« Obama's War on Syria Delayed, Not DeterredThe Shortest Path to Peace in Syria »

Obama's Rage for War on Syria

September 12th, 2013

by Stephen Lendman

Obama's hell bent for war. He intends lawless aggression. A separate article called his plans delayed. They're not deterred.

Syria deplores war. It wants peaceful conflict resolution. So do important world leaders.

Overwhelming public sentiment at home and abroad wants peace. People everywhere know they're being lied to.

Syria threatens no one. No evidence links it to chemical weapons use any time throughout months of conflict.

Insurgents used them multiple times. More on that below. Don't expect US officials or media scoundrels to explain.

Obama, Kerry, other US officials, and supportive media flacks repeat the Big Lie. They do so ad nauseam. Repetition falls on deaf ears.

Obama did Tuesday night. He did so before a nationally televised audience. Last minute text changes were made. He was caught back-footed.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov called John Kerry's bluff. Obama's head foreign policy official proposed "turn(ing) over every single bit of his chemical weapons to the international community in the next week" to avert war.

Lavrov urged Syria to do it, sign the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), and agree to destroy its stockpile.

Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem welcomed his proposal. He pledged "full cooperation." He did so to avert war.

Obama's plans haven't changed. They're delayed. They'll be implemented later on. Expect another major false flag as pretext. They're implemented whenever needed.

A separate article suggested Israel may be targeted. Doing so for sure would launch war. Congress would overwhelmingly support it.

Opposition public sentiment wouldn't help. Nor would strong false flag evidence. Don't bet against things not planned this way.

All wars are based on lies. False flags are a US/Israeli tradition. Be wary of what might be coming. Forewarned is forearmed.

Obama launched a PR blitz. His officials fanned out to do so. They're selling war. On Monday, National Security Advisor Susan Rice addressed New American Foundation ideologues.

She repeated the Big Lie. She wrongfully blamed Assad for the "barbaric use of chemical weapons against the Syrian people."

"There is no denying what happened on August 21," she said. She used inflammatory language. She said Assad "unleashed hellish chaos and terror on a massive scale."

"Innocent civilians were jolted awake, choking on poison. Some never woke up at all."

"In the end, more than 1,400 were dead - more than 400 of them children."

Rice feigned concern, adding:

"As a parent, I cannot look at those pictures - those little children laying on the ground, their eyes glassy, their bodies twitching - and not think of my own two kids."

"I can only imagine the agony of those parents in Damascus."

"There is no doubt who is responsible for this attack. Only the Syrian regime has the capacity to deliver chemical weapons on a scale to cause the devastation we saw in Damascus."

"The opposition does not. The rockets were fired from territory controlled by the regime."

"The rockets landed in territory controlled or contested by the opposition."

"And the intelligence we’ve gathered reveals senior officials planning the attack and then, afterwards, plotting to cover up the evidence by destroying the area with shelling."

"Of course, this is not the first time that Assad has used chemical weapons in this conflict; we assess that he has used them on a small-scale multiple times since March."

"Assad's escalating use of chemical weapons threatens the national security of the United States."

"Failing to respond means more and more Syrians will die from Assad’s poisonous stockpiles."

"Failing to respond makes our allies and partners in the region tempting targets of Assad’s future attacks."

"Failing to respond increases the risk of violence and instability as citizens across the Middle East and North Africa continue to struggle for their universal rights."

"Failing to respond brings us closer to the day when terrorists might gain and use chemical weapons against Americans abroad and at home."

Fact check

Clear evidence absolves Assad entirely. He had nothing to do with attacking Ghouta. Insurgents bear full responsibility.

No evidence links him to chemical weapons use any time throughout months of conflict. Claims otherwise are fake. Rice repeated them.

Insurgents have free access to chemical weapons. Saudi Arabia supplied toxic agents. Perhaps Washington did. Pentagon contractors trained insurgents in chemical weapons handling.

