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The Sandy Hook Hoax SUBMISSION: Was it "OK?"

April 10th, 2014

By Robert Singer

The article Sandy Hook Hoax: Did It Go as Planned?, published February 8 of this year, was another one of my attempts at investigative journalism. The article was published at The Peoples Voice in February of this year and is about the following two videos:

1. Sandy Hook Hoax: This Didn't Go as Planned by TheRicoman

2. An ustream.tv video from the September 2009 Project Camelot, Awake and Aware Conference in Los Angeles. At 4:57 [http://www.ustream.tv/recorded /2197572] Kerry Cassidy, founder of Project Camelot, and Duncan O'Finioan [1] are asked by an attendee: “Is there anything we can do to prevent total world annihilation?”

The article includes a transcription from the videos so the reader could see how many times the word “ok” appears in the presentation. A repeated use of the word “ok” is consistent, albeit not proof, that TheRicoman1973 and Kerry Cassidy are under the influence of mind control and neuro linguistic programming (NLP). [2]

I don’t have any inside information about TheRicoman, but Kerry Cassidy, according to a blog maintained by a former White Hat operative, is the real thing (“a disinfo agent”). The purpose of theWhite Hat’s blog, last updated December 22, 2013, is “to reveal certain truths and to debunk any disinfo put out by evil cabalist reptilians that infiltrated the White Hats, or the Illuminati Faction itself.”

Kerry Cassidy and the CIA White Hats by a Former White Hat (March 7, 2012)

Kerry Cassidy is not a mind-controlled disinfo agent; indeed, she is the real thing, and she is also a CIA operative and a White Hat. Those who are real whistleblowers and those who are cabalist disinfo heels are sent her way and she vets them to determine what is the truth and what are lies.

She was once a child sex slave and mind-controlled to perform at Satanic rituals.

She was given advance psychic ability training by Pleiadean extraterrestrials working with the government against the reptilian faction.

She also knows that Sean David Morton is under mind control from the cabalists in the NSA; she has been keeping close tabs on him, and even talked her superiors into giving him a radio show on the CIA-funded American Freedom Network, secretly headed by Ron Paul.

Click here to read about a Kerry Cassidy and TheRicoman connection.

TheRicoman video is disinformation but keep in mind there is information in dis-information.

Kerry Cassidy’s response to the question, “Is there anything we can do to prevent total world annihilation?” and TheRicoman’s rant are replete with “oks,” indicating they may be under the influence of mind control and NLP.

A Google search of videos exposing the Sandy Hook hoax/conspiracy yields over 400,000 results. Most of the videos are the usual rant that the government (FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security) are behind these fake mass shootings to take away our guns, which of course is nonsense. [3]

My conclusion is that TheRicoman and the other 400,000 people making videos exposing the Sandy Hook Shooting as a Hoax are taking part in a conspiracy to make us believe in a conspiracy. The conspiracy is intended to instill fear, anxiety, apprehension and foster feelings of fear, resentment and rage in order to create negative energy, but that’s not what I am writing about today.

The video, Sandy Hook Hoax: This Didn't Go as Planned by TheRicoman, is a radical departure from the other such 400,000 videos on the web. TheRicoman’s focus is on the “knucklehead” crisis actors who participated in the hoax.

Listening to the TheRicoman monologue you are dumbfounded at the number of unusual and confusing statements:

TheRicoman (in a semi-raspy voice): On Dec 14 a bunch of knuckleheads got together and performed a skit or a play with the intentions of deceiving the masses, ahahahah. Well things didn’t quite go as planned now did it. TheRicoman (loses the raspy voice): You know if you are going to tell a lie, especially a big lie where you say that you are a grieving parent and your child died ohhh ... then you better pull it off. OK, you better pull it off so nobody suspects you are lying. OK, but your execution, your acting was so piss poor, that people are waking up daily to this.

