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Planet Without A Future? New Weapons, Geoengineering and the Destruction of Mother Earth

March 27th, 2014

By Dr. Rosalie Bertell

“Greenpeace used to be on the front lines of those demanding a clean, green environment and truly open, transparent and democratic governments. Yet you seem NOT to be taking up the main issues of the day: chemtrails, X-based radar, over the horizon radar, HAARP, WOODPECKER and all such ionospheric heaters; lying promotion of nuclear power as a ‘cure’ for climate change, while omitting all the co2 emitted in mining, milling, transportation and unending waste management!

Meanwhile the warriors in our midst are practicing and actually carrying on “weather wars”, military exercises above our heads polluting our earth and food web, and trying to get civil society to bless geoengineering!

Have you become passive? Can you hear the cries of those who want to truly save the planet and not try to use its suffering to cover for their own hidden agenda? Based on what I have been told about Greenpeace in Germany, I am hoping for you to wake up and help! (Rosalie Bertell, Message to Greenpeace, October 2011)

Original of the last major interview with the late Dr. Rosalie Bertell, recorded in 2010 at the “30 Years of Right Livelihood Award”, Bonn, Germany

Bertell: Ok, so when they had these nuclear bombs they were afraid of retaliation and they wanted to know everything it could do. And what they did is they tried it in every possible place. They tried it under the water, on level of the ground, they tried airbursts at different heights and this was, this brought you into the early fifty’s when sputnik went up and then the US tried to send their first rockets up – that’s when they discovered the Van Allen Belts. So we never set off a bomb up there and they set it off up in the Van Allen Belts. I think it was part of that program to try it everywhere and see what it did. And so they … it’s incredible to think anybody would do this.

Interviewer: Do you see these weather manipulation experiments only so far in an almost theoretical or coincidental way so that for example last winter was very cold and very snowy – maybe related to this cloud – or is this already a longer strategic thing? I have heard about experiments of heavy rains and floods in England, and there are some other ideas and hints that other big hurricanes or weather changes are related to that. Can you give any other examples of that?

Bertell: Yes, we’ve got sixty years of experimentation and what we are seeing are individual acts of using the ability to manipulate weather for a particular purpose. So not everybody’s hurricane is manipulated, but some are. And it`s very difficult to tell the difference. So not every earthquake is manipulated, but some are. The one that is most famous for being manipulated is the Chinese (hurricane – flaw) earthquake where thousands of people died. I don’t think I can put the date on it, but it was in the 1980ths. It was a horrible event but there was a “plasma” over it before.

Another one that was likely deliberately caused was the San Francisco earthquake, because there were events measured ahead a time that something was going to happen and it was coming from the – what we called, what the US called the Woodpecker. This is an instrument they have, we call the Russian one the Woodpecker, the US one is called HAARP. HAARP -High Active Auroral Research Project.

These are Projects of multi synchronized towers – projection towers. And when you got enough of them in one place acting at the same time, you can do pulsed energy directed at the earth, and you can cause vibration of the earth and you can cause earthquakes. So the Woodpecker is called that because you detect the sound and it’s periodic – it’s pulsed. And it sounds like a woodpecker but HAARP does the same thing.

There is one in Tromsoe / Norway , there is three of them now in Russia, the US has three I think, one in Colorado and there are two in Alaska, there is one in Puerto Rico. I suspect there is one in the Antarctic, because then they coordinate between these instruments and they can do things like directed Jet-current. So you know that night in your news report, you see where the Jet-Stream is. And people above are cold and the people below are warm, or something like that. But anyway, by moving the Jet-Stream, you can change people’s weather.

There are also five big rivers in the (atmosphere of the) northern hemisphere and five in the southern hemisphere – that are vapor- rivers and they bring the waters from the tropics up to the middle latitudes. And like there is one right over the Atlantic Ocean, just off the east coast of the US. They did an experiment where they moved it on to the continent and we had the terrible Mississippi flood. The whole center of the country was flooded. So these are things they can do. They can cause a drought by moving the river away and they can cause a flood by moving the river towards the place.

