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Pyongyang has a perfect right to make nukes

February 19th, 2013

By Khalid Amayreh

I am not a fan of the ultra-authoritarian North Korean regime. It is a regime free-minded people can hardly live under its tyrannical rule. But this is not the issue.

The issue is whether such a regime, or any regime, dictatorial or otherwise, has a right to develop nuclear weapons to deter external threats, real, potential or even imagined.

My humble opinion is that every country under the sun has a certain right to develop nuclear weapons. It is either everyone has that right, or none has it.

There are those who would argue that rouge regimes with mentally unstable leaders shouldn't be allowed to possess weapons of mass destruction. Well, these people may have a certain point. But they should also remember that it was "mentally stable leaders", e.g. Harry Truman, president of the United States that decided to use nuclear bombs against another country.

Granted, most of the people on the face of earth would like to see a peaceful world devoid of oppression and aggression. But the reality of evil is at least as certain as the reality of good. We would be blind and irredeemably gullible if we pretended otherwise.

Moreover, the dominant powers in this world have spared no effort to morph it into a real jungle, especially since WWI. Thus, Great Britain gave Palestine to the Jews under pressure from Zionist politicians and magnates in England and the United States.

Britain didn't own Palestine, Palestine belonged to its legitimate owners, the Palestinian Arabs. And the Jews, especially those Khazari white European invaders from Eastern Europe had no authentic right to possess the country, let alone banish its natives all over the world.

However, a combination of false arguments and lies, manipulation of international politics and financial clout made the "Zionist argument" assume a degree of "reasonability" at least in the eye of imperialistic westerners in Europe and North America .. In the final analysis, military force and brutality on the ground had the upper hand and the final say.

Indeed, thanks to a skewed international order where military might determines right and wrong, certain nations lost faith in international law and opted to rely on their military might to achieve and protect their interests.

The reason I don't blame North Korea for carrying out the recent nuclear experiment is simply because several countries, including the US, did it before.

Well, if tiny Israel could amass 25-300 nuclear weapons along with their advanced delivery systems, with total impunity, why not North Korea?

Are Koreans children of a lesser God.

I hate nuclear weapons as I do all machines of death but there is no convincing logic allowing for America and Israel and several other countries to be in the prestigious nuclear club whereas Koreans or Iranians are excluded?

They, too, could claim to be God's chosen people, and it is up to the rest of the world to believe them or not.

Ovadia Yosef, the spiritual mentor of Shas, claimed two years ago that non-Jews, including Barack Obama, were created as donkeys in human shape to serve the master race, the Jews.

Likewise, the North Koreans can defy this hypocritical, arrogant world especially the West, and hurl scornful apathy at it. They can say proudly and defiantly "The dogs may keep barking, but "our" caravan will keep moving."

And they have.

Listening and watching American spokesmen and officials, one is made to think that North Korea has been implicated in the gravest and most diabolic crime under the sun.

Suddenly, everything that is happening in the world has been relegated to a secondary status to give way to North Korea's "unforgivable" small nuclear explosion. Thus, the slow-motion genocide in Syria is rendered somewhat innocuous and manageable, and the naked French invasion of Sub-Sahara Africa in order to maintain French colonial interest there is now treated as secondary in its global importance, and the systematic Nazi-like ethnic cleansing at the hands of Zionist Jews in Palestine now falls under that special category of chronic crises "that can't be resolved" and so on and so forth.

I am not a prophet of doom and gloom. However I predict that in a few decades, humanity will face self-destruction if the arrogant powers of this world, including the U.S, Russia, France, Britain and China don't rethink their present mode of thinking and start shunning realpolitik and adopting an alternative conception based on justice, human equality and peaceful coexistence.

If this revolution doesn't take place sooner rather than later, the lambs, deer, even meek sheep of this world will develop lethal defense mechanism for survival that would make the predators of the world sorry, but when sorrow is too late.

And North Korea will not be the last "villain," no matter how hard the unethical closed club called "UN Security Council" tries to maintain the status quo.

I don't think the arrogant powers of this world will be reasonable enough and wise enough to abandon real politike and give up their greed in the foreseeable future. They are too selfish and unwise to give up power and prestige. They would only do that when they observe the hour of truth approaching on the horizon, and then it would be too late for them.

True, "peace" may be maintained by forcing the oppressed to succumb to the will of the oppressor, by whatever means necessary. But this sort of peace is Peace by compulsion" or "peace under duress." It won't last forever.

Hence, the next few decades are likely to witness a number of new countries going nuclear.

In the Arab world, for example, nearly 300 million Arabs are living in the shadow of Israeli nuclear bombs as the Israeli Jewish society is becoming more Talmudic, more fascist and even more genocidal. The Iranians are at least making an effort to change the oblique equation, but the Arabs want to be too polite, but at the expense of their survival, existence and future.

Which begs the question: Do the Arabs, including the rich Saudis and the smart Egyptians, possess any semblance of deterrent against the Jewish nuclear ghoul?

The US is part of the problem and can not be part of the solution. And Washington, which is ruled and tightly controlled by a few Jewish oligarchs and Robber Barons can hardly be expected to restrain Israel even it wanted to.

Hence, the Arabs have really hard choices to make: Either they do like Pakistan did by vowing to possess a nuclear deterrent, even if that meant eating grass and the tree leaves for many years, or continue to bask in the sun rather indifferently like the proverbial Eid lamb, awaiting their turn at the Zionist-Jewish slaughterhouse.

Souce:the Palestinian Information Center http://palestine-info.co.uk/en/default.aspx?xyz=U6Qq7k%2bcOd87MDI46m9rUxJEpMO%2bi1s74QUFs0b6hyijoWa2Jjfp8eue7L%2femmfWUPUGLq3lOvE6Q%2bahFmFhX4AFfZWxat9P8ZsAGF%2bIkCRtLi80y4eqYV0AlPets2%2fsZ0t%2bYsfcduE%3d

Khalid Amayreh
Occupied Palestine

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