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McDonaldization: News Media, Hollywood, Television & Internet 'Alternative' News

March 13th, 2013

by Tracy Turner

America's So-Called Liberal Alternative Media - Some Are MSM Mini-Me's

Anyone who started using the Internet in the era of Windows 3.1 or Mac System 7.1.2 (or using Unix) knows that the Mainstream Media Oligarchs Duopolists crooks are indoctrinating (McDonaldizing) the Internet; or in the words of disney.com, making the Internet the post-journalism "happiest place on Earth"... If there were truth in advertising, make-believe Disney would actually be the concoctedly happiest place on Earth. In the past 8-9 months, websearches on Google, Bing, Yahoo and AolSearch are returning increasingly Censored Results...

The five forged news and fictitious media giants with their 'progressive' Scott Pelley's, 'avante garde' Rachel Maddow's, 'radical' Anderson Cooper's, 'high-minded' Barbara Walters, etc. have yet to ask the simple question, how did the police find Christopher James Dorner's ** fireproof ** wallet, * thrice *?

Image Courtesy of Google Images and Bill Perry

Wallet 1: Lindbergh Field by a bus driver
Wallet 2: San Ysidro Point of Entry
Wallet 3: Burnt Cabin (how did this survive undamaged while Dorner was burnt beyond recognition?)

The Pseudo-blue-blood infonarration seems to have rapidly forgotten the finding of his wallet three times, with the Hollywood Glitterati focusing only on the Fox TV/Disney morality of big and black deserves to burn. Both Dorner's burned truck and the burned cabin rendering perfect crime scenes for any and all LAPD wrongdoing.

When Viacom, AOL Time Warner, Disney, News Corp and Clear Channel finished buying out all competitors, TV, radio, music and much of the internet became the artificial open-minded reformistist place on Earth. In America, those who criticize the Jews are labeled anti-semitist – even those like me who are 1/8 to 1/4 Jewish. The Hollywood Gliteratti, Viacom, AOLTW, Disney, News Corp and Clear Channel could be described aptly as the Jewish Mafia. They and their US government pitbull-agencies can basicaly dominant TV, radio, newspaper, magazines, music and the Internet with their spurious morality. What is it they cannot touch, dominate and ruin to fit their faux-enlightened agenda? Perhaps only the Piratebay...

Calling Viacom, AOLTW, Disney, New Corp and Clear Channel the Jewish Mafia obviously ruffles feathers – with those guilty of Jewish Supremacy usually yelling the objectification labels of racist and anti-semite the loudest. This years best picture Oscar goes to Sweeping US/Israeli War Crimes Under the Carpet. That kind of disinformation is Israel's, America's and Hollywood's. This years best picture soundtrack goes to the Viacom, AOL Time Warner, Disney, News Corp and Clear Channel visionary, reformist coverup of crimes against humanity in Gaza and Palestine. May we please have the directors, producers and actors overwhelm us all with crocodile tears and fictitious modesty? Only the main sleeze media can pretend such vast, overwhelming modesty as the award each other 17 times per year, for covering up the simple truth.

And the award goes to the US CIA... And the Oscar goes to... the US CIA! Is Hollywood the shill for the CIA, or is the CIA the shill for Hollywood? Someday is the topic on The View or 20-20, the topic is ever going to be Earth Overshoot? not!

The media is often called left-wing, with justifications for such being support for Obama NDAA, TPP, DHS, torture, waterboarding, drug company human testing in BRIC countries and Africa, genocide in Gaza, Palestine (DIME munitions, Depleted Uranium GBU-28's), etc. In what universe is supporting fascist totalitarianism "left"? Affected revolutionaryism which supports CIA/Mossad agendas is only autocratic tyranny misnamed.

The bogus liberalism of Hollywood/CIA disinformation (including http://OpedNews.com online) is a mafia that infects the minds of children via barrage indoctrination. Be a good consumer, spend, go into debt and join the military if you lose your job. This is the sham morality taught at the TV/facebook/faux liberal CIA blog-level. Anyone or anything too left of Spain's Franco is referred to as a tin-foil hat-type. The archetype hero aspires to VIP big cat .60 caliber military gun heroism; shot anything that moves because killers are so lovable. This perversion has and is abominating most of the internet – spend and kill, it is so American Jewish and beautiful.