Interviewer: Still – for I mean – it’s always possible to hear about this theories that HAARP could provoke earthquakes, or what I have heard was that HAARP could create with focused electromagnetic fields also a change in human consciousness – but this maybe we talk about this later – but this seems in a way also – well how to say it- in Germany we say “conspiracy theory” which is a theory of a power which does things which are terrible and which are to control earth. And it’s a little bit like a fairy tale atmosphere because you never know really what it is about. How clear are proofs that for example there are military experiments with provoking earthquakes…?

Bertell: Well, ah to provoke an earthquake you really have to use the molten core inside the earth, and you have to send pulsed electromagnetic waves there and cause it to turbulence. Turbulence can be measured. So we have very real reports of turbulence of the magnetic core of the earth followed by earthquakes, so you know that’s not a myth.. I think if we actually go and see these instruments.

I went up to Gakona, Alaska – and I saw the HAARP facility. At the time I went, which was around maybe a little before 2000, they had 48 transmission towers in a 6 by 8 grid perfectly formed, perfectly synchronized. They now have a 150 towers in the same place and they are planning on as many as 700. Now you start sending energy, that is totally synchronized from even the 48 you(r) causing effect (in) the ionosphere is measurable that it was lifted up when this energy hit it. So it’s lifted up above the earth, you can actually measure that. They can actually produce lenses in the ionosphere and they can use it for a directed energy shoot. I think the purpose of that is wherever the military locates they can provide it with all the energy it needs without having to carry big deposits of oil or something – you don’t need all those oil carriers to make all your electricity work.

The other thing that they can do, they get most of their money outside of the black-box money – the money from congress – goes for deep earth tomography. And deep earth tomography is when they have a synchronized electromagnetic wave, it hits the ionosphere and the back ray is at low (LF) and extra low frequency (ELF) and that goes right through the planet. So what they (have) been doing is mapping the whole inside of the planet earth. They can find the oil and gas deposits, they can find underground bunkers, they can find all kind of things inside the earth with these – this is like a cat-scan of the earth, and that’s what goes right through the people. Now they use the low range of electromagnetic energy and the human body reacts to energy between – like one to teen hertz. That’s the extra low frequency. So yes they go right through the human body and they do affect it – the thing is they don’t do it all the time.

Now HAARP is only allowed to operate four times a year. It’s not – unless some emergency is declared, but normally they are only allowed to operate four times a year. So there are lots of things you can do if you – you know, you look at what’s happening around the world and you look and see if HAARP is operating. I mean there are ways to track these things down. You are never really sure. But because it looks like a normal event, but when it occurs totally out of season or when it’s extremely violent – when, you know you – these are the ones you can be suspicious about.

Interviewer: So you say about HAARP that it has almost three functions: that you can pulse frequencies into the earth making the core of earth getting into turbulence, it could be transmitting energy from one point to the other, and it can be used to change magnetic fields in certain areas of the earth. What would be the reason for doing that for example, changing magnetic fields in different parts of the earth – and what happens if the magnetic field is artificially changed?

Bertell: It’s what the military called the positing energy, which is like bombs, it’s like bombs. But it – they can set fire, too, in a whole area. You cause a drought in an area, and then you send in a lot of ultraviolet waves, you can cause a fire. And you know, there are so many things you can do. They also use the HAARP to communicate with submarines when they submerged in water. So it’s got a few functions – there is other things the military has done that people know nothing about.

For one thing they decided to eliminate the static that you get sometimes when you try bounce your radio of the ionosphere. And so they put over a trillion copper needles up there and they thought that would get rid of the static. And it didn’t – it was a mess. And they left them all up there and of course they come down. These things eventually come down to the earth. Copper needles, yes they just dumped them up in the ionosphere – you know they tried these things and we have no idea what this does to the – to the dynamics of the protective layers of the earth.

They have sent – they decided to use barium as a tracer – barium and lithium and they send rockets up to – you know to dump barium into the upper atmosphere to see what happens to it – where it went. What kind of – you know what kind of dynamics are taking place at each level up above the earth, and so they have done all kinds of alterations of the basic earth system. This is what in many ways has impacted on our weather and climate and that we are calling climate change and we are blaming everything on carbondioxid.

Interviewer: So you would say that military experiments not only provoke weather changes but also are a major part of climate change?