They've been caught possessing and using them multiple times before.

Carla del Ponte's a Commission of Inquiry on Syria member. In May she said:

"We collected some witness testimony that made it appear that some chemical weapons were used, in particular (nerve) gas, and what appears to our investigation (it) was used by the opponents, by the rebels."

Commission members have "no indication at all that the government, the authorities of the Syrian government, had used chemical weapons."

Under heavy pressure, del Ponte retracked. She hedged earlier comments. She restated them, saying it's unclear who bears responsibility.

Rockets with toxic chemicals were fired from insurgent held territory. Innocent civilians were targeted. They were killed while they slept. No one's sure how many.

Evidence Rice claims doesn't exist. It's fabricated. It's fake. Rice knows. She lied claiming otherwise.

Assad never threatened America. US national security isn't at risk. Claiming otherwise is laughable on its face.

So is saying Assad will kill more Syrians and others across the region with chemical weapons. If Americans are at home and/or abroad, Washington and/or Israel will bear full responsibility.

No one's sure precisely what happened in Ghouta. Fake videos and photos were used. Reports on numbers killed disagree. At most there were several hundred. Likely it was less.

Insurgents bear full responsibility. More on that below. Rice repeated one lie after another. It didn't surprise.

Her imperial credentials are impeccable. Moral depravity best describes her. Hawkishness advanced her career.

Her rap sheet is blood drenched. She's one of Obama's most extremist officials. Her comments prove it writ large.

She warned about US inaction. She repeated one lie after another. Ideologues listening accepted them as gospel. They wouldn't have invited her otherwise. Her argument fell flat.

Scaremongering is longstanding US policy. During the 1980s Contra wars, Reagan officials claimed Nicaragua's ruling Sandinistas threatened Texas.

They failed to get Mexican President de la Madrid to publicly concur. He said if he did 70 million Mexicans would die laughing. It's hard imagining anyone believes obvious bald-faced lies.

The more they're repeated, the more they fall flat. It doesn't stop US officials from trying. According to Rice:

"Every time chemical weapons are moved, unloaded, and used on the battlefield, it raises the likelihood that these weapons will fall into the hands of terrorists active in Syria, including Assad's ally, Hezbollah and Al Qaeda affiliates."

Al Qaeda, Al Nusra and other death squad killers constitute Obama's proxy army. Rice didn't explain.

She claimed Syria, Iran, North Korea and other world bad actors "are watching to see whether the United States will stand up for the world we're trying to build for our children and future generations."

She cautioned that failing to address threats "could indicate that the United States is not prepared to use (its) full range of tools necessary."

She didn't address Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov's peace offer. She focused on selling war.

She accused Russia of blocking Security Council authorization. She left unsaid that doing so prevents lawless aggression.

She lied saying Obama plans limited action. He won't start another war, she insists. "This will not be Iraq or Afghanistan. Nor would it resemble Kosovo or Libya."

Francis Boyle said "Obama will do a Bush." He'll "tell Congress he needs authorization for war in order to promote diplomacy. Then once he gets it, (he'll) destroy Syria."

He's doing a pretty good job already. He wants to finish it soon as possible.

According to Rice, strikes will "shake (Assad's) confidence in the viability of his relentless pursuit of a military solution."

Assad abhors war. He wants peace. He seeks it forthrightly. He's battling Western-enlisted death squads. They're imported from dozens of countries. Rice didn't explain.

Obama wants war. He plans regime change. Rice claimed otherwise. She lied saying he believes it's "neither wise nor necessary to" pursue.

It's longstanding US policy. Don't expect his officials to explain. They're selling war. They're repeating Big Lies to do so. Increasingly they're falling on deaf ears. Evidence defeating them keeps surfacing.

On September 10, Voice of Russia headlined "Freed captives prove chemical attack was Syria rebels' provocation."

