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From: Timothy Gatto
If you are squeamish, I wouldn't read this article. This isn't a treatise on how wonderful life is and how we can change the World. The facts are, we can't change anything. Change may come, but it might not be the change you long for. I believe this nation, along with the rest of the World is in a tailspin with psychopaths running the show.
As far as I'm concerned, you might as well sit back and enjoy the ride. In my case, I have pulled the plug on the mainstream media. I'm sick of their propaganda and fear mongering. The talking heads on the networks are completely out of their minds. The drivel that they get from politicians that they pass off as interviews make me want to vomit. They listen to lies and spin and never confront these full-blown psychopaths. If that passes for "news" I have had enough.
I bought a Chrome cast for my TV and joined Netflix and Hulu. Now I watch what I wish and my life has changed. I am completely out of their loop. I don't have to listen to their flat-out bullshit anymore. I don't hear about Ebola or Isis or their wars and their manipulative shenanigans.
If I want news, I'll go to OpEdNews, Information Clearinghouse or Citizens for a Legitimate Government (CLG they have a great newsletter). There is Countercurrents, Media with a Conscience and The Peoples Voice as well as a few Socialist sites. I don't hear the BBC, CBS, NBC The AP, or Reuters', because I can't believe anything I hear from them.
I'm turning into a misanthrope (That's somebody that despises the human race). What I see happening in this country and other countries validates the way I feel about humans. I see the United States involved in overthrowing the Ukrainian Government and telling the World that Putin started it. How inane is this? The two provinces that are dissatisfied with the situation were given to Ukraine by Khrushchev who himself was a Ukrainian. We promised Yeltsin that NATO would not go further east when the Soviet Union collapsed. This turned out to be a lie. NATO is creeping east and is trying to put nuclear missile batteries on Russia's borders!
Just how psychotic is that? Does the United States believe that it is so powerful that it can intimidate Russia? This is hubris at its most dangerous level. To think that we can engage in a war with Russia is madness. There is no way in hell that NATO can muster an army that could defeat Russia. We are not talking about Syria or Iraq or Libya, we are talking about Russia that has a nuclear arsenal larger than ours. They have more tanks, planes and artillery and an army that has never been defeated. Russia lost over 27 million people when they defeated the Third Reich.
Do the military geniuses in Washington think that they can destroy Russia with a first strike of nukes? Do they realize that Russia has a fleet of submarines that now have the capability to shoot nuclear missiles underwater? The truth is, starting a war with Russia is pure madness. This only goes to substantiate my belief that the people in control of our government are psychopaths. They are putting everyone's life at risk. My life, your life and our children's life at risk for what? What is the payoff? Do the people in power think they will intimidate Putin and the Russian people. Every man, woman and child in that nation is willing to die rather than be intimidated by the US and their military "partners". At this point, Russian bomber squadrons are probing our defenses and evaluating our readiness. Do the people in the Pentagon have any idea of what they are doing?
This is a giant geopolitical game. One reason these people are restarting the Cold War is because of the cuts to our military because of the sequestration imposed on the government by Congress. Strained relations with Russia would probably mean a larger military and along with that a larger budget with Congress's approval to supersede the sequestration cuts. This is all a racket. It's a money grabbing racket and it won't slow down. There is just too much money to be made.
The sad truth is that this is all about money. Money for weapons and planes and ships and all the trapping of the military. The US war machine has taken a life of its own. It can't take the cuts imposed by Congress so they will bring us to the brink of war to obtain the funding they need for their war machine. Now that Congress is controlled by the Republicans, expect that the military gets all the funding it desires.
Since the end of World War II, this nation has been on a war footing. That is a fact and not my opinion. We have bombed and invaded dozens of nations with our military might. What do we have to show for it? We have soldiers committing suicide at an epidemic level. We have a national debt that is beyond belief. Still, billionaires are being created through this Military Industrial Complex. This too is not conjecture.
The people in this country are oblivious to what is taking place. People like Dr. Paul Craig Roberts have told us that we are on a path to nuclear destruction. Believe it. The sad truth is that President Obama does not lead this nation. The real players are the people behind the curtain that have been running this nation for decades.
The news is propaganda, the politicians are either deluded or just liars. We are heading on a dangerous path. The train is hurtling down the tracks and at this point I don't believe anyone has the power to stop it.
As for me, I am getting off the grid. I don't particularly care anymore. This nation has become a nation of thieves and liars. Sometimes I believe that everything is orchestrated to build up the military machines of both Russia and the US. This could certainly be the case. The people of the United States and Russia have no idea what is going on behind the scenes. In fact, nobody in this country is truly informed. This is a disgusting situation we find ourselves in.
Maybe I'm just getting old and my 20 plus years in the US Army has just made me aware of how the machine works. It's all about money and it always has been, money and hubris. Psychopaths running amok behind the scenes looking for the treasure trove that is the US military budget. They call it "defense" spending. If the people running this nation were truly smart, they would stop killing people in other nations and just worry about this country. Maybe if we stopped killing people around the World we wouldn't have so many enemies. If the US wants an Empire, it should just tell us. Now you know why I claim to be a misanthrope. I'm disgusted with the human race. It probably deserves what's coming.
Tim Gatto's new book "Contempt to Outrage" available from Oliver Arts and Open Press.
By Timothy V. Gatto, a retired Army Sergeant and former Chairman of The Liberal Party of America. He can be reached at: timgatto@hotmail.com Read Tim's Book "Complicity to Contempt" and his Novel "Kimchee Days or Stoned Cold Warriors
From Oliver Arts and Open Press and available on Amazon
and all other online bookstores.