OK, we are only like 9 months out and this is huge, people hear about this left and right. … anybody that I have told and they have gone home and actually done the research, they have come back and told me, you are right, this was a hoax. They are liars, they are actors. OK, so I have the utmost confidence, and if people, if people actually look it up and do the research they will see for themselves … OK, so they are condemned by their own ... abilities, their own acting their own lie ... You know you still have these knuckleheads doing public appearances, uhh trying to get more money, trying to get more money, keep the lie going but by doing that they haven’t gotten any better at acting. Gosh my advice is just, just to stop, you’ve got enough money but quit putting yourself out there because ... people around you waking up, or at least hearing that this is being called a hoax ... things aren’t looking so bright for the hoaxsters, it really isn’t.

OK, cause they were thinking short term, they were seriously thinking short term, but they have to continue to live, the rest of their lives and I don’t want them to go to prison. I don’t. I want them to live amongst us, the same people that they tried to deceive, I want them to live amongst as we wake up all around them. Ok, that’s what I want, that’s what I want. And don’t you dare come to my town, don’t you dare come to my town with your no more names bus tour, Carly Soto, cause you will get heckled. I don’t want any physical harm, OK, I don’t want anybody to hurt anybody in this but I will use my 1st amendment right. OK, you will get heckled if you come to my town ... you will, so I suggest that you just stay in your little town, Newtown or go back to Britain, half of you, or go back to Canada ... OK … See our numbers are going to grow and the hoaxsters numbers are going to stay the same and they are going to have keep trying to tell that lie or live that lie.

Oh I love it, it’s like poetic justice. The future for the hoaxsters is not looking good whatsoever. I don’t care how much money you get, I don’t care .. you know that’s not, you know money helps don’t get me wrong but you don’t want to be publicly ridiculed … but if they’re in the public eye they want to be either the hero or they want to be a sports star or whatever, they want it to be for good or because of their own talents, or what have you. Now you started out being in the public eye, what, for what seems to be ... a not necessarily a good reason but people respected you and had compassion and stuff, but you are not going to take yourself out of the public eye, but the way the people are going to view you ... is definitely changing. So you can’t just disappear, can you? So now people are going to think of Robbie Parker and think, scum bag liar. Carley Soto, scum bag liar. Gene Rosen, scum bag liar, and on and on and on.

You didn’t really think this out did you hahaha, I love it I love it I love it.

I believe the video is confusing because it wasn’t intended for us. Apparently the audience TheRicoman is playing to is wearing a special pair of “sunglasses.”

The sunglasses is a reference to the 1988 American science fiction-horror film, “They Live,” directed by John Carpenter. The movie is about a nameless, unemployed drifter referred to as “Nada” (Roddy Piper), who discovers a special pair of sunglasses that allows him to see and hear an alternate reality of a bleak world populated by humanoid aliens with grotesque skull-like faces.

From 2007 to April 5, 2013, “They Live” could be streamed or downloaded for free from a number of websites. But then Universal Pictures removed the movie “They Live” from the Internet. [4]

My articles about “They Live” and Sandy Hook, make a prima facie case that Obama's cyber-warriors and the Internet Police removed the movie because “They Live” is too close to the truth about what-really-happened at Sandy Hook.

All of the people involved in Sandy Hook: the CIA, FBI, police departments in two cities, the coroners office, crisis actors, FEMA, Homeland Security, and the Newtown Bee, are humanoids that experience an alternate reality that we can't see or hear because we don’t have “the right sunglasses.”

TheRicoman’s video is a coded message to the crisis actors, the humanoids, who took part in the Sandy Hook Hoax.

In Carpenter’s movie, the subliminal messages, "OBEY", "CONFORM", "MARRY AND REPRODUCE", "CONSUME", "WATCH TELEVISION" and "SLEEP" are thought to be for us; but that makes no sense. We don't need any subliminal messages to "OBEY", "CONFORM", "MARRY AND REPRODUCE", "CONSUME", "WATCH TELEVISION." The messages are consistent with what the humanoids already believe and therefore exist to reinforce their beliefs.

TheRicoman, you will agree, is addressing Robbie Parker, one of the crisis actors in the Sandy Hook Hoax, when he says “You know if you are going to tell a lie, especially a big lie where you say that you are a grieving parent and your child died ohhh ... then you better pull it off.”