Bertell: Very definitely and they are certainly not the only – I mean I don’t think carbondioxid pollution does any good for our earth. So I am not saying don’t do that, but I am saying you could stop all that carbondioxid today and it’s not going to be weather like you remember. Because deep changes and damage has been done to the earth system. And you can’t cover it up by just calling it carbondioxid.

Interviewer: Would you also then say that most of the epidemics related to environmental changes are related to military experiments? I mean there are epidemics in the last years like AIDS, like several fever, illnesses, tracked in monkeys in ducks, in birds, in sheep, in cows – is this from your perspective as an epidemic researcher also related, or can be related to those experiments?

Bertell: What we are looking at now in medicine is that those who are talking at the level of quantum chemistry, quantum mechanics – so right know the medical profession considers the atom like the base. And then all of our healing is done with chemistry, different chemicals, pills and waxing. So – in other words – they consider that the atom isn’t gone change. However inside of the atom we have the quarks and inside of the quarks there are actually full turns – so we have a very active electrical system, it’s not a chemical system, but an electrical system inside of the atom. Now if you have change the atomic structure or the atomic dynamics inside of the atom (through radioactivity, electromagnetic waves, or what?) that atom is giving of different message then a normal one, so you have a normal medicine and an abnormal atom and they don’t communicate. And that’s what we call – these are all the infectious diseases that no longer respond to our medicine. So we have done something to change the communication system between the diseased atoms and the normal medicine.

So we are in a different era, we are in an era where we have to deal with electromagnetic medicine to restore normality to the atoms so that the atoms can be affected by our body’s immune system and by the normal medicines. So it’s complicated…and AIDS, it’s almost different, because the immune system itself is affected and becomes abnormal and therefore doesn’t deal with infections – and so that like the opposite effect. So you are going to have to use more of EM-medicine and medicine in the microwave range, but it has to be done very carefully and you have to know what you are doing – or you can cause more damage, because these things potentially are also harmful.

Interviewer: If – I maybe first ask the other question again. Is there also any hints that these HAARP constructions, that they do change human consciousness in changing electromagnetic fields. I mean can you – there where some rumors about Bagdad when it was taken by the US army, that almost nobody there fought back. And it was hard to believe that this battle which was expected did not happen at all because nobody showed up on the streets. And that people from Bagdad said that it was almost well an absurd atmosphere in the town on these days. And there were some rumors that it might have to do with HAARP? What is about these things – did you research such – well – influences on our ability to think and to act and to perceive?

Bertell: I can only give you a professional opinion on that one. I doubt that it was HAARP, but I do say they had an electronic battle field and they had it coming from many different sources. So many sources that they couldn’t interprete it – so it was an electronic battlefield, and so they did have very many facts that were in interference with the normal electricity in the body, and the normal responses of people. But I think it was local – I don’t think it came from HAARP.

Interviewer: In a way, this what you describe here makes atomic bombs into a terrible but relatively primitive huge toy – military toy – because that what they build up now seems to be almost unseen, unsmellable, unlistenable, so it seems to be a weapon of which we don’t know that it exists, and we don’t know when it is in action.

Bertell: That’s right I think for practical purposes the military has abandoned nuclear bombs. I think they are unusable, and they keep them as a threat and they also keep them to keep a very large part of the population busy trying to write books, and why they shouldn’t have them and how you could manage.. – You know- cero nuclear weapons and all this sort of things. And so it keeps a lot of people busy that are not looking at the other things that they are really doing. But this isn’t unusual because if you look at World War One where they used gas – they never used that again in a war. It went into the pesticides, herbicides and defoliants) of the Vietnam war, and so if you look at the technology of a war it changes by the next war so you really shouldn’t be back here fighting the one that they used the last time, you should be trying to figure out what they are going to use in the next one. And I believe there will be weather wars. And I believe they will be horrible. I wrote a petition out there I hope people will sign, but I think it should be a crime against humanity and against the earth to either cause or enhance any of these things, like a hurricane, a monsoon, a tsunami, an earthquake, a mount slide, a volcano eruption, that should be declared very clearly as a crime against humanity and the earth.

Interviewer: Does this what you told me know, does this relate to this term of geo-engineering?