So is a two-caste system, the beautiful, lovely CIA-loyalists and the ragamuffin others with no wealth, fame or oppressive, monolithic loyalties. Even the TV weather nymphs can be aristocracy as long as they shut their mouths about global warming. Shows like 60 Minutes mentally and emotionally push an audience towards Chris Dorner being burned (probably killed by LAPD) was better than a jury trial; 60 minutes forgot about Dorner's three wallets. But the staff are beautiful people best blue bloods, those who always know best.

Someday soon, behind closed doors, executives from Viacom, AOL Time Warner, Disney, News Corp and Clear Channel will want to do something "new, edgy and different". How about saving a downed lady helicopter pilot, name it "saving Private Cyan"? How about full hollowpoint boatail, where a deranged recruit shoots himself in the head with a hollowpoint boatail? That is racy and liberal...

Steve Kangas was racy and liberal, the CIA probably killed him and Zionwood Hollywood will probably never even know who he was. There is so much freedom in America circa 2013 that any white person who talks or writes negative about Obama's NDAA assassination protocol with no due process, or TPP is labeled a racist. Hollywood labels almost all anti-Hollywood viewpointss as racist and/or anti-semitic. Apparently even Glenn Ford is some type of racial misanthrope (by Hollywood standards) for anti-HollywoodObama beliefs. Watch it, Glenn, or the thought police will get you... In the 1970's, views like Glenn Ford's were called liberal activism. Now, Hollywierd giving Oscar awards to the CIA is "liberal activism".

Image credit (originally) questionsquestions.net/gatekeepers.html

The Hollywood Jewish Mafia 'culture' has now infected the world wide web, with dozens, perhaps hundreds of little Corporate, Hollywood and CIA tin-gods of enlightened liberalism shills, such as Rob Kall. Controlling TV media with Israeli supremacy was not enough; the web is becoming Hollywood Mafia McDonaldized...


OpedNews and Rob Kall's biggest Achille's Heel is the apologism including but not at all limited to: government-stupidity, real conspiracies 'journalistically' apologized into 'theories', nuclear industry apologism, Bill Gates's polio vaccine debacle in India apologism and Bill Gates's geo-engineering apologism.

one example of which is this contempt prior to investigation rant of Naomi Klein on Geoengineering - Testing the Waters. Rob Kall and his core of inner circle editors even treat Project Chaos as Conspiracy * 'Theory' *. OpedNews, Kall and his cadre of disinformationist editors attached the word "theory" to Chaos and CointelPro, literally ignoring the Senate Church Report on Project Chaos and CointelPro.

Attaching the Big Brother, apologist word "theory" to old, known, hashed over by Congress conspiracies is purposely and blatantly misleading. Naomi Klein's article with the pretty happy dolphins graphic and implication of Bill "Einstein" Gates as the know-it-all of polluting ecosystems is hubris. Since the 1980's, scientists world-wide have known the elements in bags of farm (and landscape/golfcourse) fertilizer are killing the oceans. Two of those worst offender elements are Nitrogen and Iron - does Naomi Klein imply adding one of those already-too-prevalent poisons into oceans is okay, when Bill Gates does it? Kall postures as if OEN is a small, green, lefty, impoverished blog doing the good works of leftyism; denies CIA involvement. But he fails to explain the Bill Gates Iron oxide dumps in Oceans (geo-engineering is too kind of a word).

Kall seems to puposely ignore that his advisor, Sheldon Drobny is co-founder of CIA Air America - if Drobny were past President of Earth First, you would not even be reading this article. If Bill Gates were a Nature Conservancy lawyer, a Sierra Club board member, etc., end of discussion. But Kall's incessant censorship of activist writers, his headlining of corporate apologist rants and recent rejection of 14+ writers by banning the writers themselves goes way past mere censorship.

Bill Gates Iron oxide geo-scam only sequesters CO2 until the algae dies and sinks - then the CO2 goes into the Ocean and causes Ocean Acidification. The anaerobic bacteria that slowly compost the dead algae kill fish and plankton, thereby starving sharks, dolphins, seals, whales, etc. The Iron oxide in the dead algae is released into the sea, causing more fertilizer elements pollution. Bill Gates money does not make him a wildlife biologist nor rocket scientist. But at least Gates has a wonderful apologist in OEN, Klein and Kall... Gates is titan of a software monopoly that grew rich via cut-throat and illegal practices.

Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Drobny seem to have their own seemingly "teflon-don checkered-past". The level of hacking of computers/email/websites of former (banned) OEN writers * seems * suspiciously like intelligence-government over-reach. Kall and his (mentor? advisor? financier? boss?) have dirt in their histories... Kall's assertions of being the epitome of clean, green and purist left are at least a bit suspect.

OpEdNews follows a distinct pattern... Rob personally quicklink-selecting an article (to headline?) that is pro-geo-engineering as his own personal quicklink; but Rob avoiding counter-culture like Anonymous, Antisec and Lulzsec. Mr. Kall's obsession with old, 1989, debunked iron-oxide algae in the seas will allow us to burn more oil is promoting known myth; not putting Antisec in the news... is it by disinfo design or simply not allowed by CIA handler Drobny? Valid, alternative points of view (i.e., Bill Gates Geo-polluting, chemtrails articles with soil tests for aluminum, barium with "control" samples (from caves, beneath cliff-overhangs, etc.) seem verbotten on opednews. Just publish the Criminal Software Monopolist (Bill Gates) point of view. Kall claims to 'own' OpedNews.com, so how much of his own (credit?) money did he use, how much from money from Mr. and Mrs. Drobny?

We can all watch Rachel Maddow to be mislead, what use have we for Rob's McTheory Blogette, replete with said notion that all Conspiracy are by Kall default merely theories? Micron-sized milled Aluminum and other metals are soil and water acidifiers; either we are defoliating the planet with chemtrails or we are not. The proof is not in Rob Kall's overly-simplistic rant 'article', the Chemtrails proof or lack thereof is in soil tests for pH, Aluminum and other metals and with vegetation studies. For the record, Iron oxide dumped from ships to create algael blooms was big, new news in the 1980's... At which time a vast majority of assorted scientists world wide unanimously opined geo-engineering the Earth's vast, highly complex systems with simplistic "fixes" was the epitome of stupidity.

Other vast, global "fixes" include nuclear waste, drill baby drill, fracking, overfishing and deforestation. The fact that Kall did not read the numerous plethora of Iron oxide/algael blooms articles in the 1980's brings up an interesting question - where did Rob Kall come from? A greenhouse, left-wing think tank, merely invented a decade ago as a left-wing disinformation shill by CIA, etc.? Who appointed Kall the little tin god of progressivism; replete with his mini-mini-me editors?

Thank God, this guy does more than phart phake news:


Ooohhh!!! This one is juicy!



Uhm... uhhh... I wuuunnnddder who Peter Philipps 9/11 is...


Fake news replete with pseudoliberalism on TV, radio, in music and magazines and spreading like a cancerous virus online.

The video above makes about as much sense as Oscar Night (and the award goes to CIA), the MSM lies about essentially everything or why the media could care less why an LAPD-murdered man had three wallets...

The video above is based on Jonathan Aziziah, banned by all five media company moguls and their sycophants; banned by Huffington Post, banned by Salon and banned by Rob Kall at opednews.com.

The camera video of the Pentagon parking lot appears to be more consistent with a missile strike than a plane crash. Notice no wings, stray parts (landing gear, torn-off wings, flaps, etc.). Watch the video full screen and watch what you see at 25 seconds; more consistent with a missile at supersonic speed than with an airliner at 450-500 miles per hour (diving). At 25 seconds in the video, you see a white tube, no large forward wings, no engines; just a long narrow tube that impacts at mach. Both at the Pentagon and at Shanksville, plane crashed that leave no wings, debris field or passenger bodies in plain sight. Personally, I find Building 7, Shanksville and the Pentagon to be the biggest wholes in a story that seems filled with official lies...

On 9/11, building 7 collapsed even though no plane flew in to Building 7.

The video above and below are most obviously not part of the media/government 'official' version 9/11. If you believe the TV/CIA-blog (such as opednews.com) version of truth, you will not be threatened with a deadly, dangerous tin-foil hat.

On 9/11, building 7 eye-witnesses heard explosions coming from Building 7.

Perhaps we need to turn to a source of undeniable truth on 9/11, Dorner's three wallets, Building 7, etc., such as Natalie Portman or Rob Kall, as TV is not going to give you the "truth" like Portman or Kall... What makes the most sense is think of: the media companies and as Dr. Evil, and the news anchors as mini-me's. Think of Salon and huffington Post as Dr. Evil and Rob Kall as Salon's mimi-me. All of them obsess over how many pieces of silver (30) are in the vault; token pseudo-progressivism is just the carrot, the tease to get you to watch more mind-numbing lies.