Unless TheRicoman is a complete idiot then he has to know that Robbie Parker did “pull it of:”

Robbie Parker wasn’t “caught off camera” laughing and smiling before he gives a “B” performance playing the part of a grieving parent. Parker’s performance started when he was "caught" laughing off camera and asking if he should read from the cue cards. Robbie Parker isn’t giving a "B" performance of a grieving parent; he is giving an "A" performance of a grieving parent giving a "B" performance of a grieving parent.

The 400,000 conspiracy videos aren’t proof that Sandy Hook was a hoax; they are proof of a conspiracy to make you believe in a Sandy Hook false-flag conspiracy.

Therefore the target audience for TheRicoman's video, Sandy Hook Hoax: This Didn't Go as Planned, could never be the conspiracy theorists but instead must be a coded message to the crisis actors and the other people involved in the hoax.

My insight about TheRicoman came from watching a very sophisticated dis-information video by Sofia Smallstorm aka Sofia Shafquat, Unraveling Sandy Hook in 2, 3, 4, and 5 Dimensions. Smallstorm reveals that Newtown was home to a group organizing and practicing for Agenda 21 and the New World Order.

The Big Screen [From Unraveling Sandy Hook in 2, 3, 4, and 5 Dimensions]

Then the big screen wide scale real time moving phase begins. The spinning and enlarging of the false scenario conducted by the media is a Department of Homeland Security experiment within and upon a culture. This is the training and testing that will yield information for which to produce the optimal future society. This training and testing will contain modeling and survelliance, tracking and observing using huge numbers of people. This is a dhs project for the benefit of the whole. The wide scale test has to happen for without there is no know direction, thus this 2nd dimension serves a tool to get the desired 5th dimension results. The dimensions are a playground to observe how the testing is done. The 5th dimension contains the future. Our 3d setting and 4d experiences and most important of all the way we react the 5 d future.

Sandy Hook was a Capstone Event [From Unraveling Sandy Hook in 2, 3, 4, and 5 Dimensions]

Sandy Hook was an event on an even bigger scale than merely team integration. So was Boston, the point was not that they made things up, the point is all about how the story goes down, it replicates or creates what happens in an actual community or an actual country, or an actual planet in the world. I believe we are seeing extended artificial situations that are observed for years. A drill is a rehearsal to practice what to do in a future situation. In these supreme capstone drills you sell all resources in action using the 3rd and 4th dimensions to mold the future.

The Pyramid [From Unraveling Sandy Hook in 2, 3, 4, and 5 Dimensions]

A pyramid is created with those who know the most at the very top in what is called the capstone. And the layers of resources below them know less and less. Governor Mallory seems to be someone at a very high level of the pyramid while Dr. carver at his press conference with his nervousness and vague answers reflected knowledge of the artificial situation but no real control and behaved like someone who is not at the top of the pyramid.

The members of the press at the conference may be on different levels of the pyramid. Some reporters asked genuine real questions that Carver couldn’t at all answer. Yet if the situation had been real and he had seen bodies he would have been able to answer. Towards the bottom of the pyramid are the people who know the least and reacting to what the 2d story tells them. Those at mid levels of the pyramid, some of who may have played key roles, without knowing how their contribution would be used. They might be contractually silences, intimidated or threatened in various ways.

If things go radically wrong and you had a role in an event which resulted … you might be well be terrified yourself. And all around the base of the pyramid the .. and into the world are ordinary people. Millions of them taking in the 2d information as they live their lives. These are the people the capstone eye is observing.

Smallstorm’s discussion of a pyramid is consistent with the belief that TheRiconman’s video is a coded message for those who are at the bottom of the pyramid and want to know more.

Let me know your thoughts and I will reply with mine.

Robert Singer writes about Secrets, Sentient Creatures and The Federal Reserve at The Peoples Voice and The Market Oracle (rds2301@gmail.com)

[1] Duncan O'Finioan, according to the Former White Hat, is a refugee from a US military program that trained super soldiers (with psychic abilities and uncommon strength and skilled in psychotronics/mind control).

