by putting on an act because He knows everything about you. Many people mistakenly think that by merely believing the facts concerning Jesus Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection, they will be automatically be given the gift of eternal life. But such is not the case. Preachers call that a "head knowledge and not a heart knowledge." Salvation is freely given, but only to those who are genuine believers.

Only The Bible reveals the truth about Salvation. Did I mention it’s a Free Gift.

  1. The Bible “did not fall from the sky.” The books of the New Testament, written by the apostles, were selected by the Churches in the persons of its bishops and teachers in order to get the “story about Jesus” straight. How do we know that?

Luke 1: 1-4, where Luke, a friend and disciple of the apostle Paul (not jesus), wrote his gospel as “an orderly account” of the life, ministry, death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus after having “carefully studied” and consulting “eyewitnesses.”

Until that moment in history, Jesus was viewed by his followers as a mortal prophet….a great and powerful man, but a man nonetheless. Then the “eyewitnesses” established Jesus’ officially as the Son of God.

  1. The followers of Judaism, Christianity and Islam who insist on the inerrancy of the Bible also believe in demonic spirits and would agree:
  • Satan is not stupid, in fact, he is extremely clever
  • Satan can influence people and the writing of books
  • Satan has been around since before the creation of the world
  • Satan’s mission is to lead us away from the work of God

And since Satan does his best work through religions, it’s obvious he would be present at the First Council of Nicaea in AD 325 when the earlier gospels were gathered up and burned. Satan Wrote the Bible [8] [9]

P PPpPPPsychohistory can explain why professor Bart D. Ehrman, a professor of Religious Studies, considers “the Bible the most important book in Western Civilization.”

Anyone who thinks God wrote the Bible, should read Ehrman’s, Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why.

Ehrman says he immerses himself in the Bible, “though he doesn't believe in its infallibility”, because “ it is the most important book in Western civilization.”

Satan understood "the science of historical motivation," (i.e. psychohistory – the study of psychology and history) and the principle of methodological individualism (Broadbeck; Danto; Mandelbaum).

Methodological individualism is the theory that "the ultimate constituents of the social world are individual people. Every complex situation, institution, or event is the result of a particular configuration and the interactions of groups - nations, political parties, gangs or tribes of individuals, their dispositions and beliefs, and physical resources and environments" (Danto, 267).

All or part of the Bible has been translated into more than 1,200 languages, and every year more copies of the Bible are sold than of any other single book.

It doesn’t matter what you believe about the Bible: The work of God or Satan, it needs to be studied because it shaped the dispositions and beliefs of most of humanity on earth.

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