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Eric Zuesse
The lying is intentional, and it is systematic; but it is so on only the most important news-topics, the ones that affect the nation’s aristocracy as a whole, rather than competing interests within it. On these issues, the lying is pervasive.
What, precisely, are the most important news-topics to America’s aristocracy? The questions that aren’t being asked in a given nation’s press are what show, in the clearest way, what the most important facts are, in order for an ordinary citizen to be able to understand the world without the oligarchs’ systematic distortions and colorations of it.
A case-in-point is the events in Ukraine during this year: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhrUX53hQOU
And (to penetrate even deeper into the same topic) what about this cover-up, too? (Especially since there's also this, and this, that seem to be basic to it?) Russia got slapped with international sanctions for this one -- for having supposedly caused the Malaysian airliner, MH-17, to be shot down on July 17th, flying over the Ukrainian civil-war zone -- but, as you can see there, the entire presentation was a frame-up, and the real perpetrators were Obama and the Ukrainian Government, both of whom lied, and were allowed (by the Western 'news' media) to do it and to get away with having done it. (Similarly, Bush’s stenographic press got away with spreading his lies about “Saddam’s WMD.”)
There's no demand from Western 'news' media to get the evidence (such as the black-box data), much less to investigate it independently (as an authentically free press would be doing); and, when the Ukrainian and U.S. Governments refused to let it be released to the public, Western 'news' media simply remained silent about the cover-up, instead of making ceaseless headline news about the government's lies, until the information becomes forced out, by pressure from the public.
These 'news' media, the entire Western press, don't report certain things at all -- they choose instead to participate in the Government’s lies about those matters.
The public are clearly being manipulated, not just by the government, but by ‘our free press,’ which are owned by, and financed largely by advertisements from, America’s aristocrats. Here is a brilliant, and brilliantly researched and documented, 37-minute video on the history of how this control of the public's perceptions of public events and of politics in our 'democracy' evolved, or came about. You can even see speaking there some of the people who developed it, and who carried it out for the oligarchs -- the controlling aristocrats -- and who thereby played key behind-the-scenes roles in shaping 20th-Century history. This video comes from the same genius, Aaron Hawkins, who researched and produced the best videos on the Ukrainian coup, and on the resulting Ukrainian civil war, and on the MH-17 shoot-down in Ukraine. Each one of these videos presents the visual and audio evidence, and places it into historical context so that it can be understood truthfully, and it coordinates that evidence with all of the written and other documentary evidence, so as to provide, in each one of these brief videos, authentic history, not myth, regarding its subject-matter. It penetrates through the lies, and gets to the truth about the matters that are being covered.
But, though these videos on the 2014 events in Ukraine were posted to the Internet quickly after the events that they are analyzing, and though each of the videos constitutes, even today, the most-credible reconstruction that's available about how these historic events actually happened, all Western 'news' media ignore them; they ignore the historical evidence. In those videos, you can see and evaluate this evidence for yourself; and, to me, it's damning against the Western press.
And furthermore, here, from (amazingly, a mainstream news source) the BBC in 1992, is a very long but stunning documentary about the history of "Operation Gladio," the OSS-CIA operation that started in 1945 and that continues even today, to deceive and manipulate the publics in the U.S. and Europe. Again: the documentation here is of the highest quality; nobody can reasonably contest that what's shown in this video, and the current applications of it continuing today, are real, are historical, not mythological at all. Moreover, a leading German journalist decided just recently to quit his thriving career and to go public with his having prostituted himself to America's aristocracy in order to rise to the top in Germany's major 'news' media; and this testimony sounds like a direct extension from what the BBC documentary on Operation Gladio was reporting. (He even explains there the type of “non-official cover” that is used to pay such outside or unofficial CIA agents. The CIA also operates a network of corporations to handle that.)
In a world that has no government, this is how international relations are handled: by subterfuge, deceit, and corruption. The publics just shed blood and pay taxes to fight and finance their wars, using weapons from their factories; and the ‘news’ media fool them to do it willingly -- or as willingly as possible.
All that has been discussed here is important history, and (except for that BBC documentary) has been hidden instead of reported by the respected news-media.
Another example of that is this, which concerns the 9/11 attacks. (This was on C-span, which is government-financed but not government-controlled, it’s unique; and the oligarchs consider it to be insignificant, because its audience is small and politically diverse, neither large nor politically partisan nor influential. Anyone who sees this video will recognize that the standard account of 9/11 is mostly lies.)
Sometimes, what a nation's 'news' media don't cover, is more informative about that nation's real state-of-affairs, than is what they do cover.
Sometimes, the media actually are the message. They become the message, when they -- and not the reality that they claim to be representing -- produce or generate the message, which is the regime's lie, which is then being pumped by all of the regime's 'news' media: that’s now effectively all 'news' media.
The ultimate lie, in such a matter, is that there is no "regime" -- that it doesn't exist; that democracy is what exists.
Are we there, yet? Have we reached that ultimate lie -- the lie about whether our country is a democracy?