Bertell: Well it’s very interesting – it’s (Edward) Teller – the father of the hydrogen bomb that’s proposing geo-engineering. They have been doing this for sixty years and they now (are) coming out of their glasses and offering to do these great things to stop the climate change. So it’s a crazy idea. I think they are gaining very boil about the whole thing. Now they are going to be heroes and … don’t let them touch the earth – keep their hands off of it. I know – this is not going to solve anything they have tried has failed. They did try putting some kind of plankton around in the ocean and that didn’t work. They want to paint the clouds white, they want to – they want to ruin everybody’s solar energy by putting all kinds of metals up in the air so that they reflect the sun away from the earth. It is especially awful considering they’ve had a breakthrough in solar energy in South Africa which they are very proud of, that makes it cheaper and much more efficient. So – you know – this is not sensible and anyway when you look at who is telling you when it’s the military telling you to do this to the planet – I mean I think you are crazy if you do – if you pay any attention…

Interviewer: What’s about the rumors of the big tsunami which went through South East Asia, that these also might have been provoked by this turbulences in the inner earth?

Bertell: That one was very suspicious. There was an American ship off of Indonesia that was – trying to tap for where were good places for oil or – under the water, they were doing under the water research. Now whether they set off something – I don’t know – I know they were there. They were working there. So there were a couple of other things around that that were suspicious. But I have no idea, you (don’t) know really practically who did it and why they did it or whether it was an accident, whether they were doing something else and that was a side effect. It was very suspicious and very unusual

Interviewer: What is the strategic consequences of such weapons? I mean you don’t even have to move your armys out of your country if you are going with such weapons. What do you think is the aim, they follow, what is the ethics of warfare if there is any, which they are going for, what is the worldview behind it which is ignoring so much natural balances?

Bertell: It has to be pure dominance! Be able to get everything you want and you need and the hack with everybody else! I mean there is no other, there is no land, you are not gaining land, its pure dominance. Pure greed. I don’t see any kind of rational.

Interviewer: So you think that we have to – at the same time trying to find ways to lessen the impact of CO2 we also have to find ways to lessen the impact of military experiments

Bertell: Well the way I would deal with the military is – cut their money! And we know enough about how every country spends for military and how much is international trade in military – so if you froze it. At the twenty ten level and then next you made 20% of what the country spends on military make them buy UN currency which can be only used for education, social work, you know, health, only civilian things, and then that reduces them by 20%, and then the next year take another 20% , next year take another 20%, you do two things: you reduce the military budget and their research budget and you would also increase a UN currency that couldn’t be used for military and you would get rid of a lot of the currency wars and you would also be – you know – nicely bringing down everybody’s military. Then I think you could take the younger recruits and have some kind of an environmental rescue squats, under the UN or something like that. But they wouldn’t be military. But they would be necessary for an emergency at any place in the world. You could do this. And we know enough, we have enough monitoring to know exactly how much is spent in the military. Everybody’s budget is pretty public. So we could do this – but you have to make up your mind to do it.

Interviewer: Maybe a last question: you are coming – you have been a nun. You are still a nun. so would you say that you are also acting out of a kind of, well, a spiritual attitude or with a religious background and that there is something like – I don’t know – … an unethical impulse in the world which has to be changed by a different perspective of seeing the whole or seeing the holiness?

Bertell : Well I think the earth is a gift! I mean creation is a gift, it’s something beautiful and this planet was designed to live on. I don’t see any plus in destroying it – or distorting it – or hoarding it. And there is more than enough for everybody if we can share. And we can live nicely without having all the stuff we have. But we don’t have to go back to the cave either. We are intelligent creatures, and I think we can go to a new level of consciousness and where we live differently. I hope we will be so shocked by these weapons that we will just decide war is crazy and there is no purpose to it. And I think – I hope we learn to live together – love diversity – enjoy the earth – love the air – love the water – share things and enjoy this planet.



The Future of Planet Earth. Are We the Last Surviving Generations? Radioactivity and the Gradual Extinction of Life?

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Copyright © Dr. Rosalie Bertell, PLANETARY MOVEMENT FOR MOTHER EARTH - PMME, 2014

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