March 2013 needs to be put into some kind of historical perspective that some, a few, will understand. Obama is about 90 degrees to the right of where Lyndon Banes Johnson was. The faux left TV, radio, blogs are the new moral majority. An average left person in America such as Barrett Brown is undergoing torture in solitary confinement, aka "awaiting trial".

Wannabe faux "liberals" from blogs or TV are to busy being the tin-gods of their little 30-pieces of silver underworld to notice the Barrett Browns of our times - who are as radical now as the Smother's brothers were in the 1960's. The news would have us fear Anonymous and LulzSec, but the biggest threats to us in 2013 are the (occupied, shilled, bought-off) media and the government. Obama's NDAA is far more menacing than some liberal computer hackers.

If you have read this far, perhaps you may fill me in on some questions: when I signed up to a liberal blog, has the spying on me occurred via DHS, police, CIA, the 'liberal' blog where I wrote (opednews) or from all of the above? Is the security grifter erasing my emails, tampering with my website, etc., from the list above or somewhere else? The news (known liars) keeps maligning Anonymous, but it seems all of the cyber attacks on my friends and I are more consistent with the fascist state, aka Big Brother.

What we can all take to our crooked banks: 1) The government wants its 30-pieces of silver... 2) The contrived, faux progressive media wants its 30-pieces of silver... 3) The contrived, faux progressive blogosphere wants its 30-pieces of silver... DHS, CIA, FBI, DIA and NSA has replaced the left with a highly capitalistic faux-left toxic cesspool. The minute one of the CEO's at the big media companies becomes the overlord of 'liberalism' he or she morphs into the antithesis of liberalism; they become a totalitarian regime within some fleeting, corporal contraption that is doomed to decay.

One of the most important questions is how many faux liberal orfices have a CIA spook on the advisory panel, such as Rob Kall's Sheldon Drobny? The CIA now has a stranglehold on liberalism, aka saccharine progressivism? Where is the schmaltzy beef? The hubris of Rob Kall, a little man standing on Sheldon Drobny's (*CIA Air America*) coat-tails, singing at the top of his lungs, I am the mini me of mini me (Big five media giants: HuffPo & Salon: Sheldon Air America Drobny: Mini-Mini-Mini-Me Kall).

Does every silver lining have to have hundreds of dark clouds? Here is one way to look at it: for every hundred Barbara Walters there can only be one , there can only be one Georgianne Nienaber. For every hundred Rob Kalls and his god-like obsession with self, silver and imitation liberalism, sham journalism and mock love for country, there are dozens lined up to be his mini-me-slave-editors. For every hundred Rob Kalls, there can only be one Robert Singer. Even just one Aliza Amlani is worth an entire army of faux liberals grasping at pieces of silver and entirely missing the point of activism.

Sent to Rob, will let all know if he responds: Oh, great horned one, we bow to thee, our faux leftist superior... Thou ist auch brach, hat kein Geld - but owns a superior web platform than that of CNN, MSNBC, HuffingtonPost and Salon combined. Oh how, great horned one, doest thou pay one single webmaster and platform specialist to write and re-write populum 54 times on a mere $3,500 per month? Thou system stinks of rotten CIA fish, in other words you either lied about your shoestring 22K seed money and $3500 a month shoestring, or you lied about what 54-rewrites of populum cost. Either way, you smell dirty... 22k is your webmasters' salary for 2.5 months, with taxes but no benefits. Anybody smell .gov dirt, the news, according to Rob Uncle Sham Kall?

Perhaps we are being too harsh, after all OpedNews and Sheldon Drobny/Rob Kall are a charities like the Red Cross, right? Also, the Drobny's Air America and affiliated 'charities' are IRS Tax Exempt, right? Odd, how the person at the head of Rob Kall/OpedNews's "advisor list" cannot remember taking $875,000 away from a boys and girls club charity. How do you 'not remember' taking $875,000 away from a boys and girls club?