Have we yet reached the point where the biggest cover-up of all is the one that all of the 'news' media participate in: hiding the fact that, even though the media collectively offer a 'range' of 'news' and 'diverse opinions', they're all really mouthpieces for the very same group: for the oligarchy that own them, and that pay money to them by advertising in them?
Or, have we perhaps been there ever since the non-existent "Saddam's WMD," which supposedly "caused" us to invade Iraq in 2003 (producing thousands of U.S. deaths, hundreds of thousands of Iraqi deaths, millions of Iraqis displaced, and over $3 trillion in costs to the U.S. economy), or perhaps even ever since before that (maybe since 9/11, or even before that)?
Why do the public not boycott all 'news' media that charge for their 'news'? These media constantly misrepresent reality. What they charge should be nothing, because deception is actually worth less than nothing.
Why does anyone subsidize any 'news' medium any longer by paying a subscription to it, if all of the mainstream, and almost all of the 'alternative,' 'news' media, are really just propaganda-media -- the type of media that cover-up, instead of report about, the Government’s lying (such as all that lying about Ukraine)?
If there’s something like Obama’s coup in Ukraine and subsequent ethnic-cleansing there, that’s so central to the American regime as to be effectively banned from the West’s ‘news’ media, then that must be especially worth the public’s knowing about.When the Establishment -- both its ‘left’ and its ‘right’ -- is united in a lie, then that lie has to be extremely important to the individuals who collectively hold the real power in a ‘democracy.’
Is this actually a democracy?How can people intelligently vote, if they’re constantly being lied-to about the most-important things?
Where does this con against the public actually end -- or is it endless?
Do you subscribe to The New York Times,or Washington Post, or Fox News Channel, or any other propaganda-vehicle? If so: why do you subsidize them?
Here are the authentic news-media that I have found (and though they're not many, they are all free, and each one of them invites each reader to be skeptical and to check out and verify any factual allegation made, because they're all online, and most of them issue news-reports that have links to their sources online, and so these news-reports are just a click or two away from being able to be verified or else disconfirmed, which means that the standard form of deceiving the readers of a printed news-medium, which is the inaccessibility of the sources, is not present here; the website cannot so easily deceive, and deceive repeatedly, without suffering a major loss of credibility): washingtonsblog.com, rinf.com, opednews.com, smirkingchimp.com, globalresearch.ca, infowars.com, and thepeoplesvoice.org.
Perfection doesn’t exist, and I am by no means endorsing the veracity of each article that's on each one of these seven sites. I happen to disagree with some editorial positions of some of them. For example, I believe that InfoWars is more-open to news-reports from conservatives and from libertarians than they should be; that the editor at GlobalResearch bends over backwards to accept news-stories that place things out of a scientific context regarding the existence of global warming (it seems he doesn’t believe in it, though it is true); and that ThePeoplesVoice isn't sufficiently skeptical of submitted left-slanted articles.
However, I have found all seven of those news-sources to be honest, none of them to deceive intentionally. And, furthermore, very importantly, the percentage of false assertions is far lower in each one of these sites than it is in the mainstream ‘news’ media.
Any 'news' site which has covered-up the Obama Administration's having committed a bloody coup d'etat in late February of this year in Ukraine that installed nazis-- racist fascists-- in control there, should simply be boycotted. None of the seven sites that I list here has covered-up that (though practically all other U.S. and UK sites have). And all seven of them are free: there is no subscription-fee for any of them.
I have had my own news-submissions that deal with other topics than the Ukrainian coup published by mainstream 'news' sites, but that’s not the case about the Ukrainian matter. The virtual universality of the ‘news’ blackout on this topic is amazing -- far worse than even the blackout on the truth about the 2008 economic collapse. The blackout on the truth about the February 2014 coup and subsequent ethnic-cleansing in Ukraine is nearly total on all U.S. and UK 'news' sites, except for the seven authentic news-sites that I link to above. (Each of these 7 sites also has been honest about other things, such as the 2008 collapse, and the 9/11 attacks; however, some of the 7 also go farther into speculation about those partly unresolvable matters than a news-site should. When the government and the mainstream press so constantly lie, speculation as to why that’s happening isn’t entirely bad; it’s forgivable as an attempt to fill in the blanks when the actual evidence is incomplete. But the mainstream press is also full of speculation: only, theirs is dishonest, it is intended to deceive.)
I have also found one honest German-language news site: deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de, "German Economic News."
In addition, there are hundreds of specialized news-sites online that are also honest, and free, such as, for example, on the subject of economics, nakedcapitalism.com/, ritholtz.com, and wallstreetonparade.com.
So: will someone please explain to me why anyone should subsidize propagandists?
Maybe if we didn't do that, the oligarchs would just decide to switch to the news-business, and quit the propaganda-business, because a market for truth in news-reporting might actually develop here, somehow?
But, of course, it should only be so easy, to rectify our corrupt political and economic system.
Anyway, this would be a start in the correct direction. And it’s something anyone can do. And it will save wasted money, for anyone who does it.
That’s a good deal, don’t you think?
Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They're Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010 , and of Christ's Ventriloquists: The Event that Created Christianity