[2] Cathy O'Brien: Childhood Sexual Abuse, Operation Paperclip, Mind Control, MKUltra, NLP = Neuro Linguistic Programming

Mind Control & MKULTRA, Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips, (Edmonton 2006-07-21) Mark Phillips and Cathy O'Brien expose the Federal Government's involvement in Mind Control projects, research, and abuse of its' own people. This is the National Shame of the United States Federal Goverment. Mark and Cathy tell all and underscore the insensitivity and involvement of our national leaders, judges, doctors, and many others to this nightmarish horror it has inflicted upon millions of people in the United States. Mark touches on the sources and history of mind control while Cathy unveils publicly the horrors she and her family have been subjected to, horrors which continue to this day. Her story will not only infuriate you, but will educate you to the reality of US mind control. Filmed 2006-7-21 in Edmonton Canada.

GURUS HIRED TO MOTIVATE WORKERS ARE RAISING FEARS OF 'MIND CONTROL' by Robert Lindsey, Special to the New York Times Published: April 17, 1987

[3] The Sandy Hook Conspiracy Paradox

The massacre, the worst school shooting in U.S. history, was staged by FEMA with crisis actors and made to look like a joint government-media operation false flag event. Furthermore, Adam Lanza, a scrawny, socially awkward 20-year old, mind controlled patsy, could not have shot 20 innocent children (and six adults) at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in less than five minutes, with an assault rifle [still in the trunk of his car] and handguns that his cheerful, self-reliant mother purchased for self-defense and target shooting, because [I repeat, he could not have shot anyone anywhere on December 14] according to the Social Security Death index, Lanza died the day before on December 13. [2]

However, a conspiracy involving the CIA, FBI, police departments in two cities, the coroners office, crisis actors, FEMA, Homeland Security, and the Newtown Bee doesn’t fly because someone from the CIA, FBI, police departments in two cities, the coroners office, crisis actors, FEMA, Homeland Security, and the Newtown Bee would have come forward and buzzed the real truth about what-really-happened.

"They Live” is the key to solving the paradox. Click here to watch a six-minute clip from the movie to understand why "They Live" is the solution to the paradox.

Note that the Sandy Hook massacre, the worst school shooting in U.S. history, could never have been a false-flag Hoax with crisis actors so Obama could get political support for a ban on assault weapons and water down the 2nd amendment.

Why? If the plan was to disarm American citizens by carrying out massacres like Sandy Hook, then you have to ask yourself, what’s the point? What are Americans doing during Obama’s full-scale attack on the 2nd amendment? Answer: They are arming themselves to the teeth.

* Colorado was flooded with a record 4,200 gun-buyer background requests. Gun sales surged after the Connecticut Massacre.

* The Colorado Bureau of Investigation says it set a new record for single-day background check submittals this past weekend.

* In San Diego, Northwest Armory gun store owner Karl Durkheimer said Saturday "was the biggest day we've seen in 20 years. Sunday will probably eclipse that." In southwest Ohio, from dawn to dusk, a Cincinnati gun show had a line of 400 people waiting to get in, said Joe Eaton of the Buckeye Firearms Association. [3]

Sandy Hook, like Aurora, Columbine and Tucson, was never a conspiracy about gun control or mental health; Sandy Hook was however, a conspiracy to instill fear, anxiety, apprehension and foster feelings of fear, resentment and rage in order to create negative energy. The controversy and the negative energy generated by the debate over the 2nd amendment was a conspiracy to make us believe in a conspiracy to take away our guns. The humanoid population feeds off the conflict, controversy and negative energy.

[4] “They Live” is a movie about a nameless, unemployed drifter referred to as “Nada” (Roddy Piper) who discovers a special pair of sunglasses that allows him to see an alternate reality of a bleak world populated by humanoid aliens with grotesque skull-like faces.

The movie was available to download for free since 2007. Read the following to find out what happened in the beginning of 2013 that caused Universal Studios to remove the movie on copyright grounds.

My Favorite Dog Tricks – Blocked by Youtube
“They Lived” at Sandy Hook
Yahu Answers!
EARLY CREATION Facebook Pages: Real, Fake or Really Fake
Negative Energy for Dummies

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