Italian journalist Domenico Quiric and Belgian teacher Pierre Piccinin spent five months in captivity. Insurgents held them.

On Monday, they were flown home. They told what they knew. They overheard their captives taking responsibility for attacking Ghouta.

Piccinin told Belgium's RTL radio:

"It is a moral duty to say this. The government of Bashar al-Assad did not use sarin gas or other types of gas in the outskirts of Damascus."

He added that it's "insane and suicidal for the West to support these people."

Quirico told Italy's La Stampa newspaper:

Insurgents "said that the gas attack on two neighborhoods of Damascus was launched by the rebels as a provocation to lead the West to intervene militarily."

Both men said they were brutalized throughout months of captivity. They were beaten, starved, and subjected to two mock executions.

Twice they trying escaping and failed. They were brutally punished for attempting it.

US media scoundrels ignored their important information. They're in lockstep with Obama's war plans.

A separate Voice of Russia report headlined "Iran possesses evidence of terrorists deploying chemical weapons in Syria."

In Moscow, Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said:

"Both our country and Russia have strong evidence that terrorist organizations deployed chemical weapons."

"Some of the evidence is obvious - for example, last December we have received information that two capsules with sarin were moved by terrorists across Syria. (They) were shipped from an Arab country."

"We have provided this evidence to United States, asking to comply with international obligations, but (they) have not reached a decision; after that we have witnessed terrorist cells using this gas against civilians in Khan al-Assal."

Russia's Foreign Ministry said Ghouta attack photos and videos are fake. "Evidence was provided by numerous witnesses." Unanimously they blamed insurgents.

Their accounts were sent to the Commission of Inquiry on Syria. It's an imperial tool. It blames Assad for insurgent crimes. It downplays or ignores their worst ones. Expect nothing different this time.

Static against Lavrov's proposal is already is being heard. Reuters headlined "UK's Cameron: Syria, Russia must show chemical arms proposal is genuine."

Cameron warned about a possible delaying tactic. His spokesman said:

"This cannot be in any way an endless process. We must be very vigilant about the risk of distraction tactics."

London's Telegraph headlined "This plan to rid Syria of chemical weapons is a cardboard proposal," saying:

"(E)ven if everything went perfectly, this process would take a long time."

"(E)verthing (will) not go perfectly." Expect problems along the way.

Is Obama "looking for a fig leaf?" Will it let him "retreat" from military action?

Or "is he trying to" say he went the extra mile? Will he claim he exhausted every diplomatic alternative? Will he say failure drove him to war?

Will he thwart the peace process straightaway? Will he prove he intended war all along? Will he veto a Security Council resolution on eliminating Syria's chemical weapons?

Will he falsely claim it fell short of doing so? Will he propose a Rambouillett-style agreement? In March 1999, Slobodan Milosovic got an unacceptable ultimatum.

It was a take-it-or-leave it deal. It was one no responsible leader would accept. It involved surrendering Serbia's sovereignty to NATO occupation forces.

It gave them unimpeded access throughout the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY). It included its land, airspace and waters.

It demanded use of areas and facilities for its mission. It demanded full FRY cooperation. It did so irrespective of its laws. It was an offer designed to refuse.

War, mass destruction and slaughter followed. Serbia's sovereign Kosovo territory was lost. It's now Washington/NATO occupied territory.

It's run by Hasim Thaci. He's an unindicted drug trafficker. He's got known organized crime ties. Washington, Israel, key NATO partners, and rogue Arab League allies have similar designs on Syria.

It may not take long to learn Obama's real intentions. Longstanding US plans want Assad ousted. Obama's war is waged for that purpose. He's not about to quit now.

He's come too far to backtrack. His agenda's unchanged. Timing and tactics alone are altered. Priorities remain in force.

War won't end until Syria's entirely ravaged and destroyed. Don't expect Obama to explain.


Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

His new book is titled "Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity"


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com

Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.

It airs Fridays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.


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