Can I offer you a large freedom gulp and supersize liberty fries with the liberal Mcblogettes? Reading Steve Kangas for five minutes makes more sense than all the vomitus that spews from the big five media giants, HuffPost, Salon and Rob Kall in five years. When it comes to truth in media, America truly is the crappiest place on Earth... You do realize those OpedNews.com McBlogettes are "tax-deductible"? Rob is literally hiding under the skirts of a charity-fraud, tax-cheat former IRS agent who has so far never spent a day in jail...

The following links relate to Sheldon Drobney/Rob Kall's Faux-Left Gate-keeper Article above:

Leftgatekeepers Infiltrate the Progressive Movement

The Empire's New Middle East Map

The Shame of Noam Chomsky & left gatekeepers: Zwicker (#3)

Left Gatekeepers the stand down of the foundation funded alternative media

Gatekeepers - Foundations Fund Phony 'Left' Media

Denial is not a river in Egypt

The Globalist Hand Behind Idle No More

Cointelpro.com The Counter Intelligence Program and the internet

The Shill World Order: Pushers Of The False Left-Right Paradigm

Peak Everything, aka Earth Overeach

"Manufactured Dissent": The Financial Bearings of the "Progressive Left Media"

Extra Delux McFauxNews Value Menu - Only 99¢ (Guaranteed Brain-Freeze McSatisfaction)

OpedNews.com McMockProgressive Nuggets with Artificial 'Truthie'-Sauce

MSNBC.com McShamLefty Nuggets with Artificial Rachel-Sauce

CNN.com McSpoofReformist Nuggets with Artificial Anderson-Sauce

Salon.com McBluffHumanistic Nuggets with Artificial Joan-Sauce

Huffingtonpost.com McErsatzLiberal Nuggets with Artificial Arianna-Sauce

Foxnews.com Deep-lied succulent McRedneck Strips with Genuine McFib-Sauce

For an additional 49¢, Comes With Deep-fried Curly-McGullibles and a large cup of quadruple-homogenized Vanilla McBourgeoise

(Satire) According to Diane 'Ethicalness' Sawyer and Bill Virtuous O'Reilly: Syrians insurgents, North Korean radicals and Iranian fundamental Islamists used box-cutters to bury United flight 93 in a pre-existing scar in the ground in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. The Syrian insurgents used their box-cutters to bury the physical plane itself, every wing, engine turbine blade, every landing light, flap, aileron, wing, landing gear and tires were buried by Syrians with box-cutters.

North Korean radicals with box cutters buried every drop of jet fuel aboard United Flight 93, leaving no 40,000 pound load of burning jet fuel on the surface of the ground. Anyone who questions the official news/government story of burying of 40,000 pounds of jet fuel to prevent an uncontrollable fire that would burn for hours is a "nutty 9/11 truther".

Rob Kall
Box-cutter-buried plane courtesy of hoodwinkedatshanksville.blogspot.com

(Satire) Iranian fundamental Islamists with box-cutters buried the Boeing 757–222, registration number N591UA, as well as buried 37 passengers and seven crew members. The ability of trained box-cutter-diggers to rapidly bury plane, fuel and all humans onboard (including themselves) shows that box-cutters in the right hands have more burying power than all other plane wrecks combined. The graphic above is all the justification needed for us to have Diane 'Ethicalness' Sawyer and Bill Virtuous O'Reilly stare straight into a camera and beguile most of America with how necessary it is to militarily blockade-starve peasants (Israeli-Gaza-Palestine-style) in Syria, North Korea and Iran prior to dropping Depleted Uranium munitions on Damascus, Pyongyang and Tehran.

Our Dear Israeli Allies Fighting Terror Via Killing Vegetable Farmers Working Fields of Food

Our Dear Israeli Allies Fighting Terror Via Killing Olive Trees To Prevent Unauthorized Eating

Our Dear Israeli Allies Bulldozing Homes, Olive Trees and a Generator. This type of activity can and does include water cisterns, vegetable truck gardens, farms, cars, schools, playgrounds, etc.

(Sarcasm of Jewish Supremacy) Fig and Olive Trees are 'Terror', bulldozing 'makes all of us safer'. Millions and millions of dollars are spent annually indoctrinating people to 'feel sorry for Israel'... Perhaps it is better to simply feel sorry for Gazans, Palestinians and for Rachel Corrie, those who actually deserve our sorrow. What kind of monsters bulldoze food farms, or censor this out of the press?

The Case Of Uri Avnery I: "Shukran, Israel" Analyzed And Refuted - Jonathan Aziziah

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